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不管是实体博物馆还是作为实体博物馆一部分的数字博物馆都存在可持续发展问题,解决数字博物馆的可持续发展课题,有利于促进实体博物馆的可持续发展,有利于数字博物馆承担社会教育和服务的窗口功能。数字博物馆可持续发展既受国家政策导向、信息技术发展、社会需求等外部因素的制约,也受母体博物馆对数字博物馆的定位、数字化建设人才、建设项目效益成本比等内部因素的影响。数字博物馆建设者需整合影响数字博物馆可持续发展的各种要素。  相似文献   

面临数字技术时代变革,博物馆需要调整定位、创新发展。文物数字化将先进的数字技术应用到文物保护、研究、管理、文化传播等领域,有利于保障并促进博物馆事业的高质量发展,并适应数字社会发展的要求。山西博物院近几年在文物数字化保护工作中开展了积极的实践应用与有益探索,取得了有意义的研究成果,其中的经验值得分享。  相似文献   

随着信息化的发展,数字博物馆越来越受到重视,在多个方面都取得了很大的发展。文章首先对北京数字博物馆可持续发展机制研究的背景、调研内容与方法进行介绍,然后对数字博物馆(科技馆)发展情况进行回顾,包括对数字博物馆概念的阐释、国外及国内数字博物馆兴起与发展的回顾。之后对数字博物馆(科技馆)的建设模式与分类进行讨论。最后在上述研究基础上,提出了数字博物馆存在的问题及建议。  相似文献   

数字博物馆不同于传统的实体博物馆,随着新媒体技术的发展与应用,博物馆中展品展示对于视觉上的要求更加多元化,视觉设计在数字博物馆的建设中成为尤为重要的一个环节。文章阐述了视觉设计在数字博物馆中的价值、功能及作用,从数字博物馆网站用户界面、展品展示、互动娱乐三方面分析了视觉设计的应用价值,并提出了数字博物馆视觉设计中应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

杨琨 《兰台世界》2016,(7):44-46
数字博物馆作为信息时代的博物馆发展产物,是实体博物馆的延伸,应确定其生存与发展的核心价值体系,只有在核心价值的指导下才能引导和加快数字博物馆的健康发展。本文从一个完整的角度确定了数字博物馆的核心价值体系,即数字博物馆的功能、主体、客体、外部环境等,具体包括数字化存储、数字化研究、数字化展示、数字化教育、数字化管理,并对它们之间的关系进行了分析,为数字博物馆的发展提供良好的保障作用,实现数字博物馆以人为本和可持续发展。  相似文献   

现代大教育观下的数字博物馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字博物馆是数字时代中文博产业对博物馆提出的新要求。在现代大教育观的视野下探讨数字博物馆与教育之间的辨证关系,论述了数字博物馆的三点教育优势,归纳总结了数字博物馆的发展趋势和相关建议。  相似文献   

随着网络与信息技术的发展,近年来全国各地博物馆数字化建设进展迅速,数字博物馆日益受到各方面的关注。而数字博物馆相关元数据规范作为数字资源管理、开发与利用的基础,其规范化的进程却发展缓慢,成为数字博物馆资源共享和信息交换的瓶颈,严重影响了我国数字博物馆事业的长远可持续发展。另外我国博物馆藏品种类繁多且日趋丰富,藏品数字资源特点各异,决定了在数字博物馆系统中不可能采用一个元数据标准来满足所有资源描述的需求。综合以上两点考虑,文章提出了基于核心元数据的可扩展的三级数字博物馆元数据规范体系。接着研究核心元数据规范以及基于核心元数据的扩展规则。最后以基于核心元数据规范形成的古建筑专门元数据规范为例,表述了数字博物馆元数据规范扩展的方法与过程。  相似文献   

数字博物馆与实体博物馆的"虚实相生"关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
问题的提出 在现代数字技术与信息技术迅猛发展的大背景下,博物馆信息化和数字化不断发展,数字博物馆在文博领域中的地位越来越重要。数字博物馆日益成为公众享受博物馆公益服务、接受文博教育的重要途径。  相似文献   

问题的提出 在现代数字技术与信息技术迅猛发展的大背景下,博物馆信息化和数字化不断发展,数字博物馆在文博领域中的地位越来越重要。数字博物馆日益成为公众享受博物馆公益服务、接受文博教育的重要途径。  相似文献   

疫情改变了博物馆对数字世界的认知,在媒介技术的助力下,博物馆成为人类社会最具吸引力的文化景观。数字技术是一种媒介手段而非目的,博物馆应避免被热点牵引,产生同质化现象。在数字时代的博物馆发展中,结合自身资源特色、做到技术与人文的双重关照、熟练运用线上技术互联互通、关注人才培育等等是重要议题。以博物馆功能为基础,以传播学相关理论为指导,定量研究方法与定性思辨相结合,探索基于观众研究数据指导下的数字资源制作与传播精准化、博物馆使用新技术与新理念的平衡、数字化如何提升博物馆与社会的互动联结以及从社会关怀的视角对"数字鸿沟"问题的反思,将推动博物馆在后疫情时期更有效地发挥媒介功能。  相似文献   

儿童博物馆在过去二十年间由于种种原因,并没有在中国发展起来。一些相关的基本问题:“什么是儿童博物馆?儿童博物馆展示什么?为什么需要儿童博物馆?”在中国并不为大众熟悉,也没有受到太多博物馆专业领域人士的关注。本文将从影响儿童博物馆的理论及研究,儿童博物馆与其它场馆的区别,儿童博物馆的教育内容等几个方面来介绍儿童博物馆的核心教育理念。以期通过本文能够把儿童博物馆的精髓呈现出来,让更多的人了解并关注儿童博物馆,为中国儿童教育方式的发展提供一些参考。  相似文献   

数字博物馆是以数字形态存在的博物馆,是利用数字技术对实体博物馆功能的有效延展方式。文章重点讨论了数字博物馆的架构设计和层次模型、项目管理等问题,也简要介绍了建设数字博物馆的一些相关数字技术。  相似文献   

John Dewey, one of the preeminent educational theorists of our time, wrote Experience and Education 60 years ago, toward the end of his career, as a review of his educational philosophy and the progressive schools it had spawned. Based on the principle that all genuine education comes about through experience, Dewey's ideas are still current and particularly relevant to the theory and practice of museum education. They are, nevertheless, not widely cited within the museum profession. This article comments on Experience and Education, a slim, readable volume, in the hope of giving it wider readership. Major ideas from each chapter of the book are summarized along with comments on their application to various museum issues. Dewey distinguishes two fundamentally opposed ideas: that education is development from within and that it is formation from without. Believing that experience is the basis for education, he basically takes the within position, although he also warns against either-or thinking. Dewey identifies two aspects of experience and two criteria for judging it which have implications for such things as setting exhibit goals, evaluating exhibits, developing exhibit content, and untangling education and entertainment. He goes on to look at problems of implementing experience-based learning such as maintaining social control, moving people from initial impulses to more purposeful inquiry, and developing organized subject matter from individual experiences. All of this applies to museums as well as schools.  相似文献   

The language people use to talk about something can constrain as well as facilitate understanding. This essay explores the lessons learned through a study of how people talked about music to examine what it can mean for museums and museum experiences. The study itself had people talk about their interest, background, and ways of engaging with music, then listen to random cuts of preselected music to talk about what they were hearing. Several themes emerged from the study, suggesting there are clusters to ways in which people frame their experiences of music, which extend to how people might understand the museum experience and what museums might do to make that experience more relevant.  相似文献   

基于XML技术的数字博物馆系统*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首先简要地介绍了XML技术的特点,并在分析现有的数字博物馆系统的缺点及其新需求的同时,结合XML以及SVG、VoiceXML等相关技术的特点,阐述了建立在XML技术基础上的数字博物馆系统需要考虑的诸如系统平台的选择、馆藏内容的数字化、系统的多媒体内容检索及资源共享等方面的内容;本文提出的系统设计方法也可用于数字图书馆和档案馆系统在信息组织、存储、检索、显示等方面的设计。  相似文献   

信息技术的发展对博物馆事业的发展产生着重要的影响,同时,以信息技术为支撑的数字博物馆也突破了传统博物馆时间、空间、场地等的制约,不仅能够有效保护馆藏文物,而且可以通过Internet在更广泛的范围内实现文物的有效利用。文章从数字化典藏、互联网、平台展示以及网络安全和版权等方面详细地讨论了关键技术。  相似文献   

从20世纪80年代的财政责任到如今的社会责任,观众研究为英国博物馆证明自身价值、获得经费支持提供了重要依据。英国政府通过政策引导与经济杠杆,客观上推动了博物馆观众研究的发展和博物馆对“人”的关注。英国经验说明,只有当政策引导、经济杠杆、行业规范与学术研究形成合力时,博物馆观众研究才能真正得到发展、发挥效力。  相似文献   

As part of an exploratory research study, museum professionals were asked to share their stories about pivotal learning experiences in museums. Several offered personal narratives of how they first became interested in museums and started down the path toward careers in museum work, or had their imaginations opened to the possibility of broader life horizons. This group of stories seemed to be grounded in particularly vivid memories and frequently elicited strong emotions in the telling. The narratives are evidence of the impact of early museum experiences on people who later found their way into museum careers, and suggest avenues for further study of the roots of museum careers as well as other ways museums profoundly affect people's lives. The stories can also reveal to the teller, as well as to researchers and others, what stands out in their memories and the importance they assign to those memories. By attending to the thematic and emotional content of these narratives, both narrator and colleagues can find clues about where their beliefs and values really lie and, therefore, where their and the profession's time and resources might be most productively invested.  相似文献   

In Byzantium1     
During Spring 1997 we experimented with a research method combining quantitative and qualitative approaches to documenting visitor experiences in The Glory of Byzantium, a special exhibition of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In addition to using standard demographic and behavior surveys, a small team of researchers and volunteers gathered information, compared experiences, and summarized their observations of people in the exhibition. Each team member conducted about a dozen structured conversations with visitors as they left the exhibition. Subsequently the team met as an informal focus group to describe their experiences. We found that many museum users arrived with relevant experiences and high expectations for this somewhat specialized exhibition; we also found users whose approach to the exhibition was less well‐informed, but whose enthusiasm and trust for the museum experience moved them to attend with satisfaction. We believe that such team approaches to research might well be used as a regular part of museum work as we search for answers to the many elusive questions about museum use.  相似文献   

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