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宋代是福建书院的繁盛时期,许多学者对宋代福建地区的书院数量做过统计,但得出的数据相差甚远。聚众讲学是判断书院的主要标准,笔者以此为界定,以宋代福建的行政区划为单位,对宋代福建地区的书院数量、创建时间和创建者进行考证,分析宋代福建书院发达的原因和影响。  相似文献   

书院是中国古代特有的一种教育机构和学术研究场所。祭祀是书院组织存在的三大功能之一。探讨书院祭祀的起源、对象、经费来源、仪式和式微,并对书院的教:育功能进行了论述,以期对当代高等教育有所启示。  相似文献   

一、宋代书院教育产生的历史背景 作为中国封建社会的一种特殊的教育机构,宋代书院教育强调自由讲学,重视学术研究,主张门户开放,提倡尊师爱生,确非官学和科举所能望其项背的.而书院的产生和发展壮大,与宋代河南教育的发展密不可分.河南地处中原,历史悠久,是中华民族的文化发祥地之一.几千年来,中原文化成为华夏文明中最为光辉灿烂的组成部分,特别是在哲学和教育学的发展方面为中国历史写下了浓重的一笔.  相似文献   

白鹿洞书院座落在江西庐山五老峰下的白鹿洞书院是宋代四大书院之一,是中国古代最早成为讲学场所的书院。白鹿洞书院始建于南唐升元四年(公元940年)。宋淳熙年间,朱熹在此讲学,并为书院确立学规,《白鹿洞书院揭示》,成为此后数百年各家学者兴办书院时所效法的模...  相似文献   

书院是我国古代一种独特的教育组织形式,兼有藏书、讲学、祭祀三大功能。祭祀是我国古代书院规制中一个极为重要的组成部分,书院祭祀主要有释奠和释菜两种仪式,但其祭祀对象又独具自己的特色。书院祭祀的形成有其历史和内在原因。书院祭祀的社会影响和教育功能是多方面的,尤以对生徒的道德影响为最。而今辩证地看,书院祭祀是一种环境熏陶的教育、一种感性的教育、一种榜样的教育,是进行德育的有效途径。  相似文献   

一、宋代书院教育产生的历史背景作为中国封建社会的一种特殊的教育机构,宋代书院教育强调自由讲学,重视学术研究,主张门户开放,提倡尊师爱生,确非官学和科举所能望其项背的。而书院的产生和发展壮大,与宋代河南教育的发展密不可分。河南地处中原,历史悠久,是中华民族的文化发祥地之一。几千年来,中原文化成为华夏文明中最为光辉灿烂的组成部分,特别是在哲学和教育学的发展方面为中国历史写下了浓重的一笔。春秋战国时期,在河南这块沃土上,哺育了诸子百家的争鸣和各种思潮的汹涌并起。宋国(今商丘地区)是周朝经济文化的中心地带,孕育了墨家…  相似文献   

宋代学术繁荣和书院学术自由的办学特色:学者在书院自由地进行学术传授式讲学,而不同学派的学者之间又通过会讲的形式来开展学术交流。宋代书院学术自由的形成有其深层次的文化背景。首先,宋代书院的学术自由发展是与其独立于官学系统的特有的教育机关和学术研究机构的性质是分不开的; 其次,宋代书院学术自由的盛行离不开官方的支持;再次,宋代学术繁荣和书院学术自由的盛行是互为作用的。宋代书院作为我国古代较有特色的一种高等教育机构,其学术自由特色迄今对我们发展当代高等教育仍然具有启示意义:第一,学术机构必须独立,这是学术自由产生的基础;第二,加强学术创新和学术自由交流是学术机构的本质生命。  相似文献   

书院是中国古代一种特殊的教育机构和教学组织,一般是由私人出资创建,并在著名学者的领导下,积聚大量图书,聚众授徒讲学,而且以传播知识,研究学问为主要内容,以下层平民为主要教育对象。它不是官学,但却是官学的一种补充,后来还具有半官方的性质;它是私学,但远比一般的私学规范。书院之名,始见于唐代,最初是官方藏书、校书的地方。到五代末期,正式出现了聚众讲学的书院,即庐山国学(为宋代白鹿书院的前身)。宋代出现了全国著名的四大书院或六大书院,六大书院为白鹿洞书院、岳麓书院、应天府书院、嵩阳书院、石鼓书院和茅山书院。南宋是书院发…  相似文献   

宋代书院的学术自由特色及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋代学术繁荣和书院学术自由的办学特色:学者在书院自由地进行学术传授式讲学,而不同学派的学者之间又通过会讲的形式来开展学术交流.宋代书院学术自由的形成有其深层次的文化背景.首先,宋代书院的学术自由发展是与其独立于官学系统的特有的教育机关和学术研究机构的性质是分不开的;其次,宋代书院学术自由的盛行离不开官方的支持;再次,宋代学术繁荣和书院学术自由的盛行是互为作用的.宋代书院作为我国古代较有特色的一种高等教育机构,其学术自由特色迄今对我们发展当代高等教育仍然具有启示意义:第一,学术机构必须独立,这是学术自由产生的基础;第二,加强学术创新和学术自由交流是学术机构的本质生命.  相似文献   

一、云南的书院概况书院是旧时会集士子讲学的地方,它始于唐代,而盛行于宋朝。唐玄宗开元十三年(公元725年),曾将集贤殿修书所改为集贤殿书院,虽有书院之名,但仅只掌握经籍之刊辑,并非讲学授业的地方。书院起到讲学教育作用,看来要到宋代,袁枚的《随园随笔》记载:“书院之名,起于唐玄宗时丽正书院、集贤书院,皆建于朝省,为修书之地,非士子肄业之所也。”宋朝时,有一富人名叫曹诚,损资建书院,此事传到京城,诏赐名应天书院,  相似文献   

Lectures continue to be the dominant form of university teaching, and lecture capture technologies are tentatively taken up to support this form of delivery, rather than being used as a viable alternative. Much of the previous research, however, has been self-reports or survey-based, with far less attention given to qualitative explorations. This study aims to bridge this gap by using qualitative methods in order to examine students’ experiences of lecture capture provisions within the context of their own learning by utilising six focus groups to generate data. Thematic analysis was used to understand group opinions and experiences of lecture capture within university teaching. Two conceptual themes emerged: enhancing the learning environment and working and learning strategically. Results show that the value of lecture capture provisions could not be fully evaluated by students without considering their current learning environments. The main positive function of lecture capturing was to alleviate negative perceptions of lectures as a learning event, but it also provided students an opportunity to learn strategically. The extent to which lecture capturing develops and enhances the learning experience is discussed. Recommendations for how universities could utilise lecture capturing are proposed.  相似文献   

Although we were required to lecture to large groups of over 170 students, the traditional lecture clashed with our commitment to teach in a way that was student-centred, relational and socially and politically transformative. In this context, and using an action research approach, we sought to turn our large-group lectures into a space that both met some of the historic aims of the lecture in passing on received knowledge, but also became a space for students to immediately engage in a process of discussion and dialogue around the concepts and ideas raised. Although the literature suggested this was not possible in groups of over a hundred, we found that our students identified that the re-imagined lecture significantly aided their learning in a number of key respects.  相似文献   

讲授法的合理与合法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
讲授法作为教师使用最早的、应用最广的教学方法,在今天的中国似乎正在失去合法性,这是值得忧虑也值得研究的教育现象。心理语言学实验证明了讲授法要求以学生复杂、积极的心理活动为基础;奥苏贝尔的研究证明了讲授法是教学方法中比较高级的一种;维果茨基的理论证明了讲授法与人类的高级心理机能相关。讲授法在学校中的主导地位并非某个人或者某些人的意愿,而是社会和教育自身发展合乎规律的选择。今天,对待讲授法的合理态度是在运用的基础上不断探讨和完善,而不是简单地批评甚至否定。  相似文献   

Based on archival research, this article analyses the pedagogical gestures in Derrida's (largely unpublished) lectures on hospitality (1995/96), with particular attention to the enactment of hospitality in these gestures. The motivation for this analysis is twofold. First, since the large‐group university lecture has been widely critiqued as a pedagogical model, the article seeks to retrieve what may be of worth in the form of the lecture. Second, it is relevant to analyse the pedagogy of lectures that address the topic of hospitality, as there would be a performative contradiction in teaching inhospitably about hospitality.  相似文献   

本文回答了:何为国?何为学?何为中国的国学?这就是以从爻号演变而来的汉字符号把握天地人变化规律的学问。爻号、由爻号演变的文字、释卦爻的周易,都是中国国学的根源。由周易而来的道家、儒家以及由印度传入的佛教,都是中国传统的国学内容。国学就是要继续研究人与天、人与人、人与己关系的学问。  相似文献   


An investigation was made of serial position effects in lecture material, A tape recorded lecture was prepared in two forms. Two groups of tenth-grade students (total N = 269) each heard one of the forms and completed a test over the material heard. Item scores were computed and serial position curves drawn for groups, ability levels within groups, and sexes within groups. These curves indicate that the serial position effect was present. No sex differences were observed. It is concluded that the serial position effect should be taken into account in classroom practice and that more research is needed to determine how to control and use it.  相似文献   

This presentation compares how lectures are being performed in different technological contexts: that of the studio, for taping of videotapes, or in front of a camera for the purpose of videoconferencing, or, for a live presentation. The different contexts will be described according to the communication theory of the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann, and contrasted with findings from contemporary research on lecturing and teacher–student interaction. The comparison between the videotaped lecture and the live lecture reveals important differences as to style of communication. The taped lectures are more stringent and content-oriented, while the live-lectures are time-consuming and more focused on establishing dialogues with students. Videoconference-lecturing contains features that place it between the live- and videotaped lecture. This paper concludes that videoconferencing is problematic with serious problems to handle for students and teachers alike.  相似文献   

Although this paper is a written version of an inaugural lecture given at the University of Sheffield in December 1995, its central thesis is that, in a postmodern age, the practice of professors of education giving inaugural lectures is incoherent. To advance this thesis in an inaugural lecture entails an obvious contradiction which, it is proposed, can only be resolved by examining the historical origins of the inaugural lecture in the early medieval university. What emerges from this examination is not only that there is a pre-modern version of the inaugural lecture but that the virtue-based understanding of education which it presupposed can be revised and advanced in the postmodern world.  相似文献   

随着教育教学改革进程的进一步推进,说课这种教研活动因为省时、高效、简便易行被迅速推广和普及。本文从说课可以提高教师的业务素质水平、课堂教学效率和教学研究能力等方面来阐述说课是提高教师教学水平的重要手段。  相似文献   

This article proposes a computer-mediated education system, which uses discussion-embedded lecture videos. Currently, lecture videos and online discussions exist separately, and discussion topics are managed without reference to the lectures. However, when the discussion is based on the lecture, this separation makes it difficult for the participants to comprehend the discussion and contribute to it. In this article, the author proposes a system that works on the basis of a close relationship between the lecture video and the discussion. In the proposed system, the contributed comments are embedded into the corresponding parts of the video. Therefore, participants can read related discussions while watching the lecture video and they can watch the corresponding part of the lecture video while reading the discussion. Participants can appreciate the relation between the discussion and the lecture and understand the content and background of the discussion more deeply. These advantages facilitate further discussion. Thus, a more effective distance learning education environment can be achieved.  相似文献   

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