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刘京莉 《学科教育》2003,(12):20-23
在澳门教育暨青局与北京师范大学合作项目——澳门数学课程改革中,澳门实验学校的教师们转变了教育观念,实现了教学方式的变革;教师们通过教育科研,对教学过程的设计、教学策略的选择、教学评价等进行了理性的思考,从而使实践经验得到了理论的升华;随着课改的深入,教师们结合地方特色、学校特色开发了校本课程,教师们在课程改革中成长。  相似文献   

澳门在80 年代末提出教育改革,1991 年颁布被喻为澳门教育“基本法”的《澳门教育制度》法律,进行教育改革。教学活动是依赖众多的教师来推动落实的,如果进行教育改革,只是致力于改善课程、设备、学校制度等,而没有同时提升教师的专业素养,教学品质仍然会大打折扣,教育改革得不到落实。因为教师素质是影响教学品质、学校教育效果的关键因素。高质素的教师不是凭空而来,而是要经过长期的培养及不断进修。因此,教师终身教育是改革重要的一环。澳门为配合教育改革,1997 年颁布《教师培训》法令,其中加强了教师延续培训的工作。本文从教师继续教育、澳门教师延续培训作探讨,并对澳门教师延续培训的发展路向提出建议。  相似文献   

当前,在学校教育中环境教育日益受到重视.环境教育旨在让学生认识环境、在环境中学习、关心环境.香港的《学校环境教育指引》确定了学校环境教育的目标,学校的正规课程和非正规课程均在环境教育中扮演重要角色.澳门教育司成人署积极组织各种环境教育活动,澳门教师对推行学校环境教育的目标和方向表示同意.进一步推动环境教育,应该强化持续发展的概念,在课程与教学上处理好地方环境教育与国情环境教育的关系,加强港澳地区与国内外同行的交流.  相似文献   

教育部课程专家组一行七人6月26日至7月2日访问了澳门特别行政区。其间,听取了澳门特别行政区教育暨青年局苏朝晖局长、梁励副局长关于非高等教育的情况介绍。澳门课程改革工作小组成员分别介绍了澳门教育制度及课程改革;澳门基础教育学科能力国际评估计划(PISA)2003结果;澳门地区教科书使用情况等。代表团参观了公立的中葡职业技术学校、巴波沙中葡小学(幼儿园及小学),私立的教业中学、镜平学校(均为幼儿园、小学、初高中一条龙学校),天主教会办的圣玛利罗学校(幼儿园及小学)。与教育暨青年局官员及学校教师进行了多次交流,还观摩了教业中学中小学夏令班的活动。由于教育暨青年局周到的安排,在短短的几天里,代表团成员对澳门的非高等教育有了进一步的整体认识,对澳门幼儿  相似文献   

在深化基础教育课程改革的过程中,要特别关注教学常规、教学研究和教师发展的问题.坚持“常规立校”,在把握教育教学规律的过程中规范教学管理;实施“科研兴校”,在投身教育教学研究的过程中形成教学特色;倡导“名师强校”,在关注教师专业成长的过程中提升学校教学水平.  相似文献   

新一轮课程改革是全面推进素质教育的必然。回顾十多年来的课程改革,观念的转变与教师的成长、行政方式推进和教师的自我实践同步,大学和中小学之间建立密切联系,形成了有中国特色的课程改革范式。变革是课程的本性,课程改革始终与学校的教育教学工作相伴而行。课程改革是社会活动,始终与学校的教育教学工作相伴而行,为此,要置身于课程改革的实践之中,适应课程的变化发展性,以科学辩证的教育观看待学生在课程改革过程中的发展。教师是课程改革是否得以顺利推进的关键,要关注教师专业发展的方向。  相似文献   

蒋耀龙 《现代教学》2012,(Z2):96-97
"绿色指标"为上海教育转型指明了方向,为教育回归本源提供了保障,也对校长们提出了更高的要求。我经过近年来的实践与思考,对"构建绿色教育生态和评价机制以及校长在课程领导方面应有的作为"谈几点想法。一、校长应着力于打造学校课程文化校长应注重建立"学校课程改革开发奖励机制",引导教师积极开发学校特色课程,大胆对国家课程实施分级、整合等校本化改革;注重不断丰富课程载体,组织艺术节、体育节、科技节、读书节和社会实  相似文献   

根据教育教学实际情况,紧密联系特色建设,2006年我校成功地申报了市级和省级重点科研课题.学校经常组织开展教科研培训活动,积极深化课程改革,教师在教学中研究,扎扎实实地抓好各级课题的过程研究.学校还组织教师开展各种教育教学论谈,不断帮助教师增加理论知识、更新教育观念,逐步形成了人人有课题、个个善钻研的浓郁氛围.  相似文献   

课程改革是推进素质教育的突破口和必然选择。随着课程改革的逐步铺开和推进,教师素养问题被提到了前所未有的高度。提升教师素养的方法很多,而我认为,立足校本教研是新课程改革背景下提升教师素养的有效途径。校本教研,就是为了改进学校的教育教学,提高学校的教育教学质量,从学校的实际出发,依托学校自身的资源优势和特色进行的教育教学研究。校本教研有利于克服教育理论与教育实践相脱离的现象,有利于展现教师的全新角色,有利于促进教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

教师教育体制的变革涉及教师教育的指导思想、基本理论、培养模式、行政体制、学校内部管理模式、课程与教学制度等诸多因素。新时期以来,尽管我国的教师教育在这诸多方面取得了一定的进步,但仍然需要进一步改进和完善。它包括构建有中国特色的教师教育指导思想;研究和充实教师教育的基本理论;开创有中国特色的教师教育行政体制;构建灵活开放的教师教育培养模式;规范教师教育学校的内部管理模式;改进教师教育的课程与教学制度。  相似文献   

Qatar initiated a K–12 national educational reform in 2001. However, there is limited information on the instructional practices of the teachers in the reform schools. This project was an observational study of classrooms with a stratified random sample of the first six cohorts of reform schools. Specifically, 156 classrooms were observed in 29 reform schools. Instructional differences were noted in schools with different gender of students and were moderated by school level. Implications of findings were discussed pertaining to implementation of the Qatar national reform and professional development needs of teachers.  相似文献   

以贵州省20所普通高中学校教师为问卷调查对象,发放问卷480份,回收有效问卷345份,同时对300多名教育行政管理人员、中学校长和教师进行访谈,对贵州省普通高中新课程改革实验的选修课程和校本教材开发、实行走课制的最大难点、最缺乏的课程资源、最需要得到的课改支持等问题进行问卷调查统计和访谈分析,得出结论:本省高中教学场所、实验设备、校外实践活动基地和教师等课程资源缺乏严重阻碍了高中课改,教师急需专家对课改的指导。对此,提出加大课改的经费投入、加强专家对课改的指导、加强课程资源开发整合,强化少数民族和农村地区课改推进教育均衡发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

为了了解中小学教师对基础教育课程改革的认识,明确教师对数字教育资源的需求,作者对烟台市芝罘区10所中小学校中的全部任课教师进行了调查。调查从定量的角度对基础教育工作中某些观点给予了支持或否定,如学科与资源的关系、教师与资源的关系、支持改革的资源类型等等。  相似文献   

We have designed a model for transformational science teaching focused on linking theory and practice through curriculum decision making that has been the framework for professional development sessions for middle-grade science teachers during the past 5 years. Interviews with teachers revealed that their experiences with curriculum development were of significant value in making decisions concerning the design of classroom environments. As teachers reflected on current research about teaching and learning, in collaboration with university scientists and science educators, they were informed by theoretical perspectives which held implications for their practice. Curriculum development became a vehicle for professional development and school reform; however, it was vital that the teachers were in clear communication with their administrators and communities concerning reform issues. Students and teachers from schools implementing the model and from control sites were interviewed to determine the model's influence on instructional practices and student attitude and achievement in science. The five-phase model for transformational science teaching is discussed here, accompanied by teacher comments about tensions experienced at each phase. This discussion is followed by an analysis of teacher and student interview data that reveals teachers' use of instructional strategies and students' attitudes toward science. Results and analysis of student performance on a mandated end-of-grade science test are also included. From this evidence, we recommend a new design for professional development opportunities for teachers that engages them in decision making as they reflect about the connections between theory and practice and the value of continually testing, revising, and reevaluating curriculum and instructional issues. J Res Sci Teach 34: 773–789, 1997.  相似文献   

This study explores teachers’ first enactments of a set of theory-based curriculum materials designed to support academic language instruction. Specifically, this multiple case study looks at how six middle school English teachers in three US schools adapted the materials; each case includes a pair of teachers, one novice and one more experienced. All schools were located in the same district where a school performance measurement system was being used to publicly rank schools’ academic performance and growth. Multiple measures were used to look for evidence of adaptations and why teachers made adaptations. We found that all teachers adapted the curriculum, most often in response to either perceived student needs or district reform pressures. In two cases, patterns of adaptation differed by teacher experience; experienced teachers appeared better able to adapt curriculum materials to meet instructional goals. This pattern did not hold up at the third school, where teachers faced greater reform pressures. Taken together, these findings suggest that researchers should pay more attention to the role of school and district policy on teachers’ enactments of theory-based reforms. We conclude with guidance to researchers, instructional leaders and others interested in the potential of theory-based curricula as a lever for improving classroom instruction.  相似文献   

澳门大约有90%的学校为私立学校。回归后,教育当局运用各种行政力量企图加强地区课程的领导,然而仍呈现出“大市场、小政府”的状况。在办学自主的旗帜下,各校貌似有“校本”的形态,而是否落实真正的校本课程仍有待考证。通过回顾上世纪90年代以来澳门的教育改革历程,了解“校本课程”的缘起、演变和发展及教育改革不同阶段中的相关论述,呈现澳门校本课程的发展情境与现实困境,为未来教育变革提供参考。  相似文献   

样本学校的初期实验表明,新一轮高中课程改革的理念是先进的,方向是正确的,它引发了学校管理实践的深刻变革。但课改也面临不少问题,诸如课程目标适切、教师培训实效、课标教材完善、配套措施改革等,这些问题在一定程度上影响高中课改持续健康地发展。解决问题的途径除了学校层面需加强课改的总体规划和落实,教师层面需提高课程素养和适应能力等,政府及教育行政部门还必须强化行政手段,创设良好环境,改革评价体系,调控推进速度。  相似文献   

The implementation of educational reforms requires behavioral changes from the teachers involved. Theories on successful behavioral change prescribe the following conditions: teachers need to possess the necessary knowledge and skills, form strong positive intentions to perform the new behavior, and have a supporting environment for change. However, existing approaches to teacher professional development in the context of educational reforms are predominantly aimed at the development of knowledge and skills and at creating a supporting environment, but lack attention to teachers’ intentions to change. In the study described in this article, we performed “motivating-for-educational-change” interviews (MECI) and explored the influence on teachers’ intentions to change in the direction of the proposed national biology education reform, that is, the introduction of a context-based curriculum. The MECI comprised two tools: building on earlier successful experiences and using lesson segments to rearrange instructional approaches. We explored the influence of the MECI technique on the strength and specificity of participating teachers’ intentions. When conducting the MECI, many participants expressed that they now realized how they had already implemented aspects of the reform in their regular instructional approaches. Furthermore, all the participants formulated stronger and more specific intentions to change their regular instructional approach towards that of the proposed reform while taking their regular instructional approach as a starting point.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this research is to examine in-service teachers' instructional beliefs about student-centered education. The inventory was designed to measure teachers' student-centered educational beliefs based on four components of the educational curriculum comprising of educational objectives, content, teaching strategies and instructional assessment. Data for the study were collected from 307 in-service teachers working at K-8 schools. A quantitative research analysis showed that in-service teachers held positive beliefs about student-centered education. In addition, the characteristics of teachers such as school level, teaching experience, teaching subject and educational background had statistically significant effects on their beliefs about student-centered education.  相似文献   

提高教育质量、注重内涵发展是我国当前和今后教育改革与发展的核心任务。其中,学生培养模式是影响教育质量提升的关键环节。但目前我国各级各类学校的学生培养模式尚存在一些突出问题,如培养目标定位不清、课程内容繁难偏旧、教师的教学方式和学生的学习方式相对落后、学生培养质量保障制度不健全等,离实现教育内涵发展的要求尚有较大差距。学生培养模式转变是一项系统工程,牵涉到多重利益主体,其中教师、学校和政府是影响学生培养模式转变的最重要的责任主体,因此,学生培养模式的转变必须从教师、学校和政府三个层面着手进行。  相似文献   

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