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We surveyed 118 criminal justice interns, asking them to assess the importance of various practical skills, professional skills, academic content knowledge, and knowledge of various current issues. We compared the results with those of 202 criminal justice practitioners. Student interns viewed almost every skill and knowledge area as important. Practitioners placed the greatest value on verbal communication skills, good work ethic, good work habits, and initiative. Regarding content knowledge, practitioners assigned the greatest importance to applied ethics. Racial issues as they apply to criminal justice and gender issues were viewed as most important in the current issues category. We examined the differences according to race, gender, and type of agency. We found significant differences between interns and practitioners in terms of the skills and knowledge deemed important, and significant differences between agency types. Significant differences existed based on racial and ethnic identity; differences based on gender were not significant.  相似文献   

This study relies on data from 388 junior and senior criminal justice majors to examine predictors of intentions to pursue graduate education in criminology, criminal justice, or a closely related field. Logistic regression results demonstrate that women, students who receive greater encouragement to attend graduate school, students with a lower aversion to reading, writing, and statistics, and students who perceive greater diversity intolerance are more likely to report graduate school intentions. Although students’ race was not found to be significant in the overall model, split-sample models revealed that the significance of predictors varied by race and ethnicity. In discussing the findings, special attention is given to the need for primarily White institutions (PWIs) to partner with historically Black college and universities (HBCUs). We conclude by calling for departments to redouble their efforts to diversify their faculty and student bodies.  相似文献   

Students usually have plenty of experience with online social technologies, but they lack understanding about how to use these tools and methods for course learning. This article is designed to help college students who are anxious about participating in an online learning community or do not know how to build one effectively. With ideas derived from research and practice, this guide has been written to inform online students about learning communities, the benefits they offer, and how students can assist in building a successful online community.  相似文献   

Recently, scholars have sought to learn more about scholarly activity within the fields of criminology and criminal justice (CCJ). Research in this area has examined which departments have the most productive faculty, which scholars are the most productive, and which journals are the most prestigious. However, no study of which we are aware has determined what journals criminologists are most likely to cite in their scholarly research. In this study, we rank the most influential journals by the number of times those journals were cited between 2009 and 2013 in Criminology, the Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, and Justice Quarterly. Our analyses suggest that Criminology is clearly the most influential CCJ journal in terms of citations, while the American Sociological Review, the Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, and the American Journal of Sociology remain influential in CCJ as well.  相似文献   

Many performance improvement professionals are considering seeking the Certified Performance Technologist (CPT) certification offered by the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI). This article provides an overview of factors for potential CPTs to consider: adherence to the standards and ethics code as well as the interrelationships of professional principles and personality traits. Prospective CPTs are encouraged to include a self‐assessment as part of their considerations related to acquiring CPT certification.  相似文献   

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旨在提高英语写作水平,互相交流,取长补短,我们开辟了"学生习作名师点评"栏目。如果你想看看自己的写作水平如何,请将习作邮寄给我们,我们会将其转交给省内各校名师点评;老师们如果想推荐自己学生的优秀习作,请按栏目要求邮寄给我们。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether criminal thinking interacts with the rational requirements of human decision-making in a group of college students. A convenience sample of 315 undergraduates (114 males, 201 females) completed self-report measures of criminal thinking and estimated their likelihood of cheating on an exam given different levels of certainty of apprehension. A repeated-measures analysis of covariance revealed that students were significantly more likely to seize on the opportunity to cheat when the certainty of getting caught was 10% than when it was 50% and that students with higher levels of criminal thinking were more likely to take the opportunity to cheat than students with lower levels of criminal thinking. In addition, students exhibiting moderate proactive criminal thinking and moderate to high reactive criminal thinking were significantly less likely to be deterred from cheating when the odds of getting caught were low.  相似文献   

D irections:H ow m any things can you find differences betw een the top and bottompictures?答案:旗;公主的王冠;公主口袋里的手;公主丢失的球;海龟手上的球;城堡墙上的窗户;小鸟腿上的棒子;兔子的太阳镜;泳池里的波浪;海狸腰上的铁锤;鸭子头上的帽子;海滩上的球;国王的游泳衣;帐篷项上和条纹;帐篷的门;水中呼吸器。开心乐园What’s Different?@李虔~~  相似文献   

This article argues for a case study approach to teaching critical thinking skills to criminal justice students. The article looks at a high-profile case during President Obama’s presidency, the disorderly conduct arrest of Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. by Sgt. James Crowley of the Cambridge police department, to demonstrate how to facilitate guided discussion in the classroom as a way to reveal the complex processes that produce workplace documents and to encourage criminal justice students, as future professionals, to be more thoughtful producers and users of workplace writing. The article draws on multiple primary and secondary documents as well as archival research. Although the article focuses on an event that received national attention, this approach can be applied to the discussion of any workplace document.  相似文献   

Mrs Smith is busy today,so she can 1 take Susan to school.When 2 the school, she says,"Your daddy is going to London.I’m going to the airport(机场) to see him 3 this afternoon.I can’t come here to meet you.Can you go home yourself 4 school?""Don’t worry,mum,"says the little girl."I’m seven now."The fifth class is over and Susan leaves school.But she 5 find the way home.She  相似文献   

In higher education, doctoral training has been identified as a process of stewardship development whereby individuals learn the knowledge and skills required to advance their respective disciplines. Self-study of teacher education practices is one approach that has gained the interest of doctoral students to help them understand their own development whilst also forging recommendations for others in publications. In this self-study, we worked to understand the experiences of Shrehan, a teacher from England beginning doctoral study in the USA. Shrehan had no experience teaching at the college level prior to moving to the USA, and she saw self-study as an opportunity to understand her development and acculturation into an unfamiliar system of higher education. Data were collected through journaling, critical-friend discussions, and artefacts, as well as student data in the form of surveys, exit slips, and focus-group interviews. Qualitative data analysis of Shrehan’s experiences was guided by the four stages of acculturation theory – honeymoon, culture shock, adjustment, and recovery. Shrehan’s journey emphasizes the importance of getting to know undergraduate students and building rapport as key aspects of teaching at the college level. Self-study provided Shrehan with a heightened personal-identity awareness that increased her cultural sensitivity and broadened her worldview. Results are discussed with reference to acculturation theory and future directions for research are provided.  相似文献   

Aboywaswalkingalongthestreet.Suddenlyhestoppedandlookedupintothesky.Ayoungmanpassedbyhim.Whenhesawtheboy,hefeltcuriousandlookedup,too.Justthenagirlcameupandsawthem.“Istheresomethinginterestinginthesky?”shethoughtandlookedup,too.Suddenlytheboyasked,“Hey,whatareallofyoulookingupat?”“Thatswhatweregoingtoaskyou,”saidtheyoungman.“Youwanttoaskme?ButIwasntlookingatanything,”saidtheboy,“Iraisedmyheadupwardbecausemynosebled.”What’s in the Sky?@程炜…  相似文献   

In the post 9/11 era, the field of private security has experienced major growth. This is particularly notable for the subfield of private investigations. Indeed, private investigators, often portrayed as less professional than other participants in the investigative process, are taking on a more prominent role in traditional criminal justice functions and services. As the field of private investigations has grown in size, function, and complexity, the need for increased and specialized education is a logical consequence. Although in its infancy, the trend toward this type of education appears to be primarily directed at colleges and universities. To further explore this trend, this research surveyed a random sample of licensed private investigation agency owners (N?=?91) in Texas on their viewpoints concerning the education of private investigators at the college and university levels. Among other areas, investigative company owners were asked their opinions on the need for enhanced education to better prepare private investigators for the changing demands of the profession. Results indicate that private investigation agency owners believe that four-year colleges and universities should begin to develop and teach classes to better prepare their students for careers that reflect the changing nature of private investigations work. Implications for research and practice are explored.  相似文献   

Using data from a qualitative case study of a statewide early childhood initiative, this article critically examines the budding relationship between one states early childhood initiative and the corporate community. The analysis is situated within assumptions about the benefits of public–private partnerships and early childhood and childcare as vital to the nations current and future workforce. Early childhood stakeholders courted the business sector to gain support for the program, and their actions resulted in unintended consequences, including privileging the perspectives of businesspersons above those of parents, service providers, and other stakeholders.  相似文献   

从本期开始,我们将为您陆续指出中国考生在雅思口语考试中最常见的口语错误,小到粗心所致的小错误,大到复杂语法结构导致的大错误,愿借此让读者学习到大量实用地道的英语表达,敬请关注。  相似文献   

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