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社会助学工作是高等教育自学考试的重要组成部分,重庆市自考办开展了有声有色的助学示范试点工作。重庆市在2003年初决定建立自考助学示范园区,由市考办遴选办学思想端正、组织管理规范、助学力量较强的助学组织担任。  相似文献   

加强助学工作提高助学质量从1985年到今年下半年,我省各类高等院校。中等专业学校,工、青、妇群众组织,各民主党派,社会团体等60多个单位及个人先后举办了各种类型的社会助学自学考试辅导班。今年上半年有12万多人参加助学辅导班学习,占全省报考人数的47....  相似文献   

助学贷款是国家支助贫困大学生完成学业的重要措施之一,由于助学贷款管理政策、措施还不健全,信用信息网络和助学贷款的管理机制还不完善,使助学贷款的拖欠率居高不下。就助学贷款风险的防范问题提出7个解决措施,降低拖欠率,保证助学贷款工作发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

金继林 《中国考试》2006,(7):26-28,32
助学联谊会是区域自考助学单位和热心于自考工作的个人自愿结成的非赢利性、专业性的社会团体组织。这种助学管理弥补了助学行政管理中存在的上些缺陷,打破了原有单一的“垂直管理”格局,实现了“纵横交叉”的互联管理。以自考助学联谊会为载体的助学管理模式,符合系统管理学说理论,在实际工作中发挥出较大的能动性。  相似文献   

自学考试助学管理新模式建设初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对福建省各地市和部分临近省市的深入调研发现,自学考试助学管理工作存在地区差异明显、生源数量与质量下降、助学机构基础设施不完善、主考院校联合办学不规范以及自考助学模式陈旧等问题。为了加强自学考试助学管理工作,作者提出了以经济发展水平制定设置相应助学管理模式、建立健全自考助学管理体系的规章制度、建立持续创新的自学考试助学管理体系、推广"网络注册学习过程考核"助学模式、探索引入自考助学产学结合的教学机制等政策建议。  相似文献   

日本是全球较早实施助学贷款的国家,也是国际上助学贷款运行最为有效的国家之一.本文针对日本高校助学贷款体系进行梳理,主要研究它的政策目标、贷款形式、申请认定、回收机制,从而更好地学习并借鉴日本高校的助学贷款模式的成功经验,进一步优化我国的助学贷款模式.  相似文献   

随着西部大开发战略的推进,我国民间助学活动再度活跃起来,助学形式日趋多样化.文章简要分析了民间助学的内涵、原因、实施形式以及若干现实问题,认为民间助学符合建设和谐社会的需要.  相似文献   

开展国家助学贷款是帮助经济困难学生完成学业的重要助学手段.制定完善的助学贷款政策,科学实施助学贷款是对学生资助制度的新探索.文章对我国现行助学贷款制度的产生和发展历程进行了追踪,对助学贷款政策问题进行了分析,并提出了完善助学贷款政策的对策建议.  相似文献   

问:什么是国家助学贷款?答:家助学贷款是银行向全日制高等学校中经济困难的本、科学生和研究生发放的,于支付其学费和生活费,由财政给予贴息的人民币贷款。问:家助学贷款有哪几种?答:家助学贷款按财政贴息的来源不同,分为由中央财政贴息的国家助学贷款和由地方财政贴息的国家助学贷款两类,学生可根据自己所在学校是中央部委所属院校,还是地方院校,来判断国家助学贷款的贴息来源;学校是否提供担保国家助学贷款,又可分为无担保的信用助学贷款和担保助学贷款。信用助学贷款是指学生经学校介绍人和见证人推荐,凭个人信誉申请发放…  相似文献   

助学贷款制度创新   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
由于信用障碍,商业银行目前普遍不愿发放助学贷款。由政策性银行发放助学贷款,虽在一定程度上可缓解助学贷款难的问题,但不能从根本上控制助学贷款的风险,最终可能形成大量坏账,由政府买单。助学贷款只能选择交易成本最小的制度。利用社保基金,通过社保卡向贫困大学生提供助学贷款,能够从根本上解决大学生贷款难和风险控制问题。  相似文献   

高等教育自学考试是国家考试、社会助学、个人自学相结合的考试形式.随着社会发展,高等教育自学考试规模日益壮大,社会助学薄弱及个人自学困难成为阻碍自学考试健康发展的主要原因.因此需要有一种方便、快捷、经济的教学手段来加强社会助学和个人自学两个重要环节.网络教育这种以多媒体技术、计算机网络为主体的第三代远程教育方式以其多种优势,使学员的学习发生本质的变化,网络教育被称为最方便、快捷、经济的教育模式.探索在自学考试中运用网络教育,对自学考试的健康发展有着深远的意义.  相似文献   

We describe an objective way to measure whether curricula, educational programs, and institutions are learner-centered. This technique for benchmarking learner-centeredness uses rubrics to measure courses on 29 components within Weimer’s five dimensions. We converted the scores on the rubrics to four-point indices and constructed histograms that indicate how learner-centered courses are and which specific learner-centered components are used. We applied this benchmarking technique to a curriculum sample to illustrate how the data can be used and interpreted. These analyses form a snapshot of teaching that can be used in accreditation self-studies and for faculty development.  相似文献   

“前管后”是近年来立足汉语自身研究所提出的一种语义句法生成理论;徐通锵先生的“前管后”理论是一种动态的句法生成模式;从《山海经》描写旬的分析可以看出,还有一种静态的句法生成机制,它只发生在一个单独的句子当中,谓语前面的语义中心管辖、规定谓语后面的语义;从“前管后”生成机制的发展来看可以将描写句分为三种形式。  相似文献   


Cross-disciplinary self-studies and peer coaching have separately been shown to offer teacher educators meaningful professional development opportunities. However, the teacher educator literature has said little about combining cross-disciplinary self-studies with peer coaching. In this article, the authors report a two-year cross-disciplinary peer-coaching self-study by experienced teacher educators, one from English Language Arts and one from Mathematics Education. The purpose of the self-study was to examine the connections that bridge the two disciplines and the differences between disciplines that offer new perspectives. Results revealed important process connections involving standards for practice and academic vocabulary. The self-study also illuminated meaningful new perspectives about what questions are asked during whole-class discussion and how data is generated during student collaboration. This study demonstrates the benefits of combining cross-disciplinary teacher educator collaboration with peer coaching and has implications for individual teacher educators and teacher education programs.  相似文献   

When the right hand washes the left, the right hand comes clean too.

(Nigerian [Igbo] proverb)

The notion of critical friendship is central to self-study. A critical friend acts as a sounding board, asks challenging questions, supports reframing of events, and joins in the professional learning experience. In this paper, we share our experiences of acting as critical friends for each other in two separate self-studies of practice. We discuss what we learnt about our practice from having and being a critical friend, as well as what we learnt about the role of the critical friend.  相似文献   

城镇品牌根植于城镇特色,如特殊区位、特色风光、特色产业、特色文化等;城镇品牌与企业品牌、产业品牌、服务品牌是紧密联系、互相促进的。目前由于市场体系不健全和制度性障碍的存在,城镇生产要素还不能在城乡之间、城镇之间以及城市与城镇之间顺畅地流动,从而制约了品牌城镇的产生和城镇品牌的经营。城镇政府只有充分发挥城镇居民在城镇规划和建设中的积极性,经过长期悉心经营,才能创出城镇品牌、维护和发展城镇品牌,增加城镇价值。  相似文献   

This article reviews 65 studies presented at the 10th international self-study of teacher education practices conference in 2014 to determine whether emerging self-study research incorporates the five major characteristics of self-study: self-initiated inquiry that is situated and improvement-aimed; undertaken collaboratively; uses multiple research methods; and demonstrates trustworthiness. We present an analysis of 63 empirical studies with reference to the five major characteristics and several additional criteria. Our analysis indicates that most of the self-studies reported at the conference were conducted within the context of faculty teaching programs with case analysis as the predominant approach; also, most were carried out collaboratively. Multiple research methods were preferred over single methods and the most frequent analysis was presented in the form of themes and topics. This review corroborates that empirical studies generally meet the major characteristics of self-study research, although not every self-study reviewed was conducted with a defined collaborative theoretical framework. Collaboration, use of multiple research methods, and trustworthiness emerged as three characteristics that were not always addressed adequately or carefully.  相似文献   

This article reports a literature review of self-studies by beginning teacher educators examining their experiences of the transition from classroom teaching to teacher educator. The authors conclude that becoming a teacher educator involves several complex and challenging tasks: examining beliefs and values grounded in personal biography, including those associated with being a former schoolteacher; navigating the complex social and institutional contexts in which they work; and developing a personal pedagogy of teacher education that enables construction of a new professional identity as a teacher educator. This research provides beginning teacher educators with a reference point for understanding their personal and professional transition to university-based teacher education. It also provides teacher education faculty and administrators with key information about how the transition from teacher to teacher educator can be supported and enhanced within professional learning communities.  相似文献   

Many states have made performance standards the centerpiece of educational reform. Unfortunately, school aid systems have not kept up. Most aid systems ensure minimum spending per pupil instead of minimum student performance; that is, they fail to recognize that the cost of achieving a performance standard varies across school districts. This paper derives an educational cost index and incorporates it into an aid formula designed to bring all districts up to a performance standard. A district's performance can be moved toward a standard through a property tax rate increase, an efficiency increase, or increased state aid. In New York State, boosting efficiency to the current “best-practice” level would not bring large city districts even up to a minimal performance standard. In fact, these districts cannot achieve such a standard without large increases in state aid and local tax rates, accompanied by reforms that improve the productivity of teachers and administrators.  相似文献   

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