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近年来基于Adaboost的人脸检测算法因其快速和可接受的检测率得到了成功的应用,但Viola-Jones学习算法需要对级联分类器的每一个特征反复训练弱分类器显得非常缓慢。本文给出了一种新的级联检测器节点分类设计方法,首先将每个节点所有弱分类器的训练移到循环外,然后选择使强分类器有最小错误率的特征集代替选择单个最小加权误差的特征生成强分类器。实践表明该训练速度快于Viola-Jones的方法。  相似文献   

可靠的语音端点检测算法是稳健语音识别系统所必须的。针对现有算法在噪声环境下的稳健性问题,提出了基于单类SVM(Support Vecfor Machine)的端点检测算法。通过对多特征信息进行在线学习与综合,以及采用双层决策机制,有效提高了语音检测的稳健性。实验表明,算法在多种噪声环境和信噪比条件下有效,明显提高了语音识别系统在噪声环境下的识别率。  相似文献   

Automatic character detection and segmentation in natural scene images   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
INTRODUCTION Text detection and segmentation from a naturalscene is very useful in many applications. With theincreasing availability of high performance, lowpriced, portable digital imaging devices, the applica-tion of scene text recognition is rapidly expanding. Byusing cameras attached to cellular phones, PDAs, orstandalone digital cameras, we can easily capture thetext occurrences around us, such as street signs, ad-vertisements, traffic warnings or restaurant menus.Automatic recogn…  相似文献   

基于平稳小波变换的高鲁棒性的边缘提取   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
借鉴平稳小波变换的多尺度分析思想,结合模糊聚类均值法,提出了一种高鲁棒性的图像边缘提取算法.该算法利用平稳小波变换的位移不变性,将小波分解后的分量进行配准构成一像素的特征向量,然后利用模糊c-均值进行无监督分类,分割图像,最后用Canny算子提取图像边缘.用一系列附加不同强度的高斯白噪声图像测试了该算法的有效性.实验证明在图像受到较强噪声(如附加高斯白噪声)污染时,该算法仍可检测到较好的边缘效果,展现出良好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

Robust design and optimization for autonomous PV-wind hybrid power systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study presents a robust design method for autonomous photovoltaic (PV)-wind hybrid power systems to obtain an optimum system configuration insensitive to design variable variations. This issue has been formulated as a constraint multi-objective optimization problem, which is solved by a multi-objective genetic algorithm, NSGA-II. Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) method, combined with Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS), is applied to evaluate the stochastic system performance. The potential of the proposed method has been demonstrated by a conceptual system design. A comparative study between the proposed robust method and the deterministic method presented in literature has been conducted, The results indicate that the proposed method can find a large mount of Pareto optimal system configurations with better compromising performance than the deterministic method. The trade-off information may be derived by a systematical comparison of these configurations, The proposed robust design method should be useful for hybrid power systems that require both optimality and robustness.  相似文献   

在智能车辆自主导航中,对于复杂多变道路的识别和定向,在机器视觉辅助的前提下,往往需要借助许多其他复杂的传感器进行综合定位,增加了车辆的制造成本。造成这一现状的一个重要原因,是由于透视原理所引起的视觉畸变使得我们很难对当前的路面情形作出判断。提出了一种基于色差分割的阈值算法,在此基础上使用IPM(逆透视映射)算法,将相机拍摄到的世界坐标系下的三维景物转换成其在二维平面上的投影图,以此来修复由于透射原理所造成的视觉畸变。  相似文献   

给出了计算机网络入侵、入侵检测和入侵检测技术的概念;介绍了入侵检测中的滥用检测和异常检测。从机器学习这个角度对增强学习和支持向量机等比较具有独特性的入侵检测技术作了介绍和评述。  相似文献   

传统的学习方式已成为影响基础教育课程改革的一大障碍。帮助学生改变单一、被动的学习方式为多样化的、合作的、体验的、探究式的学习方式应成为小学英语课程教学实践的教研重点。小学生英语学习的过程应该是由学生亲自参与的、丰富生动的思维活动,在教师帮助下,学生经历一个理解、实践和主动建构的学习过程。  相似文献   

Active learning involves students engaging with course content beyond lecture: through writing, applets, simulations, games, and more (Prince, 2004 Prince, M. 2004. “Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research.” Journal of Engineering Education 93: 223232.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). As mathematics is often viewed as a subject area that is taught using more traditional methods (Goldsmith &; Mark, 1999 Goldsmith, L. T., &; J. Mark. 1999. “What is a Standards-Based Mathematics Curriculum?”. Educational Leadership 57: 4044.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), there are actually many simple ways to make undergraduate mathematics courses more active, starting with the discussion of the syllabus. This article describes simple ways to turn course introductions, review of prior knowledge, and formative assessment into active learning experiences for students.  相似文献   

A new kind of region pair grey difference classifier was proposed. The regions in pairs associated to form a feature were not necessarily directly-connected, but were selected dedicatedly to the grey transition between regions coinciding with the face pattern structure. Fifteen brighter and darker region pairs were chosen to form the region pair grey difference features with high discriminant capabilities. Instead of using both false acceptance rate and false rejec- tion rate, the mutual information was used as a unified metric for evaluating the classifying performance. The parame- ters of specified positions, areas and grey difference bias for each single region pair feature were selected by an opti- mization processing aiming at maximizing the mutual information between the region pair feature and classifying dis- tribution, respectively. An additional region-based feature depicting the correlation between global region grey inten- sity patterns was also proposed. Compared with the result of Viola-like approach using over 2 000 features, the pro- posed approach can achieve similar error rates with only 16 features and 1/6 implementation time on controlled illumi- nation images.  相似文献   

获得全国多媒体课件大赛一等奖的《After Effects影视后期合成》多媒体课件提出利用建构主义和案例驱动教学法指导课件设计,并通过多媒体技术将学习内容展示给学习者,使学习者能够主动参与到学习过程中,同时还可以对相关的技能及时进行实践并加以掌握,制作多媒体课件过程中还普遍存在信息过多等问题。  相似文献   

针对非平稳噪声环境下的语音活动检测问题,提出了基于在线单类SVM的自适应语音活动检测算法。该算法采用单类SVM对多种特征信息进行在线学习与综合,为非平稳背景噪声建模,并采用双层决策机制,能有效提高语音活动检测的稳健性。在语音识别系统中的实验结果表明,算法在多种噪声环境和信噪比条件下有效,并明显提高了在非平稳噪声环境下的识别率。  相似文献   

网络流量异常检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种新颖的网络洪流攻击的异常检测机制.这种检测机制的无状态维护、低计算代价的特性保证了自身具有抗洪流攻击的能力.本文以检测SYN洪流攻击为实例详细阐述了异常检测机制.这个机制应用EWMA方法检测网络流的突变, 并运用对称性分析方法检测网络流的异常活动.测试结果表明本文所提出的检测机制具有很好的检测洪流攻击的准确度, 并具有低延时特性.  相似文献   

This article details an approach to teaching entrepreneurship to Higher National Diploma (HND) students that combines lecture-based and experiential learning processes to increase student learning, comprehension, and entrepreneurial skills. A UK university redesigned an entrepreneurship course to have students design and implement business plans for a pop-up shop and an event in the local community, while working closely with instructors and outside stakeholders. The lectures used in the lessons were designed to complement the enterprise activities and be immediately applied in group work settings. Data were collected from student reflections and analysed against instructor reflections to highlight both the success and challenges of this approach, as well as any areas of dissonance between student and instructor observations. While the benefits of active and experiential learning processes are highlighted in the literature, this article examines these teaching methods specifically in a HND context, an area in which research on the benefits of these teaching methods for developing entrepreneurial students and for developing students prepared for undergraduate education has been limited.  相似文献   

无线环境监测系统主要是由单片机、无线收发器和传感器构成的一套无线环境监测模拟装置,对周边温度和光照信息进行探测和显示。其中,监测终端主要由无线收发系统和单片机及显示模块构成;探测节点主要由传感器模块、单片机和无线收发系统构成。这一设计实现了自动探测、无线收发、自动显示及节点转发功能,结构简单,功耗低,探测距离可达到50CM以上且时延少于5S。  相似文献   

针对传统频谱感知方法易受噪声波动影响的缺点,提出了一种认知无线电自适应双门限能量检测算法.该算法基于双门限能量检测,通过比较认知用户接收的能量值和预定义的门限值,判断当前信道状态并自适应地选择一轮感知或两轮感知.推导了所提算法的检测概率、虚检概率和感知时间的性能表达式,并采用蒙特卡洛仿真得到信噪比与检测概率、感知时间的...  相似文献   

In this article I present an activity introducing statistical concepts to engineering students to help them develop inductive reasoning and problem‐solving skills.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Owing to the increasing demand for high reliabilityin manyindustrial processes , much attention has beenpaid to the problem of fault detection and diagnosis(FDD) in dynamic systems over the past two decades .Fruitful results can be found in a survey paper[1]andbooks[2 ,3]. It is well known that faults in a dynamic systemcantake many forms .They can be actuator faults ,sensorfaults ,unexpected abrupt changes of some parametersor even unexpected structure changes[4 ,5]. The pur-…  相似文献   

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