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研究目的:预测机动车保有量;根据机动车污染特征,预测机动车污染物排放量;评估不同管理措施下机动车污染物的削减效果。创新要点:综合不同管理措施,整合评价多种管理措施并行条件下,机动车污染物排放量的削减情况。研究方法:通过长期能源替代计划(LEAP)模型对机动车保有量进行预测,相关排放因子采用校正的能源替代(AER)模型进行估算。最后设计四个情景模式,评估不同情景的减排效果,并与基础情景进行对比。重要结论:1.至2015年杭州市机动车将增长60.7%。2.淘汰超标机动车和提高机动车污染排放标准能有效控制CO和VOCs,而对NOx和PM的总量削减效果不明显。3.采用多种控制手段,如淘汰劣化超标机动车、提高机动车排放标准、提供低硫代燃油及引进能源替换型机动车将大大减少机动车污染物的排放量。  相似文献   

我国机动车污染物排放现状及控制对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着机动车保有量的快速增长,机动车污染物排放问题引起越来越多的关注.在介绍我国机动车污染物排放现状及其危害的基础上,分析了机动车污染物排放控制过程中存在的问题及其原因,最后在借鉴国外经验的基础上,提出从加严新生产车排放、控制在用车排放、提高燃油质量、改善交通状况和发展公共交通等4个方面采取综合性措施控制机动车污染物排放.  相似文献   

随着新课改的进一步推进,现阶段的初中语文教学模式已经不适应现代教学目标的需求。所以初中语文教师要与时俱进,创新教学方式,在教学过程中凸显学生地位,运用情景教学法,调动学生的积极性,提高学生学习热情,为学生营造愉悦的学习氛围,从而全面提高初中生的语文素养。  相似文献   

为了详细评估省级尺度机动车污染物排放特征,基于相同的车辆活动水平信息,分别采用COPERT模型和基于国内实测的排放因子数据建立了江苏省2012年机动车大气污染物排放清单。结果表明,由于排放因子的差异,基于国内实测的排放因子法估算氮氧化物(nitrogen oxides,NO_x)、一氧化碳(carbon monoxide,CO)、非甲烷挥发性有机物(non-methane volatile organic compounds,NMVOCs)、细颗粒物(particulate matter2.5,PM2.5)、黑碳(black carbon,BC)和有机碳(organic carbon,OC)排放量分别为COPERT模型结果的2.38、1.39、1.49、2.66、3.33和1.72倍。不同测试数据和模型结果的比较表明,COPERT模型可能对我国机动车CO、NO_x和NMVOC的排放因子有所低估,而不同测试的颗粒物排放因子结果不确定性较大。小型汽油客车对CO和NMVOC的排放贡献率分别为36%和23%;重型货车对NO_x、PM2.5和BC的贡献率都超过50%。基于COPERT模型计算结果和全省道路等级信息对机动车排放量进行空间分配,污染物排放主要集中在经济较为发达和路网较为密集的江苏南部地区;城际间高速路网对NO_x和颗粒物排放分布的影响较为明显。  相似文献   

小学是学生养成数理逻辑思维的重要阶段,教师可以通过情景教学促进学生数理逻辑的建立,让学生在情景交融的教学活动中学好数学、用好数学.本文对利用情景进行教学的原则进行了分析,认为在进行情景设计时要充分考虑学生的特点,要结合生活实际,并做到清晰简洁.同时,提出了利用情景开展教学的策略有:采用趣味情景,激起学生兴趣;采用问题情...  相似文献   

在英语教学活动中,“情”与“景”是两种宝贵的资源,前者可以为学生学习源源不断地提供动能,后者可以为学生提取并组织原有知识提供形象而具体的参照源与刺激源。对两种资源的有效利用是提高教学效率的有效保证。创设良好的课堂情景可以使教学双方都产生良好的情绪,从而达到教学效果的最优化。一、利用语言本身创设情景教师从走进教室开始,到课堂教学结束,尽量使用英语组织教学,努力营造自然的语言环境,使学生沉浸在浓浓的英语氛围中。这样可以使学生接触大量的英语从而理解并记住所学内容,有助于培养他们的英语语感。二、利用表情和动作创…  相似文献   

针对鸡西市减排工作的现状及存在的问题,提出减排工作的合理化建议。  相似文献   

目前,英语教学中存在着师生关系紧张、学生缺乏学习动力、课堂秩序混乱等问题,导致英语课堂教学质量下降,阻碍了学生英语综合能力的发展。情景体验式教学,应用丰富的教学资源,不仅可以创设良好的学习情景,给予学生深刻的学习体验,为学生提供参与教学活动的动力,而且能提升英语课堂教学质量,使学生英语的各方面能力都得到有效培养。  相似文献   

随着新课改的实行,小学语文的传统教学模式发生了巨大的变化,由以教师为主转变为以学生为主。情景教学法能够充分调动起学生的积极性,能够实现以互动的教学方式为学生创设科学的学习环境的目的,有利于充分挖掘学生的思维及学习能力,有利于促进师生交流,使学生真正地融入课堂,实现教学内容的最大化。  相似文献   

情景教学法是顺应新课改要求而产生的一种新型教学方法,它旨在强调教学内容和形式的形象化、生动化,以此激发学生的学习兴趣、增强他们的理解能力。基于此,文章将简要叙述初中语文教学中运用情景教学法的价值,并从构建生活教学情景、建设故事教学情景、设置问题教学情景、创设表演教学情景、搭建现代教学情景等方面对其运用策略进行分析和解读。  相似文献   

This paper explores changes to the educational policy-making arena through case study analysis of a Massachusetts law passed in 2012 that limits seniority-based job protections for public K-12 teachers. I use data from interviews with policy stakeholders, observations of public meetings, and policy artifacts to explore struggles over democratic engagement in what unfolded as a highly undemocratic policy development process. Using the policy cycle framework, I explore the ways that political pressure and political discourses shaped the policy development process through various contexts of political struggle. Ultimately, I argue that the case is indicative of what I am calling ‘neo-democratic’ decision-making, in which high-level interest group conflict leads to narrow forms of democratic engagement.  相似文献   

以深圳市为例,采用单元分析与多元分析相结合的手段,探讨了一种基于城市水环境容量估算面源污染负荷削减率的方法在环境规划中的实际应用.计算结果表明:对于COD指标,67%~74%的面源污染负荷削减率即可满足深圳市规划后环境容量的限制;而对于NH4-N,TP和BOD5,仅依靠削减面源污染负荷则无法满足规划要求.因此,在城市水环境质量规划过程中,应针对不同流域及目标污染物种类,制定"量体裁衣"式的水环境控制策略,而非采用一成不变的措施.  相似文献   

A global recognition of students' rights requires school organizations to recognize, value and provide for diversity. The move towards more inclusive schooling in Queensland, Australia, requires schools to address professional development on two levels: reculturing of the school to reflect inclusive beliefs and values; and enhancement of teacher skills and knowledge to better address the learning needs of all students. The recently developed Index for Inclusion 2000) is one resource that can facilitate the process of professional development and facilitate change in school culture, policy and teaching practice. The process used incorporates a critical friend and peer mentoring model within an action research framework, which together provide benefits for all involved in the professional development process. The journey of learning incorporating the phases of the Index for Inclusion are reported along with discussions for future directions.  相似文献   


Realizing there is a global policy convergence that emphasizes the standardized key qualities of and expectations for “successful” school leaders, this article provides an in-depth analysis on the initiation of the Professional Standards for Compulsory Schools Principals (Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China 2013 Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China. 2013, February 16. Notice of Introducing the Professional Standards for Compulsory Schools Principals. Available at: http://www.moe.edu.cn/publicfiles/business/htmlfiles/moe/s7148/201302/xxgk_147899.html [Google Scholar]) in China. Using policy borrowing as an analytical framework, this study sheds light on critical questions concerning why this standards-based leadership policy is borrowed, and how this policy document responds to local Chinese contexts. In alignment with an understanding of national policy across the local-global nexus, which is derived from critical policy analysis, this study uncovers the influences of global leadership discourses on its formation. It also focuses on the ways in which neoliberal ideology and Chinese sociocultural contexts have intertwined, and how this negotiates and shapes this policy. Finally, this article concludes that the introduction of this initiative suggests China’s efforts in its quest for a world-class education system, through the standardization of school leaders’ practices, which is both locally and internationally situated. It argues that while understanding the contested positions on standards-based policies around the globe, China did not blindly borrow this policy from “the West,” but rather employs it as a strategy for legislation, to reposition itself in the global order and gain broader international recognition.  相似文献   


Within Australian higher education, there has been an evolving of employability policy, realised in curriculum, at an intersection of the constructs of employment, work-readiness, life-long learning, and career development. The enactment of employability policy has driven an evolution in the practices of higher education in both curriculum and student support. This paper presents a case study of an Australian university which has reimagined the delivery of career and student support services through a framework that envisions preparing students for future worlds of work. The emergent policy framework has transformed organisational structures, human resources, and connections between student support practices and curriculum design. This transformation has generated new intersections of practice and is challenging institutional constructs of expertise. This case study provides transferrable learnings for broader considerations of higher education policy and practice as employability becomes the core driver of student success, and explores layered discourses of policymaking across an institution.  相似文献   

华南地区城市道路径流污染特性:以深圳市为例(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解析华南地区道路径流污染特性及其影响因素,对华南地区典型城市深圳市道路进行了4场降雨的径流样品采集及分析.结果显示道路径流水质劣于地表水4类环境质量标准,说明道路径流已经成为影响城市水环境质量的重要威胁.同时研究发现初期冲刷效应受到降雨类型和污染物种类的双重影响,因此在针对道路径流处理设施特别是初雨截流装置的设计时,需要同时考虑降雨类型与污染物种类.另外,建议华南地区的初雨截流量为3~5 mm的初期降雨.这些研究结果能为有效的道路径流处理设施设计提供有用的建议.  相似文献   


In this paper, our purpose is to investigate policy informing texts and discourses referencing transgender equality and gender diversity in the Western Australian education system. Drawing on scholarship from transgender, queer and policy studies, we highlight the interplay of progressive and conservative forces affecting the Western Australian education system’s commitment to supporting transgender and gender non-binary students. Based on a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) project, the paper constructs a Western Australian case study, which threads together the critical examination of policy informing texts, qualitative interview data and media discourses surrounding public narratives, such as the Safe School Coalition Australia’s attempt to implement a school program, which builds awareness about gender and sexual diversity. Emerging through the material, discursive and spatial elements of locales and networks, our case study has the potential to deepen knowledge regarding the heuristic capacity of employing policyscape as an analytic category. In this vein, we draw attention to the possibilities and challenges for re-conceptualizing gender and providing trans-affirmative school spaces that promote equality.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Nowadays, as a large number of residential blocks and college campuses are being constructed nationwide in China, improvement in the quality of residential community becomes a rising issue of city policy and urban planning. Layouts of open spaces in residential areas are predicated on their ability to deliver both a mechanism to maintain the viability of citizens’ outdoor lives and a treatment to alleviate the high-density of urban constructions. What kinds of residential o…  相似文献   

Although the impact of road transport on urban air quality has achieved a high profile in China, still greater attention is required as it has not yet been considered fully even in relation to the road network linking cities and urban areas. Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) is a systematic and comprehensive process for evaluating the environmental impacts of a policy, plan or program in publicly accountable decision-making. Air pollution has been recognized as a significant issue in most transport SEA practices. The Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Hubei Road Network Plan (2002-2020) (HRNP) was introduced as one of the World Bank's pilot SEA projects. An effective framework was developed to investigate the functional relationship between the road network and its potential air pollutant emissions. In this study, two indicators were identified: emission intensity/ inventory of pollutants and the spatial distribution of the most polluted areas. Because strategic actions are inherently nebulous and data quality is often disappointing, three alternative scenarios were employed to address uncertainties and data/scale issues. Calculations were made using emission models and results were analyzed with the help of statistical tools and the geographic information system (GIS). The results from the project implementation and the feedback from the World Bank have both shown that the proposed framework is effective in the transport SEA process.  相似文献   

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