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我有一个恩爱的妻子和一个可爱的儿子,我们一家三口幸福地生活着。然而,幸福是短暂的,在儿子杰瑞就要上学时,我的妻子出了车祸,她永远地离开了我们。  相似文献   

一部叫《那些年。我们一起追的女孩》的电影,让我们能有一个理所当然的契机。放肆地回忆走过的青春里那些满满的记忆……  相似文献   

母挡风,给父母摭雨——我以一个男人的名义郑重地宣誓!后记:怀着感激读家,读父母,一份赤裸裸的现实中剥离出一个沉甸甸的信仰。我是男人,我知道自己该做什么……读,用心,用情……@曹炳龙$山东莱州市高级职业学校  相似文献   

好一个安塞腰鼓!后生们的胳膊、腿、全身,有力地搏击着,疾速地搏击着,大起大落地搏击着。它震撼着你,烧灼着你,威逼着你。它使你从来没有如此鲜明地感受到生命的存在、活跃和强盛。它使你惊异于那农民衣着包裹着的躯体,那消化着豆角老南瓜的躯体,居然可以释放出那么奇伟磅礴的能量!  相似文献   

谢忠洁 《考试周刊》2011,(63):69-70
心理学研究表明:如果一个人对某一活动有浓厚的兴趣,那么活动效率就高,而且不易产生疲劳和负担过重的感觉。我在设计数学习题时把兴趣作为内在的“激素”,让学生主动、愉快、积极地做题,增强作业效果,减轻作业过重负担。我是从以下三方面着手进行的。  相似文献   

林子冉 《新作文》2011,(12):39-39
傍晚,天气很好,我和妈妈高高兴兴地到小区的水果摊上买水果。到了水果;摊,我看到了红艳艳的苹果正调皮地和我眨眼睛,我们买了四个大苹果,阿姨把它们放在一个白色的塑料袋里,递给了我。  相似文献   

很多年前,某所学校里的老师们发现了一个奇怪的现象:校长每天早晨上班的时候总要在操场中间停留一会儿,目光缓缓地扫视着校园。一天早晨,几个年轻的教师和校长有说有笑地走到操场中间,校长又停住了脚步,远远地注视着一个瘦小的身影。大家也跟着停了下来,看了半天,才看出来那是一个正在晨练的男孩。  相似文献   

读了《生命如水 哪一段不美》这本书后,我对周弘产生了一种深深的敬意:一个普通的工人变成一个家庭教育专家,一个失聪的孩子成长为一名优秀的人才。周弘的不幸在于他的女儿聋哑。周弘的成功在于他不轻言放弃,而是细心地、耐心地观察、发现。赏识孩子的优点和长处,坚持不懈地鼓励孩子前进,克服一切困难地前进,不断地为孩子的每一个微小进步加油,用自己的心让孩子“听”到了全世界最美丽的声音--父亲爱的呼唤。  相似文献   

陈碧蓝 《家长》2010,(2):95-95
爸爸,您是一个有着坚强意志的人,凭借着自己的才气和勤奋,您在很多刊物上发表小说,如今您已经是本地知名的作家。爸爸,您也是一个慈爱的人,为了我有一个美好的未来,您给我创造最好的学习环境,全身心地培养我。可是,爸爸,您却有一个非常不好的习惯——吸烟。  相似文献   

晚上,完成作业后,哥哥和我迫不及待地开始了我们的娱乐项目——打羽毛球。我们分别站在客厅的南北两头,我首先发了一个球,哥哥反应敏捷,接到了。接着,我一个凌空劈杀,哥哥没招架住。趁我还没准备好,哥哥竟然突然发球,我还没反应过来,球就落地了。哥哥竟然搞突袭,真是太可恶了!  相似文献   

Assessment and outcomes measurement is receiving considerable attention in higher education nationwide. But what are colleges and universities doing and calling assessment? To answer these and other questions, a telephone survey was conducted with a sample of large, research universities. Responses to the survey are presented and discussed in this paper. Results indicated limited university involvement in activities commonly associated with the current assessment “movement,” i.e., measures of added value or student progress and growth. Instead, much of the reported activities are “traditional” testing and evaluation activities such as placement testing and student evaluation of instruction. In sum, assessmentis evaluation at large, research universities.  相似文献   

This paper examines leadership in large primary schools. The paper reports on interviews conducted with heads and deputies in 26 schools with 600+ pupils. The first part of the paper sets out what the heads and deputies said about leading such large schools. Then five themes which emerged from their testimonies are explored. The themes are: context; site management; organisational structures; the role of the deputy head; professional development. The interviews have been used to inform a second stage of the study, which is a large survey of 500 other large and very large schools. The quantitative data are still being analysed at the time of this paper going to press and the findings will be reported later.  相似文献   

The confluence theory, which hypothesizes a relationship between intellectual development birth order, and family size, was examined in a colombian study of more than 36,000 college applicants. The results of the study did not support the confluence theory. The confluence theory states that the intellectual development of a child is related to average mental age of the members of his family at the time of his birth. The mental age of the parents is always assigned a value of 30 and siblings are given scores equivalent to their chronological age at the birth of the subject. Therefore, the average mental age of family members for a 1st born child is 30, or 60 divided by 2. If a subject is born into a family consisting of 2 parents and a 6-year old sibling, the average mental age of family members tends, therefore, to decrease with each birth order. The hypothesis derived from the confluence theory states that there is a positive relationship between average mental age of a subject's family and the subject's performance on intelligence tests. In the Colombian study, data on family size, birth order and socioeconomic status was derived from college application forms. Intelligence test scores for each subject was obtained from college entrance exams. The mental age of each applicant's family at the time of the applicant's birth was calculated. Multiple correlation analysis and path analysis were used to assess the relationship. Results were 1) the test scores of subjects from families with 2,3,4, and 5 children were higher than test scores of the 1st born subjects; 2) the rank order of intelligence by family size was 3,4,5,2,6,1 instead of the hypothesized 1,2,3,4,5,6; and 3) only 1% of the variability in test scores was explained by the variables of birth order and family size. Further analysis indicated that socioeconomic status was a far more powerful explanatory variable than family size.  相似文献   

Many traditional assessment instruments and procedures are developed for the purpose of assessing a carefully defined degree of understanding of specific items, such as competence in arithmetic or demonstrating a particular physical skill. The knowledge or skill to be assessed is learnt through a limited set of learning experiences, in conjunction with selected texts and other resources as defined in the curriculum—often in a closed system. Evaluating learners understandings of wider and more complex knowledge systems can require a different approach. MetaMaps—a reflective, hypertext alternative to the traditional essay, provides an alternative approach to the linear essay, term paper or minor thesis for evaluating students holistic understandings of open knowledge systems. For students, MetaMaps have the advantage of being developmental, allowing for the ready inclusion of developing knowledge and perspectives, and they make the learning/evaluation cycle more holistic by using the MetaMap as both a learning and assessment tool. This paper describes the development and ongoing revision of the MetaMap concept.  相似文献   

There are conflicting findings about whether adopted children have more psychological and behavioral problems than nonadoptees. Research results are discrepant partly because many previous studies were based on small clinical samples or on samples biased by self-selection. A nationally representative school survey (Add Health) was used to compare adopted (n = 1,587) and nonadopted adolescents (total N = 87,165) across a wide variety of measures. Standardized mean differences show that adopted adolescents are at higher risk in all of the domains examined, including school achievement and problems, substance use, psychological well-being, physical health, fighting, and lying to parents. Demographic and background variable breakdowns show that the effect sizes for differences between adopted and nonadopted adolescents were larger for males, younger or older adolescents, Hispanics or Asians, and adolescents living in group homes or with parents of low education. Distributional analyses revealed approximately a 1:1 ratio of adopted to nonadopted adolescents in the middle ranges of the outcome variables but a ratio of 3:1 or greater near the tails of the distributions. These data clearly show that more adopted adolescents have problems of various kinds than their nonadopted peers; effect sizes were small to moderate based on mean differences, but comparisons of distributions suggest much larger proportions of adopted than nonadopted adolescents at the extremes of salient outcome variables.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats foraged for food in six successive phases with 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, and 48 arms attached in random locations to a large radial maze. The percentage of novel choices appeared to be determined more by spatial proximity than by number of arms. In Experiment 2, rats foraged for food in four successive phases with 8, 16, 24, and 48 arms attached to the maze in spread-out or tight configurations. Performance was poor in the tight configurations regardless of the number of arms. Performance was excellent in the 8-arm spread-out condition but declined as 16 and, then again, 24 arms were added. Thus, spatial separation, not number of locations, was the chief determinant of performance in the first two experiments. In Experiment 3, in successive phases, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 16, and 8 food towers were set in a circle on the floor, with the spatial separation between adjacent towers held constant at 33 cm. The percentage of novel choices declined as 8 towers became 16 and did not change again with 24, 32, 40, or 48 towers in place but then increased again as 16 towers became 8. In Experiment 4, in successive phases, 8, 16, 24, and 32 food towers were set in a circle, with the spatial separation between adjacent towers held constant at 66 cm. The percentage of novel choices declined as 8 towers became 16 and again as 16 towers became 24 but did not decline further. These data were discussed in terms of the fundamental problems posed by variations in the number of food locations in the pursuit of the limit of spatial memory in rats.  相似文献   


In this paper it is argued that scientific thinking in physics involves the progressive clarification of the relationship between mathematics and physics, as well as the clarification of scientific induction and deduction. Furthermore, the framing of theories and the working out of their consequences involve the exercise of the imagination. One locus of scientific imagination is the thought experiment, primarily understood as a mental device that helps explicate concepts and principles, and unravel paradoxes.

A sound curriculum in physics, however, must also be based on broad principles of education. These principles are first stated and then it is argued that in conjunction with what we have said about scientific thinking we should teach physics in terms of contexts of inquiry. These contexts relate to questions, method, problems, experiments, history, and the large context problem itself. Here we find the clarification of induction and deduction, as well as the proper placing of the thought experiment.

In the appendix it is shown how this contextual approach can be used for the teaching of kinematics. It is claimed that when we teach within the contexts of inquiry, physics is liberated from a specifiable method, and becomes historical, relevant, alive, human and exciting.  相似文献   

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