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公司大学是企业继续教育和员工培训在新形势下产生的新模式,对企业的发展和人才开发具有重要意义。公司大学区别于传统学术性大学、但同时又与其有一定联系与合作。在激烈的竞争环境下,公司大学的创建,既需要有优秀的管理者,又需要在教育、企业管理的边界中寻求最佳结合点。  相似文献   


关于创建一流职业技术大学的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国在从制造业大国走向制造业强国的发展道路上,面临着技术创新和技能人才不足的双重障碍,急需以一流职业技术类型院校为平台,培养大批具有创新精神和实践技能的一流技术人才;同时,高职教育已经成为高等教育的重要组成部分和国家发展的重要推动力量,实施人才强国战略、建设高等教育强国,应在重视一流研究型大学建设的同时,把一流职业技术大学的建设纳入其中。建设一流职业技术大学,不仅需要国家发展战略和地方政府的支持,学校自身还要具有追求卓越的强烈内在动力。  相似文献   

高等/成人教育的新视点:公司大学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
章对全球范围内高等教育和成人教育领域中的公司大学现象进行了介绍和分析。主要探讨了什么是公司大学,公司大学产生的背景、运作机制和未来发展方向等问题。虽然其取材和案例大多来源于美国.但具有普遍意义,希望能引起我国高等教育和成人教育研究的关注。  相似文献   

职业大学是在我国高等教育和职业技术教育相交叉的领域里诞生的。十度春秋,从无到有,走过一个曲折艰难的历程。1988年有128所,1989年剩下119所,至1990年,国家教委正式允许招生的仅57所,从诞生、飞跃、悬停、萎缩,人们不约而同地思考着一个问题:职业大学向何处去? 对于职业大学的教育规律作一个完整的描述需要一个过程。过去曾把职业大学的特征概括为走读、短学制、地方性、不包分配、职业性,这是根据当时职业大学的雏形归纳出来的。十年之后,反思一下,  相似文献   

本文指出,如今在民间发表的大学综合实力排行榜存在不分办学层次、办学特色,评估指标体系不合理不科学、误导社会的问题。本文同时指出,在教育部的引导下开展的对学科、专业的评估活动,并由此产生的学科专业排行榜,则对我国高等教育的健康发展产生积极深远的影响。  相似文献   

在欧洲的大部分国家里都先后成立了各种规模和形式的高等教育质量保障机构,并有了自己的一系列教育评估的手段和方法。可以说,欧洲的高等教育评估不仅带动着欧洲本土大学的发展,也是世界其他国家和地区高等教育质量保障的学习和研究的对象。因此,了解并分析欧洲高等教育评估的先  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国高等教育的快速发展,高校的质量问题引起社会和公众的广泛关注,以提供有关高校比较性“质量信息”自许的各种大学排行不仅因此备受媒体的青睐,而且引起越来越多高等教育研究者的重视。在中国学术期刊全文数据库2001—2006年收录的论文中,用“大学排行”或“大学排名”作为关键词进行主题检索,  相似文献   

This paper reports on a survey of the use of video as a teaching resource within one British University, drawing on evidence gathered during 1995 from fourteen Schools within its four Faculties. It identifies the factors and issues which influence the use of video in teaching, including management of video resources within the Schools; how video is used to support teaching strategies; and its perceived usefulness as a teaching resource. Findings note the extent to which video is used across the University; the factors that support or discourage its use; and the awareness and expectations that teaching staff have of video as a teaching tool. The discussion offers some recommendations as to how video use may be supported and improved within the University. The research could form the basis for a larger study to establish whether the findings from this survey may be typical of the picture in higher education generally.  相似文献   

During the preparation of new institutes of higher education and adult education, policy makers often ask for needs research, mostly in order to forecast the number of future students. In this paper it is argued that needs research generally is not a good means for deciding whether a new institute should be or can be established: it leads to postponement of decisions and it rests on wrong assumptions about needs and on a misunderstood service orientation in education.

When a decision has been taken to establish an institute, research can help planners and programmers by collecting data about future students. Some examples are given from the activities of the Staff Bureau for Research and Evaluation of the Dutch Open University.

Consideration of the techniques and assumptions of needs research leads to a research program in which more qualitative research techniques are incorporated in counselling and outreach activities and are more oriented at specific target groups than at the general public.  相似文献   

Research as a model for university teaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Growing and developing as a university researcher   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While there is a substantial body of literature on academics’ development as teachers, investigation of their development as researchers post-PhD is rare. This study undertook an investigation of academics’ ways of understanding their own growth and development as a university researcher. Four qualitatively different ways of understanding research development emerged: (1) Becoming confident as a researcher; (2) Becoming recognised as a researcher; (3) Becoming more productive as a researcher; and (4) Becoming more sophisticated as a researcher. The first category of development was seen as most relevant to the early stages of an academic career, when doing a PhD or during one’s first academic appointment, but may also re-occur at later stages of a career during changes in research direction, etc. The last three categories are seen as relevant to all career stages, including more advanced stages as well as the early stages of a research career. Comparisons between academics’ ways of understanding their growth and development as a university researcher and as a university teacher are also presented.  相似文献   


The paper begins by outlining evidence that mentorships are extensive in British higher education. Second, it examines the role of the mentor, drawing attention to the complexity and confusion that exists around this central issue. Next, the authors turn to the various models of mentoring. Taking issue with those who support formal intervention and hierarchical relationships, they argue for a more organic approach, in which regulations are not closely prescribed and participants are empowered to develop their partnership in ways that are congruent with their culture. The paper questions the relative lack of convincing data on the effectiveness of mentoring, either from research or from within organizations’ own evaluation systems, and suggests a future research agenda focused on this issue. Throughout, the focus is on the role of the mentor rather than the role of the mentee or protégé, drawing on data from the authors’ own universities, two ‘old’ research‐led universities with traditions of collegiality (Nottingham is a large provincial university that was founded in the 1880's and acquired a Royal Charter in 1948; Keele dates from 1950, is a smaller, campus‐based university, with strong traditions of multi‐disciplinarity).  相似文献   

大学生校园情境下癔症发作的心理干预   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究在大学校园情境下对癔症发作的大学生进行危机干预和治疗的重要性及有效措施.方法:案例分析、专家访谈.结果:校园情境下对癔症发作的大学生进行危机干预和治疗有十分重大的意义,干预和治疗措施必须考虑其特殊的教育情境因素和个体成长发展的需要.结论:心理治疗、医学治疗和心理健康教育相结合,不断改善个体心理品质和社会心理环境是消除癔症及其影响的根本途径.  相似文献   

高校内部规则是高校法制的重要组成部分.目前,高校内部规则以效率与秩序为其现实价值取向,而忽视其理想价值--公平与正义.高校内部规则适用特别权力关系,理想价值的实现需要用公务法人的内部规则效力条件和法律保留原则对其进行有利的效力规制.法律调控上应坚持正当程序原则并建立一系列调控机制.  相似文献   

开展大学教学动力研究既是大学教学论研究应有之义,又是回应与应对当前大学教学实践中教师厌教、学生厌学之现实诉求,可以说重视与加强大学教学动力研究不仅必要而且必须。文章认为大学教学动力研究有求真与致用两大主题,要在坚守教学论立场的基础上诉诸多学科范式对大学教学动力的事实性问题和操作性问题进行研究,当前大学教学动力研究面临研究动力不足、研究方法不妥以及研究视野不开阔的难题。  相似文献   

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