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In geographical areas bordering those of other states, the function of educational systems, as the means for states to foster their citizens, is challenged by ambiguities and tensions connected to intercultural experiences. In this article, I illustrate some of the findings from a project that studies religious education in four border areas around the Baltic Barents Sea, by bringing forward the case of a school teacher who teaches Orthodox religious education (ORE), in a town in Finland close to the border with Russia. Thus, the aim is to present and discuss ORE in Finland as well as to understand what implication the border situation can have on religious education.  相似文献   

The overall objective of this investigation was to explore the views of border history teachers on a wide variety of issues that influence their instructional approaches, curricular content choices, and capacity to teach history more effectively. More specifically, the focus was on identifying factors that affect their ability to utilize culturally relevant pedagogy and to integrate into their classroom instruction elements of the local border community, and of the Latin American, Latino, and Mexican American experience. Findings confirmed that structural factors such as mandated curriculum standards, adopted textbooks, and high-stakes tests all serve to limit the teachers’ ability to integrate the Latino and minority experience into their classroom narrative. Although most teachers expressed support for the inclusion of Latino history, in actual practice they reported having insufficient time, training, or resources to adequately do so. The implications that Latino curricular exclusion has for students on the border are also discussed.  相似文献   


Extended Teams (ETs), in which teachers and workplace supervisors are jointly responsible for the quality of education, were established to solve problems concerning school–workplace connections in vocational and professional education. Six ETs were investigated during their 1st year of collaboration. In addition to recordings of ET meetings, questionnaires, focus groups, and interviews yielded triangulation of data pertaining to dimensions of team work and professional growth of individual team members. Five of the 6 teams showed marked changes for team functioning, especially with regard to social ties and intellectual building as well as needs for new knowledge. Analysis of individual professional growth indicated that working in an ET contributed to understanding the other context, and altering views of what can be achieved by and for students. We conclude that ETs hold potential for strengthening school–workplace connections, but note that they did rely heavily on external support.  相似文献   


Critical pedagogy is in crisis. To address this crisis, this paper reinvents Paulo Freire’s concept of utopia in and for our age of the Anthropocene. Understood as a system, postdigital critical utopia provides us with normative foundations and returns agency from invisible data and algorithms to human beings. Understood as a process, postdigital critical utopia unmasks the myth of neutrality and adds an important element of myth, religion, ritual, and faith. Understood as an orientation, postdigital critical utopia needs to be balanced by dystopia, integrate environmental considerations, and act with a combination of epistemical curiosity and hope. Theoretical and practical attempts at introducing advanced technology to reimagine new utopias now take place in media theory, hacking, activism, and small pockets of the academia. To transcend its own crisis and remain relevant, contemporary critical pedagogy movement must urgently join these attempts. However, catching up with technological development is only the tip of a much larger iceberg. In order to take the lead in processes of modernization, critical pedagogy movement needs to actively develop utopian visions and techno-administrative systems which may support these visions.  相似文献   

近年来,随着旅游业的快速发展和外交关系的和平稳定,边境旅游作为一种新型旅游产品逐渐受到我国政府和游客的青睐,业界对其相关研究也不断深入。为全面了解我国边境旅游的发展动态及研究成果,尝试从基础理论、规划开发、市场动态等方面对我国边境旅游进行系统综述,并针对我国边境旅游研究现存的不足提出相关发展建议。  相似文献   

本文所讨论的边疆主要是指中国的近代边疆研究,中国近代边疆研究在很大程度上和国家的构建结合在一起,国家的建设需要对祖国的边疆,特别是身处边远的边疆地区进行研究,从而在此基础上,制定出为当地发展的政策等.学者的使命和国家的发展休戚与共,由于特殊的历史背景,林耀华在20世纪40年代对我国的边疆地区,比如大小凉山等,做了深入的研究,他的边疆研究对我们今天相关课题的研究有很重要的指导作用.  相似文献   

One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school. His name was Kyle. It looked like he was carrying all of his books. As I was walking, 1 saw some kids running toward him. They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt. His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him.  相似文献   

Authorware多媒体课件制作课程教学的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Authorware作为多媒体学习的最佳创作工具,已经被广泛应用于教育、商业、工业等领域,是教师制作CAI课件常用的一种软件。为了提高Authorware多媒体课的课堂教学质量,充分发挥学习者的主观能动性并提高其各种能力,笔者经过几年的实际教学和积极探索,提出了提高Authorware多媒体课件制作教学质量的几点措施。  相似文献   

在边防部队各项建设中,人才战略具有重要作用。提升边防警官的人文素质,对于人的全面发展,对于边防部队转型拓展,对于文化强警具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

随着先秦时期华夏民族的形成,华夷之间文化上的差异趋向突出,最终导致传统华夷观的确立。从而促进了传统边防外交思想萌芽,而先秦诸子百家思想纷杂,对传统边防外交思想的嬗变也发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

20世纪上半叶是新式教育在中国取得长足发展的重要时期.作为推动新式教育发展的重要力量,我国教育界广大人士在致力于城市教育和乡村教育改革的同时,也在祖国辽阔的边疆民族地区留下了他们活动的深深印记.教育界人士的这些实践活动,为近代边疆教育事业的初步转型做出了一定贡献;他们对边疆教育的研究成果以及在办学过程中积累的宝贵经验和教训,迄今仍然具有重要的启迪意义.  相似文献   

马祖常边塞诗论析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
元代著名的少数民族作家马祖常所写边塞诗约30首,数量虽少,但多名篇佳作。他的诗作不仅富有较强的现实精神,艺术造诣也较高,在边塞诗史上占有重要地位,应引起研究者的重视。  相似文献   

儿童生活观是对儿童生活的认识和态度。教育是在儿童生活中并且是为了儿童生活而展开的一种人类活动。教育者的儿童生活观很大程度上影响着儿童在学校的生活状况。新课程改革强调课程的生活意义,那么树立与之相适应的当代儿童生活观就十分必要了。儿童生活观曾在不同的历史时期有不同的内涵。当代儿童生活观的主要内涵包括:对当代儿童生活的界定;当代儿童生活与儿童自身发展及教育的意义关系;儿童完整生活的内容;儿童生活的一般性特征。  相似文献   

《一日长于百年》是吉尔吉斯当代作家艾特玛托夫的代表作。该作品将深刻的史诗性、哲理性融入其创作的艺术境界,尤其透过人物命运的描写,深刻反思了在特殊年代的人们生命被异化的悲剧及其成因,深刻地表达了作家对人类命运的强烈关注和哲理思考。  相似文献   

走向日常生活的生命教育   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
近来,生命教育一度成为教育改革和实践中颇受关注的话语。何谓生命教育,如果真要从理论上把它说清楚,看来还真不容易。难就难在这其中存在一个基本的前提预设,即首先要问答:生命是什么?显然,对于生命究竟是什么这样一个形而上的基本问题,人们永远不会有答案。即使是那些睿智的先哲们,从古至今,他们关于生命的理解恐怕也难以给我们提供些许帮助。柏拉图把它定位于人的生命,而人的生命的本质并不是肉体,那不过是一个束缚人的精神的躯壳,而唯有精神或灵魂才是真正的生命真谛所在。由他而始,到中世纪哲学,乃至到近代的笛卡尔、康德和黑格尔,生命…  相似文献   

人是一种自然存在物,与其他自然物的不同仅仅是形态上的差异,就此而言我们可以说,人生是无意义的,因为正如其他自然物一样,我们不知道何以生、何以死。当我们问人生意义的时候,同样可以问:一块石头的存在有什么意义呢?所谓人生的意义,仅仅表现在社会内部,这意义表现在三个方面:物质创造、人自身的创造和精神创造。进行这些创造的主体只能是自我,一切活动最终都需要落实到一个个活生生的“我”上,没有“我”,就没有历史。人生的价值就体现在各种创造活动之中;在所有创造活动中,唯有精神创造才是最有价值的。自我价值与社会价值是统一的,自我价值的实现与其社会价值的实现成正比。最大限度地实现了自我的社会价值的人才是真正的强者。  相似文献   

In this text, which was originally delivered as a speech, I discuss the massive critique of teachers in the public discourse on education in Sweden over the last decade. I speak in defence of teachers, and since I am a teacher I speak in defence of myself. The critique of teachers, schooling, and teacher education has been so overbearing that a purely rational response is simply not possible. Therefore, my response is rhetorical in tone. In highlighting the passion of teaching, I lift something central for teachers, which is seldom or never taught about teaching in teacher education. Neither is the passion of teaching present in the public discourse on education. Passion, I argue in the article, is that which adds excess or an overflow of meaning that cannot be contained within the order of discourse and which therefore puts this discourse out of balance. Finally, I discuss a new balance beyond this order in the context of a classroom. In a concluding section, I highlight the struggle over borders which define who can speak and think in “good” order and who cannot.  相似文献   

提高社会生活质量是建设学习型社会的重要内涵,而学校知识群体的参与推动是提升社会生活质量的重要动力。走向生活,学校应该通过专题讲座、研讨座谈、咨询展览、举办活动等社会教育方式来开展知识技能教育、亲职教育、环境教育和休闲教育,通过丰富自身的社会生活,深化社会教育实践活动,促进社会生活质量的提升。  相似文献   

为提高网络安全性,CoLoR架构提出了一种基于路径标识加密的安全通信机制。为验证CoLoR架构的可行性和正确性,设计并开发了CoLoR架构中的边界路由器,实现了对请求包、数据包和控制包的处理和转发。搭建原型系统,测试了路径标识加密机制对边界路由器吞吐量的影响和对DATA包泛洪攻击的防范效果。结果表明,该机制可以有效防御DDOS数据包泛洪攻击,并且对边界路由器性能的影响非常小。  相似文献   

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