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论德国高等学校科研经费筹措的现状、问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨明 《比较教育研究》2007,28(12):71-75
德国高等学校的科研经费制度是由基本资助和科研项目资助组成的双轨制,第三渠道经费来源多样化且极富特色.德国高等学校科研经费筹措中的主要问题是:与非大学系统相比,高等学校的科研竞争力有所下降;宏观和微观方面的科研资助组织体系尚不够健全;科研经费管理制度缺乏一定的灵活性.当前德国高等学校科研经费筹措的主要改革举措包括:逐步增加高等学校科研经费投入的数量和比例,促进地区和高等学校间科研经费投入的均衡化,促进科研直接成本和间接成本的相匹配并提高使用效率.  相似文献   


Despite the overall proliferation of technology and its impact on people's everyday lives, tertiary education institutions generally have yet to utilise the educational potential of information technology. There is an enormous disparity between technology as an educational resource outside of these institutions and as a medium for learning inside. The same is generally true for teacher education programmes within institutes of higher education.  相似文献   

天津市高教改革发展的目标是为天津在新世纪初期建成现代化的教育中心服务,该目标定位要求天津市高等教育突破现在办学体制上存在的办学层次不明晰,办学布局不合理等弊端,在深化高校办学体制改革中适时地采取适度的教育产业化机制,多元化办学机制,“大学共同市场”机制,准经理式管理体制,促使天津高等教育尽快地成为具有竞争力,开放型的体系,这是一种促进天津市高等教育实现跨越式发展的新思路。  相似文献   

Location is an important dimension of higher education, even in a small country like England. While part-time courses clearly need to be accessible to their potential students if they are to serve a useful purpose, this is also true, though to a lesser extent, of full-time provision (and many institutions offer both). Widely varying locational strategies have been adopted by institutions of higher education in the past, and the distribution of higher education opportunities remains highly skewed, with university and public sector provision concentrated in particular areas of the country. Greater attention needs to be given to locational considerations in the future planning of higher education if reasonably equal access is to be ensured. Five policy implications of such a strategy are identified - provision should be increased in areas currently under-provided for; institutions should adjust their provision so as to serve a greater regional and local role; part-time provision, particularly at first degree level, should be expanded; mixed forms of distance and face-to-face higher education should be developed; less emphasis should be placed on the residential element in higher education .  相似文献   

关于残疾学生在普通高等学校接受教育的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
正态分布理论、主体教育理论和全纳教育理论为残疾学生在普通高校接受教育提供了三大理论依据 ;残疾学生在普通高校接受教育的成功实例为残疾学生在普通高校接受教育提供了实践的范式。虽然理论和实践上的论据说明了残疾学生在普通高校接受教育具有可行性 ,但这并不能掩盖残疾学生在高校接受教育过程中存在的问题和困难。因此 ,普通高校应采取相应的对策来解决这些问题和困难  相似文献   

我国高等教育资源配置对高校办学行为的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前我国高等学校普遍追求“大而全”和办学层次的“升格”,其实质就是办学资源的竞争。高等教育资源的配置方式以及政府政策导向中存在的诸多问题是引起这一现象的主要原因。政府应正确发挥在高等教育资源配置中的作用,促进高校准确定位和高等教育的良性发展。  相似文献   

Ethnic Minority Experience in Higher Education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It appears that institutions of higher education in Britain are far behind the schools and colleges of further education in assessing the experience and success of ethnic minorities, and in developing and monitoring equal opportunity policies. The article starts with a review' of currently available evidence from the literature on the participation rate of various ethnic groups in higher education. This is followed by a brief discussion of some key factors influencing their entry into higher education institutions. The information available to date indicates an uneven distribution of ethnic minorities between these institutions and the subjects they offer. The article contains the preliminary findings, from a research project, on the performance of students f om ethnic minority groups at Bradford & Ilkley Community College and four other institutions of higher education in the North of England. There is a brief discussion of some important issues, including racial discrimination and racial harassment, acting as barriers to the success of ethnic minorities in higher education. It is suggested that further research in this area is urgently needed to ensure that students from ethnic minority communities benefit equally from the higher education provision in Britain.  相似文献   

我国高等教育大众化增加了适龄青年进入高等学校的机会,在此背景下我国高等教育在入学机会均等问题上也发生了一些转变:人们从关注一般高等教育机构教育机会的分配转向关注精英型高等教育机构教育机会的分配。研究新视角、新重点的改变体现了对现实的把握,但实质上高等教育公平研究的性质并没有改变。正确分析其现状及影响因素并找到一条合理的路径是稳定高等教育大众化并逐步向普及化发展的有效保证。  相似文献   

The development of private higher education institutions in Poland since 1989 has become a thorny political issue. The question is discussed in terms of the overall expansion of higher education in Poland, the Polish national development strategy, the spatial distribution of higher education institutions in Poland, and the role of higher education in the formation of the Polish national e´lite. The author argues strongly in favour of the equal treatment of private higher education.  相似文献   

当前优质高等教育入学机会的区域分布状况是西部民族地区和部分直辖市占有明显优势,而人口大省和部属普通高校较少的省份则处于十分不利的地位。造成这种状况的原因是优质高等教育资源布局不均衡、国家对民族地区和西部地区的优惠政策以及各地人口和历史发展不平衡等。为此,可以通过对部属普通高校的属地招生比例进行限制、调整部属院校布局和建立相应的监测制度等措施来缩小优质高等教育入学机会的区域差异。  相似文献   

进行办学资源优化配置,提高办学资源使用效率和运作的效益,是大学经营的本质属性。大学实行经营管理是适应社会经济发展、应对高校面临的校际竞争、解决自身存在问题的需要,也是国际高等教育改革发展实践推动的必然要求。大学经营就其内在逻辑特征上主要分为产品经营、资产经营和资本经营,本文主要从这三个方面探讨、分析地方高校的经营策略。  相似文献   

精英高等教育与大众高等教育:两个体系的解读   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
高等教育机构应该按功能分化,而不是趋同。精英高等教育与大众高等教育作为两个体系,既是概念层面的划分,也是操作层面的划分。绝大部分的高等教育机构应该有清晰的定位,或者属于精英高等教育,或者属于大众高等教育。有质的差别的教育应该在不同质的教育机构内完成。精英高等教育与大众高等教育的关系既是冲突的,又是和谐的。我们既要防止精英高等教育压抑大众高等教育,又要防止大众高等教育消解精英高等教育。  相似文献   

“十一五”期间,我国高职教育的规模仍将不断发展。强化特色,进一步落实办学自主权,划转部分第三层次的普通高校举办高职教育等是高等职业教育规模发展的重要途径。在高职教育规模发展过程中还要注意规模与质量、就业之间的关系,注意合理构建高职教育的层次结构,完善高职教育的专业布局,实现高职和中职的有效衔接。  相似文献   

高校信息是高校评估的重要依据之一.目前我国高校信息在高校和外部评估主体间的分布是不均衡的;高校信息能否及时、全面、迅捷、准确地公布和传递给高校外部评估主体,对于高校评估的理论和实践影响甚大.新闻媒体是信息的最大天然载体和传播者,通过加强新闻媒体在高校评估过程中的作用,可有效解决高校信息的分布不均衡问题.  相似文献   

Private initiatives in higher education in Kenya   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Africa's higher education crisis has prompted the growth of private institutions. Enrollments are very low and in most African countries do not account for a significant proportion of university enrollments. The largest number of private institutions are in Kenya which is the subject of a case study. Private institutions provide professional training in fields of employment opportunity but also offer an education that emphasizes character building functions of higher studies. Private higher education is expensive to provide and costly to attend. Many private institutions are caught in a dilemma. They can not achieve significant efficiencies by reducing instructional costs without damage to the quality of their programs, and they are reluctant to raise tuition and accommodation charges because of the distorting effects on student recruitment. As long as public higher education is provided at low or no cost and private higher education is entirely self-supporting, the private sector will have a peripheral role in higher education in Kenya and other African countries.  相似文献   

影响我国高等教育公平的教育制度因素探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
影响我国高等教育公平性的教育制度因素是多方面的,主要包括基础教育阶段重点学校和非重点学校的划分、高校录取指标分配以及高校的经费投入和收费等.改革现行的基础教育体制、改革高校招生制度以及改善高校布局等,则可作为提高我国高等教育公平性的有效措施.  相似文献   

在“互联网+”时代,声誉越来越成为高校之间竞争与高校评价的关键因素。已有的高校社会声誉评价侧重主观的定性评价。因此,本研究尝试采用定量评价方法,以高校社会声誉内涵为基点,从高校社会声誉生成机制出发,构建一套量化测度高校社会声誉的指标体系,并以我国104所公办本科院校为实例,验证了评价指标体系的有效性。研究结果可为完善我国高校评价体系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在美国许多城市的高校分布格局中 ,一种由众多高校群集而成的高校群落现象极为普遍。高校群落所在社区通常是高校与社会间发生直接互动的微观场景。因此 ,关注这种特殊的人文生态现象 ,并对它加以全面研究不仅会丰富我们对高等教育与社会间关系的理解 ,而且对于城市高校分布格局的规划会提供一些启示  相似文献   

我国高校的捐赠收入及捐赠人行为研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在我国,社会捐赠是高等院校颇具潜力的一项收入来源。本文利用院校收入数据和单笔捐赠数据,分析了我国高校捐赠收入分布的特点、捐赠收入的影响因素以及不同类型捐赠人的行为特征。研究发现,在我国,捐赠收入高度集中于少数著名高校,院校捐赠收入的多少受院校教学科研水平、院校募捐努力程度以及院校所在地区不同的影响,此外,企业、行政事业单位、非营利组织及个人在捐赠行为中表现出了不同的倾向特征。以上发现对高校募捐工作的实践及有关政策具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

Organizing higher education in a knowledge society   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The integration of higher education systems in the Western world has led both to development of overall strategies for the organization of higher education institutions by public authorities, as well as to strategies by higher education institutions aiming to position themselves within emerging higher education systems. This article first asks whether these developments represent converging or path dependent trends before it sketches a conceptual point of departure for the analysis of the relationship between institutions in higher education systems based on the effects of integration on academic hierarchies and functional specialization. Then I discuss how recent attempts at integrating higher education systems in Europe and the US may affect the relationship between institutions in the light of conceptions of education as a process by which students learn to learn or by which they learn specific occupational skills. Thirdly, the development is situated in a wider context where the relationship between different types of institutions are considered in relation to the spread of an extended and more utility oriented concept of knowledge. Finally, I consider briefly some possible future developments based on how modern capitalist and public managerialist knowledge regimes constitute conditions for higher education integration.  相似文献   

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