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This essay explores what the development of writing might look like and how it might take shape in a secondary English classroom. The study problematises current definitions of progress. In direct opposition to standards-driven models, I propose an alternative way of thinking about the development of writers through a series of narrative accounts that shed light on actual learning moments. The study explores the potential of gaining insight into a learner’s writing history, their attitudes and feelings towards writing, the potential of fostering writing communities and finding alternative ways of responding to writing. I argue that current assessment regimes misrepresent how writers develop and thus tend to have a negative impact on learners’ confidence and enjoyment of writing.  相似文献   

作为鲁迅第一个成功编辑的期刊,《莽原》记载了他对文学青年的示范性影响.这种影响在新文学创作方面表现为三种倾向:青春梦呓、乡土书写、女性叙事.《莽原》青年同人对鲁迅《野草》式思想的吸收最为明显,通过对“梦”的详细诉说,充分呈现出青春心灵图景的丰富性.《莽原》是新文学生成期青春写作的生动载体.  相似文献   

对英语作为第二语言(ESL)的写作教学来说,"以过程为中心"的方法较诸"以产品为中心"的方法可能更为有效.作为一种写作教学方法,"过程法"注重写作的过程,因而在实施中特别重视写作过程中的不同阶段,并就各阶段设置了多种多样的练习活动,以使学生写出更有意义的作品.然而,我们不能将"过程法"降为一种具有规定技巧和惯例的"办法",而应创设有效的写作学习环境,在这种环境中,学生不仅对写作感到轻松愉快,而且能自主探索并培育个性化的写作方法.  相似文献   

This article describes a cooperative writing response initiative designed to develop writing skills in foreign/second-language contexts (hereafter L2). The strategy originated from my desire to cater for my learners’ need to become better writers in English within a constrained educational environment in Argentina. In this article I describe this strategy and show how it has worked in my setting. First, I offer the rationale on which it rests, based on a sociocultural conception of reading and writing. This involves brief considerations about the notions of collaborative writing groups, social responses to texts and coherence in L2 writing. Second, I describe and explain the strategy in detail, and include one handout with specific written instructions (as my learners received them) for the cooperative writing response groups with a focus on coherence, i.e. global aspects of the composing process. Finally, I exemplify the strategy using one learner’s written text as a foundation (disclosed by permission).  相似文献   

美国密西根大学林顺夫教授曾撷取“透过梦之窗口”这一精巧比喻诠释了中国古代经典文本中的“文学梦”。从《庄子》到晏几道、苏轼、吴文英的词再到《红楼梦》,他的研究指出这些“文学梦”并非仅仅以实际的梦境经验为基础,而是将作家特殊的哲学思考付之于特定语境的再度创造。“文学梦”既包括“我思故我梦”的层次,也包括“我思。我梦”的内容。“梦之窗口”既是一种特殊的观物方式,又创造出一种新现实。  相似文献   

浅析日本大正文学界对前期创造社的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本文学界对创造社曾产生过深刻影响,但这种影响不仅是日本某作家或某文学流派对他们具体而微的影响,也不是只简单充当了西方文学与创造社之间的中介角色,创造社主要成员留学于日本大正时代,而大正文学界给予他们最重要的影响,表现在他们文学观与创作倾向的形成过程中所得到的引导,支持和经验借鉴,他们弃实学译文学是“文化主义”思潮盛行的大正社会文化背景之产物,而大正文学界的一些具体实践,如唯美主义文学,私小说和新浪漫主义,在他们具有唯美倾向的浪漫主义文学观以及早期的小说他作方式的形成过程中,都产生了较大影响。  相似文献   

In this paper I consider one aspect of how student writing is supported in the university. I focus on the use of the 'writing frame', questioning its status as a vehicle for facilitating student voice, and in the process questioning how that notion is itself understood. I illustrate this by using examples from the story of the 1944 Hollywood film Gaslight and show that apparent means of facilitating voice can actually contribute to a state of voicelessness. The paper considers what recovery of voice entails and the role of the 'voice coach' both in the film, and in the classroom. Drawing on the work of Stanley Cavell, his readings of Gaslight and of the American writers Thoreau and Emerson, I explore the themes of crisis and transformation in relation to the self and society. Thoreau's notion of the father tongue and his metaphor of the axe are considered in relation to the concept of voice and are shown to be suggestive of a mature relationship to language and of an Emersonian self-reliance that is denied by the mere technical skill and mastery learning of some current approaches to academic writing.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the demands of assessment tasks to address the question: What is entailed in becoming recognised as an accomplished student‐writer? In taking up this focus, the writers use authentic samples to show how tasks for assessing writing can be read as instantiations of particular approaches to English education. They investigate how the tasks inevitably draw on cultural knowledges as a primary resource and raise the issue of what is involved when writing assessment moves away, as it is doing in some Australian schools, from concerns with personal voice and individual growth to a socially critical, discourse‐oriented approach.  相似文献   

在一些带有女性主义倾向的文学写作中,身体常常不同程度上成为反抗男性中心话语的"武器",但部分年轻的"80后"女作家的书写却显示出有所不同的面貌.从春树、张悦然等较有影响的年轻女作家的创作中可以看到,她们有关身体的书写不像女性主义写作那样具有鲜明的性别政治意味或意识形态色彩,其借助身体所表达出来的性别姿态常是比较含混而稚嫩的.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to test whether Cummins’ Linguistic Interdependence Hypothesis (LIH) might also apply to writing, by determining to what extent writers’ text quality, source use and argumentation behavior are related in L1 and L2, how effective writers’ behavior is and whether their L2 proficiency influenced the relations between them. To answer these questions, twenty students wrote four short argumentative source based essays each in L1 (Dutch) and four in L2 (English). A within-writer cross-linguistic comparison of their texts revealed that their L1 and L2 writing competencies appear to be related. Furthermore, writers’ source use behavior differed to some extent between languages, but the strong positive correlations found between source use features suggest that in most cases this was more a person than a language effect. Similarly, for argumentation behavior, results showed some learner specific features (e.g. inclusion of titles and reference lists), but differences between languages for others (e.g. the inclusion of both arguments and counter-arguments). Effects of the different source use and argumentation features studied on text quality were limited and no clear effect of L2 proficiency on writers’ behavior or their influence on text quality were found. Overall, in line with earlier research, these findings provide some additional support for Cummins’ LIH and the idea that writers might have a common underlying source for writing related knowledge and practices which they can apply in multiple languages.


通过采访非英语专业的大学英语学习者,了解他们对英语写作的实际需求,从而给写作课堂中的纠错问题提出一些建议。在首先分析了关于课堂写作教学纠错问题的四条教学原则后,再分析其在英语写作教与学中的真正实效性,最终得出为什么在英语写作中纠错是必需的,以及何时和如何在学生的英语写作中提供纠错反馈。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨非实时在线同侪互评( ALN-based peer assessment)促进学生作者读者意识的可行性。借助非实时在线同侪互评,学生作者接收同侪评价的同时,也对同侪的写作实施评价与参考,使其具备作者与读者双重角色,实现在线写作社群的构建,为培养读者意识提供所需的读者群。研究结果显示,学生的写作收到同侪较高频次的显性评价与非显性拜访,写作初稿与终稿的比对结果表明写作质量获得提升,体现出较高的互评频率和互评效能,因而判断有效在线写作社群得以构建。试验后问卷调查表明,有效在线写作社群的构建和该社群中学生作者评价同侪写作的倾向与学生读者意识的提高相关。  相似文献   

论文摘要中的主位推进模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主位推进模式是语类分析的一个重要内容。论文摘要的主位推进模式主要可分为主位同一型,延续型、述位同一型、交叉型四种,通过对《应用语言学》杂志中任选的15篇论文摘要的主位推进模式的分析,可以发现这种语类基本的主位推进模式选择趋向及其对句际语义的影响。  相似文献   

Since there is no single pedagogical theory that may provide all necessary strategies for the successful teaching of academic essay writing at senior levels, this paper makes a small but hopefully interesting contribution from the basis of Systemic Functional Grammar. It is intended to supplement teachers’ insights into the linguistic characteristics of academic writing considered ‘Excellent’, as much as to offer strategies for empowering students with a clearer idea of what is expected of them in academic writing. It attempts this by making explicit some of the grammatical choices made by successful writers, and how those choices facilitate the presentation of knowledge and ideas in ways that fulfil the expectations readers (and examiners) have of merit‐worthy writing.  相似文献   

Roy Corden 《Literacy》2003,37(1):18-26
This article describes work undertaken as part of a partnership programme initiated to encourage collaborative research between teachers and university tutors. In the Teaching Reading and Writing Links project (TRAWL) primary school teachers, working as research partners, explored ways of developing children as reflective writers. The research group wanted to know whether, through examining how texts are crafted by expert writers during literacy sessions, children might be encouraged to pay more attention to compositional rather than secretarial aspects of narrative writing during writing workshops. The overall writing achievement of 338 children was monitored over one school year and narrative writing from 60 case study children was evaluated at the beginning and end of the research period. In this article the impact on achievement is illustrated, some examples of writing are analysed and evidence of development in children's metacognition and confidence as writers is discussed.  相似文献   

选取中国现当代文学史上两个不同时期最具代表性的女作家——萧红与林白.对她们的女性意识做一个链接式的解读,可以勾勒出一条20世纪女性文学发展的心路历程:80年代以来的女性文学,以林白为代表的一翼,承接了萧红等一代女作家写作的路数.从另一扇开启的门侧身而出,打开自我救赎的通道,实现了窥破男权社会神话以后从控诉到复仇、从迟逸到飞翔之梦。  相似文献   

This paper presents six principles designed to prevent writing difficulties as well as to build writing skills: (a) providing effective writing instruction, (b) tailoring instruction to meet the individual needs, (c) intervening early, (d) expecting that each child will learn to write, (e) identifying and addressing roadblocks to writing, and (f) employing technologies. Many students with LD experience difficulties mastering the process of writing. We examine how schools can help these children become skilled writers. Six principles designed to prevent as well as alleviate writing difficulties are presented. These include providing effective writing instruction, tailoring writing instruction to meet each child’s needs, intervening early to provide additional assistance, expecting that each child will learn to write, identifying and addressing academic and nonacademic roadblocks to writing, and deploying technological tools that improve writing performance. The mn was sneB[translation:“The man was scared.”[ I think theu shold no how to speek differint langwges. If theu go to like dutch countri sombodie might ask them something theu cold have two kinds of langage  相似文献   

Text as design, writers as designers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acknowledging the changing nature of writing in the 21st century, particularly the increasing significance of visual characteristics in written texts, this paper explores the implications of multimodality for the pedagogy of writing. It considers the potential disjunction between children's life experiences of written texts and the demands of the writing curriculum, particularly in the secondary phase, and whilst arguing for greater recognition of the role of the visual, the paper also notes the importance of ensuring all children also have access to powerful verbal texts. Drawing on two separate research studies, the paper demonstrates how visual characteristics of written texts influence readers' responses to texts, but also how writers are aware of some of the choices they make in shaping verbal texts. The paper argues for a reconceptualisation of the writing process as a design process, and for a pedagogy of writing which encourages, supports and enables writers to become confident and effective designers of texts.  相似文献   

Young fanfiction writers use the Internet to build networks of reading, writing and editing – literacy practices that are highly valued in schools, universities and workplaces. While prior research shows that online spaces frame multiple kinds of participation as legitimate, much of this work focuses on the extensive contributions of exceptional young authors. In this paper, we foreground the contributions of fanfiction reviewers and focus on their interactions with writers, exploring their communicative literacy practices and hypothesising about how we can make their reading and writing more visible and more effectively consider their learning practices. To do so, we conducted a linguistic analysis of fanfiction review comments on two sites, FanFiction.net and Figment.com. While fanfiction readers provide writers with an authentic audience for their creative work, our findings indicate that the review comments that they leave generally do not offer specific feedback regarding the craft of writing. For this reason, we argue that teachers' expertise is still needed in the difficult task of developing young adults' composition, peer review and critique skills.  相似文献   

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