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教学中几对矛盾的对峙与融通   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
教学中存在知识与文化、理论与应用、预设与生成、结果与过程、演绎与推理、证实与证伪、论证与实验等多对矛盾,这些矛盾源于各自的认识论基础不同。在教学中要正视和正确处理这些矛盾。教学应当是以知识为核心的文化教育,是以理论、预设、结果、演绎、证实、论证为主,以应用、生成、过程、证伪、实验为辅的结构系统。  相似文献   

在一定意义上,"潜文化"的概念来自自然的生命具像与人类处世哲理的深层结合,它是由人类隐寓思维所延伸出来的观念和价值。中国人常常用来拟喻或比附的某些自然物像,如龙凤、山水、玉石、松竹、龟鹤、梅荷、桑菊、蝶蚁甚至酒墨、琴棋、闺帐等等,都隐寓了极为鲜明的人性特征与道德风范,并积淀为世代人们效仿的文化模式。正是这些突显华夏民族心理特征的潜文化意像,使自然物生动、传神、具体的感性形象与儒家文化的理想精神深深融合,而这样一种具有东方文明特征的思维形式,正是塑造中国人的思想空间、人格行为与伦理典范的源泉。  相似文献   

Rutter, Michael and Smith, David J. (eds) Psychosocial Disorders in Young People: Time Trends and their Causes
Sigston, A.; Curran, P.; Labram, A. and Wolfendale, S. (eds) Psychology in Practice with Young People, Families and Friends
McClelland, V. Alan and Varma, Ved (eds) The Needs of Teachers
Mehan, Hugh; Villanueva, Irene; Hubbard, Lea and Lintz, Angela Constructing School Success: the Consequences of Untracking Low-Achieving Students
Gates, Brian (ed.) Freedom and Authority in Religions and Religious Education
Kearney, Mary-Louise and Holden Ronning, Anne (eds) Women and the University Curriculum: Towards Equality, Democracy and Peace
Chawla-Duggan, Rita and Pole, Christopher J. (eds) Reshaping Education in the 1990s: Perspectives on Primary Schooling
Chawla-Duggan, Rita and Pole, Christopher J. (eds) Reshaping Education in the 1990s: Perspectives on Secondary Schooling
Britton, E. D. and Raizen, S. A. (eds) Examining the Examinations
Apple, Michael W. Cultural Politics and Education
Phillips, Melanie All Must Have Prizes
Hutchinson, Francis P. Educating Beyond Violent Futures
Chapman, Judith; Boyd, William; Lander, Rolf and Reynolds, David (eds) The Reconstruction of Education. Quality, Equality and Control
McNiff, Jean; Lomax, Pamela and Whitehead, Jack You and Your Action Research Project
Pring, Richard Closing the Gap: Liberal Education and Vocational Preparation
Tuijnman, Albert C. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Adult Education and Training
McKernan, James Curriculum Action Research: A handbook of methods and resources for the reflective practitioner  相似文献   

理查德·罗蒂立足后现代主义、解构主义、文化自由主义、相对主义和后哲学文化论,建立的协同性实用主义,批判分析哲学、现象学、传统的认识论、反映论、符合论和真理观,肯定解释学的功能与教化作用,否定客观性、绝对性、永恒性和不变性,反对理性主义、科学主义和实在论,主张解构形而上学,创立无冕哲学,提倡工具主义、约定主义、实用主义、多元主义,以及心灵与社会的协同性作用。  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
S. Power, T. Edwards, G. Whitty and V. Wigfall, Education and the Middle Class
Peter Blatchford, with Paul Bassett, Harvey Goldstein and Claire Martin, also Gemma Catchpole, Suzanne Edmonds and Viv Moriarty, The Class Size Debate: is small better?
L. Cruddas and L. Haddock, Girls' Voices: Supporting girls' learning and emotional development
Jagdish S. Gundara, Interculturalism, Education and Inclusion
J. Satterwaite, E. Atkinson and K. Gale (eds), Discourse, Resistance and Power: Challenging the rhetoric of contemporary education
Walter McMahon, Education and Development: Measuring the social benefits
G.A. Valverde, L.J. Bianchi, R.G. Wolfe, W.H. Schmidt and R.T. Houng, According to the Book: Using TIMSS to investigate the translation of policy into practice through the world of textbooks
Martyn Hammersley, Educational Research, Policymaking and Practice
José Antonio, Ibaňez-Martin and Gonzale Jovar, Education and Europe: Policies and Politics
Maggie MacLure, Discourse in Educational and Social Research
Jill Williams, Promoting Independent Learning in the Primary Classroom
Pat Thomson, Schooling the Rustbelt Kids
Bob Jeffrey and Peter Woods, The Creative School: A framework for success, quality and effectiveness
Gill Evans, Academics and the Real World  相似文献   

四川宁南县俱乐河流域近期被国家批准进行水电规划,为此我们对该流域的两栖爬行动物作了专项调查。采用线路统计法,统计与分析采集的数据。结果表明,该流域共发现两栖爬行动物3目14科26种,其中两栖类动物有2目9科14种,爬行类动物1目5科12种;该流域内两栖爬行动物均为东洋界种类的分布,分布类型以喜马拉雅-横断山区型为主。根据流域两栖类栖息的生态特点,其生态环境划分为流水、静水、陆地(含陆地-流水、陆地-静水)等,分布的种类较为均衡;爬行类栖息的生态环境划分为林地、灌草丛、田地等,其中灌草丛生态类型是该流域爬行类主要的分布区域。该文预测分析了该流域水电规划对两栖爬行动物的影响,提出了相应的保护对策。  相似文献   

近年来,中央对高校思想政治工作的重视以及战略布局和整体设计渐次展开、深度推进,课程思政的方式与手段逐步多样化。文章通过专家论证,筛选出四个层面的核心育人点,并将其融入民间体育专项教学中,制定项目育人、实践育人、全员育人、全过程育人等教学策略,从问卷调查、访谈及实践教学中分析,发现学生们对专项课课程学习内容、学习形式、教师教学、育人元素等非常满意,对课程思政的认可度非常高,采用李克特5级正向计分,排在前5位的育人元素分别是坚持、团队、自信、包容和分享。  相似文献   

宗教旅游是一个具有自身逻辑和关系结构的、相对自主性的场域。该场域中的主要行动者如旅游者、经营者、宗教团体、政府机构、当地居民,从各自占据的位置和附着其上的资本出发,以各自的行动逻辑和策略,展开博弈、合作、竞争,追逐各自的利益需求,形成了人与人、人与社会、人与神、自然与社会,自然与宗教、宗教与社会等微观、中观、宏观层面错综复杂的多种交互关系,并连同行动者及其行动策略本身,作为整体镶嵌在以人神互构为根本过程、圣俗交织为主要特色的社会空间中。  相似文献   

新中国警察影像的警察作者主要有赵明(《寂静的山林》),王文林、马家骧、陈治洪(《铁道卫士》),朱向群、安忠民(《跟踪追击》),海岩(《便衣警察》),魏人(《龙年警官》),王仲刚(《风流警察亡命匪》),张策(《无悔追踪》),武和平(《"九.一八"大案纪实》),张成功(《刑警本色》),朱恩涛、杨子(《公安局长》),杨佳富(《边检站》《军人荣誉》),朱维坚(《使命》《沉默》)。从警察作者写作警察影像的视角,我们可以读到一般文艺学批评所未能清晰展示的内容,包括警察影像的文化属性,犯罪影像的可展示度,警察形象的塑造。  相似文献   

蒙古族那达慕是蒙古族文化中最具包容量的景观,它凝聚并规范着蒙古族的文化心理、宗教信仰、伦理道德、价值观念、生产活动以及各种文化习俗等,从物质文化的衣食住行、婚恋嫁娶、歌舞娱乐到精神文化的民族意识与民族性格的形成。改革开放为蒙古族那达慕的发展,创造了坚实的物质基础和良好的政治、文化环境。时代精神的注入和外来文化的影响,使"那达慕"发生了深刻的历时性变化。在新的历史时期,那达慕所面临的是文化的保护与传承、研究与开发、创新与发展的问题。  相似文献   

论师德   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
师德有其鲜明特点,加强师德建设要采取有力措施,把握师德的特点要从客观性和主观性,普遍性和特殊性,伟大性和平凡性,继承性和创新性,政治性和业务性,长久性和暂短性,慈爱性和严格性,自律性和他律性,理论性和实践性,学校性和社会性十个方面来考察,加强师德建设要注重抓好研德,承德,立德,评德,补德,正德,督德,。奖德,学德,炼德,施德十一个方面的工作。  相似文献   

为了纪念莫高窟创建1650周年,由敦煌研究院、中国敦煌吐鲁番学会、浙江大学、兰州大学、西北师范大学联合主办的"2016敦煌论坛:交融与创新——纪念莫高窟创建1650年国际学术研讨会"于8月20—21日在敦煌研究院举行。来自法国、德国、英国、奥地利、比利时、俄罗斯、美国、日本、韩国、印度、伊朗等国以及中国台湾、香港等地区的150多位专家学者参加了这次盛会,向会议提交论文108篇,其中有60多位学者在会上分别作了学术发言,学术报告涉及丝绸之路与中外文化交流、佛教考古与石窟艺术、敦煌文献与历史文化、敦煌石窟的保护研究史、敦煌艺术与当代艺术创作等方面的研究成果。  相似文献   

广义地说,数学知识都是数学模型,一切概念、公式、方程式、函数及相应的运算系统都可称为数学模型。在小学数学课堂中要引导学生用分析、比较、综合、猜想、验证、概括等思维方法,通过“重组内容,意义建模”、“链式推进,结构建模”、“有序拓展,变式建模”、“化解难点,方法建模”等策略,自主构建数学模型,从而激发数学学习的兴趣,积累数学活动的经验,进而促进数学眼光、数学意识、数学素养、数学品质的提升。  相似文献   

教学是一门科学,更是一门艺术;是知识的传递,更是情感的交流。教师应把握教学规律,处理好教学中的"动与静、定性与定量、平面与立体、图与表、电教与人教、纵向与横向、时间与空间、数理与物理、综合与具体、理论与应用"等十大关系,关注"难点、重点、趣点、接点"四大关键,做到深入浅出、泛引精解、厚论薄述,讲授中声音有强弱、节奏有快慢、形式多变化,将教学变得生动、有趣、高效。  相似文献   


Two hundred eighty-five twelve-year-old children were asked to list all things that thrill, delight, and make them happy. The material was arranged in separate tests for boys and girls and provided for five degrees of feelings: like much, like, don't mind, don't like, hate. The tests were given to 285 other children of the same age and background. The results were tabulated and arranged according to frequency for "like much," The items were then classified under social interests, hobbies and interests, games and amusements, home and family, dreams and ambitions, school, foods, desire to possess, health and appearance. This paper reports the children's reactions to home and family, dreams and ambitions, school, foods, desire to possess, health and appearance, and to significant sex differences. The findings indicate attitudes toward home and school.  相似文献   

In line with the work functions and policies for educational administrative departments, summed up in ten characters, namely, "planning, guidance, coordination, supervision, and service" (guihua, zhidao, xietiao, jiandu, fuwu), we organized a four-member work team, and during two seventeen-day stretches in November 1994 conducted conscientious surveys of basic educational work in 120 counties and cities in Sajia, Lazi, and Rikeze, and visited a total of seven middle schools, forty-five township complete primary schools, and seventy-one village primary schools to conduct on-the-spot investigations and give face-to-face guidance. We exchanged opinions in a fairly overall manner and on specific issues with twelve Party secretaries and county chiefs in seven counties, fifteen Party secretaries and chiefs of twelve townships, and twenty-two bureau directors and deputy directors in twelve counties and cities, and we have reached common understandings with them on many issues.  相似文献   

A moderation-mediation model was constructed to examine relationships among distal family contexts, children,s cognitive performance and cognitive attitudes, adolescents, proximal family and school settings, and adolescents, aspirations. The sample in the longitudinal study included 250 female and 250 male 16-year-olds and their parents from Adelaide, Australia. The findings from moderation-mediation investigations and from regression surface analyses indicated that (1) distal family contexts moderate the relations among children,s individual characteristics and adolescents, aspirations, (2) the associations between distal family contexts and adolescents, aspirations are mediated, in part, by the adolescents, perceptions of their parents, and teachers, educational capital, (3) there are different patterns for females and males in terms of relationships among distal family contexts, children,s individual characteristics, perceptions of proximal settings, and adolescents, aspirations and (4) there are family-context differences in the linear and curvilinear nature of the relations among individual characteristics, proximal settings, and adolescents, aspirations, that also vary between females and males in those family contexts.  相似文献   

Exponential changes in Western and international society and in American and international education afford promise, opportunity, and challenges for tomorrow's counselor. Roles of counselors, counselor supervisors, and counselor educators must reflect and shape the needs and growth of populations in specific countries and throughout the world to afford timely and appropriate responses and intelligent and sensitive proactivity. Leadership in services, teaching, research, credentialing, policy, and law all seem to be areas of potential contribution and growth for the counselors, counselor educators, and counseling supervisors of tomorrow.  相似文献   

策略性行为作为一种行为方法,对高校就业指导工作具有促进与引导作用,体现了就业指导公益性、人本性与共生性行为表征,围绕创新与阻止进入、竞赛与模仿、标准与兼容、协同合作与博弈四个要素,可以构建高校就业指导策略性行为系统模型。策略性行为强调要素之间的互动、竞争、关联与规则意识,同当前高校就业指导的实际状态不相符,尤其是刚性需求倾向、行为的融合断裂、制度性阻塞、指导适应力不足与导向性偏差等现象,造成了高校就业指导行为失范。在学生群体特点日益复杂、信息化手段日益便捷、就业指导形式日趋多样的背景下,运用策略性行为提升高校就业指导作用需要在理念上、机制上、范式上与视野上做文章、下功夫。改变大学生对于就业指导工作的认知,真正从就业指导过程中受益;积极构建就业指导与育人过程全面衔接的新机制,打破学生成长与发展的空间壁垒;坚持多元主体融合参与介入的新范式,充分调动各主体参与积极性;搭建学生就业能力创新与发展平台,彰显以学生为中心的发展理念。  相似文献   

杜甫诗歌所叙唐代陇蜀荆湘气候特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜甫诗歌具有广义的史学价值。杜甫晚年飘泊诗作的相关描述,较为真实而又全面地反映了唐代陇、蜀、荆、湘沿途城市的气候特征。唐代秦州秋阳杲杲,秋雨迷蒙,秋霜凛冽,秋月凄清,同谷岁暮则雨多雪盛,偶见冬虹;成都四季分明,冷热适中,然时有春旱、夏洪发生;夔州夏秋毒热,巫山雾瘴、云雨、霜雪、雷电变幻莫测;荆州及湖湘东南一带春季早暖,夏季酷热多雨、易发洪水,秋季前热后凉,冬季冷热不均。唐代陇、蜀、荆、湘沿途城市的气候与今天上述各地情况基本相符,杜甫夏秋叹热莫过于夔州与潭州,亦与今天的重庆和长沙同列全国“火炉”城市地位相当。另据杜诗所叙剑门蜀道腊月山花开放,通泉冬季蚊蚋活跃,成都四月黄梅成熟,戎州、泸州六月盛产荔枝,江陵正月嫩荷抽叶、飞燕营巢,潭州正月蜂鸣密林、燕舞江滨,湘潭二月南风蒸地、春热黄昏等情况,唐代陇、蜀、荆、湘一带的年平均气温似应高于今天。  相似文献   

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