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贾仁与阿巴贡是中法古典戏剧中著名的“吝啬鬼”形象,但俩人在与其儿子的情感关系上可谓泾渭分明,一个是和睦温情,一个则反目成仇。其原因:金钱在社会生产关系发展中所起到的不同的支配作用,不同的民族伦理观念,不同的价值观取向。  相似文献   

通常认为,夏洛克、阿巴公、葛朗台、泼留希金和严监生都是吝啬鬼的著名典型。在对中西文化差异的观照下,区别严监生与欧洲文学中的四大吝啬鬼形象在个性特征、行为表现、精神实质等方面的不同,认为严监生并不属于吝啬鬼类型中的一个,而是具有吝啬和慷慨两面特征的“另一个”,他既吝啬又慷慨的表现取决于中国科举文化和封建伦理压制下的卑微人格。  相似文献   

纵观欧洲文学发展的轨迹。汇集名目繁多的吝啬鬼群像,其中莎士比亚喜剧《威尼斯商人》中的夏洛克,莫里哀喜剧《悭吝人》(《吝啬鬼》)里的阿尔巴贡。巴尔扎克小说《欧也妮·葛朗台》中的葛朗台,以及果戈理小说《死魂灵》里的泼留希金.堪称为欧洲文学中不朽的四大吝啬鬼典型。  相似文献   

苏轼以豁达乐观的人生态度为人们所称赞,然而,就是这样一位潇洒不羁的词人也有多情的一面。人间有三大感情——亲情、友情、爱情,无论对待哪种感情,苏轼都表现出了多情、深情的精神特质。如果说人的心灵需要有三朵花盛开,便会花香满园,那么亲情、友情、爱情便是这花园中的康乃馨、郁金香和玫瑰花。  相似文献   

当前市场中,各种各样的亲情购物卡也越来越活跃,在商品流通过程中,充当了越来越重要的角色。本文从亲情购物卡的特点分析出发,对亲情购物卡的属性作一初探,以期对其进行法律规制。  相似文献   

阎珍霞 《学语文》2005,(6):17-17
泼留希金和葛朗台是世界文学画廊中两个臭名昭著的吝啬鬼,分别出自十九世纪批判现实主义文学大师——俄国果戈里的《死魂灵》和法国巴尔扎克的《欧也尼·葛朗台》。在两部作品中,虽然泼留希金与葛朗台国籍有别,身份各异,一个是封建阶级的没落地主,一个是资产阶级的暴发户,但都是欧洲资本主义原始积累时期的产物,他们身上概括了一切剥削阶级许多共性:  相似文献   

谭嗣同以中国传统思想为基底,借西方话语,重构本体论,其本体论存在层级差别:从世界来看,以太是本体;从社会来看,仁是本体。重构本体论的目的是对传统纲伦加以批判,通过复古的方式吸纳新时代的内容,但从具体的真实的存在来看,其批判的背后难掩对亲情的守护。  相似文献   

新课程指出我们的教学不仅仅要关注学生的学科成绩,也应该关注于学生道德价值观的培养,"亲情"是所有道德的发源,是构建美丽家庭、社会的要素。从心理学角度分析,初中阶段学生处于青春期,容易受到同伴的影响而试图摆脱父母,易产生亲情冲突,不利于学习成绩的提升和社会的稳定,因此,初中阶段必须给学生传递正确亲情价值观。语文教学应科学运用教科书这一载体充分挖掘亲情题材,引导学生认识、分析、理解事物,在学习文本的过  相似文献   

姚岩  张越  杜亮 《中国教师》2016,(5):39-43
<正>云南"移动教育资源与培训中心"项目是教育部教师工作司和联合国儿童基金会合作,在2011—2015年开展的师资培训项目。该项目在云南省景洪市和腾冲市实施,旨在依托"导师制",建立可推广的"县级教师支持服务体系",同时通过教学尝试,探索实践一套语言与文化适切的教育学理论与方法,促进民族地区教师专业发展,提高少数民族学生的学业成绩。2011年12月的对景洪市教育状况的基线调研发现,尽管执教于多民族地区,  相似文献   

解析东西方对待慈善事业的不同态度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年,中国的慈善事业得到了一定程度的发展,但与西方人对慈善事业的热衷相比,中国人多表现出对慈善事业的冷淡。着重分析这一现象的种种原因,旨在提醒公众对中国慈善事业遭遇寒流这一现象的关注。  相似文献   

二战以后,德国反省其侵略历史,积极推动欧洲一体化进程,融入欧洲,在建立“欧洲大厦”的宏伟目标中起到了“发动机”作用。但是,日本却一直在否定甚至美化其侵略历史,与邻国摩擦不断,自绝于亚洲之外。文章从文化、国际关系等方面分析造成德国和日本对侵略战争不同认识的根源。  相似文献   

文章介绍了西方哲学家对名称和事物之间关系的主要看法,以及中国古代先哲的解释,分析和比较了由此反映出的中西方哲学的语言观,认为二者间存在着差异,语言分析在西方哲学中有着举足轻重的地位,在中国主流哲学思想中却没有一席之地,造成这一差异的根源在于中西方思维方式的不同.  相似文献   

One hundred forty-one parents of preschool children with and without disabilities, enrolled in integrated or self-contained classrooms, participated in this study. Parents responses on the Parent Perspectives on Integration Questionnaire, administered at the beginning of the school year, were factor analyzed. The revised instrument was then used to assess parents' attitudes at the end of the school year. Results suggested that all parents held generally positive attitudes toward integration. By the end of the school year, parents whose children had participated in an integrated program held more positive attitudes toward integration than did parents whose children had not participated in this type of class. Implications of these results for the development of integrated early childhood programs are discussed.  相似文献   

One hundred forty-one parents of preschool children with and without disabilities, enrolled in integrated or self-contained classrooms, participated in this study. Parents responses on the Parent Perspectives on Integration Questionnaire, administered at the beginning of the school year, were factor analyzed. The revised instrument was then used to assess parents' attitudes at the end of the school year. Results suggested that all parents held generally positive attitudes toward integration. By the end of the school year, parents whose children had participated in an integrated program held more positive attitudes toward integration than did parents whose children had not participated in this type of class. Implications of these results for the development of integrated early childhood programs are discussed.  相似文献   


In the present study a modified rating scale was administered to a representative school population of 978 Ss in grades 7-12. The concepts investigated were "father" and "mother." The results were reduced to two 10 x 10 correlational matrices and separately factor analyzed using Kaiser's varimax rotation. A comparison of the factor structures of the father and mother concepts revealed differences of dimensionality. The comparison also revealed that attitudes toward the mother are more complex and oriented in terms of how the child perceives the mother to respond to children's needs. The investigation raises questions with regard to the relationship of child-rearing practices and maternal perceptions.  相似文献   

Postmortem human brain donation is crucial to both anatomy education and research. The China Human Brain Banking Consortium was established recently to foster brain donation in China. The purpose of this study was to gain information about the public perception of and attitudes toward brain donation and to identify factors that may impact the willingness to participate in brain donation among the Chinese people. A specifically designed questionnaire was delivered to community residents in Changsha (the capital city of Hunan province) with a total of 1,249 completed forms returned and statistically analyzed. The majority of the participants considered that brain donation would help medical research and education, and 32.0% of respondents agreed that the brain donation would help change the traditional Chinese funeral belief in keeping the body intact after death. However, participants aged over 60 years old were less supportive of this concept. Among all participants, 63.7% stated that they were not knowledgeable about brain donation, while 26.4% explicitly expressed a willingness to participate in brain donation. Age, gender, monthly household income, and knowledge about brain donation significantly affected the willingness. Compared with other age groups, a higher proportion of participants aged over 60 years old preferred to be informed by a medical college. To promote brain donation in China, especially among the elderly, better communication of its medical benefits and a reinterpretation of the Confucius view of the human body should be provided. Efforts are also needed to provide appropriate forums and sources of brain donation information to targeted communities and society in general.  相似文献   

随着网络的不断开发与运用,网络语言也日渐流行并深入到我们的日常生活中来。网络语言已成为社会共同关注的问题。它在使用过程中形成了鲜明的个性化特征。本文阐述了我国国民对网络语言的不同态度,以及这些态度形成的主要原因。  相似文献   


This study was designed to examine the relationship between selected measures of educational quality and expenditure in public secondary schools of Iowa with the influence of school district size held constant.

Criteria for characteristics of educational quality were: composite test scores of pupils grades 10-12 on Iowa Tests of Educational Development, the curricular offerings of schools for grades 10-12, qualifications of teachers grades 10-12, and the class size grades 10-12. Measures of educational expenditures were: mean instructional expenditures for grades 10-12 per resident pupil in ADA, estimated administration expenditures per resident pupil in ADA grades 10-12, and tuition charge for grades 10-12 per resident pupil in ADA. Using product-moment and partial correlations, it was found that in order to obtain equal quality, the expenditure per pupil in small school districts has to be substantially higher than in districts with larger enrollment.  相似文献   

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