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盗版软件的经济解析和营销管理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软件盗版已成为市场毒瘤,严重危害着正版软件企业以及软件使用者的利益。盗版的泛滥对经济发展、科技进步、社会安全造成不利影响。通过从经济和管理的角度探究盗版背后的经济和技术原因,找出软件行业的特殊发展规律,从而提出软件企业作为市场竞争主体在反盗版过程中有效的应对措施。  相似文献   

全球软件盗版损失的定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁勤俭 《情报科学》2004,22(11):1311-1316
在全球软件产业蓬勃发展的同时,软件盗版对该产业危害和影响越来越大。本文定量分析了软件盗版给全球软件产业带来的损失。  相似文献   

软件知识产权保护的经济学思考   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
从软件知识产品存在溢出效应出发,认为需要建立相关法律手段进行保护,进一步对软件知识产权盗版博弈分析,从政府和企业两个层面提出对策:政府应加大惩治力度和惩治频率,企业应建立软件知识产权保护制度,并增加软件技术及防盗技术含量。  相似文献   

软件盗版如何不让人头疼   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国电脑软件市场盗版现象相当严重,软件市场被盗版者占去十之八九.统计显示,中国包括台湾地区PC机中各种软件装机量雄居世界之冠.软件盗版严重,导致销售势头好的软件产品一上市很快就被盗版,开发单位损失惨遭重.据估计,中国软件产品的盗版率大约达到98%,在国际软件协会的统计中,中国软件盗版率排在最前面.  相似文献   

软件产业作为信息产业的核心和灵魂,是国民经济发展的基础性和战略性产业,是信息化建设的关键环节,然而伴随着软件产业的飞速发展,软件盗版问题也越来越严重,它已经成为威胁软件产业的主要问题。以2006年51个国家的横截面数据为研究样本,对版权保护与软件业盗版率的关系进行了实证分析。结果显示,版权保护对抑制软件业盗版具有显著影响,其弹性系数为0.524。  相似文献   

随着软件逆向分析技术及其相关分析工具的发展,使得针对软件可执行代码的非法窃取和任意篡改操作更加容易,从而导致了软件盗版现象越来越严重。盗版软件的猖獗不仅给软件开发商带来了巨大的经济损失,也严重制约了我国软件行业的发展。本文针对当前应用最为广泛的注册码保护技术,设计并实现了一种基于RSA算法的安全注册码系统,在不增加软件成本的同时很好地弥补了传统注册码保护技术在安全性上的不足,从而提高了软件的抗破解能力。  相似文献   

中国经济的高速发展,投资、创业与人才环境的改善,政府扶持政策的落实,硬件与通讯成本的大幅下降,特别是中国加入世贸组织,所有这些都为中国软件业的发展带来前所未有的机遇。中国软件业想要抓住机遇,然而中国软件业也面临国际化软件的激烈竞争,并存在产业结构不合理,软件管理水平不高,服务体系不健全,盗版问题严重等诸多问题。就必须在产业结构与发展思路上进行重大的调整,最重要的是在软件的产品、经营模式等  相似文献   

李书 《科技广场》2004,(7):103-106
盗版软件,已经成为了现在软件市场的巨鳄!并将在一个比较长的时间继续占领着消费者市场。本文就是基于此,试图描绘现在中国盗版软件市场现状,并简要分析盗版到底给正版带来了多少损失;如果没有盗版,正版市场又会是何种境况;文末给出对于打击盗版市场的一些笔者的个人看法。  相似文献   

目前各国的软件企业发展态势总体表现出良好的趋势,这对于国家的经济的稳定增长甚至是持续的增长起到了不可忽视的作用。渐渐地,软件产业的发展也成为了一个国家综合国力强弱的重要判定因素,很多国家在对软件产业的扶持上着实下了一番功夫,不仅仅是经济方面的因素,软件产业也是在一定程度上关系到了国家的社会、国家安全等等很多敏感方面的问题,所以很多国家对软件产业的看中也是不无道理的。但是,软件产业所要承担的风险更大,投入也是相对更高些,不仅如此,由于软件容易被复制,所以软件产业上的一些盗版现象十分频繁的发生着,这一点在我们的日常生活中就足以体现,逐渐的威胁着整个软件产业界安全向前发展。  相似文献   

王聪 《今日科苑》2010,(12):118-119
软件是构建信息化社会的基石,软件产业已经成为我国在21世纪重点发展的战略性产业。经过十多年的发展,我国软件产业无论从产业规模、产业发展环境都取得了一定的成就。但众所周之,盗版的肆虐已经成为阻碍软件产业发展的最大的一块绊脚石。本文将拟用经济学的分析方法,分别从软件盗版和我国反盗版软件的现状和软件盗版所带来的危害进行探讨,并在此基础上,提出相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

Advances in Internet and other digital technologies have opened up new channels and methods for online business. They have also led to a situation where the same channels can be abused and misused. One of these forms of technology abuse, which is becoming increasingly prevalent these days, is the piracy of digital content. This article introduces a relatively comprehensive and unified theoretical framework for studying and understanding a major aspect of digital piracy: namely, software piracy. Based on Routine Activities Theory, Rational Choice Theory, and guardianship concepts, the framework identifies key parameters that can affect the incidence of software piracy. We apply the framework in conducting a systematic examination of 75 articles dealing with software piracy. The examination reveals that a considerable number of parameters have received little or no attention from software-piracy researchers. In addition to suggesting research opportunities, the framework furnishes a systematic approach for structuring the design of future research studies in the realm of software piracy. The insights furnished by this article contribute to future investigations of the software-piracy phenomenon that are needed to avert the economic and social damage caused by software piracy.  相似文献   

Drawing on Jones's ethical model and Ajzen's theory of planned behavior, this study proposes and tests an integrative model for the decision-making process underlying software piracy. Survey data collected from computer users in Guangzhou, China, in accordance with two software piracy scenarios under study—end user piracy and software counterfeiting—provide general support for the model. Consistent with major propositions of the theory of planned behavior, the findings show that Chinese computer users’ perceived moral intensity of software piracy significantly affects their corresponding moral recognition, judgment, and intention in both scenarios. Moreover, a direct influence of moral judgment on attitude toward software piracy is found in both scenarios. With regard to end-user piracy specifically, the findings further echo the theory of planned behavior by demonstrating a direct influence of attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control on intention to pirate. As in the case of software counterfeiting, the findings, however, show that only attitude and subjective norm but not perceived behavioral control significantly influence this intention. Implications derived from this study suggest the potential to synthesize ethical and general social psychological concepts to explain software piracy behavior, and also furnish insights on how to deter software piracy in China.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(3):104701
Despite digital piracy's well-documented impact on firm revenue, the relationship between piracy and firm innovation, including the creation of new intellectual property (IP) rights, is not well-understood. To fill this gap, this paper estimates the impact of piracy on innovation through a quasi-experimental design and explores the mechanisms driving this relationship using data on software firms. Leveraging a 2001 technological shock that suddenly enabled rising software piracy, we find increases in subsequent R&D spending, copyrights, trademarks, and patents for large, incumbent software firms. Furthermore, firms with large patent portfolios appear to disproportionately increase copyrights and trademarks following the piracy shock. After considering alternatives, our analysis suggests that impacted firms perceive piracy as a form of product-market competition that causes them to increase innovation and balance their IP portfolios.  相似文献   

Neutralization theory and online software piracy: An empirical analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Accompanying the explosive growth of information technology is the increasing frequency of antisocial and criminal behavior on the Internet. Online software piracy is one such behavior, and this study approaches the phenomenon through the theoretical framework of neutralization theory. The suitability and applicability of nine techniques of neutralization in determining the act is tested via logistic regression analyses on cross-sectional data collected from a sample of university students in the United States. Generally speaking, neutralization was found to be weakly related to experience with online software piracy; other elements which appear more salient are suggested and discussed in conclusion.  相似文献   

Computer crime on the Internet poses asignificant threat to the well-being ofbusinesses and individuals, and none are immunefrom the repercussions that can result. Onetype of this unethical and unlawful activity isonline software piracy. In this work, thesignificance of piracy as a topic for academicinquiry is first presented, followed by asummary of the conflicting stances on thisissue. Then, a review of scholarly literaturepreviously conducted in this area is given toprovide a backdrop for the current research. Univariate and bivariate findings from aquantitative study of students are used todemonstrate the incidence, scope, andassociated correlates of Internet piracy in auniversity setting. Technological and ethicalpolicy solutions that an institution mightimplement are suggested and discussed inconclusion.  相似文献   

数字产品的知识产权保护问题越来越受到重视,政府政策对知识产权的保护起着重要作用。研究了盗版对数字产品企业的定价、企业利润及创新动力的影响,通过构建Hotelling模型得出:在不考虑网络效应的条件下,当市场上存在单个垄断商时,政府应采取最严厉的保护政策;然而当市场上存在双寡头企业竞争时,盗版在一定条件下能够降低企业之间的价格竞争,增加企业的利润和创新动力,并且使社会福利增加,此时政府应采取较宽松的政策。  相似文献   

李首胤 《现代情报》2013,33(6):170-172
本文主要研究如何实现互联网上跟踪、发现、分析教学多媒体数字化信息资源中真伪的检测平台,并提供相应停止侵权措施的多媒体数字化信息资源版权监测系统,通过系统获得多媒体作品在互联网上的盗版传播情况,系统提供有效的技术手段来过滤和删除盗版内容。  相似文献   

网络时代著作权合理使用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尚月  谢卫东 《情报科学》2004,22(3):366-368
著作权合理使用制度对社会、对权利人、对著作权使用人来讲都是一个行之有效的制度,有效地促进了人类精神成果的推广和拓展。但是在网络环境和数字化的背景下,随着“盗版”定义的扩展、著作权保护手段的丰富,合理使用面临着被边缘化的危险。本文就这一问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

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