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在过去的30年中,西班牙的高等教育经历了许多变化。在1983年,由于人们对私立大学的合法性的认可开始了高等教育的竞争状态。1998年以来,由于学生人数的减少以及人们对高等教育需求的下降,进一步推进了高等教育的改革。2001年,西班牙政府颁布了一项新制度以推动公立大学的市场化行为和私有化运行。尽管目前来评价这些变化的作用可能为时尚早,因为大学公共资金拨付制度仍保留不变,而这是今后需要调整的关键问题,这样才能为高等教育提供真正的竞争条件。虽然市场已经进入到西班牙高等教育领域中,但是公立大学源源不尽的公共资金将是阻止一个真正公平竞争的市场形成的一股巨大的力量。  相似文献   

经过三十多年的发展,我国民办高校已经成为高等教育事业的重要力量。虽然我国高等教育的格局是公办教育与民办教育并存,但是相对于公办高校,民办高校地位低,影响力差。同时,快速变化的社会环境、日趋激烈的高校竞争、高校毕业生的供需错位、生源下降的威胁,都使民办高校面临巨大的挑战。对民办高校而言,树立依托于地方、服务于地方的发展理念,从服务地方经济社会的角度出发,发挥优势,正视不足,根据地方产业、行业的特点进行针对性的人才培养,构建完善的服务地方的理念、机制和措施,才能在激烈的竞争中独树一帜,可持续发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to seek to understand the process of privatisation and deregulation of Israel's higher education system which had been until the late 20th century predominantly public. Since 1994, public and governmental agencies became major clients of private universities. Thus the public sector played a major role in the expansion of international universities and in the operation of their academic programmes and became their major financial source. This partnership between the public and the private sector could be explained by the following: the increased demand for higher education by native born Israelis and the large flux of immigrants from the former USSR and Ethiopia on the one side, and the socialist ideology which deeply rooted in the Israeli society, to enable for everyone who wishes to attain higher education to find a place in the undergraduate system (particularly the population of the developmental towns and minority groups) on the other, pushed the Israeli government to expand its boundaries. Israel's public universities have been subjected to relax admissions requirement, which they refused to do. Another reason is the increasing demand from the public service in general and particularly from the education service that having a BA degree would increase the teacher salary and it does not matter whether the degree comes from an Israeli university(with its higher standards) or from a branch of an international university(with its lower standards). That explains the expansion and diversification that occurred in the higher education system in Israel. The 1998 Branches Act stipulating that any overseas institution intending to open an off shore branch must obtain a licence from the Council of Higher Education. The new regime demonstrates the paradox in higher education policy, on one side privatisation by the backdoor, on the other, regulation and control by the Israeli government.  相似文献   

日本高等教育的大发展很大程度上是通过发展私立高校实现的,其私立高校在政府资助、师资竞争、生源竞争上已处于与公立高校相对公平的竞争环境。日本私立高校发展过程是一个由"压制"到"承认"再到"扶持"的演进过程,公私立高校公平竞争的实现经历了较长的时期。立法、国民经济长期稳定的发展和较强的经济实力是实现公私立高校公平竞争的前提和保障,而政府的资助受私立高校自身情况(如数量、规模、层次、质量),以及国家经济发展水平与实力、立法时间等多种因素的制约。  相似文献   

对促进我国民办高等教育发展的几点看法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
本文根据所有制的属性和国际上大学通用的命名原则,提出将“民办、改称“私立”为宜。强调教育的“公益性”,反对民办教育“营私性”的思潮。指出世界著名私立大学创办人都有正确办学理念,教育质量是大学的生命线,对困扰民办大学的办学经费问题提出了探讨性的解决办法。认为正确处理好民办大学董事会“领导”和校长“负责”的关系,是民办大学面向社会自主办学并具有活力的关键。  相似文献   

This article examines the emergence of the public university in Kenya as a key provider of private higher education, characterised mainly by the phenomenon of the “private public university student.” It probes the broader socio-economic reforms circumscribing the privatisation of Kenya's public universities and the local and global forces responsible for these reforms. From the enrolment patterns of Kenya's public universities, where state-subsidised students are becoming a diminishing minority and where a range of exclusive programmes for private students (mainly taught in the evenings) are a growing trend, it may be argued that a new kind of private university is emerging; namely, private universities owned by public universities.  相似文献   

转型之下的台湾高等教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林杰 《教育学报》2006,2(2):85-90
进入21世纪之后的台湾正迎来一个高等教育普及化的时代,伴随着国立大学的法人化运动以及私立大学的发展,台湾高等教育处于一个深刻的转型时期。在经费减少、生源下降、市场竞争日趋激烈的情况下,台湾高等教育被迫实施自主经营、民主治校、院校整合、高校评鉴等一系列改革举措,主题是提升质量、增加大学的国际竞争力。但在改革的过程中,也暴露出许多较为严峻的问题。  相似文献   

Although most social work continuing education units operate within stable academic institutions, this stability does not extend to the operation of these units. The greatest impediment is the demand by university administrators that the units operate on a pay as you go basis and turn any surplus revenues to the university for its discretionary use. In trying to meet university conditions while maintaining high standards of service, the units face several difficulties including competition from private providers, high costs, fewer sponsors, and indifferent faculty.In funding and budgeting the units for continuing education, universities tend to ignore two key arguments. The first is that CEP provide public services with spill over effects that add indirect demand to the demand expressed through registration. The second is that building quality into professional programs requires long term investments that forego immediate profits.Because continuing education programs are an image of their profession, social work programs need to correspond to the profession they serve, a profession that produces public goods (and services) while seeking to assure quality within non-profit environments. Unless universities assume a lead role in supporting these efforts through new approaches, continuing education programs will only be partially successful in fulfilling their mission.  相似文献   

民办高校是一种典型的利益相关者组织,民办高校举办者、学生及其家长、教职工、政府和公众等,都是民办高校健康发展中关系密切的利益相关者。基此,在完善学校法人治理结构上,民办高校应立足于利益相关者治理,构建利益相关者参与的监督体系,以维护利益相关者的利益、保障高等教育的公益性与公共性。但在现实办学实践中,我国民办高校内外监督制约机制普遍缺失,利益相关者难以起到监督作用。我国民办高校事实上陷入"家族化"经营治理,从而极大制约着民办高校的持续健康发展。当前,民办高校应着力建立健全以监事会为重点的内部利益相关者监督机制和以政府监管为主体的外部利益者监督机制,以此完善学校治理结构,纠正民办高等教育市场失灵,进而实现民办高校持续健康发展。  相似文献   

论国有民办二级学院学生国际意识的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘翠秀 《高教论坛》2003,(4):117-120,139
国际意识包含开阔的视野、开放的心态和遵守国际规则等内涵。从国有民办二级学院的产生、面临的形势及办学目标定位看,培养学生的国际意识很有必要。民办学院要利用体制优势,设置国际教育课程,拓宽学生视野;调整人才培养目标,培养实用型、复合型人才;扩大对外交流,充分利用国际教育资源,提高学生的素质,增强其参与国际竞争的能力,以适应社会经济、科技文化发展的需要。  相似文献   

Changes in the former Soviet system had a dramatic influence on higher education in Georgia. The main objective of the current article is to analyse implications of the post‐Soviet transition for the skill formation and skill utilisation system in Georgia. In particular, the study analyses recent trends in Georgian higher education including privatisation and economic liberalisation. The discussion builds upon theories of transition and relevance of skill formation theories to the post‐Soviet transition. The article argues that increasing competition among public universities and newly emerged private universities has not improved the quality of higher education provision. On the contrary, it has contributed to an imbalance between the labour market's demand for skills and awarded qualifications, a mismatch and irrelevance of skills and high unemployment rates among university graduates. The article demonstrates that economic approaches in the transition context could not explain the complex logic between the skill formation and skill utilisation mechanisms. It further concludes that the discrepancies between the skill formation and skill utilisation systems had a negative impact upon skill modernisation in Georgia.  相似文献   

民办高等教育经过几十年的发展,已经成为我国高等教育不可缺少的一支力量。在经历了规模化扩招以后,民办高校正面临重新洗牌的局面。民办高校教育质量问题成了社会普遍关注的问题之一。唯有不断提高教育质量,形成自己的核心竞争力,才能在公办高校间求得自己的生存空间。构建"全员育人、全程育人、全方位育人"的"三全育人"机制,提高"育人"成效,提高教育质量,走科学发展之路,已刻不容缓地摆在每一所民办高校面前。  相似文献   

The main features of the recent evolution of the Spanish universities are described in this paper. Of the three sets of reforms that are currently in progress (reforms of the teaching process, institutional evaluation and new financing models) we concentrate on the last one, introducing and discussing some proposals for the financing of Spanish public universities.The first part of the paper shows the recent institutional changes, the evolution of the university system (in students and in financial and human resources) over the last decade, its situation within the international context, the student demand, the graduate output and the labor market demand for graduates. In the second part, the proposal for revising the current financing model is described in detail.  相似文献   

在资源分配行政划拨和高等教育资源供不应求的卖方市场环境下,我国高校之间长期以来缺乏竞争。自主招生为高校之间争夺优质生源提供了竞争平台,提供了完善高校竞争机制的切入点。在竞争的压力下,各高校才有动力不断提高自身的办学条件,提高教学科研水平,不断改进教学内容以适应社会需求,形成多样化和特色化的人才培养方案。管理部门应该给予学校足够的自主权,并给予政策上的引导和支持,以自主招生为切入点,完善高校竞争机制,提高高校的综合实力。  相似文献   

Sustainability issues in higher educational institutions have attracted increasing levels of attention from both the public and policy-makers in recent decades. Many studies have called for a more integration of sustainability into mainstream university operations and curricula. Nevertheless, the interest in sustainability issues has been more recent in the specific case of Spain. On this basis, the aim of this paper is to examine the main factors (size of universities, chairs related to sustainability, political orientation and sustainability disclosure) that might explain the presence of sustainability initiatives in Spanish universities. To accomplish this task, data were collected using a systematic content analysis of the published strategic plans of Spanish universities during the last decade. Two main findings were identified: first, the four variables chosen were not related to the presence or absence of sustainability initiatives in the strategic plans of Spanish universities, excepting the partial influence exerted by the size and political orientation. Second, there was a scarce presence of sustainability initiatives in the strategic plans of Spanish universities analysed.  相似文献   

在快速发展的现代社会,对人才的需求逐渐由单一人才模式转变成了对复合型人才的需求。而针对现代社会对人才的渴求形势,以培养实用型人才为主要目标的民办高校,自然也要相应地转变自身的培养方案和培养模式,使其能够与日新月异的社会相接轨,让学生在毕业之后,能够花费较少的时间与精力去适应社会。  相似文献   

In this difficult economic climate state policy makers are increasingly focused on higher education as an economic development tool. Many rust belt states are looking to transform themselves from a state dependent on manufacturing and agriculture to a more diverse knowledge based economy. Many nations use higher education as a catalyst for economic development but rarely has it been viewed as a more local state or province based initiative. Therefore, one often overlooked component of an integrated economic strategy is encouraging more international students to attend college in a particular state, as an economic development tool. International students not only add significantly to the local economy through direct expenditures, but enrich the experiences of domestic students. In addition, many international students remain in the community in which they were educated, adding a global dimension to existing firms, or in many cases, establishing a new entrepreneurial venture. As competition for students intensifies, and states look to find solutions to supplement their growing budget deficits, many more will be looking to promote their public universities to increase international student enrollment. Yet little is known about the perceptions of the two groups, international students and domestic students, who will be most directly impacted by the economic and public policy issues. Understanding the perceptions of international students is crucial to developing an effective marketing plan, while views of domestic students are also important as they shape the experiences of international students and influence public policy. The current study utilised a survey of more than 800 students to measure current students' perceptions in the following three areas: the state economy, impact of international students, and public policy and international students. Results suggest that domestic students are concerned about the state's economic future, have a positive perception of the economic benefits of international students, and support policies to increase international student enrollment. International students have more positive views of globalization and the positive economic impact of internationalization of education. In addition, international students have a positive perception of their experiences in the state, although many do not, at this time plan to stay in the state after graduation.  相似文献   

王涛 《高教发展与评估》2012,(1):85-93,109,120
由于高等教育国际化发展水平、大学数量及教育质量等方面所存在的问题,印度已成为智力外流的主要国家之一。在高教改革的推动下,印度的私立院校较之公立大学在开发创新服务项目和满足西方大学学术研究及学生的需求等方面,显示出更强的竞争力和灵活性。印度只有建立有效的学生支持服务体系及质量评估策略,与国外大学机构实现功能对接,才能在高等教育国际化发展中成为对外国留学生和教师流动有吸引力的国家。  相似文献   

政府管制的两个限度与高等教育市场化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘希武 《比较教育研究》2005,26(9):16-20,80
高等教育接近于私人物品,但具有公共性;这种公共性为政府的管制奠定了合法性的基础.公共性与管理方式奠定了政府管理高等教育的两个限度.两个限度的实质是政府、市场、社会与高校间的权力分割、责任分担的界线问题.所谓市场化就是要解决界线问题.但仅有市场化是不够的,非政府组织的存在是解决权力分割与责任分担界线问题的必要准备.此外,高等教育市场化的要旨应在于实现公私之间、公立内部之间的充分竞争.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of newly available data on a standardized national examination for secondary school students in Thailand, this study attempts to explain the variation in the average performance of students using school and local characteristics. Special emphasis is placed on trying to understand the asymmetric success factors of public and private secondary schools, and the possible effects of their coexistence. Results from a propensity score matching model suggest that private schools may create positive spillovers on the academic performance of students attending public schools located in the same district. The main implication from the research is that a more careful discussion about the impact of the ongoing education reforms on private schools is needed.  相似文献   

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