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在对文学作品的理解过程中,如何沟通读者与作品的时间距离,如何建构读者与作品的效果历史事件,如何实现读者与作品的视阈融合,是一个值得研究的课题。哲学诠释学引导我们认识到,读者与作品之间就是一种主体间性的交互作用和视阈交融的关系,而且文学作品的真正存在只在于它的被展现的过程,有了读者的阅读理解和意义建构才能使作品获得活力和生命。  相似文献   

Many primary grade students are not afforded nonfiction-rich opportunities, with fiction comprising the majority of books read aloud in classrooms. With the Common Core Standards recommending that half of the texts made available to students be nonfiction, educators are increasing their use of informational text. The present study explored the impact of explicitly teaching reading comprehension and vocabulary strategies with nonfiction text compared to fiction text in primary-grade classrooms. Two first-grade (n = 39; 25 male, 14 female) and one second-grade class (n = 20; 13 male, 7 female) participated in the quantitative study that followed a repeated measures design in which the students alternated every 2 weeks between fiction-based instruction and nonfiction-based instruction for a total of 8 weeks. Vocabulary and use of comprehension strategies were assessed at the end of each 2-week period. Overall findings indicated that students were better able to apply the comprehension strategies and define vocabulary following nonfiction-based instruction; they also were more motivated to read informational text. The authors recommend that teachers use more nonfiction texts in the primary grades to support students’ reading comprehension and vocabulary development.  相似文献   

子杰 《今日中学生》2010,(10):24-25
Tom never cares for his study at all. One day he told me: " Last Friday in class our teacher opened the book and explained the text. I also opened my book and tried to follow him. The first time I found what he said seemed so easy to me. I was really surprised how well I understood it."  相似文献   

I.Read and choose (阅读短文做选择题)
A mother and her son are washing dishes while the father and daughter are watching TV in the sitting room. Suddenly (突然) , there is a crash of breaking dishes (碟子敲碎的声音 ) , then it is quiet in the kitchen.  相似文献   


The five articles in this special issue are a blend of experimental and correlational approaches that exemplify advances in contemporary approaches to assessment of reading comprehension. They illustrate how inferences about reading comprehension are determined in part by the material presented for comprehending and the format that is used for assessing comprehension of the material. In the future, the approaches to measuring reading comprehension in these articles could be further integrated by perspectives that cut across particular approaches to measurement and begin to utilize multimethod modeling of the latent variables that underlie different tests of reading comprehension.  相似文献   

The number of people with loss of hearing in America is about 250,000 people at the present time. Some of these people are fortunate enough to have hearing aids. The ear is a very complex part of the human body.A sound starts with sound waves traveling through the auditory canal towards the eardrum. The sound waves will cause the eardrum to vibrate. This vibration will be conducted by three small  相似文献   

阅读能力的培养始终是大学英语教学的首要任务.本文简要分析大学英语四级考试阅读理解部分的一些特点,它着重考察学生哪几方面的能力,及其对教学的启示.  相似文献   

Food Fear Are you noticing fewer snacks in your cupboards? Smaller portions on your dinner plates? Are your lunch boxes missing an extra treat or two? If so,you aren’t the only one.According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture  相似文献   

以心理语言学为理论,说明阅读是一种积极的思维活动。在这个过程中,读者有选择地捕捉具有意义的语言符号,对文章所表达的信息进行一系列的预测(predicting),体验(sampling),验证(confirming)和修改(correcting),以达到对文章全面,深刻的理解。  相似文献   

合理的阅读理解问题的设计可以帮助英语阅读者更好的在阅读中与文本之间发生有效互动。教学中我们不难发现,如果阅读理解问题的分类方法能够很好的和提问的形式结合起来,不仅学生的英语阅读能力有所提高,阅读教材的设计者还可以通过此种分类法来检验自己设计的阅读理解问题是否恰当,教师也可以借鉴这些分类来自主设计阅读教学中的各类问题,使得英语阅读教学事半功倍。另外,这种分类法还可以用来帮助分析教学材料,帮助设计合理的问题,对学生阅读理解能力的提高起到促进作用。  相似文献   

首先简略地陈述了语境的内涵,然后对影响阅读理解的语境作了分类,并分别详尽地阐述了上下文语境、文化语境及互文语境对阅读理解的作用。  相似文献   

在学习英语的过程中,听说读写贯穿始终,阅读是最基本的、也是最重要的语言技能。章就如何培养学生的英语阅读能力问题进行了探讨,提出了5种培养阅读能力的基本方法:1.选择阅读材料。2.选择阅读方法。3.提高阅读速度。4.加强语言能力培训。5.补充使用所学语言的国家的化背景知识。  相似文献   

认知语言学的经验主义语义观之优于客观主义与主观主义之处,在于它采用了经验主义的哲学观点,提出了主客观相结合的经验主义语义观,并用经验主义的语义观解释了阅读理解既包括对文本语言的理解,更包括对语言以外背景知识的理解之合理性.从认知语言学的角度看,阅读理解是一个复杂的心理过程.在此过程中,大脑贮存的语言知识图式和背景知识图式相互作用,不断地对新输入的信息进行验证、分析和推断,直至完成对文本的解码.对阅读理解过程的认知解析,在于揭示阅读的心理机制和思维规律,以促进阅读理解教学.  相似文献   

We examined the developmental relations between knowledge of reading strategies and reading comprehension in a longitudinal study of 312 Dutch children from the beginning of fourth grade to the end of fifth grade. Measures for reading comprehension, reading strategies, reading fluency, vocabulary, and working memory were administered. A structural equation model was constructed to estimate the unique relations between reading strategies and reading comprehension, while controlling for reading fluency, vocabulary, and working memory. The results showed that there was a unique effect of reading strategies on reading comprehension, and also of reading comprehension on reading strategies.  相似文献   

阅读是英语学习的四项基本技能之一,是人们运用语言和其他已有知识获取信息的过程,阅读能力是一个综合的语言理解和运用能力;从解析英语阅读能力入手,论述了英语阅读能力对英语学习的重要性,概述了学生英语能力的现状,分析总结了在学习过程中提高阅读能力的主要方法及技巧。  相似文献   

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