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思想政治理论课的文本话语范式教学忽视了学生学习的能动性、自主性、创造性,限制了高校思想政治理论课功能的发挥,人本话语范式教学应成为思想政治理论课教学改革的方向。思想政治理论课教学话语范式的转换意味着思想政治理论课教学理念的更新,它是一个循序渐进的过程,需要教师重视教学话语研究,依托思想政治理论课教学语境的转换.及时变换旧话语,发展新话语,实现思想政治理论课教学话语范式的时代性转换。  相似文献   

话语的界限意味着思想的界限,"教育话语既标示出了教育学研究的内容,同时也标示出一个时期或一段时间内教育研究的兴奋点"[1].现行教育学话语具有中心化、固定性、封闭性、理性化、程序化等特征,是机器时代的产物,与拟像时代的开放性、差异性、包容性、多元性越来越不相适应,所以拟像时代的教育范式转换必须创新教育学话语.  相似文献   

教育学话语是人们在思考和言说教育学问题时的习惯性用语。经过几十年的发展,中国教育学仍没有自己独立、规范的话语体系,有“失语”的嫌疑。中国教育学要发展,一是教育学话语要“本土化”;二是教育学话语要“国际化”;三是要对中国的传统教育学话语进行清理、爬梳,开拓利用有意义的话语资源;四是创建中国自己的教育学派,培育一批真正的教育家。中国教育学要有一套(或多套)自己的教育学话语体系,争得与西方教育学者对话与交流的权利  相似文献   

一定时期的文学研究术语中总会出现若干高频词,高频词能体现某一时期文学研究的症候。近年来,"范式"被广泛使用并成为文学研究中的重要理论话语,使得文学研究呈现出表述的"范式转向":都用"范式"言说自己的理论创见。"范式"话语的广泛使用,除了与"范式"自身所具有的"革新"内涵、知识资源更新中"语词的迁移"现象相关之外,还与"范式"话语所形成的语境压力有关。由"范式"话语所形成的表述范式,不过是诸多关于文学解释中的一种,因而与传统的文学研究模式并未形成根本的断裂。学者们对范式理论的重视不仅反映了其重建文学"本质论"的企图,还表明了在价值失范的情形下重建价值体系的努力。  相似文献   

自媒体是一把双刃剑。一方面,自媒体使大学生暴露于多元价值观冲击下,专业课思政成为高校的迫切要求。另一方面,自媒体给高校专业课思政带来范式变革的契机。自媒体促进网络化协同化的思政话语主体、针对化开放化的思政话语内容、可视化亲切化的思政话语言说方式、多覆盖多互动的思政话语传播的建构变革,对于高校巩固马克思主义指导地位、提升主流话语权和维护意识形态安全等具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

智能时代,教育实践形态的变革与教育研究范式的转型为中国教育学话语体系建设提供了时代机遇,与之相伴的还有各种潜在的挑战。具体而言,智能技术的迅猛发展更新了中国教育学话语体系建设的现实条件,丰富了话语体系建设的理论来源,优化了话语体系的承载和传播方式。但同时,中国教育学话语体系建设也面临着中国特色被弱化、学科特质被疏略、内在连续性被消解等挑战。未来须进一步更新教育学话语体系的建构观,坚守话语体系建设的学科立场,在深层结构上推进话语的数字化,以此构建具有中国特色、学科特质、时代特性的话语体系,提升中国教育学的话语权和国际影响力。  相似文献   

当人类从农业经济时代向工业经济时代继而向知识经济时代迈进的过程中,主要反映社会生产力水平的劳动工具便由“锄头”向“机器”过渡继而由“网络”取代。与社会存在互为促进的人类思维形式也便由“宗教理性”向“科学理性”继而向“拟像理性”转变。相应地教学范式也有过宗教型、机械型与拟像型三种类型。教学范式转换的内部力量来自当下教学范式与拟像时代对教育要求的矛盾性。如果说拟像时代是教学范式转换的社会依据,那么科学革命观则是范式转换的重要理论基础。托马斯.库恩的范式理论,从根本上摧毁了科学的传统形象,认为科学不是连续的、积累的进步过程,而是范式转换的结果,每次科学的新发展都是新的范式取代旧的范式,新旧范式之间是“不可通约”的。由此预示着范式转换是革命性的,否则就无法完成旧范式向新范式的转换。科学革命观的提出对教学内容的变革、教学环境的开放以及师生关系的质变有着重大意义。因此,拟像时代必须建构适合拟像时代的教学内容、教学形式、教学手段等。话语的界限意味着思想的界限,当下教育范式主要存在意识形态话语和科学理性话语两种话语体系,也是教育学话语面临的两个主要问题。教育学话语创新的逻辑是“撒播、补充和实用”,其创新路径是让教育学话语成为生活话语,成为民族性话语,成为平静的话语,成为多元的话语。由上可知,拟像时代将彻底改变人类社会的生活方式和思维方式,也将使教育教学活动发生革命性的转变。因之,我们在此呈现一组关于拟像时代教学范式转换与创新的文章,抛砖引玉,以期使更多的人来关注拟像时代的教学改革问题。  相似文献   

话语根植于特定的语境,思想政治教育话语效度研究要符合教育对象的实际.当下,思想政治教育话语受众是大学生,他们存在方式、交往方式和休闲娱乐方式的改变带来价值观念的变化,构成思想政治教育话语的特殊语境.思想政治教育话语的生产、再生产要立足大学生实际,把握大学生特点,与大学生寓于共同语境之中,树立教育双方互为主体、话语权共享理念,转换思想政治教育话语范式,加强双向互动,充分利用新媒体资源,用年轻人的方式传播思政正能量,构建代际传承中的话语传播新模式,不断提升思想政治教育话语传播效度.这是新时期高校思想政治工作的新任务、新要求.  相似文献   

思政课话语亲和力是思想政治教育亲和力生态系统的重要组成部分。新时代高校思想政治理论课话语亲和力面临话语语境发生深刻变革,教育者和受教育者话语机制存在表达差异,思政课话语场域出现时空割裂,思想政治教育话语范式存在冲突等诸多挑战。通过尝试构建“大思政”的话语体系,以实现思政课话语的“可亲”;采用有效的话语传播策略,以实现思政课话语的“可和”;使用本土化的话语叙事范式,以产生思政课话语的“合力”,从而不断提升高校思政课的亲和力和针对性。  相似文献   

论教育学的学科范式、知识样式及其话语方式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近代以降,教育学建基于科学范式的理论假设及其实践操作之上,并呈现出理论陈述的知识样式和规范控制的话语方式,这使得教育学越来越不可信、不可爱、不可用。当代教育学最为需要自我反醒、自主解脱和自由解放,寻求教育学独立、丰富、多元的个性品质,走出纯粹科学知识的神话意境,转向关注生活场景的学科范式、实践反思的知识样式和对话交流的话语方式。  相似文献   

In this paper, which focuses on a western discourse of race within the pedagogical context, I want to draw some parallels between the “object” and the image in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century classroom and the exhibit of the contemporary museum and exhibition. I suggest that the classroom, museum and exhibition were fundamentally similar pedagogical sites in which the object and the image illustrated similar pedagogical subtexts and were located in architectural environments which were similarly complicit in delimiting the range of meaning which spectators/readers were being encouraged to extract. I emphasise this parallel by focusing on visual representations of “the Other” in the school text and exhibition in both the meteropolian and colonial context. The paper concludes that a discourse of race and cultural contestation pervaded European educational institutions in the nineteenth and early twentieth century in both the metropole and the colonial periphery.


文本细读:中国古典教育话语的叙事范型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国传统文化语境下,中国古典教育话语具有相应特点的话语范式.中国古典教育思想的保存文本不仅具有理论话语范型的特点,而且还具有以"教育情境"说话论理叙事范型的研究特色.  相似文献   

全球化语境与教育学话语自主性的诉求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球化语境中诉求教育学话语的自主性应坚持本土情怀与跨文化视野的统一。坚持本土情怀是为了克服身份误置  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between education policy changes and the working conditions of teachers and school leaders in Vancouver, Canada. We found that policy does shape educators’ discourse about their work conditions. This shaping manifested itself in the emotions teachers experience as they attempt to construct their identity as professional educators. Apparent contradictions emerged in educators’ discussions of their work conditions, particularly their contrasting reports of feeling satisfied with their working environment, yet concerned about issues related to workload and recognition. Two different discourses, the political and the professional, emerged at a deep level of practice. These discourses express conflicting emotions about teaching and teachers’ identity struggles in a context of rapid policy changes. The political discourse is framed around a partisan response to policy changes. The professional discourse focuses on engagement in satisfying educational activities. This study proffers a different conclusion to other studies implying a lack of understanding of practice by policy reformers. It suggests that, while teachers are very aware of policy changes, frequently engaging in a partisan critique thereof, they nevertheless temper that critique with a professional discourse shaped by pedagogical concerns in the local context. This concern with the classroom context enables them to focus their energies on constructing their sense of professional identity that frequently leads them to reinterpret policy initiatives from a local educator’s perspective. While the political discourse has trappings of despair, the professional–pedagogical contains glimpses of hope. We wish to express our appreciation of the work of Barbara Waldern in the analysis that supports the findings about the professional lives of educators.  相似文献   

This is the second of four essays discussing Wu’s ‘Interpretation, autonomy, and transformation: Chinese pedagogic discourse in a cross-cultural perspective’ (JCS, 43(5), 569-590). The essay is interesting against the background of recent debates, both inside and outside China, about the relationship between the Chinese and Western traditions of curriculum and pedagogy. The essay helps one to understand that there is no clear divide between the so-called Chinese and Western traditions. The modern Chinese language as well as its pedagogical discourse have been hybridized with something western, with the implication that it is difficult to distinguish one from the other. However, the paper falls into a trap of cultural judgement: it (re)interprets the Confucian ‘authentic’ texts as ‘desirable’ and attributes many ‘contemporary’ pedagogical practices and/or the discourse of the so-called ‘Confucian heritage’ to the influence of the West.  相似文献   

翻译过程与语篇语境动态构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在翻译过程中,语境起着重要作用。但是静态语境观将翻译看作“成品”而非“过程”,仅仅强调研究语境对理解源语语篇的影响,忽视研究语境对的语语篇生成的作用。从动态语篇语境的观点来看,翻译是一个以语篇为单位、从源语语篇理解向的语语篇的生成转换过程,这一过程可以通过动态构建源语语篇语境和的语语篇语境来实现。  相似文献   

The contextual influences on technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) enactment and the method of TPACK assessment remain to be important research topics. Discourse data of 81 teachers in an online professional learning community were collected and analyzed based on the framework of TPACK. Frequency distribution and time series characteristics of teachers’ knowledge domains were analyzed. In addition, epistemic network analysis was used to compare the epistemic network characteristics of teachers in the higher-score and the lower-score groups, different age groups, and post and reply groups. Results showed that teachers’ knowledge domains enacted in the context of online discourse were mainly pedagogical content knowledge and general pedagogical knowledge. The teachers in the higher-score group had a rich, organized and flexible knowledge structure of TPACK. Younger teachers had more connections between pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge, while senior teachers had more connections between technological knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. The teachers in the reply group had more connections among the different categories of knowledge as compared to the post group. Finally, implications, limitations and future research were discussed.  相似文献   

This study approaches teacher learning from a dialogical viewpoint where lecturers’ voices used in a training course context reflect how lecturers generated new professional discourse. The design of the training course considered the analysis of several critical incidents (CIs) in online teaching. An analytical framework based on lecturers’ discourse and ways of thinking about teaching was used to identify types of renaming teaching practice. The empirical element of the study analysed the written utterances about teaching provided by 12 online instructors in order to determine what kinds of new discourse emerged during the analysis of 15 CIs in online teaching. Results showed that local discourse is the lecturers’ most commonly used discourse, prototypical incidents generated more professional discourse than personal and real CIs, and professional discourse can be created by means of at least nine different ways of articulating discourse. On the basis of these results, some pedagogical implications for lecturer learning are discussed.  相似文献   

This article critiques some of the existing literature in critical pedagogy and the way it tends to overlook or downplay the strong emotional investments of troubled knowledge in posttraumatic situations. Examining existing literature in critical pedagogy reiterates the argument that the discourse of critical pedagogy constructs and sustains its own disciplinary affects. This article builds further on this argument and highlights the importance of foregrounding rather than backgrounding the complexity of difficult emotional knowledge and its pedagogical implications. Working from the assumption that critical pedagogy, especially in the context of posttraumatic societies, must engage this terrain of difficult emotional knowledge in ways that have not been sufficiently addressed by the current rhetoric of critical pedagogy, I look to work that gestures toward a discourse of critical pedagogy which considers troubled knowledge as a source of fruitful and responsive learning. As it will be emphasized, this argument entails making pedagogical space for understanding troubled knowledge in more nuanced terms. This task requires a constant reconsideration of new pedagogical resources to enhance the potential of critical pedagogy; this article discusses three such resources: the significance of pedagogic discomfort, the pedagogical principle of mutual vulnerability, and the value of compassion and strategic empathy.  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore the potential of a curriculum designed to develop Nussbaum's cosmopolitan abilities through two elective subjects offered to future engineers in a Spanish Technical University. To this end, Nussbaum's proposition of cosmopolitan abilities is presented in relation to the broader academic literature on cosmopolitanism and higher education. From this perspective, the origin, context and pedagogical rationale of the curriculum are described including the discussion of an exploratory study based on discourse analysis and how it has informed our pedagogical practice. Finally we argue for the importance of electives that develop cosmopolitan values for students of technical programmes in Higher Education and the need to consider the implications of their cessation as a consequence of the Bologna Process.  相似文献   

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