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赖仲达 《大众科技》2012,14(4):66-68
大爆炸究竟是否符合科学根据,它违反能量守恒吗?宇宙大爆炸是否只是两个平行宇宙膜之间的碰撞?由于时间的无限性,或许可以得出一个结论:假定大爆炸真的不是宇宙的开端,根据近奇点定理,宇宙必然有一个开端,且一股能量一直保存于这个开端前后,这股能量是真空零点能的来源。宇宙中的时间不过只是能量转换(变换)的过程罢了。钟慢效应依据此解,也只不过是能量的碰撞而已,空间和时间只是两个相对的、却又密不可分的两个有能量体和非能量体罢了。由此我们可以得出,时间,秒,只是人的一种定义,它不真实的存在,但它又可以显现出物体运动的过程,但必须有一个参考系作为两物体相对的前提。  相似文献   

21世纪的企业所面对的市场形态正经历着深刻的变化,需要重新调整其产品定义管理模式,以适应变化了的市场形态,动态新产品定义的概念正是在这一背景下产生的。它是一种管理观念的突破,预示着管理重心的转移。它强调对未来市场需求与技术的识别而非对现实产品需求的详细把握,强调对产品结构框架的明确而非过早地明确产品构成细节,强调管理变化本身而非定义本身;它强调对定义过程中风险的控制和尽可能推迟产品定义冻结的时间而非越早确定产品定义越好。  相似文献   

郑金  王琦  唐晚成 《科学与管理》2020,40(2):104-109
我国专利申请总量已连续多年位居世界第一,但依然存在“大而不强、多而不优”的问题,企业专利质量的提升刻不容缓,但如何提升专利质量?如何培育高价值专利?却是摆在企业面前的难题。本文从高价值专利的内涵出发,对专利信息分析、专利布局规划、专利评估、专利运用等关键环节进行梳理,形成企业高价值专利培育的路径,以期对企业高价值专利培育的实务工作带来启发和帮助。  相似文献   

吴谦 《科教文汇》2011,(21):167-167
物理实验教学是一门实用性很强的课程,但传统的教学模式已无法满足现代社会所需人才培养的要求,也难以激发学生学习的兴趣和求知的欲望,因此,进行教学改革势在必行。  相似文献   

Italy was behind the European average in internet development for many years, but a new trend, which has brought considerable change, emerged at the end of 1998 and showed its effects in 2000 and following years. Now Italy is one of the top ten countries worldwide in internet hostcount and the fourth largest in Europe. Density of internet activity on Italy in proportion to population is still below the average in the European Union, but growing faster than Germany, the UK and France--and faster than the world-wide or European average. From the point of view of media control there are several problems. Italy has democratic institutions and freedom of speech, but there is an alarming concentration in the control of mainstream media (especially broadcast). There are no officially declared restrictions in the use of the internet, but several legal and regulatory decisions reveal a desire to limit freedom of opinion and dialogue--and-or gain centralized control of the net.  相似文献   

赵文  黄文锋 《软科学》2011,25(7):113-115,123
企业家的决策模式有改良式决策与探索式决策两种模式。改良式决策是在企业的技术、组织结构以及管理模式等方面现有的基础上进行改良,有利于企业家更好地发挥这些因素在企业经营中的作用,但容易陷入次优稳定均衡;探索式决策模式是对现有的技术、组织结构以及管理模式等方面进行革新,以期提高企业的产出水平,但探索式决策所带来的不确定性比较大。对动态环境下具有战略眼光的企业家如何动态地组合这两种决策模式进行了理论分析,研究表明探索式决策在动态环境下是一种常态。  相似文献   

Various spatial metaphors related to cyberspace suffer from two major deficiencies. First, they do not take into account that cyberspace is not a preexistent territory, but an entity that emerges in the process of its development. Second, cyberspace is not a metric space, so that most of the ready-made constructs, like the topologic spaces, cannot be of much use. An interpretation of Blake's works helps one to understand that cyberspace is not a purely spatial entity; it also involves time, but not in the sense of Einstein's special relativity theory. The cyber space-time continuum is not a void waiting to be filled, but an aggregation of places (sites) that, similarly to Blake's plates, are multimedia architectures resulting from the blend of space and time.  相似文献   

Italy was behind the European average in internet development for many years, but a new trend, which has brought considerable change, emerged at the end of 1998 and showed its effects in 2000 and following years. Now Italy is one of the top ten countries worldwide in internet hostcount and the fourth largest in Europe. Density of internet activity on Italy in proportion to population is still below the average in the European Union, but growing faster than Germany, the UK and France--and faster than the world-wide or European average. From the point of view of media control there are several problems. Italy has democratic institutions and freedom of speech, but there is an alarming concentration in the control of mainstream media (especially broadcast). There are no officially declared restrictions in the use of the internet, but several legal and regulatory decisions reveal a desire to limit freedom of opinion and dialogue--and-or gain centralized control of the net.  相似文献   

工程伦理属于道德哲学研究范畴,研究应超越“问题”上升到“主义”层面,进行形上研究,这样才能摆脱工程伦理研究虚假繁荣的流弊;在工程体系中工程决策和监管最为关键,但由于隐身于工程表象背后,为多数研究者所忽视,工程伦理研究必须从工程一线转入背后决定环节才能真正取得实效;工程伦理具有实践理性,理性归属于道德,但不属于伦理,因此工程伦理虽然叫做伦理,但是要规范的却是道德,需要对工程体系决定环节进行自觉意识意义上的规范。  相似文献   

This article is published to mark the tercentenary of the birth of Réaumur. Today, his work is rather little appreciated but his contemporaries called him the Pliny of the eighteenth century, and in his breadth of knowledge and interest he has been likened to Francis Bacon. He is commonly remembered for his achievements in the systematic application of science to industry but he also did important biological work, particularly in entomology.  相似文献   

傅侠  袁勤  成玉贤  孙菊如 《科教文汇》2011,(8):25-25,29
德育是最有魅力的。因为德育面对的是人而不是物,即使是物,我们也要显示它背后的人,显示与它和人之间的关系。不可否认学校教育在一个人的成长过程中起着举足轻重的作用。学校教育中一直强调德育.可是我们却深深感觉到了道德缺失。思想政治课作为学校教育提高德育效果的主要途径.其德育功效却非常小。  相似文献   

企业并购整合过程中的学习常常被混同为一般意义上的组织学习,是诸多企业完成并购后又走向失败的根本原因。这个学习过程的对象是内臆知识而非显性或形式化的知识,学习的基本途径是“嵌入活动”。于是,该学习过程的根本机制是:以“故事”为载体,进行共同叙述的构建。  相似文献   

描述了贵州卷柏属一新种,即习水卷柏Selaginella xishuiensis G. Q. Gou & P. S. Wang。新种与蔓出卷柏S. davidii Franch.在体态和大小方面相近,但叶缘具睫状毛而不同;新种在体态上也与地卷柏S. prostrata H. S. Kung相似,但孢子叶一型而不同。  相似文献   

Potts M 《Endeavour》2003,27(3):127-130
In Japan, it took over 30 years to register the contraceptive Pill, but it took only six months to approve Viagra. The Pill was developed in an academic institution and no large pharmaceutical manufacturer wished to market it. Viagra was developed inside a big company and actively promoted. In the USA, the Pill was almost removed from the market because of widely publicized reports of deaths, but mortalities associated with Viagra do not make the headlines. Viagra has been promoted by the famous, whilst those who use the Pill do not appear in advertisements. Even theologians have treated these two drugs according to different standards. It is suggested that this asymmetry is not accidental, but is an expression of a deep-seated dual standard that is ultimately driven by biosocial differences in male and female power, and reproductive agendas rooted in human evolution.  相似文献   

日常语境下,我们常常将科学与知识相等同,但实际上它们有着截然不同的内涵。知识意味着一种事实;而科学则通常建立在一些理想化模型、假说等的基础之上,科学的见解在更多情况下并不是事实。较之知识论对知识的定义和对知识价值的褒扬,科学的非事实性特征表明了它与知识的本质区别,如此,科学的价值似乎也远低于知识。然而,这一结论显然与实际不符。从理解入手来思考知识论问题,不仅可以促使我们对知识的价值问题作出深刻的反思,而且也可以论证出科学所基于的非事实性的理解同样是一种重要的认知价值。  相似文献   

通过使用功能等价法,实现了传统文献到网络文献的迁移。从表面上看,该方法是一种类似功能的传递,实质上它是传统文献在网络环境中的嫁接。它既适应了网络文献灵活多变的特征,又满足了传统文献引用价值的平衡,是网络文献引用规范化的一个有益的尝试。  相似文献   

CO2浓度升高对植物种子萌发及叶片的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用OTC-1型开顶式室进行了CO2浓度对植物种子发芽率、发芽势以及叶片形态结构的影响试验研究。结果表明:CO2浓度升高对发芽率影响不大,但发芽势明显增设,CO2浓度有加速种子萌发的作用。CO2浓度升高对C3作物叶面积、叶干物重增加显著,C4作物增加不明显;随着CO2浓度升高,C3作物叶片气孔密度变小,C4作物(玉米)呈相反趋势;水分胁迫使气孔密度增加;CO2浓度升高,气孔阻力增大,蒸腾速率下降。  相似文献   

监督机制和惩罚机制是目前企业环境信息强制披露的两种机制。监督机制是政府通过一系列制度措施改变被监督者的成本-收益结构来实现监督作用的,但受监督成本等因素的限制,惩罚机制的引入就成为必然。监督机制与惩罚机制对企业环境信息的强制披露有促进作用,但这种促进作用目前在企业应用中发挥有限。  相似文献   

通过构建"经济推动-技术投入-能源节控-环境规制-社会保障"制造业"解锁"能力测度体系,利用正态云模型与关联函数对其"解锁"能力进行测度.结果表明,制造业"解锁"能力于2004~2014年期间呈总体上升态势,但仍具有较大提升潜力;制造业各细分行业的"解锁"能力存在较大差异,对国家政策的"敏感性"不同,资本密集型制造行业对政策"敏感性"最高;制造业总体"解锁"能力进一步提高,但还存在局部短板指标的制约,如平均劳动生产率偏低、科技成果转化效率不足等.  相似文献   

描述了贵州卷柏属一新种,即习水卷柏Selaginella xishuiensis G. Q. Gou & P. S. Wang。新种与蔓出卷柏S. davidii Franch.在体态和大小方面相近,但叶缘具睫状毛而不同;新种在体态上也与地卷柏S. prostrata H. S. Kung相似,但孢子叶一型而不同。  相似文献   

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