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一、词汇过关1.aid【用法】用作名词,意为“help,the act orresult of helping帮助”。例如:She came quickly to his aid.她急忙来帮他。【搭配】in aid of(to)用来帮助,起……作用aid还可表示“帮助者;有帮助的事物”。例如:An English-Chinese Dictionary is an important aid in learning English.英汉词典是学习英语的重要工具。用作动词,意为“to help帮助;援助”。例如:I aided him with m oney.我资助了他。【辨析】aid表示在经济或其他方面给予的帮助或援助,多指强者(或足够者)援助弱者,多用于团体。help指给人精神或物质上的帮助,强调受助者的需要,最常用,可代替其他同义词。assistance多指个人给予道义、知识、物质等方面的帮助,所提供的帮助往往只起辅助作用。例如:W e help each other and learn from eachother.我们互相帮助,互相学习。W hen all assist,the job can be d...  相似文献   

Hello,我的是名字叫help,在句中用作动词时,我的意思是帮助;援助,我的常用句式有:1....help sb.(……帮助某人)例如:Wang Han often helps me.(汪涵经常帮助我。)2....help sb.do sth.(帮助某人做某事)在这一句式中,help后接省略了to的不定式(短语)。例如:They helped the people there Plant manyfruit trees.(他们帮助那里的人们栽了许多果树。)  相似文献   

1.help help用作动词时,意为“帮助,援助”,常用于“help sb.(to)do sth.”或“help sb.withs th.”结构中。  相似文献   

1.help,aid,assistance这一组词都表示帮助。help和aid都可用作名词。help是最常用的说法,指为达到某种目的所必须的援助。aid是比较正式的说法,在日常生活中不常用,主要指在危险和困难情况下需要的援助或资助。  相似文献   

1.help help用作动词时,意为“帮助,援助”,常用于“help sb.(to)do sth.”或“help sb.with sth.”结构中。例如:[第一段]  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.aid【用法】用作名词,意为“help@the act orresult of helping帮助”。She came quickly to his aid.她急忙来帮他。【搭配】in aid of sb.支援或帮助某人aid还可表示“帮助者;有帮助的事物”。例如:An English-Chinese Dictionary is animportant aid in learning English.一本英汉词典是学习英语的重要工具。用作动词,意为“to help帮助;援助”。例如:I aided him with money.我资助了他。【辨析】aid表示经济或其他方面给予的帮助或援助,多指强者援助弱者,多用于团体。help指给人精神或物质上的帮助,强调受助者的需要,…  相似文献   

误:Under the help of Mr Smith, I have made great progress in English. 正:With the help of Mr Smith. I have made great progress in English. 分析:“在……帮助下,需用with sb.”s help或with the help of sb.。但在下列短语中应用under,如“在……领导下”under the leadership of…、“在……形势下”under…conditions.  相似文献   

The way of teaching in the early stages has been the question of discussion for years. Here I will limit myself to five points: (1) to help the students form good habits of learning; (2) to teach the students the perfection of the English sound system; (3) to help the students form good habits of reading; (4) to teach grammar in speech, not by constructing sentences according to rules; (5) to reduce to a minimum the use of translation by the learning of vocabulary. My aim is to put the question for further discussion.  相似文献   

A Banker Wins Nobel Peace Prize Muhammad Yunus and the bank he found- ed are honored for their work to help the world’s poor. Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank he founded were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday. They won the award for their efforts to help bring millions  相似文献   

1. Do you watch TV the evening?2. We need help our school trip.3. Can you help me my math, Li Ming?4. breakfast, I go school by bike.5. Thanks your help.6. I usually get up six oGclock every morning.7. In the afternoon I play football around an hour.8. Do…  相似文献   

<正>Pride comes before a fall.骄兵必败。Putting the cart before the horse.本末倒置。Amiss is as good asamile.差之毫厘,失之千里。God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助。  相似文献   

通过模式进行CIM到PIM的模型转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Model driven architecture (MDA) is an evolutionary step in software development. Model transformation forms a key part of MDA. The transformation from computation independent model (CIM) to platform independent model (PIM) is the first step of the transformation. This paper proposes an approach for this transformation with pattern. In this approach, we take advantage of "reuse" from various standpoints. Feature model is used to describe the requirement of the application. This can help us bring "reuse" into effect at requirement level. Moreover we use pattern to transform CIM to PIM. This can help us bring "reuse" into effect at development level. Meanwhile, pattern was divided into four hierarchies. Different hierarchies of pattern are used to help us utilize reuse at different phase of development. From another standpoint, feature model describes the problem of a domain while pattern describe the problem across domains. This can help us reuse the element in and across domains. Finally, the detailed process of the transformation is given.  相似文献   

Teaching Aims1.to help the students to review the structure:as...as,not so(as) ...as2 .to help the students to learn the phrases:a-gree with...,prefer...to...3.to help the students to master the“more...than.../ less...than...”structureTeaching Procedures .Revision(as...as,not so(as) ...as)1.Begin the class in a nature way:Teacher:Glad to see you again,my dear boysand girls!I'm very happy today,guess why.Student A:Your husband bought a beautifulcoat for you.Teacher:Of course I hope so.Bu…  相似文献   

O ne day, a poor farm er took a bag of w heat to tow n. H e didn’tknow w hatto do w hen the bag felloffhis horse. The bag w as too heavyfor him to lift.H e hoped thatsom eone w ould com e and help him . B efore long a m an cam e over.Butthe farm er’s heartsank w hen hesaw the m an,w ho w as the great m an in tow n.The farm er w as afraid toask for help. A s soon as he cam e up to the farm er, the great m an got off hishorse and said,“Y ou need m y help,don’tyou? L etm e help you. ”…  相似文献   

help 既可作动词用,又可作名词用,通过加后缀-ful 还可变成形容词。用法如下。一、作动词用。1.help somebody(to)do something 帮助某人做某事Can you help me to mend the kite.你能帮助我修理这只风筝吗?2.help somebody(with)something or doing something.在某方面帮助某人We helped them with the rice harvest.我们帮助他们收稻谷.3.help oneself to something 请随便吃点……吧(招待客人的常用交际用语。)  相似文献   

To help others, you don't have to be an efficient expert in the art; the main thing is the intention. You may be crude and clumsy, wasteful and ineffective, but if you sincerely  相似文献   

苏妍屏 《海外英语》2011,(9):101-102
Analysis of the current situation of non-English majors in learning English.Applied with learning motivation theory,pointing out the factors that influence the efficiency of learning,a set of methods are proposed to help non-English majors find their own way of learning English,in attempt to help them learn English more efficiently.  相似文献   

1 aid (1)n.help,sth.that helps帮助,有帮助的东西;援助,支援。eg: She came to my aid.她来帮助我。  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空。 1. ——Have you seen ____ English dictionary on the table? ——Yes, and it is ____ useful one. A. an; a B. the; an C. an; an D. a; a 2. ——I7m really glad to have you all here. ____. ——Thank you for your nice food, Mrs. Hunt. A. Take it easy B. Please don7t worry C. Please help yourself D. Please help yourselves 3. He said they would have ____ bridge ____. A. another; built B. other; built C. the other; build D. other; building 4. This storybook is ____. I wrote ____ …  相似文献   

One can view life from many different perspectives, and each perspective will reveal different aspects and details. As a teaching professional, teachers’ major aim is to help learners. This is the major justification for their career. If they don’t help learners, they will not enjoy teaching. Helping learners requires certain skills on the part of the teacher.  相似文献   

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