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Using survey data on academic PhD students, influencing factors for PhD students’ academic career intentions are explained from the perspectives of individual features and the academic labor market. The study found: (1) There is a diversification of PhD employment, with nearly one-third of academic PhDs going to nonacademic organizations; (2) female PhDs tend to favor stable academic professions, and rural and low-income PhD groups are more inclined to choose employment in academic organizations to become academic elites and realize upward social mobility; (3) PhD students who identify with academic majors tend to choose academic professions, but a considerable portion of top quality PhDs go to nonacademic organizations; (4) academic interests and enthusiasm are important influences on choosing an academic profession; (5) worsening job environments in academic institutions and weakening professional attractiveness had a cooling effect on the academic employment intentions of PhDs.  相似文献   

影响高校毕业生就业的社会资本因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会资本是近年来学术界研究较多的一个问题。本文在对社会资本及大学生就业相关文献进行梳理的基础上,利用北京大学教育学院"高等教育规模扩展与劳动力市场"课题组于2005年6月对全国34所高校调查的数据,对大学生社会资本状况,社会资本对大学生毕业去向、就业落实率、起薪及工作满意度的影响,进行了实证分析。本文的主要研究结果如下:(1)与来自社会经济地位较高的家庭的学生相比,来自社会弱势家庭的学生在家庭社会资本与个人社会资本上都比较缺乏;(2)大学生毕业选择就业或升学时,家庭社会交往广泛度对升学选择产生显著的正面影响,而个人社会交往广泛度对就业产生了显著的正面影响;(3)社会资本与大学毕业生的就业落实、起薪、工作满意度存在着显著的正面影响;(4)社会资本对大专生和本科生就业落实率有较为显著的正的影响,但是对硕士和博士的就业落实率没有显著影响。  相似文献   

Abstract: This article addresses the impact of social capital on college graduate employment. After reviewing the literature, the authors analyze data collected by Peking University from 34 universities in 2005 and use statistical analysis to clarify the impact of social capital on students’ choice of employment or further study, job placement rate, starting salary and job satisfaction. The study concludes that social capital differs for students from different social backgrounds; personal social capital affects students’ choice to seek employment, but family social capital impacts their choice of further study; both family and personal social capital have a significant positive impact on graduates’ placement rate, starting salary, and job satisfaction; and social capital has a more significant and positive impact on job placement rates for graduates at the associate’s and undergraduate degree levels than for those at the master’s level and above.  相似文献   

对2011年全国8个省份30所高校抽样调查数据的实证分析发现:人力资本依然是影响毕业生求职结果、起薪和工作满意度的重要因素;家庭背景对求职结果有显著影响,它不仅表现在就业机会获得方面,也表现在起薪和工作满意度上;就业结果的地区和性别差异依然存在;就业单位性质、行业状况是造成毕业生起薪差异的重要原因之一;学用结合程度、户口档案解决情况和起薪等都会对毕业生的工作满意度产生重要影响。  相似文献   

基于2021年全国高校毕业生就业状况调查数据,分析本专科毕业生的专业兴趣吻合度的影响因素,研究专业兴趣吻合度对就业满意度的影响,并分性别和学科进行异质性分析。研究发现:第一,性别、家庭背景、人力资本、学校背景等是毕业生专业兴趣吻合度的重要影响因素,男性、优势家庭背景、本科、人文社科专业、学业表现与综合素质更好、东部(非“北上广”)地区高校的毕业生,专业兴趣吻合度更高;第二,专业兴趣吻合度对毕业生的就业总体满意度与工资福利、工作地点、工作稳定性、个人发展空间、社会地位、独立自主性等单项满意度均存在正向促进作用,其中,对个人发展空间满意度的影响最大,对工资福利和工作稳定性满意度的影响最小;第三,专业兴趣吻合度对不同性别和学科毕业生的就业满意度存在异质性影响,男生和理工农医专业毕业生的就业满意度受专业兴趣吻合度的正向影响更大。  相似文献   

Much has been written in the industrialized countries, particularly in Germany, about the problems of unemployed and under‐employed higher education graduates. Although in the case of Germany much is known about the rate of general unemployment, and that graduates fare better on the job market than persons not having higher education qualifications, the specific situations of graduates in regard to the job market are not all that clear. The author argues that most studies on graduate employment, unemployment, under‐employment, and mis‐employment have been skewed by the underlying idea that educated talent is scarce and should be used and rewarded accordingly. Thus the continued expansion of higher education is viewed as an indication of the erosion of graduate employment and as leading to an oversupply of talent. However, if on one hand, employment opportunities were such that employees would do work of both very high and very low levels of skill and complexity as parts of the same job, and, on the other hand, the generalization of higher education qualifications was considered a prerequisite for a highly educated society, the scope of research on this subject would change. The massification of higher education might not be automatically viewed in negative terms.  相似文献   

PhD graduates hold the highest education degree, are trained to conduct research and can be considered a key element in the creation, commercialization and diffusion of innovations. The impact of PhDs on innovation and economic development takes place through several channels such as the accumulation of scientific capital stock, the enhancement of technology transfers and the promotion of cooperation relationships in innovation processes. Although the placement of PhDs in industry provides a very important mechanism for transmitting knowledge from universities to firms, information about the characteristics of the firms that employ PhDs is very scarce. The goal of this paper is to improve understanding of the determinants of the demand for PhDs in the private sector. Three main potential determinants of the demand for PhDs are considered: cooperation between firms and universities, R&D activities of firms and several characteristics of firms, size, sector, productivity and age. The results from the econometric analysis show that cooperation between firms and universities encourages firms to recruit PhDs and point to the existence of accumulative effects in the hiring of PhD graduates.  相似文献   

应用对陕西省77所不同类型和层次高校16510名大学毕业生的调查数据,采用多群组结构方程模型方法分析了大学毕业生就业质量的性别差异及其影响因素。研究发现:(1)在工作特征满意度、职业匹配度和就业总体满意度等维度的就业质量测量指标上多数存在显著的性别差异。女生感知的就业单位的职位、地理位置和稳定性等工作特征满意度和职业匹配度、就业整体满意度水平要显著高于男生。(2)性别因素对于大学生的就业质量及其与影响因素之间的关系具有重要的调节作用。据此提出三点政策建议:(1)大学生的职业规划越早开展越好,较高的职业匹配度有助于提升大学毕业生的就业质量;(2)根据不同性别大学毕业生对就业单位工作特征的要求,有针对性地提供更适宜的职业岗位;(3)加大对大学毕业生就业的相关政策和就业指导的针对性、有效性和贯彻落实力度,实现更充分更高质量的就业。  相似文献   

This paper empirically evaluates Caplow and McGee??s (The academic marketplace, 1958) model of academia as a prestige value system (PVS) by testing several hypotheses about the relationship between prestige of faculty appointment and job satisfaction. Using logistic regression models to predict satisfaction with several job domains in a sample of more than 1,000 recent social science PhD graduates who hold tenure-track or tenured faculty positions, we find that the relationship between prestige of faculty appointment and job satisfaction is modified by PhD program prestige. Graduates of high prestige PhD programs value prestige more highly and graduates of low prestige programs value salary more highly. We explain our findings by incorporating reference group theory and a theory of taste formation into our model of the academic PVS, which identifies PhD programs as sites of socialization to different tastes for prestige (a process of cultural transmission) in addition to their well recognized role in transmission of human and social capital. We discuss practical and theoretical implications of our findings in relation to efforts to measure PhD program quality and to understand the structure of academic labor markets.  相似文献   

Abstract: The employment quality of college graduates is a recent topic of heated discussion in China. Given the differences in the talent development goals of academic and vocational institutions and in individual job search approaches, this research compares the differences between the job search approaches and actual employment outcomes of graduates of undergraduate and vocational institutions, and analyzes the correspondence of vocational graduates’ job search approaches with their job search outcomes to identify the effect of higher vocational education on employment. Using the proposed methods, this study finds a significant gap in job search approaches between the two types of graduates and that higher vocational education significantly affects employment approaches and outcomes. The job search approaches of vocational graduates also influence their employment outcomes. The study concludes that the employment quality of vocational graduates is not necessarily worse than that of four-year undergraduates.  相似文献   

South African universities need more academics with PhDs, from historically disadvantaged population groups in particular, but they face a conundrum. In order to have more staff with PhDs, they need to produce more PhD graduates. But in order to produce more PhD graduates, they need more staff with PhDs to supervise. This article explores this conundrum by comparing academic qualifications with national policies and targets, by developing a quantitative profile of staff without PhDs and describing government and institutional measures to improve academic qualifications. An institution's supervisory capacity is found to be closely related to institutional history. Four main factors are identified: (a) whether or not the institution was originally established as a traditional university or as a technikon; (b) whether or not it was advantaged or disadvantaged under apartheid, which was closely related to the racial group for which it was established; (c) whether or not it was merged post 2004; and if so, (d) with what type of institution it was merged.  相似文献   

Abstract: Based on a national survey of 30 universities in eight Chinese provinces in 2011, this empirical study shows that, despite government policies encouraging college graduates to work at the grassroots level, few students actually do so, due to concerns about their career prospects. Human capital, family, and school background and job search conditions are important factors affecting the grassroots employment of college graduates, and students willing to work at the grassroots level tend to be in a weaker position. This research also demonstrates that the occupational status, alignment of job and studies, starting salary, and job satisfaction of such graduates are relatively low.  相似文献   

This paper compares early employment outcomes(in terms of income levels and jobsatisfaction) of Malaysian graduates educatedlocally with those educated abroad(specifically in US and UK).Factors likely to be related to these outcomeswere identified by a comprehensive literaturestudy. A regression model was developedcontaining the factors identified above. Questionnaire responses from over 400 recentMalaysian graduates were incorporated into themodel.Model results show a significant relationshipbetween income levels and gender, duration ofemployment, self-esteem, ownership, academicmajor and English proficiency. Surprisingly,location of study was not statisticallysignificant. Furthermore, location of studywas not significantly related to jobsatisfaction either. However job-fit index,self esteem, income and satisfaction with theUniversity were found to bear significantrelationships with job satisfaction. The policyimplication of these findings were explored.  相似文献   

当前大学生就业难问题严峻,但是却有人“有业不就”。文章运用理性选择理论分析发现:物质资本、人力资本和社会资本对“有业不就”有着一定的影响;毕业生出于经济利益、工作满足及情感满足等目的而选择“有业不就”;当前的户籍制度和雇佣制度制约着高校毕业生的行动。高校毕业生“有业不就”是一种理性行动。  相似文献   

就业满意度是衡量大学毕业生就业效果的主观指标,也是大学生对自身就业状况的综合评价指标。文章从心理学、博弈论、利益相关者理论等角度对大学生就业满意度的内涵及特征进行了剖析,以期对大学生就业满意度的概念、内涵和特征有一个比较全面的了解。  相似文献   

高职院校毕业生就业成本的各要素对能否获得职业机会以及职业机会的质量的影响明显不一致。学生自身的就业成本占主导地位,同时学生在服装、简历等的对外展示费用对入职也起到了很突出的作用,另外学校直接成本如培训指导费和企业的成本也对高职毕业生就业有促进作用。最后,针对模型得出的结论提出了相关策略建议。  相似文献   

Measures of professional success provided by surveys on higher education graduates can be divided into objective (e.g. income or professional position) and subjective (e.g. job satisfaction, reported use of knowledge and skills, work autonomy) indicators. In this article a broad range of measures of professional success is used to describe aspects of employment and work of graduates from 11 European countries and Japan and to analyse the relevance of structural conditions (e.g. country of the institution, type of study programme and field of study) and personal factors (e.g. gender, parental educational background, competences at the time of graduation, employment conditions e.g. economic sector, size of organisation, and the experiences after graduation). The analysis clearly demonstrates the relevance of both structural and personal factors, but no single variable prevails.  相似文献   

社会资本与大学生就业的实证研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会资本对大学生就业具有重要影响。在社会资本对大学生就业影响的实证研究中,形成了多种理论模型,如“双重嵌入”、“运作空间”、“差序格局”,以解释社会资本影响的运作机理,厘清社会资本与大学生就业机会获得、就业选择的关系,探讨社会资本对大学生就业的消极影响、与大学生就业政策绩效的关系。研究表明,就大学生就业政策的愿景而言,应重在营造公平的就业竞争环境;就政策措施而言,应重在开发和利用公共就业社会资本。  相似文献   

通过对天津体育学院高职体育专业2010届专科毕业生的工作目标、教学安排以及就业去向等方面的期望进行定量和定性分析,提出就业工作除了学校和家庭的重视外,关键还在学生自身。学生综合素质的高低对其就业有深刻的影响,因此,培养高水平、复合型的人才,增强学生就业竞争力,是提高学生就业率的根本保证。  相似文献   

The concept of job-hunting is an important factor affecting university students’ employment. This empirical study shows that while hunting for a job, graduates witness negative correlation between their expectation of the nature of work and the demand for occupational types and the accessibility to a post and monthly income; positive correlation between students’ initiative and employment opportunities; positive correlation between salary expectation and real income; negative correlation between mental preparation for hardship and job satisfaction. Therefore, institutions of higher learning must strengthen their employment education, guiding students to foster a sound sense of competition, the concept of occupational position, mental preparation for vocational hardship so that students can rectify their attitude towards employment and adjust their employment concept, thus benefiting them in gaining a position.  相似文献   

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