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The use of the capability approach as an evaluative tool for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) policy and programs in developing countries, in particular at a grass-roots community level, is an emerging field of application. However, one of the difficulties with ICT for development (ICT4D) evaluations is in linking what is often no more than a resource, for example basic access, to actual outcomes, or means to end. This article argues that the capability approach provides a framework for evaluating the strength of this linkage and that the latter is a key determinant of whether or not communities sustain ICT4D programs beyond the initial start-up phase. The argument is made by describing an evaluative application of the capabilities approach to community ICT4D programs using two Indigenous community case studies conducted in Cape York, in the far north-east of Australia. Key to the evaluative approach is the identification of community defined, context specific concepts of well-being and constitutive valued functionings and the derivation from this of required capabilities. This move away from normative definitions of capabilities or capability types to a definition that reflects the Indigenous culture, history, circumstances, and well-being aspirations of each community is intended to give a voice to the people and at the same time provide a deeper informational base—through narrative—for policy and program design than has previously been available. The article concludes that by operationalising the capability approach in a context and purpose specific way, policy and program design can be improved so as to include more communities on the margin and thereby achieve more socially inclusive ICT based development. A process is also outlined for using the evaluative application of the capability approach for community ICT4D within a policy feedback loop.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of the concept of disability in Amartya Sen’s capabilities and functionings approach in the context of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Following a critical review of the concept of disability—from its traditional interpretation as an essentially medical concept to its later interpretation as a socially constructed category—we will introduce the concept of functional diversity. The importance of human diversity in the capabilities and functionings approach calls for incorporating this concept into the analysis of well-being and quality of life in persons with disability—aspects in which ICT currently plays a major role. When one contemplates these technologies, it becomes clear that factors such as accessibility, design for all, and user participation in development and implementation processes are key strategies in promoting equal rights and equal opportunity for persons with disability in the different environments of the information society.  相似文献   

I argue in this paper that the development and convergence of information and communication technologies (ICT) is creating a global network of surveillance capabilities which affect the traveler. These surveillance capabilities are reminiscent of 18th century philosopher Jeremy Bentham’s panopticon, and as such the emerging global surveillance network has been referred to as the travel panopticon. I argue that the travel panopticon is corrosive of personal autonomy, and in doing so I describe and analyse various philosophical approaches to personal autonomy.  相似文献   

Amartya Sen’s capability approach has become increasingly popular in development studies. This paper identifies controllability and operationalisability as two key stumbling blocks which prevent the capability approach from being used even more widely in development practice. It discusses the origins and application of the Choice Framework, a conceptual tool designed to help operationalise the approach. The framework can be used to deconstruct embedded ideologies and analyse the appropriateness of development goals, to map development as a systemic process, and to plan interventions which can result in increased freedom of choice for people. Three examples of the application of the Choice Framework in the field of information and communication for development (ICT4D) are given. The three technologies which are examined, telecentres (Infocentros), Chilecompra and Fair Tracing, can be placed at different places of a determinism continuum, some reducing the spectrum of choices a user has. The paper argues that while frameworks such as the Choice Framework can be developed further to increase the operationalisability of the capability approach, it is up to development funders to accept the fact that people’s choices are never fully predictable and thus Sen’s ‘development as freedom’ will inevitably be a dynamic and open-ended process.  相似文献   

Nussbaum’s version of the capability approach is not only a helpful approach to development problems but can also be employed as a general ethical-anthropological framework in ‘advanced’ societies. This paper explores its normative force for evaluating information technologies, with a particular focus on the issue of human enhancement. It suggests that the capability approach can be a useful way of to specify a workable and adequate level of analysis in human enhancement discussions, but argues that any interpretation of what these capabilities mean is itself dependent on (interpretations of) the techno-human practices under discussion. This challenges the capability approach’s means-end dualism concerning the relation between on the one hand technology and on the other hand humans and capabilities. It is argued that instead of facing a choice between development and enhancement, we better reflect on how we want to shape human-technological practices, for instance by using the language of capabilities. For this purpose, we have to engage in a cumbersome hermeneutics that interprets dynamic relations between unstable capabilities, technologies, practices, and values. This requires us to modify the capability approach by highlighting and interpreting its interpretative dimension.  相似文献   

In development literature, information and communications technology (ICT) has been characterized as having the potential to enable national development. However, ICT has been conceptualized mostly as a monolithic and homogeneous entity. To a great extent, the ambiguous findings and diverse opinions on the role of ICT in national development can be attributed to this limited focus. In order to better understand the role ICT can play in national development, we believe that the ICT artifact needs to be examined in finer detail. We propose that ICT needs to be conceptualized in its many facets, perceptions, and in its manifold impact in societies. We use recent concepts from the IT literature to propose an integrative framework to study the role of ICT in development. Policymakers and donor agencies may find this framework useful in evaluating the potential impact of development interventions using ICT.  相似文献   

In development literature, information and communications technology (ICT) has been characterized as having the potential to enable national development. However, ICT has been conceptualized mostly as a monolithic and homogeneous entity. To a great extent, the ambiguous findings and diverse opinions on the role of ICT in national development can be attributed to this limited focus. In order to better understand the role ICT can play in national development, we believe that the ICT artifact needs to be examined in finer detail. We propose that ICT needs to be conceptualized in its many facets, perceptions, and in its manifold impact in societies. We use recent concepts from the IT literature to propose an integrative framework to study the role of ICT in development. Policymakers and donor agencies may find this framework useful in evaluating the potential impact of development interventions using ICT.  相似文献   

Managing information about client requirements effectively can contribute to improve the quality of built facilities, and their related services. However, the process has been challenging to construction project management often resulting in failed projects. This necessitates an overwhelming need for a better approach. This paper presents a novel enterprise architecture framework for managing information about client requirements across all phases of a construction project and through-life of a built facility. The Integrated electronic Requirements Information Management Framework (eRIM) defines an information-centric, and process and service-oriented enterprise architecture approach to requirements management. It also describes how Information and Communication Technology (ICT)/Information Systems (IS) can support this information management. In developing the framework, findings from three case study projects were collated through observations, a questionnaire and interviews of construction practitioners. It is concluded that when implemented and incorporated in the management of construction projects, the eRIM architecture framework can potentially contribute towards improved and more efficient and effective management of client requirements across all stages of a project. Further work is outlined to operationalize the framework.  相似文献   

In this investigation we use a modified Networked Readiness Index (NRI) framework to investigate whether (1) ICT capabilities impact public value creation, and (2) if the public value is associated with the socio-economic impact of ICT capabilities. In the case of this study the construct Public Value is represented via two different proxies. In the first case we use a perception-based measure of public value (as represented by the World Government Indicators) and in the second case we use a surrogate objective measure (as represented by the Cost of Business Startup Procedures (CBSP)). We use a six-step multi-method methodology that involves Cluster Analysis, Correlation Analysis, Decision Trees Induction, Data Envelopment Analysis, Association Rules Mining, and Ordinary Least Squares regression to conduct the inquiry in the context of 26 Sub-Saharan (SSA) economies. Results of our data analysis include: 1) the set of economies with better developed ICT Capabilities are relatively more efficient in converting ICT Capabilities into Public Value than the relatively poorer economies with less developed ICT Capabilities; 2) High levels of ICT capabilities in the areas of Affordability Readiness, Skills Readiness, the Political & Regulatory Environment, and Business Usage allow for relatively more efficient generation of Public Value.  相似文献   

The potential contributions information and communication technology (ICT) can make to advancing human capabilities are acknowledged by both the capability approach (CA) and ICT communities. However, there is a lack of genuine engagement between the two communities. This paper addresses the question: How can a collaborative dialogue between the CA and ICT communities be advanced? A prerequisite to exploring collaboratively the potential use of particular technologies with specific capabilities is a conceptual framework within which a dialogue can be undertaken to advance the operationalization of capabilities through the use of ICT. A communicative connection constituted of a dialogic space consisting of the CA and ICT communities and a set of normative values and objectives is proposed. The normative values of the communicative connection are derived from the human right to communicate (RTC) which serves as axiomatic principle of the communicative connection. The shared objectives are to operationalize through the use of ICT both the capability and the right to communicate, which are distinct but present in and reinforce each other. Alternative concepts of communication and freedom of expression to those held by the two communities is presented along with a comparison of the values embodied in the RTC and found in the CA.  相似文献   

Increasingly, information and communication technology (ICT) uses are transforming professional activities and interactions in ways that challenge traditional assumptions about professional identity. In this article, we consider the ways in which the professional identities of research scientists in oceanography and marine biology are shaped by the use of ICTs. We draw empirical data from an ongoing study of scientific research collaborations that examines uses of basic communication technologies, as well as scientific technologies with embedded ICT components. Our analysis suggests that development and use of ICT-enabled scientific technologies are identity enhancing for many scientists, facilitating their development of unique areas of scientific knowledge. ICT-related changes in data collection, collaborative coordination, and scientific interaction also challenge traditional definitions of expertise and professional identity. An examination of these challenges directs attention to the project identities that form around ICT-enabled scientific technologies and the ways that those project identities are enacted through ICTs.  相似文献   

This conceptual article discusses strategies of corporations in the information and communication technologies (ICT) sector and their role in the conflict over access to knowledge in the digital environment. Its main hypothesis is that ICT corporations are very capable actors when it comes to bridging digital divides in both developed and developing countries??maybe even the most capable actors. Therefore, it is argued that ICT corporations could use their capabilities to help citizens gain sustainable access to knowledge in order to enable them to lead self-sufficient lives. In a nutshell, capabilities are presented as both the input (capabilities of ICT corporations) as well as the output (capability building for empowering citizens) of corporate strategy-making focusing on fair ICT. Corporate citizenship is put forth as the theoretical concept bridging corporate strategies and access to knowledge: If ICT corporations act in accordance with their self-understanding of being ??good corporate citizens??, they could be crucial partners in lessening digital divides and helping citizens gain access to knowledge. From the perspective of ??integrative economic ethics?? (Ulrich 2008), it is argued that ICT corporations have good reason to actively empower citizens in both developed and developing countries by pursuing ??inclusive?? strategies in many fields, such as open-source software development. That way, ICT corporations could enable, support and provide citizens with capabilities enabling them to help themselves. In order to make inclusive business models work, the rules and regulations companies find themselves in today must enable them to act responsibly without getting penalized by more ruthless competitors. This article explores several cases from the ICT field to illustrate the interplay between a responsible business model and the rules and regulations of the industry. From a capabilities perspective, the most desirable mix of corporate strategies and industry regulation is one that results in the highest level of generativity (Zittrain 2008). Thus, ICT should not be closed systems only driven by the company behind them. Instead, they need to be open for the highest possible level of third-party innovation.  相似文献   

伍虹儒  柏满迎 《科研管理》2019,40(6):195-204
新兴市场的创新状况在很大程度上决定于该市场中优秀跨国公司(MNCs)的技术学习成熟度。文章从信息加工的角度,对9家跨国公司的105个项目团队进行分析,探讨这些团队或其内部技术学习(知识获取,信息发布,信息理解与组织记忆)对新产品开发(NPD)结果(项目成功,开发速度与产品适时进入市场)的影响。研究结果显示,技术学习的四种指标中,只有组织记忆与新产品开发结果无直接关联。通过区分项目的复杂程度,文章进一步分析上述影响关系。文章认为,信息解释与组织记忆有助于低复杂程度项目的成功。相反,对于高复杂程度项目而言,产品的开发速度取决于组织记忆。  相似文献   

数据赋能被认为是企业数字化转型的关键,数据及数据技术的发展推动了数据赋能研究,但已有研究存在的概念混用、体系混乱等问题阻碍了数据赋能研究的进一步发展。对此,本研究结合文献研究法厘清了数据赋能的概念基础,分析了数据赋能的研究现状,并展望了数据赋能未来的发展方向。研究表明数据赋能概念的定义需要关注系统的整体性,还指出基于国内情境的数据赋能研究的理论基础是资源基础理论和动态能理论,其与信息处理理论存在理论相似,而基于国外情境的数据赋能研究的理论基础则是激励理论,并与包容性创新理论存在理论相似。最后,针对本土情境从基础研究、研究方法与模型和应用研究三个方面展望了数据赋能的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

Corporate dynamic transparency: the new ICT-driven ethics?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The term “corporate transparency” is frequently used in scholarly discussions of business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR); however, it remains a volatile and imprecise term, often defined incompletely as “information disclosure” accomplished through standardized reporting. Based on the results of empirical studies of organizational behaviors, this paper identifies a new set of managerial practices based on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and particularly Internet-based tools. These practices are resulting in what can be termed “dynamic transparency.” ICT allows for an informational environment characterized by two-way exchange between corporations and their stakeholders, which fosters a more collaborative marketplace. It is proposed that such dynamic information sharing, conducted by means of ICT, drives organizations to display greater openness and accountability, and more transparent operations, which benefit both the corporations and their constituents. One of the most important outcomes that will accrue to consumers and other individuals is the “right to know,” especially about corporate strategies and activities that might directly affect their quality of life. This paper demonstrates that dynamic transparency is more desirable and more effective than the more common “static transparency” where firms’ information disclosure is one-way, usually in response to government regulation. We present three ethical arguments to justify the implementation by business firms of dynamic transparency and demonstrate that their doing so is related to CSR and to augment and complement stakeholder engagement and dialogue. The paper concludes with a summary of the possible limits to and the problems involved in the implementation of dynamic transparency for corporations, and suggests some strategies to counter them.  相似文献   

Using a case study of the Indian Tobacco Company's (ITC) e-Choupal initiative, the paper empirically analyses the role of information delivery through information and communication technology (ICT) in enhancing decision-making capabilities of Indian farmers. Users of e-Choupal show significantly better decision-making aptitudes, as compared to non-users, on various agricultural practices across the agricultural supply chain. Further, socio-demographic background's of the users such as education levels, the social category they belong to, income level's, and landholding size also play a significant role in impacting decision-making aptitudes. The impact is particularly prominent in production planning and post-harvest and marketing related decisions. Policy implications of these findings are discussed. The study emphasizes the importance of designing ICT enabled information systems to suit the socio-demographic profile of the user groups.  相似文献   

创新是引领发展的第一动力,企业是员工发展的平台,员工是企业创新的关键,二者共生共荣不可分。以社会交换理论为研究基础,探讨员工-组织交换、员工心理授权、研发管理、企业发展战略、组织认同感对科研创新绩效的影响机理,运用SPSS和AMOS对583份调查问卷进行数据分析,研究表明:员工-组织交换、心理授权、企业发展战略对科研创新绩效起到正向的影响作用。研发管理与创新绩效有显著的正相关关系,但与心里授权感呈现负相关关系,甚而会负向影响创新绩效。组织认同感不但正向影响科研创新绩效,而且在员工-组织交换、心理授权、企业发展战略、研发管理与科研创新绩效关系间起到中介和正向调节作用。研究发现有助于指导管理者采取合理措施,有效实施员工组织关系,并积极引导其根据研发活动的复杂性和专业特点探索、实施合乎自身实际的研发管理策略,以提升研发效能。  相似文献   

张音  张千惠  郑海东 《科研管理》2021,42(4):201-208
本文借助网络志及扎根理论方法,考察营销人员如何借助在线商人社区对其电商营销活动进行赋能。研究发现,营销人员加入在线商人社区有助于其在电商营销专业知识和技能、心理状态以及对外影响力等方面获得提升,即实现赋能,而赋能对于社区成员获取在线交易机会有直接促进作用。社区信息特征、社交环境特征以及社区激励是影响赋能实现的前因,而上述因素通过影响社区成员对于社区和其他社区成员的融入水平,最终作用于赋能。  相似文献   

在企业、产业组织泛平台化发展的趋势下,平台化组织的创新优势体现在哪些方面,其作用机理又是需要深入研究。本文以员工的创新激情为着眼点,以创新自我效能感为中介变量剖析了平台化企业的人岗匹配和资源赋能所具有的创新优势。以77家企业数据为样本,通过建立跨层次的结构方程模型,得到如下结果:人岗匹配和资源赋能对员工创新激情具有跨层次的正向影响,其中创新自我效能感部分中介了人岗匹配对创新激情的影响,完全中介了资源赋能对创新激情的影响;资源赋能正向调节了人岗匹配对创新激情的直接正向影响;平台化企业的人岗匹配和资源赋能的平均水平要高于非平台企业,平台化企业员工创新激情的平均水平也要高于非平台化企业。该研究有助于解析平台化组织的创新优势,有助于为企业的平台化组织创新实践提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

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