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提出了官僚制是由其核心灵魂——行政伦理精神和制度外壳构成的观点,从多个方面阐述了官僚制提倡的一系列行政伦理精神,并论述了这一理论概括的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

政治—行政二分法和官僚制理论是传统公共行政的主要理论基础,我们可以从政治责任、宪法(法律)责任和政府整体责任几个方面来理解传统公共行政框架下的责任模式。这种责任模式的缺陷表现在:政府作为整体对社会的回应性降低;对于行政组织中的行政领导者而言,只有政治责任,而无管理责任,对于行政人员来说,只对上级负责,而不对公众负责;行政人员自主性差,缺乏负责任的意识。我国现行的行政管理体制是以官僚制为其体现形式的,当前的行政责任体系存在如下问题:官本位的政治文化与“为人民服务”的责任定位的严重脱节;责任结构体系形式化、片面化;行政人员缺乏道德自主性和责任意识。  相似文献   

论行政人员的个人伦理自主性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
个人伦理自主性是指当组织的目标偏离了公民的期待和公民的利益时。行政人员必须划分自己对组织的责任范围来保证对公民的责任,提倡个人伦理自主性。而强调个人伦理建设的意义,个人伦理自主性的培养则有赖于行政人员的个性、公共责任意识的培养和政府组织本身的变革。  相似文献   

行政伦理既是高校和谐与使命实现的保证,又是证实高校行政价值的需要。在官僚制及行政化轨迹中,高校行政陷入官僚政治、民主沦陷等多重困境,致使价值观扭曲,伦理自主无法实现,责任无法履行。为此,必须深刻反思传统行政伦理假设,实现向高校非行政化的伦理管理转型。这需要在信仰、价值观方面重塑高校行政精神,在伦理制度上予以保障,并落实到行政道德、民主和服务行动上。高校行政伦理转型具有两个前提与两种改革方式。  相似文献   

传统的官僚制行政范式由于自身蕴含的矛盾和缺陷,在二战后受到了人们的批判。新公共行政学派为了克服官僚制的制度性的不足提出了民主行政的理论,但是由于民主行政理论的自身缺陷以及官僚制模式存在的社会经济条件并没有完全的消除掉,民主行政成为一种独立、普适的行政模式变得不太可能,它只能作为传统官僚制的纠错机制而存在。因此,在进行行政改革的时候,就要实现二者的兼容、互补,不能把二者看成两个相互排斥的行政范式。  相似文献   

行政忠诚是行政伦理的一个基本规范,是行政主体应有的一种道德品质。行政忠诚是官僚组织对官僚个体的最基本要求同时也是官僚组织得以存在和正常运行的制度保障。然而,在现实的政治实践当中,官僚个体面临着严重的忠诚困境。化解这一伦理困境最为有效的途径应是行政检举。  相似文献   

中国现行的官僚制是作为一种古代官僚制的传承而存在的,相对于西方现代官僚制来说存在诸多缺陷,是发育不良而不是发育充分.在西方国家,甚至部分发展中国家已经兴起针对官僚制的改革浪潮时,中国的行政发展既不能简单地摒弃和修缮传统官僚制,也不能一概排斥现代官僚制理论,更不能拒绝和否定当代西方行政学理论与实践.要充分认识到欧美当代行政学理论与实践对我国行政体制改革的借鉴意义,实现全球化时代中国公共行政模式的跨越式发展,即在对理想官僚制和新公共管理等当代西方行政学理论、运动与模式的借鉴中克服中国现行官僚制弊端.  相似文献   

陈刚 《天中学刊》2007,22(6):40-44
20世纪末,一些学者针对公共行政中道德因素缺失的问题,提出了公共行政改革的伦理建构模式。他们认为,制度约束对于确保官僚负责来说并不充分,行政伦理在行政过程中具有至关重要的作用。要加强行政伦理建设,一方面需要行政人员的道德化,另一方面也要努力实现公共行政制度的道德化。公共行政的伦理建构模式强调,只有制度约束与道德自律、内部控制与外部控制相结合,才能使行政人员更加负责,这点无疑具有积极意义。但是,这一模式的理想化色彩较浓,在实践中缺乏有效的措施来实现其理论主张,并且对公共行政中伦理因素的价值估计过高。  相似文献   

作为对现代行政国家与代议制政府之间紧张关系的缓冲尝试,代表性官僚制对民主行政的发展起到巨大推动作用。民主行政模式建立的关键不在于是否摒弃官僚制,而是对官僚制的反思与完善。代表性官僚制所赖以维持的主动代表与被动代表机制,对于贯彻落实民主行政理论具有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

陈莉 《华章》2011,(20)
官僚制凭借其制度设计的合理性,曾一度在西方社会产生了积极影响,并取得了极大的成功,为现代社会的组织管理提供了有效的工具.但是随着社会的发展与时代的变迁,传统官僚制也遇到了前所未有的危机与挑战.我国目前正处于非常时期,社会主义市场经济体制的发展迫切要求转变行政组织模式来与之相适应.因此,解剖传统官僚制的特征与缺陷,分析后官僚制的理念变化和技术创新,建立一种超越传统官僚制的行政模式,对我国的行政组织改革具有非常重要的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   


Antagonism towards diversity, an attitude reflecting low egalitarian ethical values, has been a topic within policing that has received increasing attention in the last decade. Using two-wave data and applying self-determination theory, we investigated how autonomy support versus autonomy frustration, ways of being motivated either through encouraging one’s sense of volition, or otherwise, coercing and imposing pressures, can improve diversity attitudes through its relation with ethical values. Study 1 (n= 398 police officers and staff) found that autonomy-supportive communications fostered ethical values, and hence was negatively related to diversity antagonism. Study 2 (n= 859 police officers and staff) indicated that motivation to overcome prejudice mediates the relationship between ethical values and diversity antagonism. Perceptions of workplace culture as lacking in autonomy support acted as a boundary condition for the ethical values and diversity antagonism relationship; no relationship was present when autonomy support was low.  相似文献   

Young children’s views are heard rarely in public debates and are often subordinated to adults’ views. This article examines how early childhood staff could support and enhance young children’s participation in public decision making. We argue that when early childhood staff use their expertise in young children’s physical, social and cognitive development to facilitate consultations with young children, they are likely to reinforce the view that young children are unable to form and express their own views. Whatever their intentions, this weakens the notion of children’s rights and undermines young children’s participation in public decision making. In contrast, when staff use their expertise in child development to collaborate with young children, new social structures can emerge in which everyone’s voice is heard. This approach reaffirms staff’s status as experts, but redefines their expertise. Instead of being experts acting on behalf of children, staff become equitable collaborators with children, advancing citizenship for all.  相似文献   

This research examined the role of children’s decision‐making autonomy in their emotional functioning during early adolescence in the United States and China. Four times over the 7th and 8th grades, 825 American and Chinese children (M = 12.73 years) reported on the extent to which they versus their parents make decisions about issues children often deem as under their authority. Children also reported on their emotional functioning. American children made greater gains over time in decision‐making autonomy than did Chinese children. Initial decision‐making autonomy predicted enhanced emotional functioning similarly among American and Chinese children. However, gains over time in decision‐making autonomy predicted enhanced emotional functioning more in the United States (vs. China) where such gains were normative.  相似文献   


Dealing with ethical dilemmas is part of the real, everyday life of a university lecturer. However, the literature on ethics in higher education largely focuses on the broad social agenda, academic freedom and issues connected with research. Using an auto-ethnographic case study about a 'day in the life' of a new university lecturer as a basis for discussion, the paper reports the reactions of two focus groups, representing newly appointed and more experienced academic staff, respectively. Applying Forsyth's taxonomy of ethical ideology, it is suggested that there are marked differences in approach between staff in dealing with ethical dilemmas. Experienced staff, accustomed to higher levels of professional autonomy, were more inclined to argue for a 'situationist' position, while inexperienced staff, inculcated into a more rule-bound culture, tended to adopt an 'absolutist' or 'exceptionist' stance.  相似文献   


Faith schools are often perceived as restricting students’ autonomy through inculcating a single religious ideology and compelling participation in collective worship. Based on interviews and focus groups with parents, students and senior staff, this article investigates how England’s one pluralist Jewish secondary school has, in contrast, attempted to accommodate various forms of Jewish practice and facilitate students’ agency to determine their Jewish identities as desired. It reveals that students enjoy opportunities to actively negotiate Judaism, but that their autonomy is not without limits, and issues inherent to pluralism exist in executing an ethos accommodative of diverse, personalized expressions of Jewishness.  相似文献   

This article reports a 3-year case study of a primary school in England, in which a recently appointed principal attempted to build ‘collegial professional autonomy’ (Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 2 , 2015, 20) within a push to improve students’ progress and attainment. The research examined the tensions between staff who embraced the principal's agenda for collegially agreed change, and whose students’ academic progress and performance improved over a 3-year consecutive period when measured in terms of students’ entry-level attainment and socio-economic factors, and staff who asserted their right to ‘individual professional autonomy’ and whose students’ academic progress and attainment declined. The research: (i) challenges claims that reform necessarily results in school cultures of compliancy, de-professionalisation and the technicisation of teaching; (ii) raises issues concerning the pedagogical leadership of principals in a devolved, ‘self-governing’ school system; and (iii) questions teachers’ entitlements to individual professional autonomy where this is associated with students’ continuing academic underperformance.  相似文献   

非政府组织的本质属性和伦理精神,使其成为一种道义性的社会力量。履行应有的伦理使命是非政府组织的价值规范,也是社会各界对非政府组织的共同期许。在此情景下,公共责任成为非政府组织的核心关切。人们对非政府组织公共责任的关注,主要源于其公益性质及行为的“正当性”;而复合性责任概念框架的提出,使得对非政府组织公共责任的探究具有了学理规范。非政府组织公共责任的多维性,使其公共责任机制也具有复合性的特点,需要通过自律与他律的协同治理来实现。  相似文献   

The study examines the correlation between collective innovativeness of the teaching staff and the principal’s leadership style as well as additional school structure characteristics. The construct of collective innovativeness is examined as a precondition of successful school improvement processes driven by the teaching staff. Based on theoretical interdisciplinary analyses and empirical findings, the examined hypothesis was that the principal’s leadership directly and positively influences the collective innovativeness of the teaching staff. The results of the structural equation modeling (partial least squares regression) indicate that the principal’s leadership style is the strongest predictor of teachers’ collective innovativeness and, together with the teaching staff’s perception of hierarchical structures and autonomy within the school, explained 51% of variance in the construct. The paper highlights important aspects of principals’ leadership styles that can encourage collective innovativeness among teachers.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to help us to move our reflections beyond quality issues and introduces an example of an early childhood setting as a site for ethical practices. Drawing from philosophical works by Levinas and Readings and the work by feminists such as Tronto and Sevenhuijsen, it affirms an ethics of care for early childhood education and the need for ethical practices. The ‘School‐as‐a‐Tree’ in an economically impoverished neighbourhood in Lisbon, Portugal, is presented, highlighting intentionalized ethical practices: the choice of population it serves, pedagogical work rooted on ethics, a curriculum based on social concerns, the importance given to staff development and supervision, and to networking with the community. The ‘School‐as‐a‐Tree’ is a locus for ethical practices, for a variety of projects serving a very diverse population, where decision making is constantly redefined. The ‘School‐as‐a‐Tree’ is a site for children's cultures and relationships, for affirming diversity and alterity, for collective commitment, for transformative practices, and for minor politics.  相似文献   

教师隐喻是关于教师形象的社会共识及其文化符号。其蕴含的伦理包含着教师与学生、教师与知识、教师与自身之间的关系之理。传统教师隐喻蕴含的正面伦理价值体现在:教师是灵魂的启蒙者、人生的指导者、无痕的大爱者、学习的模范者等等;然而其负面价值如对平等的忽视、对知识的盲从、对自由的遮蔽、对生命的践踏等,迫切需要我们反思、批判与扬弃。生命的守望者,作为一种新的教师隐喻,它蕴含如下伦理内涵:教师与学生的关系是一种生命存在;教师与知识的关系是一种创造存在;教师与自己的关系是一种精神自治的存在。  相似文献   

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