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My Pencil-box     
I have a very beautiful pencil-box. I like it very much.
One day six years ago when I was in primary school, my mother took me to a shop to buy a pencil-box. I still remember that first I saw a big and beautiful one, but it was not strong enough. I didn't like it at all, then we went on to look for another pencil-box. Suddenly I saw a very small but nice one, and it was also stronger than others. So I was very glad to have it, on which we spent only five yuan.  相似文献   

A I had my first job at the age of thirteen,when a friend of my mother who owned a bookshop hired me for six hours a week to help her in the shop.I was very 1 to earn my own pocket money and my parents 2 interfered(干涉)with how I spent it,even when I was spending it 3.They believed that by earning money,spending it,and learning from the 4,I would  相似文献   

Letters to Bob     
Dear Bob,This is the first time I bought Overseas English. I was very happy to read your column on Surgery in the October issue. I found it enjoyable to read your article.You feel so different from others during your stay in the hospital. This feeling is very precious. I was in the hospital for a month when I was 19 years old. My condition was very bad during that time. I failed to pass my exam and couldn't enter the  相似文献   

When I was very young, with my mother's influence, I fell in love with English. I liked it so much that my parents sent me to an English class when I was eight. I was young and I couldn't fit at first. The strange English words were hard for me to accept. And then, the teacher taught me the basic English-phonetic, symbols and ABC. They helped me to learn English words  相似文献   

My Dog     
Three years ago, my mother gave me a little yellow dog. I liked it very much. I liked to play with it after school. It also liked to follow me wherever I went. I was very glad that I had a "body guard".  相似文献   

A Little Dog     
When I was ten years old, a little dog called Xueqiu came into my life as a birthday present. It was a pretty dog with long white hair. And the hair felt very soft. At first I hated it, because I didn't like animals at all. But wherever I went it always followed me as if it liked me. Slowly and slowly, I began to like it, too. One day, our family were going to my grandma's in our car without taking Xueqiu. But after we drove more than twenty minutes, the dog suddenly came out from under the seat. That made us laugh happily. My father said,"Xueqiu brings us not only happiness but also surprise."One evening it was time for dinner, but I couldn't find my little brother. My parents were worried about him. At that time, Xueqiu came back. It cried loudly, and then ran out very fast. I ran after it. A long time later, I saw my brother. He was badly hurt in his right leg. Looking at him, I felt very sad. Then I took him to a hospital for treatment. From then on, Xueqiu became a pet in our heart. It was a clever dog. It even warned me not to pollute the environment. Not too long ago, I threw about some rubbish in a park. It went on shouting until I picked it up and put it into a dustbin. Then it looked at me with a smile.  相似文献   

March 4 was an unforgettable day for me.It was my first day to this new school.Leaving my old friends,I had to face completely new circumstance. I got up very early that morning,and when I reached the school,I found that the door of class-  相似文献   

Pop Music     
Nowadays, many students like pop music very much, and I like it, too.When I was nine years old, I began to enjoy pop music. Pop music became an important part of my life. Pop music made me feel that life was very colourful. When I grew up little by little, I became more and more interested in pop music. So I saved the pocket money that I got at ordinary time and spent it buying tapes. At first, my parents tried to stop me from listening to pop music, but when they found that listening to t…  相似文献   

I was in a lift on rny way to my friend's flat. Suddenly the light in the lift went out, and the lift was out of order. I was very frightened because I was alone in it.I tried to force the door open, but I failed. So I felt for the alarm button and pressed it several times.  相似文献   

One day one of my friends asked me to take park in her birthday party. I wanted a new dress for the party. So I asked my mother to buy it for me. but my mother didn ' t agree with me. I was very angry with her. I shouted. "The love of beauty is an essential part of all  相似文献   

简评:文章时态用得很准确,利用一般过去时描述假期的生活,并且结尾用将来时的句子I will never forgetthe days in Sanya.来抒发自己的感受,说明作者对时态掌握得很好。文章结构较完整,但在写文章时应避免仅用一两种句型,而要根据实际情况灵活运用所学的各种句式,使文章有声有色。  相似文献   

一想到自己明天就没命了,不禁陷入极端的惶恐。我翻遍了口袋,终于找到一支没被他们搜走的香烟,但我的手紧张得不停发抖,连将烟送进嘴里都成问题,而我的火柴也在搜身时被拿走了。我透过铁栏望着外面的警卫,他并没有注意到我在看他,我叫了他一声:“能跟你借个火吗?”他转头望着我,耸了耸肩,然后走了过来,点燃我的香烟。  相似文献   

我梦想着有一天能够独自旅行,带上我的画本,像《土耳其手绘旅行》的作者张老师那样周游世界,通过眼睛和画笔来描绘这个世界的美丽。而在大一时我就利用假期开始了我的旅程,现在,我正在旅途中。  相似文献   

我正在赴一个重要的约会,可我已经晚了,还迷路了。我把自己的男人自尊压了压,打算找个地方问问路,最好是个加油站。我在城里绕了好久了,油箱快空了,而时间更是重要。我发现从消防站里透出的琥珀色灯光。还有比这个更好的问路的地方吗?我很快从车里下来,穿过马路去消防站,三扇吊门都开着,我看见红色的消防车门都开着,  相似文献   

After pinning on my volunteer badge, I settled down into my weekly routine at a local nursing home setting up Pokeno games, wheeling residents onto the veranda, and reading newspapers to the residents. At first, I did not expect my volunteer work to make much of a difference because it was all very simple tasks that anyone could do.……  相似文献   

It's Sunday today,I get up very late.After breakfast I help my mother do housework at home.I wash dishes and clean the floor.  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(2-3):116-138
… My mother was, in fact, the teacher that started my education, and even before I first went to school, she had already taught me to recite poems of the T'ang and the Sung. I received my first schooling when I was four-and-a-half years old. There was a family school in my home that accepted mostly people from our own family, with the exception of one or two children of some relatives. The number of pupils was 10 or 12, and though it was a very small school, it included a variety of grades comprising college, middle school, primary school, and even kindergarten students….  相似文献   

My initial interest in multi-cultural art education coupled with a wish to promote more cultural equality was inspired by my two years teaching experience in Kenya, Africa. The contrast of cultures gave me an objective view of my own culture on my return home and I found that I had not only changed as a person as a result, but wanted to continue that change, which gave me the motivation to become a research student, whilst lecturing. As a lecturer in and around the Bristol area it came to my notice through informal conversations with my colleagues at work that they held quite racist views. This I felt was a very insular way of viewing the world when global communications were very efficient and wide spread. In view of this, I chose to investigate to what extent Further Education staff in art and design were racist, and to consider how that might affect students' performance in terms of self-esteem, achievement and assessment. I took a psychodynamic approach to the interview schedule which was based on my experience and training as an art therapist, as well as an artist-sculptor and lecturer, and used Race Awareness Training (RAT), and specific criteria to base and analyse the data collected during the research. An interpretative paradigm was used in the final analysis and evaluation of this small scale study. The qualitative methodology used was felt to be more applicable to a personal approach because it gained clearer and more honest information in this sensitive field.  相似文献   

很多人都说,了船一个地方的最好办法,就是去了解当地人?最佳选择莫过于身边的朋友,熟悉、自然、真实,而且十分生活化,而跟他们聊天.参与他们的生活是对当地生活最直接有效的体验。对于澳大利亚而言,更是如此.  相似文献   

We've already discussed about communicative language teaching for sometime.However,teachers hardly carry it out in reality,as if it is just an ideal idea of teaching,instead of a teaching method.Fortunately,I was lucky to be inspired by my teacher to touch this method.And I found that in my class,pupils were very enthusiastic about CLT teaching.Because,it can help them think that they are somewhat a kind of partner in classroom.In other words,they are not only put in but also can put out to others,which makes them proud of themselves and fill with fairly confident.Besides,the two approaches are very important in CLT class.  相似文献   

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