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据统计,美国目前有880万农村学生,占全美4,400万公立中小学学生人数的1/5(2002-2003学年)。2005年5月11日,美国最有影响力的农村教育组织“农村学校与社区信托组织”(Rural School and Community Trust)发表题为“为何农村重要”(Why Rural Matters 2005)的长篇报告,敦促各州政府和联邦政府保护农村小规模学校和学区,增加拨款,为农村学校的生存与发展排忧解难。  相似文献   

为了促进教育公平发展,美国改革教育资源配置方式,变革教育财政政策。教育财政政策改革体现为:加强州政府统筹,增加州教育财政支出;学区为主筹措教育经费,强化学区责任;政府倾斜配置教育经费,支持贫穷学区。美国教育财政政策变革后,出现了教师工资提高,教师培训增多,教育技术更新,教育项目拓展,教育设施改善等效应。分析发现,制度合法性是财政政策变革的潜在影响因素,拨款预期和政策稳定性影响财政政策的变革,促进教育的改革是财政政策变革的首要目的。  相似文献   

教师总量不足及高质量教师短缺正困扰着美国农村教育的发展.为建设高质量的农村教师队伍,美国在国家、州和学区层面采取了多方面的政策,可为深入思考我国农村教育师资建设问题提供启示.  相似文献   

试论美国教师教育经费来源的特点及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代世界很多国家都注重教师教育,其教育经费来源有的是以政府拨款为主,有的是由各级政府与学校等机构共同分担.而美国则采取政府拨款、社区、学区、学校以及个人分担和社会捐赠的方式来支持教师培养与培训活动.  相似文献   

商丽浩 《比较教育研究》2004,25(5):29-32,90
本文介绍和评价了美国学区教育筹资制度的基本机制,指出美国因地制宜地扩大学区规模,学区内教育筹资决策具有自治性和民主性,其教育经费收支兼顾公平和效率,学区筹资的责任随着美国税收结构的发展而变动.这些具体制度对中国构筑县区内健全的教育筹资体制具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

目前美国教育的行政管理体系,其特点可以概括为“三级管理、地方分权、校长负责、社会监督”。 1.三级管理模式 美国的教育行政管理实行联邦政府、州政府和学区三级管理。 (1)联邦政府:根据1791年美国宪法第10条修正款,美国联邦政府不具有管理教育的权限。联邦政府除立法和拨款外,不干涉地方的教育行政事务。联邦教育部仅负责数据统计等服务性工作,与各州教育厅无上下隶属关系。 (2)州政府:美国教育主要由各州政府通过立法自行负责,州长亲自过问有关教育事务,具  相似文献   

由清华大学财务处刘贵处长任团长、河北省教育厅财务处张益禄处长任副团长的教育财务监督与拨款管理机制考察团一行19人于2002年5月20日至6月9日赴美国和加拿大进行了考察。考察其间代表团与美国加州大学洛杉矶分校、美国州立大学协会、豪尔德学院、费尔法克斯县公共学区教育局、加拿大西蒙飞沙大学等教育机构的有关负责人进行了座谈和交流,并参观了学校设施。通过考察,对美国、加拿大的政治、经济、文化、教育、社会风气等方面都有一定了解和认识,尤其对美国和加  相似文献   

农村教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高海燕 《江苏教育》2007,(11):62-62
我国欠发达地区农村教师队伍建设中的结构性困境与破解;美国农村学区吸引和挽留教师的对策及其启示;教育要为建设社会主义新农村服务;农村基础教育课程改革发展的出路;  相似文献   

二战后,美国普及教育阶段的城乡差距和种族歧视依然严重.为了应对这一挑战,美国掀起了农村"学校合并"的运动高潮,大规模合并农村学校,重组学区,提升农村学校的"规模效益"、学术内涵和教育质量.20世纪60年代,在教育机会均等理论思潮的影响下,美国农村普及教育在价值取向上发生了转折,开始追求城乡各类学校学生的教育机会均等,从而步入"多元均等"的发展路径.  相似文献   

朱宛霞 《文教资料》2012,(13):145-147
美国农村公立学区教师数量不足、质量不高且流动频繁;学生辍学率居高不下;小规模农村学校因为经费问题面临生存危机,这些都严重影响到国家追求教育公平和卓越目标的实现,制约着整个国家教育的发展。美国社会特有的多元化利益集团,充分利用专业研究成果、社区资源优势、专项投资和强大影响力,采取有效策略积极应对,在促进农村教育发展中扮演着不可或缺的角色,为我国利用社会集团解决农村教育问题提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

In 2009, the federal government committed over $3 billion nationwide to help states and districts turn around their worst-performing schools. The U.S. Department of Education intended for the School Improvement Grants (SIGs) to spur dramatic change.This report looks at the results of a field study of the first-year implementation of those grants in Washington State, which received $50 million in SIG funding over three years. Researchers hoped to see what school-level changes were underway, how they compared to the intent of the grants, and the early role that districts played in SIG implementation.The report provides findings from the state, district, and school level. Researchers found that, with some exceptions, districts and schools in Washington State are approaching the turnaround work in ways only marginally different from past school improvement efforts. Despite the hard work of administrators, principals, and especially teachers, the majority of schools studied show little evidence of the type of bold and transformative changes the SIGs were intended to produce.The report offers recommendations regarding the roles that federal, state, and local education agencies should play in support of school turnaround work. Those administering future grants targeted at the nation's lowest-performing schools could avoid the problems described here and improve their chances of affecting dramatic, not incremental, change.  相似文献   

美国农村社区基础教育现状与改革方略   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
美国农村社区的公立学校及其学生分别占美国公立学校及其学生总数的31.3%和21%,其教育质量的高低直接影响到美国教育乃至整个社会的发展状况和水平.由于以往美国社会、政府关注不够和教育投资不足,致使美国农村社区的教育环境、条件和质量严重恶化.20世纪90年代以来,美国联邦政府与社区、学校和相关利益团体一起开始改善农村社区和学区的发展条件.他们设立"农村教育成就项目",增加农村教育专项投入,全面统整农村社区和学校,对推动农村社区的教育发展产生了积极影响.  相似文献   

The Rising Star Scholarship program of the Dallas County (Texas) Community College District (DCCCD), is a unique approach to financial aid. The program is the brainchild of R. L. Thornton, III, the DCCCD Foundation Board Chairman. He wanted every high school graduate in Dallas County to have the opportunity to attend college regardless of financial circumstances. He took his cause to the business community of Dallas County with the goal of establishing a scholarship program that would be available to students with the academic ability to achieve in college, but without the financial means. In three years the Rising Star Fund has reached over 33% of its goal of $30,000,000, which is needed to ensure its availability to high school graduates into perpetuity. Contributors run the gamut from individuals giving less than $100 to Foundations giving $1,000,000. In between are a variety of other amounts from foundations, businesses, and individuals. In addition to a diverse funding source, another unique aspect of the Rising Star Program is its availability to those who do not meet financial need levels of federal grants.  相似文献   

State and federal policy constitutes a significant component of the educational environment. School leaders stand at the intersection of policy and practice in attempting to implement systemic school reform. This report begins with a brief overview of (1) recent federal policy alignment initiatives, (2) the Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration (CSRD) grants program, and (3) the general policy environment in North Carolina. We then draw on evaluation data from North Carolina schools receiving CSRD grants to suggest that initial school efforts are marked by two significant absences, chiefly, the absence of comprehensive design perspectives to guide improvement efforts and the absence of critical analysis during application of improvement models. We close by offering suggestions for school leaders engaged in systemic reform efforts.  相似文献   

长期以来,我国农村高中教育处于困境之中,师资力量薄弱,生源流失严重,高等教育升学率低。农村高中教育陷入困境主要是由于政府的经费投入太少、农村家庭缺乏投资动力、学生升学信心不足。这将对我国未来整体的人力资源开发产生不利影响,会进一步扩大城乡差距,导致“读书无用论”的重新抬头。因此,未来我国应改变城乡二元的惯性思维,重视改善农村教育环境,提升农村高中的教育质量,为农村青年接受高等教育创造更多的机会。  相似文献   

国家助学金是提供给家庭贫困生的无偿资助,主要资助学生学习期间的基本生活费用,以帮助他们顺利完成学业,兼顾着资助和育人的双重目的。但在实际工作中,育人工作往往被忽视,不少获得国家助学金的同学并没有成长成才,存在着助学金的不合理利用、综合表现不好、缺乏感恩意识、心理素质低等问题。因此,探索和改进国家助学金发放后的育人工作,有助于国家助学的效益最大化。  相似文献   

Market principles now dominate the education and social policies of many Anglophone countries, including Australia, but articulate differentially within specific contexts. Existing historical legacies, local economic and social conditions, and geographical settings interact with federal and state funding and transport policies to shape the nature of regional education markets and the choices families make in a rural school market in Australia. Through two school case studies, this article explores the effects of policy shifts on parental choice and student movement within a regional Victorian community. Informed by policy sociology, the article views the policy as a dynamic, often ad hoc process with contradictory effects. It indicates how an ensemble of federal and state funding and conveyancing policies enable some schools to develop marketing practices that reconstruct the local education market to their advantage through the introduction of transport and flexi-boarding policies. It demonstrates that education markets are not confined to urban settings and that while choice is not a new phenomenon in this rural area, federal and state funding and transport policies have reconfigured local markets and intensified the market work undertaken by schools and parents with, in this instance, unequal effects on the provision of schooling in a rural region.  相似文献   

优秀的校长在学校改进、教师留职和学生成绩提升等方面发挥着重要作用。通过采取有效的校长支持策略,为每所学校配备优秀校长,已经成为当前美国中小学缩小学生成绩差距、保障教育公平的重要举措。美国有效的中小学校长支持策略主要包括:创新校长培养方式,解决校长频繁更替问题;创建一贯制的校长职业管道,提升校长的领导效能;建立支持取向的校长评价制度,持续改进校长的行为;利用联邦政府拨款,扩大校长专业学习和专业发展机会;建立校长才能管理系统,促进优质校长人力资源的公平分配。  相似文献   

农村中小学布局调整一直以来都是我国促进农村义务教育改革发展的一项重要工作,新时期为实现义务教育均衡发展的目标,各地政府还需进一步完善和推进学校布局调整。威尔士政府在农村小规模学校面临一系列发展困境的现实下,遵循科学民主的原则,积极进行学校布局调整规划,提出了创新性的学校布局调整方式:联盟学校和区域学校,有效提升了学校教育质量。威尔士这种创新性的学校布局调整方式可以给我国新一轮农村中小学布局调整以有益的启示。  相似文献   

Low-performing schools in rural settings can face challenges common to all struggling schools, such as low student motivation and maintaining a qualified teaching staff. However, aspects of rural schools’ settings, such as the distance from urban areas and the commute between the schools and the students’ and teachers’ homes, can exacerbate the challenges that rural schools face. This article focuses on the experiences of nine rural schools that were part of a study for the U.S. Department of Education on the school improvement process in a purposive sample of 35 schools receiving federal funds through the School Improvement Grants (SIG) program. In particular, it examines how respondents in the rural schools perceived that the schools’ rural setting influenced the schools’ challenges and improvement actions and presents findings on the recruitment and retention of teaching staff, an activity integral to school improvement efforts under SIG.  相似文献   

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