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In a state-wide questionnaire survey dealing with practical work in school science, science teachers (N = 257) in Tasmanian schools and matriculation colleges were required to respond to a validated list of 10 aims for practical work in order to establish a relative order of importance of aims according to practicing teachers. The aims were then rewritten as possible influences (as perceived by students) and the relative order of importance of influences established for the students (N = 724). The orientation of teachers and students towards the set of aims/influences of practical work were first examined separately and then compared. Teacher's aims are associated with a clear rank ordering of importance which shows little change over the whole grade range. The implications of this educational emphasis is discussed. It is argued that teachers aims are in some respects misguided or misjudged and when viewed against student perceptions there are some major mismatches. The instrument would appear to be a simple and useful way of evaluating the orientation of teachers and students towards the role of practical work in schools and raises many issues about the quality of the enterprise.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide an overview of the literature on understandings of drop out/opt out from science, technology and mathematics (STM) higher education programmes. After outlining the literature on students leaving higher education programmes in general, we then explore the research on drop out/opt out from STM programmes in particular, with an emphasis on research since 2000. We show that most of the research focuses on overcoming deficits in students' prior knowledge, but that a more specific focus on identities as an analytical framework for understanding young people leaving STM higher education programmes is also emerging. We show that it is important to shift from considering drop out as an individual problem for the student to regard it as a feature of the relationship between students and their study programmes. In the same way, measures to increase retention rates must shift from focusing on individual student adaptation to studies addressing institutional change. However, this change is difficult since it is entwined with fundamental conceptions of science and teaching.  相似文献   

This paper reports a comparative study of attitudes to the aims of practical work given by science teachers from Egypt, Korea and the UK. The ratings of aims given by specific groups of teachers can be used to characterize those groups. The characterizations can be interpreted from knowledge of the conditions in which teachers work. The choice of aims reflects pedagogic practice. The UK teachers have attitudes to aims for practical that reflect current concerns in the UK for investigations. The Korean teachers show a positivistic attitude to science and aims for practical which can be traced back to the emphasis on factual recall and illustrative practicals. The Egyptian teachers show concerns in their choice of aims for practical work which can be traced back to the lack of practical work in current Egyptian science education. All three groups express a common attitude to the aims of practical work that reflect an acknowledgement of the methods by which scientists make new knowledge. It is conjectured that the differences between the groups of teachers might be best understood using an evolutionary approach to the fit of teachers' ideas to their conditions of work.  相似文献   

高校“两课”教学现状有喜有忧,如何提高“两课”教学的效果,确实让大学生感到“两课”必不可少,还需广大教师做大量扎实的工作,同时也需要学校给予多方面支持,才能使“两课”教学改革收到实效。  相似文献   

形成性评价在大学英语教学中具有重大的实践意义,最主要的功能是帮助教师了解学生进展,进而调整改进教学工作。  相似文献   

改革实践教学体系 培养应用型人才   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实践教学对培养学生综合应用专业知识的能力以及创新能力起着至关重要的作用。本文在探讨实践教学的现状与存在问题的基础上,剖析实践教学体系改革的必要性,结合我校人才培养目标,构建应用型人才培养模式的实践教学体系,提出了具体的执行措施与方法。  相似文献   

为了达到双语教学的最佳效果,应当对双语教学目标有正确的认知。双语教学的目标包括基本目标和发展目标。本文辨析了双语教学目标的认知内涵,指出了建立正确双语教学目标认知的必要性和重要性。  相似文献   

本文以会展英语在实际工作项目中的应用为出发点,结合教学实际,对增强会展英语教学中课程设置与实际工作项目的衔接措施进行着重分析。  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of the first phase of a three-year study investigating the efficacy of the digitisation of creative practical work as digital portfolios for the purposes of high-stakes summative assessment. At the same time the paired comparisons method of scoring was tried as an alternative to analytical rubric-based marking because we believed that it was likely that a more holistic approach to scoring would be more appropriate. Researchers created digital representations of the practical submissions of 75 Visual Arts and 82 Design students graduating from secondary school in Western Australia. These digital portfolios were scored using the two methods, with the scores compared to those officially awarded to the physical forms. It was concluded that the digital representations of the Visual Arts submissions had adequate fidelity for the purpose of awarding high-stakes scores particularly using the paired comparisons method. However, the Visual Arts teachers and students were opposed to digitisation. For the Design portfolios teachers and students were supportive of digital submission, but the structure of the portfolios reduced the reliability and validity of scores, particularly from analytical marking.  相似文献   

Since scientific literacy has become a key goal in science education, many people have argued in favor of the incorporation of inquiry in science education. However, scattered in the literature are extrinsic and intrinsic teaching challenges linked to the design and implementation of inquiry-based practical work (IBPW) in secondary school science classrooms. The purpose of this systematic literature review was to characterize and clarify the intrinsic challenges. From an instructional design perspective, the characterization of the challenges yielded four primary categories. The categories consist of initiation-phase challenges (such as unfavorable views regarding science and practical work), planning-phase challenges (including difficulties involved in designing IBPW), implementation-phase challenges (e.g., persuading learners to reflect on their experiences and findings), and summative evaluation-phase challenges which include concerns linked to the grading of practical inquiry. In the different categories, the challenges are linked to gaps in various aspects of teacher competencies especially in the context of the TPACK framework. The aspects include content knowledge (CK) (such as science content and scientific inquiry); in addition to technological knowledge (TK) linked to standard technologies. Also included is pedagogic CK (including orientation toward science teaching). Moreover, some of the intrinsic challenges are linked to gaps in skills (including pervasive classroom management and practical skills); in addition to values (such as commitment). These results have theory-, practice-, and research-based implications.  相似文献   

提出关注化学教学情境创设,能培养学生创新和独立解决问题的能力,诱发学生创造想象的兴趣和动机,进而培养学生的变通能力,从而有效的提升教学效率.  相似文献   

During the teaching process, a multitude of problems arise in establishing and maintaining relationships with students. The need to fully understand teaching requires more detailed and explicit knowledge regarding the ways teachers perceive and think about their classroom actions. This collective case study focuses on investigating teachers’ expectations of their teaching actions as well as the varying levels of intensity within differential teaching investments in expected teaching actions. Structured interviews were conducted with 10 primary school teachers, and the data were analysed using a primarily inductive coding scheme. The results provide a detailed exploration of two approaches, the interactional approach and the instructional approach, and their respective teaching methods. In both approaches, teachers’ investments in expected teaching actions illustrate a continuum of low and high intensities. The results may assist in gaining a better understanding of the situational demands of teaching. By being more conscious of their teaching actions, teachers can develop their pedagogical skills more deliberately.  相似文献   

随着国家二孩政策的全面放开,高龄产妇随之增多,这对助产士提出了更高要求。助产士不但要有扎实的理论知识,还要有熟练的助产技能。在助产学实训教学过程中,以临床工作过程为主线,设计实训模块,在此基础上引入BOPPPS教学模式,并结合客观结构化临床考核模式,可使学校教学更好对接临床工作,提高助产士的临床助产技能。  相似文献   

随着我国经济和可以将的进一步发展,资产评估在社会中发挥着越来越重要的作用,同时,在高校,资产评估专业实践性的教学也越来越受到大家的重视,可以说,资产评估专业实践性的教学环节在整个的资产评估专业的教学中有着重要的地位,发挥着重要的作用。在资产评估专业的实践性教学环节中,立体式实战演练法对于资产评估专业的教学有着重要的作用,受到教学工作者和研究者的关注。基于这样的一种背景,探讨资产评估专业实践性教学的体系如何构建,同时对于立体式实战演练法在资产评估专业实践性教学环节中的应用进行了分析。  相似文献   


This interpretive study of the implementation of a school-based assessment scheme of biology practical work in Hong Kong examines three teachers' struggles with the issue of fairness in relation to their classroom actions. Though the teachers' discourses were dominated by, and their classroom actions were pre-eminently influenced by, the notion of fairness, they did so in three qualitatively different ways: (1) fair in the sense of assessing students on a fair basis; (2) fair in the sense of not jeopardizing students' chances to learn the subject matter while they are being assessed; and (3) fair in the sense of not depriving students' of opportunities of receiving all-round education. The implication is that assessment innovation is a necessary, but not a sufficient, mechanism for changes within our educational system. The role of the teacher is challenged by the new assessment scheme?the co-existence of assessment and learning requires a significant change in the teacher's pedagogy. For teachers to implement the new programme their existing understanding and beliefs concerning assessment must be challenged and opportunities provided for them to come to terms with the philosophy of the new assessment scheme. Most importantly, the teachers themselves must undertake such a learning process.  相似文献   

《全日制义务教育生物课程标准(实验稿)》明确指出生物课程目标由知识、能力和情感态度与价值观3个方面组成,教学是以教育目标定向的活动,在初中生物学教学中要有效地实施情感教育,就必须先确定情感教育目标。  相似文献   

研究性学习特别注重学生对知识和技能的实际应用,强调学生参与学习的过程和亲自的实践及体验。因此,在生物教学中开展研究性学习时确定教学目标很重要,那么如何确定教学目标呢?笔者认为应从以下6个方面确定。  相似文献   

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