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郑金枝的父亲用平日积攒下来的钱为女儿买了张票,她将搭乘一条渔船离开越南,那时,她刚刚9岁。对家人来说,将金枝送上小船,置身于陌生人中间,是一种令人心酸、代价昂贵的牺牲。他们只愿她能最终到达美国,在那里受到良好的教育,享受更美好的生活。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore how Year 8 students answered Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) questions and whether the test questions represented the scientific understanding of these students. One hundred and seventy-seven students were tested using written test questions taken from the science test used in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study. The degree to which a sample of 38 children represented their understanding of the topics in a written test compared to the level of understanding that could be elicited by an interview is presented in this paper. In exploring student responses in the interview situation this study hoped to gain some insight into the science knowledge that students held and whether or not the test items had been able to elicit this knowledge successfully. We question the usefulness and quality of data from large-scale summative assessments on their own to represent student scientific understanding and conclude that large scale written test items, such as TIMSS, on their own are not a valid way of exploring students' understanding of scientific concepts. Considerable caution is therefore needed in exploiting the outcomes of international achievement testing when considering educational policy changes or using TIMSS data on their own to represent student understanding.  相似文献   

俄罗斯民族是一个伟大的民族,东正教是现今俄罗斯民族信仰的最主要的宗教,东正教对俄罗斯文化影响巨大,其宗教思想已深入到人们的日常生活中,成为俄罗斯传统思想的重要组成部分。本文通过对影响俄罗斯民族基督教化的各种因素剖析,加深对俄罗斯民族向封建社会转化过程中的宗教的发展变化缘由,即从多神教向一神教东正教的变化缘由的认识,以增进对俄罗斯宗教文化的进一步了解。  相似文献   

Yes,volunteering makes you feel good.Yes,you learn from other people.But there are many other reasons people volunteer,too.And here are ten from 1)Matador members who are 2)experienced volunteers.  相似文献   

The aim of the article is to provide teachers some ideas about thedevelopment of physical knowledge and to make them more receptive to thedifferences between their and the students thinking. I want to show, thatthese differences lie not only in the richness of experience, but also in thestructure of this experience. I try to point to some of these differenceslying in the content, form and meaningfulness. The article is based on anadapted version of Piaget's model of the growth of physical knowledge. Themodel represents the changes of semantic understanding, formal language andlogical structure of a theory during its historical development. I illustratethe model on the development of classical mechanics, but similar changes canbe found also in the history of electrodynamics or quantum mechanics. Thecentral idea of the paper is to use this model of the historical developmentof physical knowledge in analysis of the cognitive processes in physicseducation.  相似文献   

他们为什么选择网络教育   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
现代远程教育是对我国现有教育形式的重要补充。什么人最适合读现代远程教育?该群体的学习特性是怎样的?现代远程教育要向哪个方向发展?我们就这几个问题选择了中国人民大学网络教育学院进行了调查与分析,对学生的群体构成、动机、目的、疑点困惑以及网络教育的社会形象和发展前景做了据实分析和总结。  相似文献   

理解MOOC平台学习者的动机结构和基本特点是提升MOOC平台建设质量和学习质量的基础性工作。文章以中国最大的MOOC平台之一——"学堂在线"学习者为研究对象,通过机器学习的方法,对中国MOOC学习者自填的动机文本进行分析。结果表明,中国MOOC学习者学习动机可以分为三类九种。其中,稳定型学习动机包括认知兴趣、提升自我和习惯性学习三种取向;实用型学习动机包括职业发展、补充学习和外界影响三种取向;尝鲜型学习动机包括优质资源、新型学习和人际交往三种取向。稳定型特别是认知兴趣取向的学习动机占比最高,反映出在线学习目前是一种自主性、非制度性的学习方式,以满足个体非功用性需求为主。MOOC学习动机和过程性学习质量之间的关系,还有待进一步探索。  相似文献   

二战后,德国经过深刻反思,得到了欧洲各国谅解,实现了国家的重新统一,而日本却拒不悔罪,一意孤行。其主要原因在于,与德国相比,日本在二战中的失败,是1868年以来唯一一次失败,故不甘心;加之美国的支持,日本战后政府与前政权的承继性,以自我为中心的文化,对天皇的盲从及右翼势力的强大等。到21世纪初,由于日本仍拒不反省,右翼势力不断坐大,对亚洲各国的侵害变本加厉,同时也使日本日益孤立。  相似文献   

With funding from the United States National Science Foundation, 30 historical short stories designed to teach science content and draw students?? attention to the nature of science (NOS) have been created for post-secondary introductory astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, and physics courses. The project rationale, story development and structure, and freely available stories at the project website are presented.  相似文献   

日本学者大槻干郎认为,隐元大师终老日本的原因,是因为清廷实行闭关锁海政策.本文提出不同看法,认为隐元大师终老日本的原因并非由于清廷锁海政策,主要是其持鲜明的的抗清复明誓不降清态度.由于反清复明无望,他以遗民僧身份终老日本.  相似文献   

如果你不小心,使餐桌上的盘子从桌子边缘掉了下去,你会发现盘子在空中翻180°,覆在地上。这是偶然的吗?如果你反复试几次,结果盘子掉地时总是覆在地上。你再改用其他扁平物体,长度大约在10到30厘米,比方说书、碟子什么的,如果你轻轻地将它推离桌面,向地上掉下去,它们总是在空中正好翻个个儿,背朝天地覆在地上。这其中有什么道理呢?  相似文献   

Mohan  Ashwin  Kelly  Gregory J. 《Science & Education》2020,29(5):1097-1116
Science & Education - The past decade has seen multiple debates and discussions over the appropriate framing of Nature of Science (NOS) for science education. These debates have stemmed from a...  相似文献   

Most institutional studies of science have focused on the functioning of its reward system. Less is known about perspectives scientists develop on their variously rewarded and recognized careers. This study examines peoples subjective appraisals of attainment in academic science based on a sample of interviews with physicists who discussed their perspectives on success, including the most salient self-doubts they experience in their roles. The sample is divided into achievement echelons to see how self-doubts vary among those throughout the strata of science. Self-doubts about work accomplishment grip scientists across productivity strata, but these self-doubts grow more uniform as productivity increases. The most diverse sources of self-doubt are found among the least productive scientists in advanced professional ranks. This research was made possible by the National Science Foundation (grant number: SBR-95-01420), whose support is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Theory-of-mind research has been carried out for over three decades, examining the ways children understand the minds of others—their perspectives, intentions, desires, and knowledge. Since the early 21st century, theory-of-mind studies have begun exploring the ways in which children think and reason about the minds—not only of ordinary, visible figures such as humans or animals—but of invisible figures such as spirits, angels, imaginary friends, and God. This growing body of research provides insight into children's cognitive development generally, but also into what could be called a “theory of religious mind.”  相似文献   

分析大科学时代科学与社会的互动关系以及科学家责任的必要性,探讨大科学时代科学家责任的内涵与构成要素。认为在大科学时代,科技与社会的互动关系、科学家责任的范围和要求都较小科学时代更为复杂。为此,科学家不仅要负起强制性责任,还要关注倡导性责任;既要通过严谨的创新活动,扩展科技知识系统,普及科技知识,弘扬科学精神,推进科技与经济的结合,还应监督科学成果社会应用的合理性,思考、预测、评估科技知识可能带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

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