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本文将精神生产纳入社会再生产的分析,并从物质生产与精神生产相互关联的角度,揭示了社会再生产的内在结构、交换关系及其比例、前提条件和平衡条件。  相似文献   

对社会主义市场经济建设中出现的新问题如何处理,本文认为马克思社会再生产理论对我们处理问题仍然有现实意义、并以此理论为指导提出必须妥善处理的几种比例关系。  相似文献   

杨森 《西北师大学报》2001,38(6):109-113
两种再生产理论是马克思、恩格斯的一贯思想,是哲学历史唯物主义的重要原理,社会两种再生产应该适应和协调,相协调促进社会发展,不协调则制约进而阻碍社会发展。两种再生产不协调的根本原因,在于人既是生产又是消费矛盾的两重性所致。人们过多地看到了两相统一的一面,而问题在于两相对立的一面。要做到协调,就必须将两种再生产都纳入国民经济发展规划,在两矛盾运动过程中,既把握物质生产的规律,致力于提高劳动生产率;又把握人口生产的规律,节制生育,提高人口质量,处理好两协调的度和级,以推动社会全面发展。  相似文献   

比较分析马克思与列宁关于社会再生产公式的内在差异及其原因。同时,从实践的角度,运用实证分析方法,集中地论述在科学技术进步的条件下,生产资料优先增长规律的非真实性  相似文献   

在家庭与学校之间建立较为紧密的合作关系常被研究者和政策制定者视为一项积极的政策工具。但研究指出:家长——特别是来自农村地区的家长,参与学校教育的可能性较低。以一项持续时间较长的民族志调查为基础,对农村家长学校教育参与中的“关系化”策略的描述发现,由于正式的学校制度和组织关系总是镶嵌在更广泛的社会关系网络中,在受制度支持的组织关系本身结构性弱的情况下,其所蕴含的切事的非个人性的内容容易被私人关系的运作规则所替代。由于“关系化”策略本身往往意味着持续的投入,这导致一般农村家庭由于欠缺市场能力或基于理性计算而缺乏动机与教师保持联系,这完全可能成为重要的社会再生产工具。立足中国本土现实,在概念化方面尝试突破已有研究常采用的“强关系”、“弱关系”的两分法,强调关系本身的社会建构性,分析其可能的社会再生产效应,具有一定的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

马克思主义认为,人类社会的生产由物质生产、精神生产及人类自身的生产三个部分组成。本文以精神生产为主轴,通过对精神生产的概念和基本特点、精神生产与物质生产的关系、精神生产与人类自身生产的关系,以及精神生产在社会生产系统中的地位和意义的探讨,说明精神生产对现代化建设具有重要作用。在建设中国特色社会主义过程中,必须置精神生产于恰当的位置。  相似文献   

多次大规模创办并直接经营校办企业 (工厂 )是我国大学自建国以来的共同经历 ,半个世纪中 ,校办企业与大学的关系发生了多次重大变化。本文从体系再生产的角度对校企关系的三起三落进行了深入研究 ,重点分析了 2 0世纪 90年代大学所兴办的科技企业与大学关系的变化 ,试图从校企关系的演变这一侧面透视大学与社会的关系 ,进而探讨大学如何被社会所型塑的问题。  相似文献   

在业人口的变化与社会经济发展的基本数量关系表现为农业人口增长与人力资本投资和经济收益的关系,在业人口变化与人均GDP的大小及其变化趋势;在业人口变化与劳动力资源的关系表明,在业人口增长和劳动力资源增长的关系受到在业人口增长率的高低和失业人口在劳动力资源中所占比例大小的影响;在业人口的变化与人民生活质量的关系表现为在业人口增长对提高人民生活质量的影响以及人民生活质量的提高对在业人口增长的影响。  相似文献   

马克思主义认为,社会生产从客体角度可分为物质生产和精神生产两种,两者相互作用,共同推动人类社会向前发展.社会物质生产与社会精神生产之间,不仅有质的联系还有量的关联:社会物质生产方式与水平和社会精神生产方式与水平密不可分,生产方式越是先进越能促进社会发展加速度的提升;物质生产方式不仅直接决定了物质生产水平上限,也同时决定了作为与物质生产方式相适应的精神生产方式与精神生产水平的上限.人类社会发展与两大生产质与量之间是密切相关的(生产方式是质,生产水平是量),本文对社会物质生产和精神生产以及两者相互作用对社会发展的影响进行了物理模型建构,不仅形象直观地反映出两者矛盾运动过程,梳理了学界多年来对此问题研究的成果,也为实现社会物质文明与精神文明协调发展,推动社会主义社会科学发展奠定了方法论基础.  相似文献   

社会生产是物质生产、精神生产和人的生产的有机结合,在社会历史的不同发展阶段,三者的地位也不尽相同。在知识经济社会,对社会,发展起支配地位的不是物质生产,而是对知识和信息进行生产和再生产的精神生产。我们必须尽快实现由物质生产平台向精神生产平台的转换。  相似文献   

This paper arose from research into a class of 11‐year‐olds' relationships with poetry. The paper describes how by analysing the children's comments about poetry it became clear that their parents were active in rigorously selecting, censoring and generally controlling the children's reading diet, most markedly with poetry, and that patterns began to emerge of how they went about this task. In an analysis drawing on Ball and Vincent's (2005) work it became clear that processes of social reproduction were at work.  相似文献   

The paper reflects upon the principles and practice of an alternative educational system operating in rural Mexico in the light of Bourdieu’s theory of cultural and social reproduction. Bourdieu’s theory seeks to explain processes of reproduction of power relations within schools and society; whereas alternative educational systems seek to expand educational access in deprived areas in order to counteract processes of social inequality. The paper argues that, although Bourdieu’s theory does not fully explain the gradual inclusion of more people from disadvantaged backgrounds into education through alternative educational systems, processes of social reproduction in deprived communities still occur mainly because of lack of state support after primary school level, and a shortage of better infrastructure and opportunities for this sector of the population. Since the widespread upward educational and class mobility of the rural poor has not yet been achieved, the paper concludes that the processes of cultural and social reproduction continue despite the introduction of alternative educational systems.  相似文献   

Situating in the different social, political and cultural contexts of schooling in China, which is more embedded in mixed neoliberal value, authoritarian state control and collective morality, we use a somewhat different theoretical angle to understand the process of ‘learning to labour’ and the reproduction of working class at school and at work. Our study extends the horizon of Willis’ analysis of cultural reproduction at school by seriously analysing students’ work experiences through their internship at the site of production. Taking a sociological rather than cultural analysis approach, we re-conceptualize working-class agency embedded in a double contradiction of schooling as a site of contestation. This double contradiction is generated by conflicting experiences caused by inevitable conflicts among the three spheres of material production, social reproduction and cultural reproduction in educating ideal labour subjects to serve the state, market and family, providing fertile soil for re-negotiating working-class solidarity.  相似文献   


Dalit (the ‘downtrodden’) students continue to experience caste-based discrimination, humiliation and dehumanization; illegal practices that are being reproduced in the school system in the state of Odisha, India. Based on a research study organized by the Center for Research and Development Solidarity, an adivasi (original dweller/Scheduled Tribe)-dalit (Scheduled Caste) research organization and 401 dalit students in grades 6–10 attending 16 government schools in a 25-village zone, this paper elaborates on this research initiative. It demonstrates how knowledge democratization, both, as research undertaken with and for dalit students as producers of (caste-resistance) knowledge and as knowledge sharing as mobilization, can simultaneously mobilize wider circles of organized collective action with parents, Village Education Committees (VECs) and local dalit NGOs and movements to address casteism and untouchability in state schools. The paper concludes with some brief insights pertaining to academic and funded research as knowledge democracy and mobilization for social action that are emergent from this caste research and related research and social action addressing land-forest-labour assertions in South Odisha.  相似文献   

This article reviews literature on social reproduction in education, discusses the decline of the paradigm, and argues for its continuing relevance. It examines reproductive and transformative aspects of cross-linguistic literacy practices involving young people from three diasporic communities in the United States, presenting multi-leveled analyses that investigate what is reproduced or transformed by situated literacy practices and how institution-level processes shape such practices. It argues that such scale-sensitive analysis provides insight into new reproductive processes, involving conflicts over language in education, that are themselves rooted in new forms of class conflict rooted in global system dynamics of social polarization.  相似文献   

The paper examines processes of cultural production and reproduction among members of the elite and upper-middle classes. Drawing on findings from a study of private education in England, it explores the utility of a conceptual framework to examine how practices in and across different sites may be reproductive of various forms of ‘privilege’. Three domains in particular – family, the school and individual young women’s projects of the self – together shape key meanings and orientations informing young women’s lives. These meanings and orientations in turn connect to ‘privileging practices’, both within each domain and beyond. The paper analyses data from three young women in one of the schools studied to illustrate how the framework may be used to examine privately educated young women’s different orientations to the present and the future. Findings point to some of the processes through which class and gender privilege may be variably reproduced.  相似文献   

体育的社会问题是一种必然的社会现象,如果不适时解决,它会严重损害体育运动的发展。本文对体育的社会问题进行了阐述,并运用社会控制理论对解决这些问题的方法和途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

高职院校不仅是培养应用型人才的主渠道,同时也应成为科研和社会服务的重要基地。为此,要加强学校体制改革,做好组织保证和校内各部门间协调,并注意选择校企联合办学的合作伙伴。  相似文献   

两种生产理论不仅科学的说明了人类社会发展的一般规律,丰富和完善了唯物史观,是马克思和恩格斯对唯物史观作出的重大贡献,且在当代具有重要的现实意义。本文通过对两种生产理论的内容进行详细的解析,并结合现今我国社会所存在的一系列相关问题,具体论述了两种生产理论对我国生产力的发展、人的质量和素质的提高、社会的全面发展方面所发挥的指导性意义。  相似文献   

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