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脑潜能开发是一个热门的课题,本试验在最新脑科学理论的指导下,通过健脑操、太极拳、书法、脑键盘、音乐诱导、静思冥想等脑的功能开发训练,以及心理辅导、学习指导、学习潜能训练、学习方式和教学模式的更新等,使学生在人格的健全、学习成绩的提高和身体素质的增强等整体素质上都得到了很大的提升。  相似文献   

脑潜能开发是一个热门的课题.本试验在最新脑科学理论的指导下,通过健脑操、太极拳、书法,脑键盘、音乐诱导,静思冥想等脑的功能开发训练,以及心理辅导,学习指导、学习潜能训练、学习方式和教学模式的更新等,使学生在人格的健全、学习成绩的提高和身体素质的增强等整体素质上都得到了很大的提升.  相似文献   


物理实验教学要立足于做、着重于思、着眼于疑、着力于放,从其实践性、启发性、探索性、自主性等方面促进学生手脑的有机结合,从而培养其实践能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

在外文的语义违背研究中,题元关系与语义P600的产生有关。通过操纵受事名词短语与及物动词之间不同的语义关系,考察了把字简单及物句(实验1)和普通及物句(实验2)中的语义加工过程。其中实验2的材料是由实验1的材料通过句子改写而得。结果发现:两种简单及物结构在关键区的语义加工中有着相似的脑电模式。与正常句条件相比,两种违背条件均能诱发N400和语义P600。两种违背条件相比,仅在普通及物句中发现其能诱发波幅更大的N400和P600。研究结果表明:脑电波幅的大小反映着对语境的持续分析,N400对语义违背信息敏感,P600的产生与题元角色指派信息的违背有关,这为汉语研究题元关系与语义P600的产生提供了实验证据。  相似文献   

本文以陶行知先生的生活教育理论为指导 ,从实验教学的实践性、启发性、探索性、自主性等方面论述了培养创新能力的问题。  相似文献   

动物中毒病与毒理学课程是农业学校动物医学专业本科学生的必修课,是一门专业理论和实践课,本课程涉及动物生物化学、生理学、临床诊断学、家畜解剖学等本科基础理论课程。针对前期开设课程大纲杂乱、教学效果差等情况,经过两年摸索和实践,在教学内容、教学计划和教学方法等方面进行了一系列的教学改革。教改成果实施两年来,实践证明:动物医学专业学生在家畜中毒病与毒理学方面得到了大幅度的提升,教学效果取得了良好的成绩。  相似文献   

如何培养好的造型设计人才是提高汽车自主创新设计的关键因素之一。本文基于人脑的物质结构和理论基础,结合汽车造型设计的专业特点,在"车辆工程与工业设计跨学科联合培养汽车造型人才"创新试验区多年的教学实践中,探索出了"双脑并行"的汽车造型设计人才培养模式,培养了多届汽车造型人才,并取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

利率变动通过影响虚拟经济改变了主流经济学中利率变动的收入效应与替代效应,在虚拟经济下:(1)利率上升通过虚拟经济的财富效应,在短期中使储蓄增加,在长期中使储蓄减少;(2)利率上升通过虚拟经济的替代效应,在短期中使储蓄减少,在长期中使储蓄增加。通过中国2000-2007年数据实证表明:利率变动对居民储蓄都产生负向作用;利率变动通过股市对居民储蓄产生的替代效应大于财富效应;利率变动通过影响投资从而作用于居民收入、居民储蓄的机制不存在。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the mediational significance of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the development of eating disorder symptomatology following sexually traumatic experiences. METHOD: Seventy-one victims of sexual trauma and 25 control subjects completed interviews and questionnaires assessing eating disorder psychopathology and posttraumatic stress disorder symptomatology. Mediational analyses were conducted examining the relationships among trauma, posttraumatic stress, and eating disorder symptoms. Mediational significance was assessed by the drop in the overall correlation between trauma and eating disorder symptoms when PTSD symptoms were included in the regression model. RESULTS: There is a significant association between a history of trauma and eating disorder symptoms. Also, there was a significant association between a history of trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Importantly, the relationship between trauma and eating disorder symptoms was significantly reduced when posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms were included in the regression analyses, indicating mediational significance of the posttraumatic stress construct. These findings were most pronounced for the physiological arousal and avoidance components of posttraumatic stress disorder. DISCUSSION: The present findings support the idea that individuals who develop eating disorders after sexual trauma are likely to have experienced posttraumatic stress disorder symptomatology. These findings have significant implications for causal models of eating disorder onset in trauma victims. Furthermore, clinical interventions for traumatized eating disordered individuals may benefit from a focus on posttraumatic stress symptomatology.  相似文献   

通过对某大学生疲劳性骨折的亲身经历及恢复状况的访谈,获得第一手资料,并进行分析研究,提供一些疲劳性骨折的治疗手段与康复训练方法.  相似文献   

Chinese bayberry Myrica rubra is a very popular fruit in southeastern China. In spite of its wide consumption, no allergies to this fruit have been reported previously. Here we report on a 40-year-old woman suffering from anaphylaxis to Chinese bayberry fruit. Prick-prick skin tests revealed strong reactions to fresh Chinese bayberry fruits as well as to peach, and weaker reactions to some other fruits including apple, melon, and banana. ImmunoCAP analysis revealed identical titers of specific IgE (4.3 kUA/L) to peach extract and its lipid transfer protein (LTP, rPru p 3), which was confirmed by detection of a 9 kD band following immunoblotting. Immunoblot analysis with Chinese bayberry extract gave bands of 22, 45, and 90 kD, but no 9 kD band was recognized. There was also no evidence of LTP recognition for loquat (36 kD) or melon (24 kD). This first report of a severe allergic reaction to Chinese bayberry fruit in a patient with LTP-mediated peach allergy indicates that other as yet unidentified non-pollen related fruit allergens are involved in this new severe fruit allergy.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship of child maltreatment to both emotion dysregulation and subsequent eating pathology. In an effort to extend previous research, the authors examined the unique impact of childhood emotional abuse (CEA) on emotion dysregulation and eating disorder (ED) symptoms while controlling for the effects of sexual and physical abuse. Structural equation modeling was utilized to simultaneously examine the effects of all three abuse types on multiple dependent variables as well as examine whether deficits in emotion regulation mediated the relationship between abuse and eating pathology. Results from a survey of 1,254 female college students revealed significant paths from abuse subtypes to specific eating disorder symptoms, with CEA evidencing the strongest association with ED symptoms. Additionally, emotion dysregulation was positively associated with ED symptoms, and mediated the effects of emotional abuse on symptoms. Findings support previous research on the enduring effects of emotional abuse as well as highlight the importance of the assessment of CEA in the treatment of ED symptoms.  相似文献   

Lisa Farley 《Interchange》2004,35(3):325-336
This paper draws on the philosophical works of Emmanuel Levinas — namely, his notion of “useless suffering” — in order to open up questions of learning and community beyond typical configurations that structure (and sometimes limit) social attachments according to a requisite degree of commonality. It is argued that while discourses of knowledge and emotion enable a sense of understanding and feeling with others, they nonetheless cast differences in a universalized discourse of enlightenment, wherein the other is reduced to a version of the same. Turning to the Levinasian notion of “useless suffering,” I consider instead the conditions of possibility opened up paradoxically because the other cannot be rendered in pre-given terms. In so doing, I hope to contribute to on-going discussions in the context of feminism and education interested in theorizing the conditions of possibility for coming together across differences, neither consuming the other as an object of information, nor reducing her or his experience to a version of the self. My argument is structured around Lourdes Portillo’s (2001) most recent film,Missing Young Women, which documents the disappearance, rape, and murder of over 200 women working in Juarez, Mexico. One scene in particular is referenced as a way to underscore how the Levinasian notion of “uselessness” might orient a mode of attentiveness that renders one responsible before understanding, concerned before feeling. Constituted asa prior responsibility for the other, it is suggested that “useless suffering” shifts the dominant terms of education and feminism away from the formation of common bonds (in knowledge and emotion) to underscore the conditions of possibility that might lie beyond meaning and being itself.  相似文献   

妇女遭受家庭暴力的现状、成因和对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
妇女遭受家庭暴力是指家庭中的男性成员经常对女性成员人身自由、肉体、精神、性等方面实施侵害的行为或事实.妇女遭受丈夫暴力是妇女遭受家庭暴力的主要方面.它直接侵害妇女人身权利,损害家庭的和睦、稳定和社会的安宁.妇女成为家庭暴力受害者既有经济根源,又有社会、文化根源;既有法制不健全的原因,又有女性自身的原因.因此,要遏制、消除妇女遭受家庭暴力,必须提高妇女的经济地位和政治地位;必须改善法律制度,加大执法力度,完善执法监督,增强妇女维权意识;必须发挥妇联和社会舆论作用,加强妇女自身修养.  相似文献   

交际能力满意度与人际关系满意度是人们的一种主观感受。本研究对江西宜春市北部、中部、南部8个城市的居民交际能力满意度与人际关系满意度进行问卷调查,通过收集第一手数据,对具有不同人口特征的居民人际关系满意度和交际能力满意度进行统计描述,并分析客观条件(人口特征变量、经济特征变量)和主观条件(交际能力满意度)与人际关系满意度的关系及影响程度,并提出提高人际关系满意度的建议。  相似文献   

农村居民职业教育需求的调查与分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对农村居民进行问卷调查的数据显示:农村居民对职业教育的潜在需求很大,需要加强宣传和引导;要关注农村职业教育同时为农业和非农业服务的双重性特点;“农科教结合’’和“三教统筹,,是推进农村职业教育健康发展的必然选择;农村职业教育需要特殊的政策扶持。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The meat industry is facing consumer demandsfor high, predictable, and consistent meat quality.One of the major problems is the change in exuda-tion, colour, and firmness that characterize meatquality. High incidence of pale, soft and exudative(PSE) pork cause poor technological quality, driploss, and shrinkage during storage as well as unat-tractive visual appearance for consumers. PSE porkalso causes an economic impact on the industrybecause of product dehydration d…  相似文献   

Biochemical changes of natural actomyosin from fresh pale, soft, exudative (PSE) and normal pork were studied, and the effects of different storage temperatures and different incubation temperature and times on sample superprecipitation, total sulfhydryl (-SH) content, and ATP (adenosine triphosphate) sensitivity were investigated. The results demonstrated that ATPase activity and thermal stability of PSE actomyosin were lower than those of normal pork; and that PSE actomyosin had higher -SH content than that of normal pork at all incubation temperatures and times tested.  相似文献   

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