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一、语音。从A、B、C、D中找出画线部分读音与众不同的一个来:1.A.enough B.elev~ll C.end D.enjoy2.A.told B.nlost C.wortl’t D.ealTOt3.A.cabbage B.~troLlrld C.husband D。ad.dress4.A.may B.Sunday C.birthday D.Saturday5.A.faU B.small C.half D.talk二、词汇A。用所给单词的正确形式填空6.(take)——a walk after supper is good for our health.7.8.Her mother gave her a————_(shop)basket.How can 1 wait for their 《thank).9.Wil】it take long(finish)your work?10. Can’t YOu see the ; (worry)woman …  相似文献   

1.词汇A.根据句意和汉语或首字母提示,拼写单词。1 .My parents(结婚)on Feb.18th,1987-2 Therewere__(超过)200Opeopleinthesmallvillage.3 .China 15 f for the Gre献研iall.4 .There 15 going to be a e by a roek ban‘1 from Hong Kong in the theatre tonight,5 .There was an a in6刀nt Of our sehool yesterd即.A ear hit a student.B.选择可以替代句中画线部分的选项。6.丛匹旦」丝塑five thousand People were there. A .Above B.Go on C.overD_Mueh more7 .Max stood in the middle of the elassroom. A .eenter B.in …  相似文献   

I.单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的正确答案。1.The baby was ill,the doctor looked it——Very carefully· A.at B.on C.up D.over2.His parents have to dowork in the garden every dayA.much B.many C.a lot D.a3.Emma has to stay A.at.athome to lookhis grandmother.B.in,over C.in,up D.at,after4.I—————一a story—book.There————————some pictures in it. A.am,are B.have,has C.am,have5.He felt............................——after he finished his homework. A.tired B.…  相似文献   

一、语音。从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出读音与众不同的一个来。(5分)1.A.heavy B.bread C.sweater D.speak2.A.food B.foot C.good D.look3.A.over B.old C.Monday D.open4.A.driver B.give C.nice D.behind5.A.have B.catch C.any D.black  相似文献   

一、语音。(从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出画线部分读音与众不同的一个来。5分)1.A.must B.lunch C.supper D.use2.A.thirty B.any C.why D.worry3.A.watch B.match C.school D.which4.A.small B.wall C.half D.ball5.A.game B.late C.name D.past  相似文献   

1.单项选择:从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的正确答案。1 .Chinah朋a______Population than India.A .mom’B‘训IchC.largerD.smaneI’2 .We oan got(,n the seoond bus,there_for us.A .15 enou沙ioomB,are enou沙looms C.15 enough roo,nsD.areenol,ghmom3 .The twins were har(liy late for seh硬〕01,__they?A weren,t B.were C.did D.didn,t4 .The young Pionee,5 didn‘t know_____.Awhen will they邵B.whattheywoul,ltodonextC.楠en could they goD.howdidthey罗tthere.5·11,犯介r____a new watehi甜;er …  相似文献   

I.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.I think it’S too——(danger)to skate on the ice.2.Mother will not be——(please)if I don’t study hard.3.The——(Canada)is their English teacher.4.The twins are very——(friend)to us.5. (real),I don’t like American food.6.Going to bed too late iS bad for your——(healthy).7.The bird eats——(1ittle)food than before.8.She likes to do some——(cook)for her family on Sunday.9.My mother is much——(busy)than me.10.How——(care)he isI He makes another mista…  相似文献   

I.选择填空。从A、B、c、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。1.She had a good time,——she? A.hadn’t B.had C.didn’t.D.wa,srl’t2.My mother:likes eating apples and— A.so do I B.SO am I C.do I SO D.are you SO3.This is not take—away food.This home ! A.eook B.cooking C.cooks D.a cook4.China is very famous———————the Great Wall. A.for B.with C.about D.Oil5.I’11 ring him up when he——back. A.comes B.will come C.is going to D.come6.Don’t——others when they are in tro…  相似文献   

一、词汇 A.根据英文释义写出单词。首字母已给出 1.the second season of the year.S2.go to see an interesting place.v3.stop sleeping.W4。day of the rest from work.h5.students from the same class.c B.英汉互译 6.conle with me 7.给她带吃的东西 8.with these wordS 9.跳进湖里 10.向海里望去二、单项选择1 1.The girl made her mother ●__-______-●-。__。-。。一 A./ B.became C.got12.She told meA.not B.not tovery angry D.wasbring you anything to eat. C.don’t D.didn’t13.Nobody knowS do tomorrow. A.how …  相似文献   

1.词汇。(10分)A)根据句意及首字母写出单词(5分)1.She‘s a f00lball f .She likes footl)aU ve“much.2.It‘s h· for her t0 Dlav chess.3.丽一e can s on the ice in winter.4.We can play c——at home.There are only four peopk in the game5.Mv son likes s in the矗Yer.but I don‘t like it.B)用适当的词填空(5分)6.Mv bike is hI’oken.Can vou it?7.This is a frisbv.Can vou it?8. vour books to vour 1100m.9.Please d0 it this.10. the baU to him,D1ease.Ⅱ.单项选择:(15分)( )1.Can vou plav ehess? A.a B.an( …  相似文献   

80分一95分80分一95分60分圈厂Can do betterGood work,︸。一︸1.单项选择。(10%)()1 .Jordan 15 a basketball star.I like_ve口mueh. A .he B.his C.him D.himseif()2.反t’59。and_“C以xlmoming”t。her. A .speak B.tell C.talk D.s盯()3 .At sehool Tony_a ve叮g以记friend. A .have B.has C.do D.is()4一肠t’5 90 and play baseball. -一〔)K!That sounds A.g仪妇B.well C.so叮D.real()5 .1 like pl盯ing eomputer garnes.Theyare_. A .boring B.diffieult C.interesting D.relax()6.The students are all in the Cla…  相似文献   

扮长了 L』、龟,}Try harder匕』Can do better }、}Go、)d work1.词汇。(20%)A.根据所给字母组合补全单词。卜‘、尸﹄产尸、匕冲﹄.tm.fr nd.bt·p_nC,·Or_geA .eeA .ieA .ao1 A.e,o A .an(5%)B .ie C.eaB .ei C.eaB .oa C.ouB.e,1 C.a,iB.na C.iaD .eiD .aeD .aliD .1,eD .ot-,12,,︶4︸工︶、l产、.产、,产、.产、.产zr、、了.、了矛吸、了.、尹‘、B.按括号内要求写出相应单词。(10%))‘.elass(复数)_:4.Chinese(复数)7·that(复数)_lo.she(物主代词)2.right(反义词)5.1(宾语)_8.15(复数)_3.too(同音词)_6.all“ght(同义…  相似文献   

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