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Students with learning disabilities have received services in special education programs for many years. Unfortunately, many of these students continue to need services after they exit high schools. Vocational rehabilitation has begun to provide services for young adults with learning disabilities; however, there continues to be a discrepancy between the number of adults with learning disabilities who need vocational rehabilitation services and those who are receiving them. This article describes the definitions and eligibility criteria used by vocational rehabilitation agencies to serve adults with learning disabilities. By understanding the vocational rehabilitation system, teachers, it is hoped, will be better able to access these services for their students with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

In this paper the special problems and needs of disabled adults during vocational rehabilitation in rehabilitation centers will be analyzed. For this purpose, the goals and measures of ideal counseling in regard to vocational choice, work and training adjustment, and social adjustment are compared with the results of evaluation studies and studies with drop-outs of these facilities. Conclusions are derived by which measures counselors can contribute essentially to the disabled trainees being better enabled to handle their adjustment problems more effectively.Paper presented at the International Round Table for the Advancement of Counseling Consultation on Counseling Disabled People and their Families, July 4–8, 1987, Vienna, Austria.  相似文献   

The emphasis on deinstitutionalization in recent years has resulted in a substantial increase in the use of small community-based residential facilities for disabled students; concomitantry there has been a shift towards a developmental or functional model for instructing these students. These initiatives have resulted in changes in the educational system and in the roles of teachers. Instructional planning for disabled students can no longer be viewed simply within the constraints of the classroom; rather a functional curriculum must be developed which provides for the learning and practising of skills across environments, including residences. Educators must fully participate with parents and residential staff to ensure the coordination of children's habilitation programs; without this involvement, crucial elements may be overlooked. In this paper a model is presented which describes how educators can participate in the planning of programs for severely disabled students in community-based residences. Steps in the process involve assessment of current skills and deficits, evaluation of the type and quality of services children are currently receiving, development of goals, identification and analysis of community resources, specification of individual objectives, monitoring of progress, and evaluation of overall service provision.


This inquiry focuses on the status of nearly 500 students with learning disabilities in 17 state-operated regional vocational-technical schools in a northeastern state. The inquiry addressed four primary concerns: patterns of assessment, career choice, school marks, and attendance. The data indicate that a variety of instruments were used in the assessment process and that the overall grade equivalent levels of attainment ranged between fifth- and seventh-grade levels. Children defined as learning disabled participated in a large number of vocational trade specialties and some 50% or more had school marks indicating that they were passing in these areas. Attendance was high. Many children with learning disabilities successfully perform in competitive vocational education programs designed to produce proficiency at the level of journey person.  相似文献   

高职院校公共选修课教学质量评价体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校教师课堂教学质量评价工作是高校建立质量监控与保障体系的重要措施。构建高职院校公共选修课教学评价体系,对提高其教学质量,培养学生职业能力具有重要的意义。高职院校公共选修课应当围绕学生职业能力的培养来展开,注重实现课程类型与高职特色的有机统一,注重实现随机抽测与整体评估的有机统一,注重实现教师教学效果与学生学习效果评测的有机统一,充分发挥多元评价主体的作用。  相似文献   

虽然国家和学校制定了多元化的资助体系,基本解决了困难学生的经济问题,但是思想政治教育问题还远远没有得到应有的重视。高职院校家庭经济困难学生由于其生活简朴、学习压力大、社交能力相对较差以及心理问题相对突出等特点,导致此类学生思想政治教育活动中诸多问题更加突出。从精准扶贫视角出发,制定更加精准的思想政治教学方案,创新思想政治教学模式,不断提高思政教师综合素质,制定科学合理的思想政治课程效果考评机制,能够有效提高高职家庭经济困难学生思想政治教育效果。  相似文献   

Teachers in public schools now have more students with more severe disabilities than they did in the past. Unfortunately, efforts to provide them with a quality education have been hampered by a lack of focused instructional planning. This article describes an innovative program developed for deaf multihandicapped students that has created an integrated focus for instruction. The organizing framework for the program incorporates the Functional Skills Screening Inventory, a domain referenced assessment of living and working skills. This structured approach enables teachers to identify current functional levels, develop meaningful short- and long-term objectives, and monitor student progress throughout their educational programs. It also facilitates long-range planning and evaluation of the instructional program on an ongoing basis.  相似文献   

高职日语教学的设计与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日语人才的培养主要是通过普通高校来实现的。近年来,高职院校开设了日语课程,其高职日语专业学生在总体水平、学习动机等方面存在一定差异,因此,从教材的选用、教学模式、课堂心理环境和教学评价四个方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

旅沪宁波同乡会是旅沪宁波人在上海的重要组织,它积极从事教育文化事业,创办了大量中小学和职业学校,设立奖助学金和贷学金,创办报纸和发行刊物,兴建公共文化设施,重视社会教育。其因鲜明的办学特色和显著的成效而得到了社会的认可和高度评价,对上海宁波邦的巩固和发展起了重要作用。  相似文献   

The results of a comprehensive psychoeducational assessment of adults having learning disabilities (LD) and participating in vocational rehabilitation are presented. The subjects were found to have low-average general intelligence; lower verbal than performance IQs; attention, reasoning, and auditory memory deficits; academic achievement at the fourth-/fifth-grade level; language problems; and low self-esteem. These results were contrasted with other studies of adults with LD in vocational rehabilitation, and all studies on this population reported similar findings. A comparison of studies of adults with LD who were clients of vocational rehabilitation with those in college or employed and with those who had been labeled as learning disabled in childhood indicated that the adults with LD in vocational rehabilitation seem to constitute a homogeneous group of persons with severe deficits. The need to subtype learning disabilities by severity and criteria for making such determinations are proposed.  相似文献   

为发展职业教育,我国正在大力推进校企合作、建立现代学徒制、实行顶岗实习。而在这一过程中,出现了把学生当“廉价劳动力”使用的问题,既影响职业教育人才培养质量,又严重败坏职业教育形象。本文分析了产生廉价“学生工”现象的根源,指出要通过建立现代学校制度,推进教育管办评分离,来保障学生的权利,治理、消除教育领域的乱象。  相似文献   

职业教育是深化教育改革的阵地与突破口。中等职业教育作为职业教育体系的重要构成,坚持立德树人,全面改革,释放活力,是中等职业院校提升办学能力的必经之举。在党中央及国务院的倡导下,学生综合素质评价制度的改革成为中等职业院校面临的一项紧迫现实课题。立足实际,积极对标,中职院校学生综合素质评价制度在运行中应在明确未来导向、用好定性评价、强化评价激励功能、提高公众评价参与度这几个方面加以改进,才能更好引导学生成长成才,有效服务区域经济发展,提高中职教育社会认可度,推动新时代职业教育发展实现新跨越。  相似文献   

The longitudinal study described in this report investigated the effects of postsecondary public and proprietary school vocational training on students' subsequent job success in the United States. The study surveyed dropouts and graduates from public and proprietary schools in six vocational programs in four major cities, and compared their personal characteristics, job placement and earnings. Results showed that, compared with graduates, dropouts were more frequently males who were black, older, of lower socioeconomic status, and more likely from public programs. Also, few students who studied for upper status jobs (accountant, computer programmer, and electronic technician) got those jobs, regardless of whether they had graduated from or dropped out of their vocational programs. On the other hand, the majority of students who studied for lower-status jobs, in which women typically predominate, (secretary, dental assistant and cosmetologist) successfully found those jobs. Further, graduates fared significantly better in job placement than dropouts. Finally, persistence in, and graduation from a program (persistence and graduation) were unrelated to students' first earnings. However, students in lower-status occupations had higher later earnings if they completed their programs. These results suggest that vocational training, which may be done more efficiently in proprietary than public schools, enhances placement and later earnings only in lower-status jobs.  相似文献   

专业设置是构成高职院校核心竞争力的关键要素。影响专业设置的决定性因素包括社会需求和办学资源,前者包括市场需求与大众需求,后者分为软件资源与硬件资源。根据这些因素,运用模糊数学的方法可以构建专业设置适切性的模糊综合评价模型,以定量定性相结合的方法对专业进行综合评价与分类,为学校专业设置提供决策依据。  相似文献   

日本职业教育现状考察报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,日本政府通过提高职业教育社会地位、建立公共培训制度,开办国家职业教育研究机构、支持民办学校、建立国家职业资格鉴定制度、完善终身培训制度、建设学习型社会、成立全国专修学校联合会等途径,积极推动职业教育与培训事业发展,不同学校也在发展中形成了各自的特色。  相似文献   

Higher education in many countries has been influenced by major factors of change due to globalization and reinforced by the development of internationalization, competition, new and different social demands, strategic importance of higher education as a business, etc. As a result of a tremendous growth in the number of students, higher education is moving towards 'mass studies'; in many cases, this is not coupled with proportional increases in expenditure on education, thus lowering the quality of education. Many countries are trying to solve this problem by developing two sectors of higher education, which may be called 'university sector' and 'vocational/non-university sector'. While the mission of the university sector is to educate intellectual élites, higher vocational education schools should, in principle, offer mass education at the undergraduate/first-stage level. Both types of higher education institutions are needed, and thus one could not speak of any subordination of one sector to another. In 1997 the Polish Parliament passed the Act on Vocational Higher Schools. The Act served as the basis for the establishment of the Accreditation Commission for Vocational Higher Schools, which has the task of laying down educational standards and defined conditions which should be met in order to establish and provide courses in specific vocational specialization as well as staff requirements for such specialization. Furthermore, standards were introduced for teaching facilities and curriculum contents. During the 3 years since the introduction of the Act, 16 public higher vocational education schools and 44 non-public higher vocational schools have been established.  相似文献   

残疾人职业教育根本目的是帮助其能够自食其立,更好地适应与融入社会生活,基于不同的观察视角,残疾人职业教育模式莫衷一是。文章从生活教育的理论视野,运用系统整体的思维方法,提出残疾人职业教育"三因"模式理论构架,并以四川省三所有代表性特殊教育学校的残疾人职业教育作为观察分析对象,进一步归纳出"三因"模式的"适当、适宜、适用"三大实践取向,以期丰富残疾人职业教育模式的研究。  相似文献   

As students with handicapping conditions have been integrated into public schools, the role of the school counselor has been expanded to meet these students' needs. As a result, counselor training programs need to be adjusted to include theory and practice in working with exceptional children. In this article the authors discuss the issue of students with handicapping conditions in public schools and provide suggestions for training school counselors.  相似文献   


This paper is a discussion of the difficulties individuals who have disabilities face when they leave US federally funded public school programs. Exemplary programs from several sources outside public education are described as models for collaboration. Suggestions are provided for ways in which special education programs in the public schools can promote adherence to the Americans with Disabilities Act for their students in the transition from school to post‐secondary school and work. Other programs are highlighted that provide supportive practices that are viewed as necessary to meet the needs of students in schools and in preparation for post‐school life.  相似文献   

做好高职贫困生工作的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国高等职业技术学校招生规模的逐年扩大,以及高等教育成本的逐步提高,我国高等职业技术学校贫困生数量也日益增多,贫困生的问题也随之凸显出来,成为令人关注的社会问题。国家、社会和高校都采取了一系列的措施,进行了积极的探索,在我国初步形成了以“奖、贷、助、补、免”为主体的贫困大学生的资助体系,这一体系对于解决我国贫困生就学问题起到了非常重要的作用。目前全国高校中经济困难学生占在校生总数的15-30%,其中经济特别困难学生所占比例为8~15%,高职院校贫困生的比例更大。因此做好贫困生的工作成为高职院校发展的一大课题。  相似文献   

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