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国际化已经成为教育发展的一种全球性趋势,它不仅是一种教育理想,而且是一种正在全球范围内展开的教育实践活动。教育国际化无疑促进了各国教育市场、人才资源和文化资源共享,为人类跨国界、跨民族和跨文化的交流提供了可能;同时它也是一个充满矛盾的过程,单一与多样、国际化与本土化、特殊与普遍等矛盾和悖论都同时并存于世界教育改革和社会发展之中。教育国际化的核心是国际理解教育,我们必须重视国际理解教育,构建起与国际理解教育相互联系的新机制,以顺应教育国际化的浪潮。  相似文献   

This article examines how commodification and consumerism have sharpened the discourse of internationalization in Taiwan’s higher education. Given the strong sense of crisis in the less prestigious universities, this article argues that internationalization is only a means to survive instead of a pursuit of excellence to these universities. This empirical finding leads us to rethink the concept of internationalization and its relevance and application to Taiwan’s higher education. This article adopts a case study approach to investigate the practices of internationalization, including program and institutional mobility, overseas networking, curriculum design, teaching, and administrative support. The implications of these internationalization practices for sustainability and quality in higher education development are then discussed.  相似文献   

归纳悖论与“证实”“证伪”之争   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在科学哲学中证实主义和证伪主义之争的背景下分析了归纳方法和三个著名悖论,提出三个悖论与证实主义同证伪主义之争的原因,在于演绎和归纳的矛盾。认为消解悖论解决论争的唯一途径,是建立归纳和演绎的一致性。  相似文献   

Research on the patterns of international student mobility and the dynamics shaping these patterns has been dominated by studies reflecting a Western orientation, discourse, and understanding. Considering political, economic, cultural, historical, and ecological factors, this study argues that international student mobility is not only an issue of the economically developed, politically stable, and academically advanced Western world but also one that involves countries with different economic, political, and academic characteristics. Taking into account various theoretical orientations, this study argues that political, economic, cultural, and historical factors have led to the emergence of non-traditional destinations for international students; these countries are labeled as emergent regional hubs. In order to empirically test this, a social network analysis was conducted on a worldwide dataset representing 229 countries. The findings evidenced the strong position of traditional destinations for international students. However, the results also suggest the rise of several regional hubs, which are undergoing internationalization processes in different forms and with different rationales. The mobility patterns in emerging regional hubs deviate from those in traditional destinations, which fundamentally change the nature of internationalization in this context.  相似文献   

This article investigates the problems and paradoxes of attempting to empower teacher voices within the context of an international conference of policy-makers, academic researchers and practitioners. We examine the distribution of talk within a teacher workshop: who spoke, how, and to whom did the group and broader audiences listen? We trace the emergence of ideas in the workshop discussions and their trajectory into the joint teacher-policy-maker panel in the conference and in the post-conference summary report. We identify four factors shaping the realisation of teacher voice – repertoires, social position, topics and gatekeepers – and highlight paradoxes of teacher representation.  相似文献   

文雯  王嵩迪  常伶颖 《复旦教育论坛》2023,21(1):112-120;128
生存环境恶化、公共卫生危机频发、地缘政治动荡以及逆全球化趋势等一系列人类共同面临的世界性难题给各国高等教育国际化进程带来考验。在此背景下,高等教育在全球、国家、高校等多个空间场域中被各种主体力量塑造,高等教育国际化的行动场变得愈发复杂。然而,过去十年来的全球趋势是国家的作用愈发凸显,越来越多的国家将高等教育国际化与外交战略、科技创新、经济发展和人才规划等方面统筹谋划,以立法、战略规划、资金支持等形式将高等教育国际化纳入国家战略,与世纪之交时以高校为主体主导国际化发展的偶发性、碎片化、边缘化特征有较大区别。本研究从国家战略的利益相关者、动因和实施路径三个维度比较了近十年来美国、英国、澳大利亚、德国、俄罗斯、日本、马来西亚、印度、土耳其等九国高等教育国际化的特点与发展趋势。研究发现:高等教育国际化的趋同性特点包括高等教育国际化作为国家战略与科技、人才战略成为一揽子战略方案,战略制定动因由“国际贡献”向“国家贡献”倾斜,世界一流大学建设成为战略行动新趋势等;各国政府在高等教育国际化战略中的功能、动因、行动路线上存在差异。研究对我国谋划高等教育国际化的国家战略具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

国际化语境中公民教育的愿景与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际化语境是理解公民教育的新视角。文章在探讨国际化语境涵义的基础上,分析了国际化语境中公民教育的愿景,指出国际化语境中的公民教育是一种多元身份、共同伦理、多元文化和造就世界公民的教育,进而透视了国际化语境中公民教育实施的各种策略。  相似文献   

This article highlights the potential of taking a genealogical approach to researching social mobility based on empirical insights generated from a qualitative case study in a secondary school located in the South East of England. The study involved interviews with 42 students and the data lead to a deeper understanding of the role of families in inter- and intra-generational social movement. We begin by highlighting some limitations in existing research on social mobility. Next, the role of households and families in conditioning an individual's identity, dispositions, aspirations and choices is emphasised. We then present findings from the analysis of 42 genealogical work histories over three generations and explore the role of education and family background in shaping young people's employment aspirations. We argue that education has had little impact on overall mobility rates and suggest that whilst education has a significant role in mediating social mobility, the importance of family context should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

任睿文  徐涵 《成人教育》2022,43(2):88-93
国际化是全球一体化背景下高等职业教育发展的必然要求。新加坡始终把国际化作为发展高等职业教育的引导思想,通过教育主体的双向国际流动、课程内容和设置国际化、将国际先进的办学理念和管理方法本土化、聘用外籍教师和教师海外培训、与国际企业保持双向合作、开展跨国培训项目等策略,形成了别具一格的新加坡高等职业教育国际化模式。借鉴新加坡经验,我国可以通过国家层面健全高等职业教育国际化相关政策法规、落实各地区发展自主权、兼顾全日制留学生和外籍员工在职培训、推动我国高等职业教育国际化师资队伍的建设等方式促进高等职业教育的国际化发展。  相似文献   

国际化语境是我们理解公民教育的新视角。在探讨国际化语境涵义的基础上分析国际化语境中的公民教育的愿景。国际化语境中的公民教育是一种多元身份、共同伦理、多元文化和造就世界公民的教育。透视国际化语境中公民教育实施的策略。  相似文献   

美国、英国、澳大利亚的高等教育国际化   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文研究美国、英国和澳大利亚的高等教育国际化。通过采用一个共同的分析框架,分析这三个发达国家高等教育系统的国际化背景、国际化战略、政府和专业机构的国际化角色以及国际化的评估,并对个别研究型大学进行个案研究,以说明国际化是如何在大学内落实的。结果说明高等教育学国际化是受大学外部的全球化、科技和竞争等因素推动以及大学内部的文化和组织等因素影响。这三个国家的高等教育国际化在历史背景、广泛战略和评估方面有相同的经验,但在地区政治、传统和政府的角色方面有明显的不同。  相似文献   

在消费文化语境下,当代中国社会的审美活动产生了一系列的变化,诸多的审美悖论呈现在我们面前,主要表现在以下三个方面:需要的满足与欲望的泛滥;身体的解放与精神的沉沦;个性的张扬与自我的消解;世俗化的胜利与超越性的缺失。  相似文献   

高等教育国际化是发展中国家建设高水平大学的必然路径,而中国高等教育国际化须以现状的分析与掌握为前提.基于此,本文以高等教育管理和国际商务理论为基础,构建了一个中国高等教育国际化的类型框架,然后利用该框架对中国高等教育国际化现状进行了较为全面的评价.研究结论为:中国高等教育国际化类型划分须结合方式和方向两个维度;中国高等教育内向国际化质量有待提高,外向国际化有待大力发展;学生流动是中国高等教育外向国际化的主要形式;中国高等教育的内向与外向国际化互相影响,促使中国高等教育国际化水平不断提升.  相似文献   

澳大利亚高等教育国际化的发展历经了移植、理性探索、调整与确立、国外国际化发展的四个阶段。在高等教育发展的不同历史阶段,澳大利亚政府、高等教育部门、高校这种三位一体的体系共同致力于其高等教育国际化发展措施和政策的制定。伴随理论性研究、教育主体的国际性流动、跨境教育、高等教育国际化市场营销策略应用等有效策略的实现,澳大利亚在高等教育国际化领域取得值得我们借鉴的巨大成就。  相似文献   

在经济全球化以及知识经济时代,高等教育的国际化成为必然趋势.留学生教育是反映大学国际化程度的重要指标.围绕着新形势下如何发展留学生教育,一些发达国家结合各自国情采取了不同的策略和发展模式.本文拟从分析美、澳、新(加坡)的留学生教育及现状着手,并结合我国实际,提出了有必要建立以国家创新和地区和平战略框架下的的留学生教育发展模式.  相似文献   

巴西高等教育的国际化水平在20世纪90年代迅速提升。在巴西高等教育的国际化进程中,巴西联邦政府、大学组织协会、高等院校构建起了立体化的组织体系。为提升其高等教育国际化水平,巴西政府采取了一系列措施,包括构建与之相适应的管理体制、开展合作科研、推动人员流动、减少人才流失、拓宽合作网络等等。巴西高等教育国际化战略的成功经验和存在的问题可为我们提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

The popularity of international league tables has intensified the competition in the global higher education market. Countries across the world have been actively participating in the global ranking exercises, aiming to enhance the competitiveness and reputation of their higher education systems globally. Like its Western counterparts, China has also committed to establishing world-class universities. In this context, the article examines the internationalization of higher education in China. Discourse analysis is adopted to analyze milestone policies issued in the past three decades to illustrate China's changing response to internationalization, which can be categorized in distinct stages, including awareness, response, and adaptation to and determination of the process of internationalization. The shifting strategy toward internationalization indicates that higher education is increasingly used as an essential tool to enhance China's national competitiveness and international influence as a whole.  相似文献   

Lesley Vidovich 《Compare》2004,34(4):443-461
The primary focus of this paper is two case study schools, one in Singapore and one in Australia, which have both been actively pursuing an agenda to build a unique internationally‐oriented curriculum, in a context of globalization, but also within the constraints set by national/State curriculum frameworks, examinations and league tables. Interviews were used to collect data in each school, and then cross‐case analysis was conducted to reveal both similarities and differences in the way the two schools are moving towards internationalizing their curriculum. Emergent meta‐level conceptual themes around policy for ‘internationalization’ of the curriculum are discussed: enablers and constraints; the issue of whether such internationalization fosters a market ideology; changing power relationships; and the relevance of distinctions between internationalization and globalization. The paper concludes by pointing to the contribution of the ‘sociology of knowledge’ and ‘critical policy analysis’ in disrupting the potentially hegemonic economic discourses associated with internationalizing the curriculum.  相似文献   

秘鲁高等教育的发展进程可以划分为精英化、大众化、国际化三个阶段。20世纪60年代,秘鲁进 入高等教育大众化阶段,但自身经济发展模式和社会环境导致了科学教育基础薄弱、教育体制不健全、私人 教育投资不均衡等问题。面对新的教育国际化趋势,仍有许多问题亟待解决。回顾秘鲁高等教育近五百年 的发展历程,可以为中国的大学治理改革提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   


Higher education in Asia is massifying at an exceptional pace and scale. In this paper, I ask how practices and discourses which inform the internationalization of Singapore’s higher education can provide opportunities for developing cosmopolitan learning that it claims to provide. Cosmopolitan learning is closely related to cross-border student mobility and plays an important role in shaping the international students’ identities, aspirations and worldviews. Based on a recent study in Singapore of a group of international students from various parts of Asia and Europe, this paper attempts to bring the theoretical and grounded realities of cosmopolitan learning in an Asian context into the fore. The aim of the paper is to provide a useful frame for rethinking the purpose of international education for cosmopolitan learning in an increasingly interconnected world that is strewn with ambivalence, and what that means in the context of Singapore as an erudite nation-state critical to building Asian education hub aspirations.  相似文献   

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