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探究学习及其基本要素的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先从国内外历史的维度上提出了探究学习的问题 ,在此基础上对探究学习的内涵、探究学习的基本构成要素以及在小学阶段如何开展探究学习进行了论述 ,以此来说明探究学习不仅是学生的一种学习方式 ,更是学生的一种生存方式。  相似文献   

A consensus is emerging for meta-analyses regarding a range of selected topics in pharmacology education. This review provides a critical overview of problem-based learning (PBL) in pharmacology education. Based on several inclusion criteria, databases were searched, and 37 controlled trial studies were identified and extracted. The meta-analysis found that PBL had a positive effect on gaining higher theoretical scores (SMD = 6.77, 95% CI [5.23, 8.31], p < 0.00,001) assessed through examinations. The results of questionnaires for students’ feedback showed that PBL was superior to conventional teaching methods in improving students’ outcomes of self-study, learning interest, team spirit, problem solving, analyzing, scope of knowledge, communication, and expression. These results suggest that PBL in pharmacology education is considered superior to traditional lecture-based learning.  相似文献   


Facilitating students’ deep-strategy behaviors and positive learning performances of science inquiry is an important and challenging educational issue. In this study, a contextual science inquiry approach is proposed for developing a 3D experiential game to cope with this problem. To evaluate the impacts of the game on students’ science learning approaches, learning achievements and problem-solving awareness as well as the learning behavioral patterns of the students with different learning achievements, a quasi-experiment was conducted in an elementary school geoscience course. The participants were two classes of sixth graders. One class was the experimental group who learned with the 3D experiential game, and the other was the control group who learned with the conventional technology-enhanced learning approach. The experimental results showed that the students learning with the 3D experiential gaming system showed better learning achievements, problem-solving tendency, deep learning strategies, and deep learning motive than those who learned with the conventional technology-enhanced learning approach. Moreover, the higher-achievement students showed more behavioral patterns of deep learning strategies than the lower-achievement students. The findings of this study provide a good reference for helping lower-achievement students improve their learning performance.  相似文献   

This study used grounded theory methodology to investigate whether learning in a problem-based learning (PBL) group was influenced by student demographic diversity. Data comprised observations, in the form of video footage, of one first-year PBL group carried out over the period of an academic year, along with student interviews. Using the concepts of ‘face’ and face-threatening acts to critically explore student interactions, it appeared that inter-generational issues could reflect and create positions of power. At interview, all individuals constructed themselves as similar to or different from others in the group first and foremost by age, suggesting this is a primary concern for students. The data also highlighted many occasions, linked to generational difference, where students failed to share knowledge and experiences or to engage critically in deep exploratory learning. This finding has not been reported previously in the PBL literature.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查分析,了解到新疆少数民族大学生体育行为的现状,通过资料分析,反映出新疆各高校在体育课程设置、体育教法上存在一定的缺陷,从而导致出学生一系列体育行为的不显性的特点,影响了新疆体育教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

Leading Deep Conversations in Collaborative Inquiry Groups   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Collaborative inquiry groups, such as professional learning communities and lesson study groups, are proliferating in schools across the United States. In whatever form, the potential for impacting student learning through this collaborative work is expanded or limited by the nature of teachers’ conversations. Polite, congenial conversations remain superficially focused on sharing stories of practice, whereas collegial dialogue probes more deeply into teaching and learning. Examples of talk taken from collaborative teacher inquiry groups are used to illustrate these important differences. Specific recommendations are provided, including the role that teacher leaders can play in adopting and modeling specific strategies that support the use of more substantive professional conversation.  相似文献   

The analysis of the current state of the Ukrainian system of engineering education indicates the prevalence of traditional teaching–learning approaches in contrast to the modern needs of the labour market. Many universities across the world use the problem/project-based learning (PBL) which is an effective approach for the development of design and management skills of engineering students. The paper describes a detailed structure of a PBL course in project management and practical experience related to its implementation in an engineering degree programme at Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy. Also, the results of surveys carried out in order to study the students’ generic competences’ development and perception of the PBL process are presented. The results show that students understand the diversity of PBL aspects and the influence of the PBL approach on their professional characteristics such as teamwork, ability of self-directed learning, communication and problem-solving skills.  相似文献   

Small-group problem-based learning as a complex adaptive system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Small-group problem-based learning (PBL) is widely embraced as a method of study in health professions schools and at many different levels of education. Complexity science provides a different lens with which to view and understand the application of this method. It presents new concepts and vocabulary that may be unfamiliar to practitioners of small-group PBL and other educational methods. This article looks at small-group PBL from the perspective of complex adaptive systems (CAS). It begins with a brief review of the current understanding and practice of PBL. Next some of the characteristics of CAS are reviewed using examples from small-group PBL to illustrate how these characteristics are expressed in that context. The principles and the educational theory in which small-group PBL are embedded are related to CAS. Implications for health professions education are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of support on knowledge acquisition of gifted learners and their flow and mood during inquiry learning. Sixty-four gifted primary school children were randomly assigned to one of three conditions differing in support given in an inquiry task. Results showed that learners who were allowed to experiment themselves learned more, experienced more flow, and felt more positive toward the task than those who were not given this opportunity, but only when they were guided through the inquiry cycle by prompts to generate hypotheses, perform experiments, and draw conclusions. The overall conclusion is that gifted children benefit more from open, complex tasks when their learning process is externally regulated.  相似文献   

对于新课改下,探究式的学习是提高小学语文教学的关键因素,在课堂上倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究、勤于动手,使学生变成主动学习的个体,培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力、获取新知识的能力,来促进小学语文的教学。其中,探究式的学习充分的发挥了学生的主观能动性,为学生的全面发展奠定了良好的基础,促进新课改的不断进步。  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of two learning environments (i.e., problem-based learning [PBL] versus lecture-based [LB] environments) on undergraduates’ study motivation. Survey results demonstrated that PBL students scored higher on competence but did not differ from LB students on autonomous motivation. Analyses of focus groups further indicated that active learning aspects, such as collaboration are perceived as motivating. However, controlling elements (i.e., mandatory presence) and uncertainty (i.e., in selecting the correct and sufficient literature) were described as detrimental for students’ motivation. In conclusion, PBL does not always seem to lead to higher intrinsic motivation. It is therefore crucial to build in the right amount of structure in learning environments and balance controlling elements versus autonomy, even in learning environments that are intended to be motivating for students.  相似文献   

提高学生物理探究能力,是培养创新型人才的必然要求。共同协商、自主探究的物理学习模式以物理学习中知识的自主建构为目标,包括自主确定探究目标、自主设计探究方案、合作背景下的自主探究、自主反思和总结四个基本要素。教师要转变角色,激活学生自主探究欲望,为学生自主探究引导方向,搭建阶梯,拓展自主探究的空间,以提高学生自主探究能力。  相似文献   

Collaborative inquiry learning affords educators a context within which to support understanding of scientific practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts. One approach to supporting collaborative science inquiry is through problem-based learning (PBL). However, there are two key challenges in scaffolding collaborative inquiry learning in technology rich environments. First, it is unclear how we might understand the impact of scaffolds that address multiple functions (e.g., to support inquiry and argumentation). Second, scaffolds take different forms, further complicating how to coordinate the forms and functions of scaffolds to support effective collaborative inquiry. To address these issues, we identify two functions that needed to be scaffolded, the PBL inquiry cycle and accountable talk. We then designed predefined hard scaffolds and just-in-time soft scaffolds that target the regulation of collaborative inquiry processes and accountable talk. Drawing on a mixed method approach, we examine how middle school students from a rural school engaged with Crystal Island: EcoJourneys for two weeks (N=45). Findings indicate that hard scaffolds targeting the PBL inquiry process and soft scaffolds that targeted accountable talk fostered engagement in these processes. Although the one-to-one mapping between form and function generated positive results, additional soft scaffolds were also needed for effective engagement in collaborative inquiry and that these soft scaffolds were often contingent on hard scaffolds. Our findings have implications for how we might design the form of scaffolds across multiple functions in game-based learning environments.  相似文献   

Support is needed to promote problem-based learning (PBL) and to enhance critical thinking skills in discussion-based Internet forums. By advancing the capabilities of chat room and forum software, problem-based discussions for learning can be supported further in online learning environments. In this paper, the authors report on MALESAbrain, an intelligent learning tool. The model is built on the notions of threshold and knowledge weight from the discipline of machine learning. The model encourages learners to judge or critically evaluate the solutions posted by others before exploring further knowledge content. The system then sums up the judgment scores as its knowledge weight to pass the thresholds setup for ranking/arranging the learning issues. This constraint design, therefore, becomes a mechanism for critical thinking in a problem-based learning activity. MALESAbrain as a model helps transform the forum and chat room into rich learning discussion environments.  相似文献   

《The Educational forum》2012,76(4):479-496

This study examines peer collaboration among four pairs of seventh graders who read online to determine what caused the downfall of the Mayan civilization. More and less productive collaborative interactions are presented through snippets of dialogue in which pairs negotiated complex texts. Few examples of how teachers can skillfully facilitate collaborative interactions currently exist, despite the call for these skills in the Common Core State Standards. Teaching ideas that support collaborative online reading are featured.

[Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of The Educational Forum for the following free supplemental materials: set of printable graphic organizers to support collaborative online reading and cross-curricular web resources to support critical evaluation of online content].  相似文献   

数学研究性学习问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
准确理解数学研究性学习的内涵 ,是数学研究性学习能否得到真正实施的关键。改变数学教学方式是改变学生学习方式的基础。数学教师应重新调整自己的角色意识 ,在平时的数学教学活动中培养学生的自主性  相似文献   


The authors investigated the influence of engaging in a problem-based learning unit on middle school students' epistemic beliefs, and how such students' epistemic beliefs and approaches to argumentation within and outside of their small groups related. Data sources include state science achievement test scores, epistemic beliefs pre- and posttests, videotaped class sessions, retrospective interviews, and pre- and post-cognitive interviews. Quantitative data were collected and analyzed from 59 students, while the qualitative subsample consisted of 15 students. Engaging in problem-based learning led to a significant effect on students' epistemic beliefs. The effect was of a large magnitude among high-achieving students, of a small magnitude among average-achieving students, and of a small negative magnitude among lower-achieving students. Students employed different approaches to generating and evaluating arguments in different ecosystems, including as small groups and in discussions with the teacher.  相似文献   


The flipped classroom pedagogy has been widely used recently. Despite many researches have paid attention with the learning outcome of flipped classroom, there has been limited attention in regard to investigate the relationship between learning behavior and learning outcomes in a flipped classroom. In this paper, we proposed to investigate the influence of online learning behaviors on short-term and long-term learning outcomes in a flipped classroom. This study used Calculus and grade point average (GPA) scores to represent short-term and long-term learning outcomes, respectively. Multiple linear regression indicated that students’ online learning behavior does not have a significant effect on short-term learning outcomes, but has a significant effect on long-term learning outcomes. For applying multiple correspondence analysis, students were divided into groups according to five grade levels based on their scores. According to GPA grade level, students’ online learning behaviors had a significant effect on long-term learning outcomes for the five groups (GPAa, GPAb, GPAc, GPAd, GPAe). According to their Calculus grade level, students’ online learning behaviors had a significant effect on short-term learning outcomes for three groups (CALa, CALd, and CALe), but two groups (CALb and CALc) did not demonstrate this trend. For exploring the effects of online learning behaviors on future learning outcomes, GPA can be considered representative because the GPA was calculated for the entire academic year 2015. Students in the CALa group exhibited the highest frequency of online learning behaviors and obtained the highest GPA grade levels (GPAa and GPAb). For the CALb, CALc, CALd, and CALe groups, students with a higher frequency of online learning behaviors obtained a higher GPA grade level. These results indicate that students’ online learning behaviors have a positive effect on future learning outcomes.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of problem-based learning (PBL) on the metacognitive awareness of pre-service science teachers. In the study, an experimental design with pre-test/post-test control group was used. A total of 51 junior pre-service science teachers participated in the study. The study was carried out over 10 weeks and within the scope of an environmental science course. During the study, lessons in the experimental group were processed using a PBL approach while lessons in the control group were processed using a traditional teaching approach. Data were collected through a personal information form and Metacognitive Awareness Inventory. Data were then analysed using PASW Statistics 18 (SPSS Inc.). The findings of the study revealed that PBL could be an effective intervention to promote metacognitive awareness towards procedural knowledge, planning and debugging. The results are discussed based on the findings of the study.  相似文献   

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