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When some people go shoppingwith cash,there is always thechance that a thief may seize1it and run away with it.So in many countriespeople do not carry paper money.Instead2,they carry a credit card,which canbuynearlyeverything.In America,the credit card has owner’sname and a special number.It is very difficultfor the thief to use a stolen credit card,becausethe credit card owner has signed the card.Ifthe thief tries to use the card,he must sign thename of the owner in the same way.Almost eve…  相似文献   

1.carbon 副本A: Let me have the carbon, please. 请给我副本。B:OK,here you go. 好,给您。2.credit card信用卡A:I’d like to apply for a credit card. 我想申请信用卡。B:All right. Fill this application form out and come  相似文献   

birthdaycard生日卡Christmas card圣诞卡New-Year card贺年卡post card明信片identitycard身份证credit card信用证guest card贵宾卡preferential card优惠卡expense card消费卡get-well card慰问卡record card记录卡score card记分卡playingcards扑克牌bank cards信用卡membership card会员卡intelligence card(IC)IC智能卡phone card电话卡student’s card学生证visitingcard名片身边“card”知多少…  相似文献   

One day,I received the report card fromthe English teacher. When I saw the mark, Ifelt upset.As we all know the examinations arevery important for us.This time,I didn’t get ahigh mark. I had been sowing, but I hadn’thad a good harvest.I was worried to tears.I  相似文献   

胡继云 《新高考》2014,(1):29-31
Despite a rise in credit card cheat,the most commonly-used PIN is still 1234,with1111 and 0000 coming in second and third.A study by Data Genetics has discovered that one in ten codes is so obvious it would take criminals just one attempt to guess it correctly,while more than a quarter of the codes are used so often they can be guessed in fewer than 20 attempts.The study from Data Genetics analysed 3.4 million four-digit(四位数)codes and found that many people use birth years as PINs,making it even easier for hackers to guess a code simply by finding out a person’s age from online accounts.  相似文献   

This study proposes a recoverable stress testing algorithm (RSTA) for such special devices as compression/decompression card and encryption/deeryption card. It uses a chaos function to generate a random sequence, and then, according to the random sequence, generates an effective command sequence. The dispatch of command obeys a special schedule strategy we designed for such devices, i.e., the commands are sent according to the command sequence, and the complete commands are put in a buffer for further result check. RSTA is used to test the HIFN compression acceleration card SAICHI-1000. Test results show that RSTA can make the card work continuously and adequately.  相似文献   

Dear Sir / Madam,
I am writing to you about the bad service from your company. On July 2nd I ordered the latest JAY CHOU CDs on 1 website, which my mother paid _ 2 me with her credit card (信用卡)._3 in your ads you promised thatI could get them the next day, I did not receive _4from you until a week later. When your CDs_5,they were not the CDs I ordered.  相似文献   

One day,I received the report card from theEnglish teacher.When I saw the result of the ex-amination,I was shocked.My score for English isonly 76.5. That was such a low score that I hadnever had before. I even couldn’t believe myeyes at that time.It was too difficult for me toaccept the fact!  相似文献   

胡继云 《高中生》2015,(9):40-41
Despite a rise in credit card cheat,the most commonly-used PIN is still 1234,with 1111 and 0000 coming in second and third.A study by Data Genetics has discovered that one in ten codes is so obvious it would take criminals just one attempt to guess it correctly,while more than a quarter of the codes are used so often they can be guessed in fewer than 20 attempts.The study from Data Genetics analysed  相似文献   

birthday card生日卡Christmas card圣诞卡post card明信片identity card身份证credit card信用卡visiting card名片expense card消费卡get-well card慰问卡record card记录卡score card记分卡membership card会员卡intelligence card智能卡entry card入境卡phone card电话卡st  相似文献   

It was October 1.It was Tom's birthday.Hesaw a card on the table when he came back home.It said,“There is a present for you,Tom.L ook forit in your room.”Tom ran to his room,His parentswere watching him and smiling.On His bed he sawa new red box.He thought,“My presentmust be init.”He opened it.There was nothing but a card init.He took it out and read,“Dear Tom,I am yourpresent.My first letter is in the word‘pear’,butnot in the word‘bear’.My second letter is in‘tell’but not i…  相似文献   

Movie, as a media, plays an important and irreplaceable role in culture dissemination. Therefore, a successful film subti?tle translation deserves much of the credit. Based on Darwin’s adaptation and s...  相似文献   

王国存 《海外英语》2011,(15):299-300
Project financing is independent on the sponsors credit or tangible assets, but in the project’s expected reliable, stable cash flow and future earnings as the fund source, and mainly to the project entity assets as a debt security financing. It will be of great theoretical and practical significance by conducting a detailed research on related concept and characteristics.  相似文献   

1 Introduction We will extend the classical ruin model withthe twomain components of premium income and clai mpayment[1 ,2].The third component reflects the randomrates of interest to the free reserve such as a currencydevaluation or credit event[3].Inthelatter case we as-sume that the free reservexis invested in bonds withcredit risk . Upon a credit event the value of the freereserve drops according to the recovery ratezfromxtozx. Then the free reserve is reinvested in bondswith si milar ris…  相似文献   

In order to improve the performance of support vector machine (SVM) applications in the field of credit risk evaluation, an adaptive Lq SVM model with Gauss kernel (ALqG-SVM) is proposed to evaluate credit risks. The non-adaptive penalty of the object function is extended to (0, 2] to increase classification accuracy. To further improve the generalization performance of the proposed model, the Gauss kernel is introduced, thus the non-linear classification problem can be linearly separated in higher dimensional feature space. Two UCI credit datasets and a real life credit dataset from a US major commercial bank are used to check the efficiency of this model. Compared with other popular methods, satisfactory results are obtained through a novel method in the area of credit risk evaluation. So the new model is an excellent choice.  相似文献   

Grads without grades At schools like New College of Florida(NCF) inSarasota,grades have gone the way of the fanny pack.Intheir place,students receive a one-to-three—page evaluationof their performance at the end of the semester. “Courses are not graded and students do not fulfilltraditional‘credit hours’as they do at many colleges,”explains NCF’S Dean of Admission Jake Hartvigsen. “We believe students’progress should be based ondemonstrated competence and mastery of a subjectrather than on the accumulation (积聚) of credits and  相似文献   

One day,I received the report card fromthe English teacher. I was astonished. I got110.It was the highest I’d ever got.I couldhardly believe it.“Was it a sweet dream?”Iasked myself.  相似文献   

一、利用情境创设导入案例:《新标准英语》Book 8 Module4Unit1I’m making Daming’s birthday card.1.T:(提着一个大袋子,做出很吃力、很沉重的样子)Oh,the bag is too heavy.I can’tcarry it.Who can help me?2.T:(走到学生面前)Canyou help me?S1:Sorry,I can’t.  相似文献   

You can prepare a vocabulary notebook.When you see a new word,add it to your note-book,and then make a sentence that will helpyou remember1how to use the word.Prepare a good dictionary which can pro-vide2simple definitions3and simple sentences.You can choose some important words to re-member when you study words that you’reinterested in.It will help you to rememberthem better.Make some cards to study your newwords.Put one English word on each card,andthen put either the translation4or the E…  相似文献   

To solve the problem of setting threshold default risk criterion to select retailer eligible for trade credit granting, a novel method of solving simultaneous equations is proposed. This method is based on the bilevel programming modeling of trade credit decisions as an interaction between supplier and retailer. First, the bilevel programming is set up where the supplier decides on credit terms at the top level considering a retailer‘s default risk, and the retailer determines the order quantity at the lowe...  相似文献   

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