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课程资源是学生美术学习、鉴赏、创造的重要媒介。在小学美术教学中,教师要自觉地开发并应用课程资源。美术课程资源主要包括地域性课程资源、民间性课程资源以及网络化课程资源。通过课程资源的开发、应用,增强学生的美术学习兴趣,让学生爱上美术学习、乐于美术学习,更善于美术学习。美术课程资源开发、应用,能让学生的美术学习焕发生命活力。  相似文献   

教育研究中对学生的课程理解关注较少,且关注点集中于学生在课堂教学中的课程体验。学生课程理解还涉及学生在学习、体验课程之前对于课程体系、课程结构的认知这一课程理解影响着学生对于课程的整体性认识,影响着学生课程学习的态度与动机。实践中教师课程理解的狭隘以及对学生课程理解的关注不足导致学生的课程理解薄弱,进而造成学生的学习效能低下。今后应提升教师对学生课程理解的关注程度,创造条件促进学生对课程的有意义建构。  相似文献   

正澳大利亚课程评估机构(ACARA)致力于为所有澳大利亚学生提供高质量的课程,促进教育公平。学校对进入学校的学生学习要求非常严格,学校课程具有挑战性,而且学生可以在学习中提出个体的学习需求。教师基于学生的兴趣、特长、学习目标和学习需求来发展教学项目,并满足学生认知的、情感的、身体的、社会的和美的需求。因此,澳大利亚的课程具有多样性的特征,这种多样化可以保证所有学生参与到澳大利亚的课程学习中来,为澳大利亚国家立体设计的课程提出建议,从而使课程更好地适应学生需求;为有特殊需要的学生  相似文献   

一、为谁开发:追求"学生获得"校本课程开发的产品并不是别的什么课程,恰恰应该是"学生的课程",是追求学生获得的校本课程,应当源于学生、通过学校,为了学生。从这个意义上讲,所谓"校本课程",实质上就是"学本课程"。这种课程,凸显学生学习的主体地位,以学生兴趣为出发点,以学生的发展为依归,关注学生学习利益的实现。因此,走向学本课程,应是未来校本课程开发的趋势。学本课程,放弃一切功利主义追求,基于学生的学习过程,  相似文献   

我国学者一直就双语课程的教学问题研究,但学生到底该如何学习双语课程并未提及,本文从学生学习双语课程的心理、学习准备以及学习方法等方面提出相关建议,希望对从事双语课程教授和学习的老师和学生们有所裨益。  相似文献   

通过对H大学生在线课程学习质量影响因素做SPSS相关性分析、多元线性回归分析,得出影响H大学生在线课程学习质量的16个因素中只有7个进入了回归方程,分别为学生的学习进度安排合理、在线课程学习资料下载快、在线课程目标导向性强、课程导航清晰、平台学习进度设置合理、在线平台交互性高、平台操作简单。其中主要影响因素为前四个因素,其对在线课程学习质量的解释率都达到14%以上;次要影响因素为后三个因素,其对在线课程学习质量的解释率都在2%以下。据此提出以下建议来改进H大学生在线课程学习质量:培养学生在线学习习惯和能力;采取激励性的在线课程措施;设置科学的在线课程学习进度;开发清晰的在线课程导航模式。  相似文献   

传统的教学模式在"计算机网络"课程中容易造成学生学习积极性差、教学效果不好的问题。根据该课程的特点,对自主学习在"计算机网络"理论课程中如何激发学生学习欲望、有效提高学生学习的兴趣进行了探究,并设计了相对应的自主学习的教学模式来调动学生学习的积极性,提高课程的教学效率。  相似文献   

本文从职业院校flash课程特点、学生学习质量评价现状、flash课程学生学习质量评价方法、原则、体系建立方面展开研究,旨在根据实际需求合理建立flash课程学生学习质量评价体系。  相似文献   

高职学生存在动手能力强,学习专注力欠缺等特点,《Pro-e应用技术》作为应用型课程,采用案例式教学方法,符合高职学生的学习规律;微课集合了教学设计、课程课件、课堂练习及课程评估等教学资源,只需智能手机等终端设备即可进行微课视频的学习,符合学生的学习现状。在传统教学模式下,《Pro-e应用技术》课程与微课的融合,使得学生增加了更多学习机会,没有时间、空间的界限;学生学习的差异性,在教师的监督和指导下,可以通过微课的学习进行弥补;在教学中,应注重培养学生的主观能动性,课程学习的责任意识;教师不仅仅是对学生进行授课,更多的是对学生进行辅助指导,监督学生学习进度以及主动培养学生课程责任意识等工作,鼓励学生间的互动学习。  相似文献   

综合实践活动课程是小学阶段的一门重要的学科,其和学生现有的生活密切相关。通过学习该门课程,可以帮助学生掌握直接经验,强化学生综合实践能力。综合实践活动课程具有实践性、自主性、综合性等特征,需要教师为学生营造一个良好的课堂氛围,引导学生积极思考、创新,不断挖掘学生的潜力。本文就学习力以及综合实践活动课程进行阐述,分析基于学生学习力开展综合实践活动课程教学的意义,介绍综合实践活动课程教学的现状,提出基于学生学习力提升的综合实践活动课程教学策略。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An important contributing factor to students' willingness to work with diverse people is their "openness" to diversity. The objective of this study was to test the effect of a short (3-wk) study abroad course to China on the openness to diversity/ challenge of the 23 students participating in the China study abroad course. Students were given the "openness to diversity" survey at the beginning of the course and at the end of the course. Statistical analysis concerning the change in openness to diversity between pre-test and post-test was conducted using the Mann-Whitney non-parametric test ( P ≤ 0.05). A significant increase ( P = 0.007) in openness to diversity was observed as a result of the short study abroad course. The overall average change in openness to diversity found for this study (0.07) was consistent with that reported for semester-long study abroad groups (0.074). Together these findings imply that short study abroad courses may have a significant effect on students' openness to diversity and may be as effective as longer study abroad programs. Overall, any study abroad course presents an opportunity to increase students' openness to diversity.  相似文献   

In this study, the following questions were addressed in an undergraduate non-major biology course using a large lecture format: Is there a relationship between students?? perceptions of their learning environment and course performance, and what roles do motivation and attitudes play in mediating that relationship? The purpose of this study was to test a path model describing the mediating effects of motivation and attitudes on learning environments and course performance. The study considered contemporary understanding of teaching and learning, as well as motivation and attitudes, in suggesting a direction for future reform efforts and to guide post-secondary science education instructors and leaders in the design of learning environments for undergraduate non-major biology courses. Among the classroom learning environment variables assessed in this study, personal relevance was the major contributor to predicting attitudes, motivation and course performance. Although the classroom learning environment had a very weak direct effect on course performance, there was a moderate total effect on self-efficacy and intrinsic goal orientation. The classroom learning environment also had a moderate total effect on attitudes toward biology. Attitudes toward biology had a moderate direct effect on self-efficacy. While attitudes toward biology was significantly correlated with course performance, the direct effect was extremely weak and was dropped from the model. However, attitudes toward biology had a moderate indirect effect on course performance due to the mediating effects of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy had a strong direct effect on course performance and therefore seemed to be particularly important. The model tested in this study explained 33?% of the variance in course performance, 56?% of the variance in self-efficacy, 24?% of the variance in attitudes toward biology, and 18?% of the variance in intrinsic goal orientation. To improve course performance, instructors should focus on building self-efficacy among their students and ensure that students find the course personally relevant.  相似文献   

The study explores teachers’ experiences of teaching a context‐based chemistry course, Salters Advanced Chemistry, as compared with teachers of a conventional course. Second, main factors that appear to influence decisions over whether or not to adopt context‐based courses are investigated. Two hundred and twenty‐two teachers’ views of a context‐based and a conventional school advanced chemistry course were obtained from a questionnaire. Responses were analysed in six dimensions: motivation, chemical knowledge and development of concepts, learning activities, assessment, challenge to teachers and students, and teacher support. Both sets of teachers agreed that the context‐based course is more motivating to study and teach, that students would be more interested in chemistry and more likely to go to university to study chemistry, that students would be better able to study independently but that it is more demanding to teach and study. The groups differed principally about concept development and teaching strategy. The context‐based teachers believed that their course gave as good a foundation for further study as a traditional course and that the spiral curriculum was advantageous. Conventional course teachers disagreed with both statements. One significant implication to emerge from the study is the crucial role played by in‐service support in influencing the impact of a curriculum innovation.  相似文献   

The flipped classroom is becoming more popular as a means to support student learning in higher education by requiring students to prepare before lectures and actively engaging students during lectures. While some research has been conducted into student performance in the flipped classroom, students’ study behaviour throughout a flipped course has not been investigated. This study explored students’ study behaviour throughout a flipped and a regular course by means of bi-weekly diaries. Furthermore, student references to their learning regulation were explored in course evaluations. Results from the diaries showed that students’ study behaviour in the flipped course did not appear to be very different from that of students in a regular course. Furthermore, study behaviour did not appear strongly related to student performance in both the flipped and the regular course. Exploration of student references to their learning regulation in the course evaluations showed that some students experienced the flipped course design as intended to support their learning process. Other students, however, demonstrated resistance to changing their study behaviour even though changing study behaviour is expected in order to benefit from the flipped classroom. Further research on the relationship between students’ learning regulation and actual study behaviour and course results is necessary to understand when and why implementing the flipped classroom is successful. Recommendations that may help more effective flipped classroom implementation include considering the prior history between students and instructor(s), the broader curriculum context, and frequent expectation communication especially with large numbers of students and non-mandatory lecture attendance.  相似文献   

体育与健康课程标准的理念和目标给教师发展提供了机遇,但它更是一种挑战。我们必须认真学习和钻研体育与健康课程标准,树立体育与健康课程意识,依据体育与健康课程标准来实施教学行为;要不断改善自身素养,提高根据学生和学校实际实现课程标准的能力,要研究课程评价体系与方法,发挥课程评价对学生发展和教学改革的激励功能,努力达成课程标准。  相似文献   

This paper examines data from a larger study that focused upon students’ experiences and motivations in a college algebra course. The study revealed that students failed this course because of various factors and continued to view this course as a “gatekeeper” class. Through a stepwise multiple regression, the analysis of the ARCS instrument showed that Attention, Relevance, and Confidence were strong predictors of Satisfaction in the course.  相似文献   

Support for student learning is a key element in optimizing student learning experiences in any learning environment and its importance has been widely discussed. This study looked at student support, particularly in the course context, focusing mainly on guidance provided to students within a course. Three categories of support were identified and used for the purpose of this study: instructional, peer, and technical support. A total of 110 students completed an online survey on students' perceptions of support and course satisfaction in an undergraduate online course at a large southeastern university. The results showed perceived support was significantly related to their overall satisfaction of the online course. The findings of this study suggest that teachers should communicate what types of support are available to students and provide an easy way of accessing and taking advantage of the support.  相似文献   

教师"课堂决策"是其"课程决策"在课堂教学层面上的体现。研究教师课堂决策对研究其课程决策的特征,以及影响其课程决策形成和发展的因素及条件有着重要的意义。在我国,由于课堂教学所涉及的因素极其复杂,将实证研究方法运用于教师"课堂决策"研究仍属空白。本文通过对实证研究案例的分析,探讨了两种质的实证研究方法,即"多例个案研究"和"质的内容分析"在外语教师课堂决策实证研究领域中的可行性及意义。  相似文献   

机械制图是机械类学生的专业技术基础课,对这门课程的掌握程度将直接影响到学生后面课程的学习。文章结合《机械制图》课程的教学实践,浅谈如何提高《机械制图》教学质量。  相似文献   

The study attempted to assess the validity of measures commonly used for course evaluations. Activity and attitudinal measures were included and these were related to two different control groups. The study was completed with a sample of teachers who attended a course dealing with child abuse repeated 23 times with groups of approximately 25 teachers. It was found activities undertaken after the course were more a reflection on how little effort was required to carry them out than on the effectiveness of the course. Attitude measures tended to make it appear the course had an effect. The type of control group used for comparison purposes had a marked effect on whether the course appeared to have been effective. The need to consider these factors as influential variables when interpreting data from course evaluations was stressed.  相似文献   

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