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International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education - The aim of this paper is to discuss preservice mathematics teachers’ in-the-moment noticing of mathematical opportunities and how...  相似文献   

While learning journals (LJs) have been shown to support self-regulated learning strategies, reflection and learning outcomes in academic contexts, few studies have investigated their relevance in vocational education. A mobile and online learning journal (MOLJ) was developed to support reflection on workplace experiences. However, acceptance of the mobile and online learning journal by apprentices and supervisors is not trivial. This study investigated how apprentices use the mobile and online learning journal and why they use it that way. The mobile and online learning journal was developed for apprentices in the field of bakery and contains a recipe book, a smartphone app to take pictures of workplace experiences, and a learning journal for reflection. Apprentices’ workplace supervisors have access to the mobile and online learning journal to provide support and feedback. A mixed method study was conducted with 16 apprentices. Indicators of their use of the mobile and online learning journal were recorded, while reasons for use were studied by questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Four kinds of users of the mobile and online learning journal were identified: Multifunction users, picture takers, learning journal users, and overall low users. The most determining factors for the acceptance and use of the mobile and online learning journal by apprentices were their interest in the use of a smartphone at the workplace, their acceptance of reflection on workplace experiences through the mobile and online learning journal, and supervisors’ participation and provision of feedback. Promoting the use of learning journals by apprentices requires strong guidance in the design of the learning journal as well as support and feedback from supervisors. Taking pictures from the workplace proves useful for learning and sharing experience in vocational training.  相似文献   

This paper examines Donald Schön’s critique of Herbert Simon’s ‘science of design’ to determine whether later developments in Simon’s thought – particularly, his theories of ‘bounded rationality’ and ‘goal-less designing’ – can contribute to an appreciation of Schön’s notion of reflective practice. The paper then argues, that viewed through the optic of ‘assessment for learning,’ teaching may be conceived as ‘goal-less and reflective design,’ and the practice thereof may lead to more effective teaching.  相似文献   


In 1990, a group of Slovenian researchers and teachers from eight elementary schools joined the international project Environment and School Initiatives, co‐ordinated by OECD/CERI. This paper presents some dilemmas and insights resulting from the co‐operation of ‘pedagogical support persons’ with teachers during the project, using the action research paradigm which presupposes a partnership relation and mutual learning of all involved. The paper has two parts. The first part deals with the rationale of educational support and with some dilemmas encountered, such as: What is action in action research on environmental education? How to help teachers develop initiative and self‐confidence in doing action research? (avoiding the trap of giving recipes, but also another trap of giving “freedom” where teachers needed genuine help and direct feed‐back on what they were doing). The second part is a case study of one of the Slovenian projects, illustrating the problematic nature of the relationship between action and reflection, between making others understand the underlying complexity of environmental problems and developing one's own deep understanding. The process of maturing and developing genuine communication is illustrated by quotations and interpretations from the perspective of all “three circles’: the pupil's, the teacher's and the support person's. to condemn, but not so easy to understand. I may illustrate this from my experience, but first I shall proceed with my interview.  相似文献   

This study reports the transformations of 3 science teachers who conducted action research projects following a model, unique to our graduate program, which follows the theoretical tenets of adult and transformative learning theory. Teachers video their teaching, engage in weekly peer group collaborative reflection sessions, collaborate with students, and consult with other sources to identify goals for improving their teaching practices, develop action plans, and analyze the results of their actions. As a result of this process, all 3 teachers changed their pedagogical approach from a teacher centered textbook driven approach to a student centered inquiry based approach. Implications of using this model as a powerful means of professional development for science teachers are explored.  相似文献   

In the fast changing world of health care the need for therapists to be reflective practitioners is no longer disputed. How reflection is taught and assessed at undergraduate level is however more contentious. This longitudinal study explores the experiences of students undergoing a number of assessments of reflection and also examines whether members of faculty have similar perceptions of those assessments. Analysis of data from focus groups and individual interviews suggest that students have a number of concerns about the assessment of reflection, some of which are shared by faculty. The paper concludes that the process of reflection is better left unassessed.  相似文献   


In this study, a grounded theory approach was adopted to develop the heterospective reflection framework as an explanatory and analytical schema for the investigation of reflection on the action of others via video observations. Borrowed from the arts, the term heterospective denotes “otherness.” Data collection was conducted over four years through semi-structured interviews with 25 pre-service teachers at a higher education institution in midwestern United States. The data analysis generated the framework’s mechanism, comprising the core elements termed guided observation, retrospective reflection, integrative reflection and introspective reflection, and its mediating devices consisting of the action of others and the reframing of teaching practice. Findings suggest that the framework’s reflective modes function in nonhierarchical interactions, as cognitive-metacognitive shifts occur bi- or multi-directionally on a horizontal plane rather than sequentially on a vertical plane as pre-service teachers reflect on the action of others. Implications for research and practice include enhancements to teacher preparation programs and the development of instruments to evaluate reflective practice.  相似文献   

Institutional effectiveness indicators currently published rarely consider differential resource and cost issues. Here, after reviewing some issues surrounding the quality of indicators, cost‐effectiveness is considered. Multilevel models of cost‐effectiveness are applied to a number of different types of institution in England providing courses of instruction in the General Certificate of Education at Advanced Level. Variation between teaching groups is recognised as important. It is concluded that different impressions may be gained of institution's relative effectiveness when cost considerations are combined with outcome measures. Data needs for evaluations of cost‐effectiveness are also considered.  相似文献   

Action Learning is a well-proven method to integrate ‘task’ and ‘process’, as learning about team and self (process) takes place while delivering on a task or business challenge of real importance (task). An Action Lab® is an intensive Action Learning programme lasting for 5 days, which aims at balancing and integrating individual challenges and business challenges, as well as the ‘Action’ and the ‘Learning’ of Action Learning. However, in spite of the aspiration to balance and integrate ‘task’ and ‘process’, a tendency and a challenge is experienced: When deeply involved in delivering on a business challenge, participants tend to shy away from or see reflection on the process as disturbing or disrupting. This tendency is like a seesaw: When the pressure of the task increases, awareness about the process goes down. This account of practice aims at exposing and understanding better this tendency by sharing a study looking into what hinders and promotes mindful awareness on the process, while dealing with a business challenge in an Action Lab®. Drawing on the findings, the account of practice will share some recommendations for the Action Learning facilitator to take up the challenge of integrating task and process whenever the seesaw is tipping.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate young children’s perspectives related to their experiences in child care. Researchers used individual interviews and drawings in an early childhood program in Denmark and one in the United States as the basis for examining children’s perspectives on their everyday lives in child care. Observations documented the everyday cultural practices for the children in the two child care centers and provided a foundation for interpreting the interviews and the drawings. The information collected was analyzed to determine what aspects of child care young children like best and least, as well as their thoughts on the adults and peers in their center.  相似文献   

陈小敏 《海外英语》2012,(20):155-157
The author tries to discusses some characteristics of a teaching method-communicative language teaching.It refers to the method as a new metaphor and talks about what the metaphor might be.It also keys on the case where CLT guides Chinese classroom practice for English language learning and points out the problems the teachers encountered.In the end,it offers some directions for the future research.  相似文献   

Scholars have offered a number of different conceptualizations of compliance and compliance‐gaining which reflect broader competing perspectives. While there have been attempts to synthesize and clarify the empirical literature on compliance‐gaining, there has been little attention devoted to reviewing critically perspectives and conceptualizations focusing on persuaders attempting to get persuadees to do what they want. A review of the theoretical literature reveals that scholars have frequently developed their conceptualizations of compliance and compliance‐gaining from a social exchange or power perspective. It is shown how these two perspectives are manifested in the empirical research, especially those studies focusing on factors affecting strategy selection. The argument is made that conceptualizations and empirical studies reflecting these perspectives typically push communication into the background and reward/cost and power principles into the foreground of the compliance‐gaining process. Studies on teacher power in the classroom are provided as examples of how it is possible to adopt a power perspective and not undercut the role of communication in the gaining of compliance.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to describe a design and implementation of a school–university action research project about teaching and learning biology and mathematics in primary school. Nine teachers in grades 1 to 6, in collaboration with two researchers, were using content representation (CoRe) in learning study (LS)-inspired cycle as pedagogical tools when planning, implementing, and reflecting on lessons and pupil learning. By using pre- and post-tests, the teachers acquired knowledge about pupil subject-specific knowledge and learning. Some examples are given on how the tools in the project influenced the teaching practices and pupil learning. This research design brought together university and school practitioners to work collaboratively in a professional learning community, which developed teaching and learning in biology and mathematics.  相似文献   

周莲 《海外英语》2011,(15):217-218
From Oedipus the King and Thunderstorm, the masterpiece of tragedies, the author intended to throw light on the Jocasta and Fanyi, two female characters bearing sharply different cultural, social and religious mark, though, depicted similarly as unacceptable roles obsessed with the freak love and strong lust drive for their sons. Thus from the angle of respective emotional motivation, the author made a reflection on Jocasta’s crime and Fanyi’s punishment.  相似文献   

We empirically explored whether academics from pure/soft and pure/hard fields engage in reflective practice on teaching differently and, if so, whether these differences could be partially explained by the epistemological structure of their discipline. Interview data from academics in pure/hard (N = 30) and pure/soft fields (N = 10) were deductively analyzed according to different types and domains of reflection as well as the nature of learning underlying these reflections. The greatest differences between the two groups were found with respect to reflection on core beliefs as well as within the domain of educational goals and purposes, both being more common in soft fields. Soft and hard fields engaged in instrumental, communicative as well as emancipatory learning about teaching but to different degrees. We propose that teaching expertise requires a disposition to engage in reflection on core beliefs, particularly but not exclusively within the domain of goals and purposes, the latter involving both communicative and emancipatory learning. The theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed.
Carolin KreberEmail:

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