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黄生学  樊雅平 《柳州师专学报》2009,24(4):101-103,109
听课与评课是教师相互交流,相互学习,提高教学艺术的有效手段。在基础教育课程改革深入开展的情况下,本文围绕物理教师怎样听课如何评课这一问题,探讨了相应的听课与评课方法。  相似文献   

研课是一种重要的教学活动,具有合作共享性、研究性、互补性、双向建构性等特性。研课在提高教学效率方面有着重要的作用,主要表现为三个方面,即发展性功能、导向性功能、反思性功能。而明确目标、组织讨论、组织观课、教师说课、集体讨论、反思则是研课的五个基本步骤。采用同课异构是研课的基本方式。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine changes in personal science teaching self-efficacy (PSTE), outcome expectancy (STOE), and science conceptual understanding and relationships among these in preservice teachers. Seventy preservice teachers enrolled in science teaching methods courses participated in this study. PSTE, STOE, and science conceptual understanding increased significantly during participation in the course. The study established that novice learners with minimal prior knowledge couldn't be expected to understand and employ core concepts in their learning schema without extensive guidance. The relationship between science learning confidence and science teaching confidence has not been theoretically delineated in the area of science teacher education. Findings suggest that there may be important connections between the two for preservice teachers that would be fruitful areas for future research.  相似文献   

This article describes a model for incorporating lesson study into the student teaching placement and reports on the success of the implementation of such a model with student teachers and their cooperating teachers (CTs). Student teachers had the opportunity to discuss many important ideas with each other and their CTs, including “big ideas” of mathematics, and the anticipation of student questions and possible responses. Student teachers also had a built‐in opportunity for peer observation on a regular basis and the opportunity to collaborate with their peers. Certain important aspects of lesson study were not present in this implementation: the teachers involved did not discuss the gaps in their own knowledge with the goal of improving their own mathematical understanding, they did not refer outside sources for ideas for the lessons, and they did not have an overarching affective goal for students. Suggestions are made for teacher preparation in light of these findings.  相似文献   

研课作为促进教师专业发展的一种活动,其根本目的在于教师观念的改造,或实践性教学知识的生成。与评课所主张的标准不同,研课不存在固定标准,或者说,研课的标准是生成性的或框架性的。研课应事先确定主题并做好观课活动;要选择好研究的视角和着眼点;研课强调多主体参与和互动,强调自下而上就课论课。  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a study of preservice mathematics teacher education students and their beliefs about and experiences with students in an urban high school. The preservice teacher education students participated as mentors to a group of peer tutors in a mathematics tutoring program. Data collected from questionnaires and interviews reveal that the mentors had varied perceptions of tutoring program participants’ motivation, interest, and knowledge of mathematics. Mentors held varied perceptions of urban schools and what teaching mathematics in urban settings entails. Further, mentors reported that their work in the tutoring program had an impact on their strategies and plans for future mathematics teaching. Erica N. Walker is Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Technology and Research Fellow at the Institute for Urban and Minority Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.  相似文献   

A Study Of Mathematics Anxiety in Pre-Service Teachers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study investigated the changes in levels of mathematics anxiety among pre-service teachers in six different sections of a mathematics method courses for early childhood/elementary education pre-service teachers. The changes were a function of using Bruner’s framework of developing conceptual knowledge before procedural knowledge and using manipulatives and other activities to make mathematics concepts more concrete and meaningful. Data were collected using quantitative and qualitative measures. Two hundred forty-six pre-service teachers completed a 98-item Likert-type survey. Informal discussions, informal interviews, and questionnaire-guided narrative interviews were conducted with pre-service teachers. Data revealed a statistically significant reduction in mathematics anxiety in pre-service teachers (p < .001) who completed a mathematics methods course that emphasized Bruner’s model of concept development. Results of the study have implications for teacher education programs concerning how future teachers are trained, the measurement of mathematics anxiety levels among pre-service teachers, and the determination of specific contexts in which mathematics anxiety can be interpreted and reduced.  相似文献   

论高职院校计算机教师的说课   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职院校在迎评估促建设工作中,说课作为其中的重要内容之一,必须高度重视。高职计算机教师只有掌握说课的技巧,才能说好专业课。首先介绍说课的意义、概念和内容,并结合《计算机组装与维修》课程说课稿实例,最后总结出高职计算机教师说课的一些技巧。  相似文献   

The impact of three variables on the self-efficacy of 992 general and special education preservice teachers was examined. These variables were years of preservice education, experience with children with special educational needs, and training in inclusion or exceptional education. All participants responded to a teacher self-efficacy scale that measured four factors. Findings revealed a main effect for years of preservice education and for major of the academic degree. The main effect for years of preservice education was found only for efficacy for social relations. The main effect for degree major revealed that special education majors had significantly higher scores than regular education majors, on all four factors. A significant main effect for experience and major was also found. Students with much and some experience had significantly higher scores than students with no experience on two factors. Intensity of training was associated with self-efficacy. Students with much and some training had significantly higher scores than students with no training on all four factors. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

绿色教育倡导和谐的教育理念,课例研究是校本研修的主要方式之一,以绿色情境为基调的课例群开发研究将绿色教育理念与课例研究整合起来,对于培养学生综合素质、促进教师专业发展、提高学校教育教学质量有着重要意义。本文从以绿色情境为基调的课例群开发的价值与意义、目标与内容、过程与方法等方面进行论述,以期获取关于课例群开发的理论智慧与实践策略。  相似文献   


In this study, the authors examined efficacy beliefs and choices of differentiated instructional strategies needed for effective teaching in inclusive classrooms. Participants included 191 Israeli prospective teachers. They responded to a modified form of the Teacher Efficacy Scale (Gibson & Dembo, 1984) and a 59-item instructional strategies scale. Findings revealed that the Personal Teaching Efficacy factor (PTE) was related to choices of instruction, but the Teaching Efficacy factor (TE) was not. Prospective teachers focusing on junior high education obtained the highest PTE scores compared with those focusing on early childhood and elementary education, and participants focusing on early childhood education obtained the highest TE scores. Participants expressed intent to make adaptations directed toward all students and less willingness to use differentiated instruction.  相似文献   

目前我国中小学教师的学习大都停留在被专家灌输知识或同行低水平交流的状态,如何创设跨界学习情境,引发教师对自己思维和行为习惯的深度反思,形成新的对教育教学的理解和行动,是教师学习的一大难题。鉴于此,有必要从跨界学习的视角,探索教师在跨界课例研究中其学习是如何发生的。基于一个小组合作学习案例,分析了教师如何通过与外来学者合作,根据具体情境对理论进行再工具化,改进教案设计和教学实施,在提高学生学习素养的同时生成了自己新的实践性知识。研究发现,教师跨界学习的意义协商、视角再造、实践重构三个机制,对教师专业学习具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the nature of preservice teachers’ evaluations of elementary mathematics problems using the Mathematical Tasks Framework (MTF), a model designed to discriminate among tasks according to their cognitive complexity. We also tested the relationship between mathematics content knowledge and problem length on the preservice teachers’ evaluations. Twenty-six undergraduate students enrolled in an elementary mathematics methods course at a large urban university were introduced to the MTF and cognitive complexity during a class lecture and were subsequently required to sort 32 mathematics problems according to the framework. Results demonstrated that overall, the preservice teachers had more difficulty accurately classifying problems considered to represent high levels of cognitive complexity compared to problems that were less complex. Those with strong mathematics content knowledge, as measured by a standardized test, were able to sort the problems more accurately than those with weaker content knowledge. Two open-ended items assessing content knowledge were not related to sorting performance. Finally, the preservice teachers were influenced by the surface characteristic of task length; the data indicated that the teachers tended to label short problems as less cognitively demanding and long problems as more so. Implications for preservice professional development include an increased emphasis on mathematics content knowledge as well as expert modeling of the identification of deep conceptual principles at the heart of the mathematics curriculum.  相似文献   

数学研课框架之思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
所谓是主体根据自己的经历、感受、需要和掌握的理念选取自己擅长的角度对课进行研究.研课作为一种专业发展的方法,源起于日本.数学研课以“教与学对应”与“教与数学对应”的二重原理作为研究的方法论.数学研课框架就是从事数学研课的基本程序结构,它的建立旨在将对“研什么”和“怎么研”两个基本问题的思考联系起来.数学研课包括如下几个步骤:设置研课目标→听课前的分析与计划→听课中的教学与观察→听课后的讨论与修改→反思报告.  相似文献   

课例研究作为促进教师专业发展、加强学生课堂学习效果的有效途径,近年来在教育界引起了普遍关注,成为许多国家和地区教师有系统、有组织的合作教研活动.从课例研究中对于课堂实践进行设计—实施—反思的实质出发,探讨其在提高高校英语口译教学水平中的应用.课例研究是一个促使教师系统地对教学实践进行总结和反思的过程,通过课例研究,口译教师能够对教学方法、教学内容、课程设置、学生的学习和理解过程等关键教学环节进行更深入、更科学的分析,不断丰富自己的专业知识和教学实践能力.  相似文献   

This article describes an innovative approach to developing preservice elementary science teachers’ classroom confidence and skills. Based on lesson study approaches, preservice candidates designed and taught integrated science–mathematics lessons during the semester before their student teaching. Working in teams, candidates designed and taught a common lesson in 3 different classrooms, critiquing and refining their lesson between each teaching activity. Data collected from observations of classroom teaching events, team reports, and individual reflections were analyzed qualitatively. Results indicate that, over the 3 teaching events, there were dramatic improvements in lesson design and delivery, the management of the learning environment, the quality of students’ engagements with meaningful content, and the quality of assessments and generation of student data. According to the website of the Lesson Study Research Group, there were more than 2,300 teachers in over 335 schools involved in lesson study in the U.S. as of May 2004 (www.tc.edu/lessonstudy/). Additional lesson study information, projects, and resources are available through a number of other websites, including www.lessonresearch.net (at Mills College) and www.uwlax.edu/sotl.lsp (at The University of Wisconsin–La Crosse)  相似文献   

小学数学教师的学科知识:专家与非专家教师的对比分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
经采用问卷测查法,考察了32名小学数学专家与非专家教师。的学科知识。结果表明,两类教师在数学知识与数学学科本质的理解方面表现出明显的差异。与非专家教师相比,专家教师对数学知识具有深刻的理解,包括深层的概念理解与结构化的知识组织。专家教师倾向于用“问题解决”的观点看待数学学科与学生的数学学习,而非专家教师则更倾向于“掌握知识”的观点。  相似文献   

在"以教师专业发展促学校变革"的设想的指导下,嘉信西山小学开展了Wiki支持的校际课例研究。文章从概念转变的视角对教师专业发展进行了探讨,系统介绍了嘉信西山小学的思路、行动和结果,并对两个案例进行了分析。最后,文章发现Wiki支持的校际课例研究可以不同程度地促进教师教学理念和教学行为的转变。  相似文献   

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