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This paper describes the observation and analysis of clinical interviews with children who had just entered Cours Preparatoire (which is the first year of compulsory education in France: six-year old). The main object of these interviews was to gain information about the first acquisition of the idea of number by children before entering compulsory education, particularly on the following points:
  • · numerical range in which the child knows the comptine numerique (i.e. chanting or reciting of sequences of numbers such as “one two three four five six seven” for example);
  • · different uses of this comptine when the child has to solve problems (numbering a given collection, or finding the cardinal number of a given set when an element is added or taken away, or determining the numerical relation which exists between two given collections, or transformating this relation...).
  • In addition, our study shows how some number properties which apparently are obvious (for teachers), in fact pose very important questions about the acquisition of number concepts by children.  相似文献   

    In Vygotsky's theory, the differentiation between genetic psychology and psychology of education has no sense. This thesis is proven by the exposition of some basic psychological principles governing Vygotsky's approach to psychology. Mediation of the psychological processes is the central fact of Vygotsky's conception; socially elaborated systems of signs are the means of mediation; these allow a control of the processes of behavior. Internalization and sociogenesis, which derive directly from this conception, are two inseparable aspects of the same process of construction of the different psychological capacities; on a certain level of development, they lead to a quasi-social behavior of the subjet towards himself. The differenciation of functions is the main form of construction of new capacities: the analyses of the development of language is a good illustration of this principle. Through the analysis of Vygotsky's theory one can discover some important guide lines for research in psychology.  相似文献   

    This study presents the hlerarchy of strategies used by children in solying multiplication and division problems, as they acquire the concept of linear function, It is based on an analysis of the different classes of problems, of the specific tasks given to the child and of the strategies they actually used in their solutions. Initially these strategies respect certain properties of the linear function but they ignore proportionality. Proportionality is gradually taken into account as children recognize and are able to operate with the concept of a constant coefficient.  相似文献   

    Objective: Following the example of Senegal, this study had two main objectives. First: Ring the alarm bell about the large number of infanticides in a country where people usually consider a child as a treasure. Second: Highlight the deep motivations which may induce an African woman to kill her child.Method: The author examined psychiatric experts reports about crimes and varied offenses acquired from Fann University Hospital in Dakar during a 27 year period, from January 1968 to December 1994.Results: For a total number of 164 reports, 33 or 20% concerned infanticides. This underlines the importance of the phenomenon. Mental pathology appeared in two cases (3%) but 97% were supposed to be mentally healthy.Conclusion: These results suggest that social and cultural reasons more than medical ones explain the occurrence of infanticides. It seems that it is under the pressure of social and cultural motivations that women and especially young mothers, depreciate becoming a mother.  相似文献   

    Hostile attribution bias (HAB) has been shown to predict aggressive behavior, especially toward peers. The current study examined whether HAB is also related to conflict with teachers, an important predictor of academic and social success in school‐aged children. A total of 282 second to fourth grade boys in 74 classrooms completed a self‐report measure of HAB toward teachers, while their teachers assessed conflict in the teacher–student relationship. Results supported the presence of a positive relationship between HAB toward teachers and conflict with teachers. These findings suggest that HAB toward teachers may be an indicator of difficulties and, pending further research, a potential avenue for intervention to improve teacher–student relationships.  相似文献   

    The self-representation of children from 4 grades were studied: 5th grade (10–11 years), 6th grade (11–12 years), 7th grade (12–13 years) and 8th grade (13–14 years). In each class, good pupils (E +) were differentiated from poor pupils (E ?). Each child was asked to assess himself on 12 attitude scales from his point of view (own image, IP), from his teacher's point of view, and from his parents' and friends' (social images assigned to others: ISM, ISP, ISC). The teachers were also asked to assess the children on the 12 scales (real image of the teacher, IRM). The coherence of self-representation is estimated by the mean variation and by the correlations between images. The results show less coherence in the self-representation of the 6th grade. This decrease is greater for the pupils E ?when it is sustained into the 7th grade. The correlations between IRM and the images produced by the pupils are positive and significant in the 6th grade only with the pupils E +. All the results are interpreted as a transcient desorganization of the child's self-representation as he enters junior high school. This desorganization is due to the pupils' difficulty, mainly pupils E ?, in understanding how they are judged and assessed.  相似文献   

    Résumé Les migrations internationales ont des implications croissantes dans les pays de départ et les pays d'accueil des migrants. Dans ces derniers, la présence d'étrangers et de membres de leurs familles pose de nos jours des problèmes d'insertion, suscite la polémique et entraine une montée de la xénophobie. Parallèlement aux mesures d'ordre politique, économique et social qui sont prises au niveau des pouvoirs publics pour régler ces problèmes, l'institution éducative doit contribuer à désamorcer les tensions sociales en jouant son rôle dans la préparation des esprits et l'évolution des mentalités.Plus particulièrement, lorsque les programmes d'enseignement aborderont les questions de migrations internationales ils devraient les traiter dans le cadre de l'évolution de l'histoire pour leur donner toute leur signification et les ramener à leur vraie dimension temporelle et spatiale. Il est important aussi que l'accroissement de l'interdépendance entre les pays soit mis en relief, que l'histoire nationale soit placée dans le contexte international et que les véritables enjeux liés à ces mouvements soient clarifiés. Dans ce contexte, une initiation des apprenants aux Droits de l'homme est nécessaire, initiation qui concentrera sur les valeurs morales universelles ou touchant l'individu. Enfin, les questions de migrations internationales sont généralement présentées dans les médias d'une manière sélective et partiale. Et les jeunes qui saisissent l'information, souvent, perçoivent les jugements immédiats portés sur les situations et l'actualité comme des preuves et arguments. Voilà pourquoi tout enseignement sur les questions de migrations internationales devrait être pensé ou repensé par référence à l'action complémentaire ou concurrente des médias.
    International migrations have growing implications for both countries of origin and countries of destination. In the latter, the presence of foreigners and of members of their families today creates problems of integration, causes argument and brings mounting xenophobia. Paralleling political, economic and social measures taken by public authorities to respond to these difficulties, education needs to assist in defusing the resulting social tensions by preparing the minds of learners and helping to develop new attitudes.In particular, when educational programmes address questions of international migration, these should be treated in the framework of historical evolution so that their real significance and their true temporal and spatial dimensions become apparent. It is also important that the growing interdependence between countries should be made plain, that national history should be placed in its international context, and that the true consequences of these developments should be made clear. In this context, learners need to be acquainted with Human Rights, thereby stressing universal moral values and the role of the individual. Lastly, questions relating to international migration are usually presented in the media in a selective and partial manner, and the young people who take in this information often accept the hasty judgments which are made of situations as proven facts. This is why all teaching about international migration needs to be considered or reconsidered in the light of the complementary or competing actions of the media.

    Zusammenfassung Internationale Völkerwanderungen haben sowohl auf das Heimatland als auch auf das Aufnahmeland wachsenden Einfluß. Im letzteren bringt die Präsenz von Ausländern und ihren Familienmitgliedern Integrationsprobleme mit sich und führt zu öffentlichen Debatten und wachsender Ausländerfeindlichkeit. Parallel zu den von den öffentlichen Behörden ergriffenen politischen, ökonomischen und sozialen Maßnahmen zur Lösung dieser Probleme, sollte der Bildungssektor beim Abbau der aufgebauten sozialen Spannungen helfen, indem Schüler entsprechend vorbereitet werden und die Entwicklung neuer Ansichten gefördert wird.Besonders dann, wenn Bildungsprogramme Fragen nach internationalen Völkerwanderungen aufwerfen, sollten diese im Rahmen der historischen Evolution entwickelt werden, damit ihre wahre Bedeutung und die genauen Zeit- und Raumdimensionen herausgestellt werden.Außerdem sollte die wachsende Interpendenz zwischen den Ländern aufgezeigt, die nationale Geschichte in ihren internationalen Kontext gebracht und die wahren Konsequenzen dieser Entwicklungen deutlich herausgestellt werden. In diesem Kontext müssen die Lernenden mit den Menschenrechten, insbesondere den universellen moralischen Werten und der Rolle des Einzelnen vertraut gemacht werden. Im letzten Teil werden Fragen unter dem Aspekt internationaler Völkerwanderungen aufgeworfen, die im allgemeinen nur selektiv und unvollständig in den Medien präsentiert werden. Junge Menschen, die diese Informationen aufnehmen, verinnerlichen die überstürzten Beurteilungen häufig, in denen Situationen als gegebene Fakten dargestellt werden. Darum müssen alle Lehransätze über internationale Völkerwanderungen berücksichtigt oder unter dem Aspekt von Konkurrenz-oder Ergänzungsaktionen der Medien neu betrachtet werden.

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