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This research examined children's interdependent self-construals as manifest in their seeing their relationships with their parents as self-defining. Four times over early adolescence, 825 children (mean age = 12.73 years) in the United States and China reported on their inclusion of their relationships with their parents in their self-construals as well as other dimensions of their psychological functioning. Although there was continuity in children's inclusion of their relationships with their parents in their self-construals, American, but not Chinese, children decreased their inclusion over time. In both the United States and China, the more children defined themselves in terms of their relationships with their parents, the more their perceptions of the quality of these relationships mattered for their subsequent emotional functioning.  相似文献   

刘禹锡与柳宗元是中唐时期的两位重要诗人,他们在生活经历和文学创作的情感表达上都有着极大的相似性。“禽鸟意象”的运用就是他们在贬谪的艺术表达上的一个共同点,他们把被贬谪的痛苦、对自由的向往 、对小人的机刺,以及强烈的怀乡思归之情,都含蕴在禽鸟意象之中,而成其贬谪创作在艺术表现上的一个鲜明特征。  相似文献   

社会转型向大学生提出了全面的挑战,大学生要加快社会化步伐,提高社会化水平,优化知识结构,提升能力素质,培养良好心理素质,抗击社会生活压力,树立竞争意识、效率意识,锤炼开拓创新精神,增强婚姻家庭责任感。大学生制订人生设计方案,指导自己的人生实践活动,策划人生资源的深度开发,有助于自觉地实现人生价值。人生设计要重点考虑培养社会环境适应能力、职业活动适应能力、人际交往沟通能力、心理与家庭生活调适能力等。人生资源的深度开发,应充分挖掘先天禀赋,优化心理素质,培养坚韧意志,保持积极的人生态度,营造良好人际关系,努力把学识转化为创新能力。  相似文献   

《金瓶梅》以写实的笔法,塑造了一批丫鬟形象,揭示了她们的悲剧命运,同时还在一定程度上反映了她们的婚姻状况。婢女被视为主人的私有财产,主人可以随意奸占,同时其婚配也完全由家主决定,即使被收为妾也不能彻底改变自己的地位。由于正常的婚配权得不到满足,婢女心存不满,往往会借出轨行为来满足自己的欲望。随着婢女买卖的合法化,婢女的生存环境更加恶化,她们的婚配更加困难。  相似文献   

To understand the problems college students have with their parents, 71 undergraduates were asked to assess their parents' expectations of them, their expectation of their parents, and the quality of their family communication. The author found that 49% of the surveyed college students felt their parents' expectations of them were too high and 10% felt their parents had too low an expectation of them. Actualy student comments and viewpoints regarding their parents are presented, along with follow-up questions to help parents assess their expectations of their college-age children.  相似文献   

教师心理健康既有一般心理健康的共性,也有其独特的内涵。教师心理健康问题主要表现为社会适应不良问题、角色心理冲突、人际关系问题和职业倦怠等。这些问题是在职业因素、社会支持系统及人格因素的相互作用下形成的。我们应该通过调适工作压力,增强职业满意感;减轻负担,增强工作乐趣感;民主团结、积极拓展人际关系;加强人格锻炼,增强耐挫力;推进继续教育,增强调适能力来调适教师心理健康。  相似文献   

浅析哲学视野中的教师需要与教师专业发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在对教师和教师专业发展重新认识的基点下,分析了教师的现实需要和潜在需要,阐明教师在满足自身需要的过程中,功利、真善美、自身超越等的追求对教师专业发展的积极意义:教师自身需要的满足是教师专业发展的内在驱动,教师人格价值的实现会有利地推动教师专业发展。  相似文献   

Single mothers' perspectives on selecting child care reflect their experiences of the significance of parent–teacher collaboration in a Head Start context. Mothers spoke of their motivations for selecting child care, their experiences of their relationships with Head Start teachers, and how their self-development and learning were enhanced by interactions with Head Start staff. Such collaboration has positive effects for their children, their development as parents, and their development as individuals. Implications of their perspectives for teacher best practices are drawn.  相似文献   

宋代理学家的诗文记录了他们面对人生挫折和天地万物的态度,二者呈现出的共同之处便是源自于"心体不累于欲,无入而不自得"的中和从容之境。前者表现为以"志胜气,义处命"的涵养胸襟化解苦闷,将愤懑悲恨转换成中正和平之音,从而体现出平正从容的格调气韵。后者则因打通了物我的阻隔,故能以物观物,在寻常的生活和物事中体悟天理,其价值就在于平淡从容之中蕴含着对"理"或曰"道"的真切感悟。  相似文献   

In this paper we focus on the issue of how academic staff experience the understanding of their subject matter and the relationship of this understanding to their experience of teaching. In recent years there has been a substantial amount of research into how academic staff conceive of teaching and learning, how they approach their teaching, and how their approaches to teaching relate to how their students approach their learning. In our present project this research is being extended by looking at the way 31 academics from four broad fields of study experience their understanding of their subject matter and how this relates to the way they experience their teaching. Using a phenomenographic approach we show that academics who experience their subject matter in atomistic and less integrated ways experience their teaching in more information transmission and teacher-focused ways, while those with a more integrated and holistic experience of understanding their subject experience their teaching in more conceptual change and student-focused ways.in final form: 9 September 2004  相似文献   

教育创新对于教师和学生的成长和发展具有重要的意义:唤醒师生的生命意识。激活师生的生命潜能;追寻师生生命的意义和价值,提升师生生命的质量;彰显教师生命的本性,超越“习惯化”的生存状态;唤醒教师主体性,增强教师自主发展动力;彰显教师教育生活的意义,实现教师的职业幸福。实现教育创新的可能路径主要有:问题意识是教育创新的前提:自我反思是教育创新的途径;教育研究是教育创新的维度。  相似文献   

为了探讨大学生心理需求、网络控制自我效能与网络成瘾行为的关系,选取五所大学的1183名学生为被试进行研究.采用的问卷有中文网络成瘾量表、大学生心理需求网络满足问卷、网络控制自我效能问卷.研究发现:心理需求现实满足、心理需求网络满足与大学生网络成瘾显著相关;心理需求现实满足对大学生网络成瘾行为有负向的预测作用,而对心理需求网络满足有正向预测作用;网络控制自我效能是心理需求现实满足与网络成瘾的中介变量,而非心理需求网络满足与网络成瘾的中介变量.研究结果对大学生网络成瘾的预防和干预具有一定的意义.  相似文献   

本研究采用个别访谈方法对北京海淀区六所幼儿园的60名大班幼儿的母亲进行了访谈,访谈的内容有:(1)母亲对孩子目前在幼儿园的表现满意程度;(2)母亲对幼儿上小学的潜力估计;(3)母亲对幼儿六种 能力的估计;(4)母亲对幼儿的两种个性品质--毅力和动机的评价;(5)母亲给孩子购买学习资料的情况;(6)母亲对幼儿知识来源的评估。我们按照被访谈母亲的化程度差异,将被调查的母亲分为三类。结果发现:(1)化程度不同的三类母亲对幼儿目前在幼儿园的表现满意程度没有差异。(2)三类母亲对孩子的能力评估差异显。(3)三类母亲给孩子购买学习资料方面差异显。(4)三类母亲对幼儿坚持做一件事的毅力评估得分差异显。  相似文献   

Predictors of 5-year-old kindergartners' insights into their friends, and their accounts of liking and conflict with their friends were investigated, with a focus on both the children's and their friends' social understanding during the preschool period, and the quality of their preschool friendships. Seventy children initially studied at 4 years utilizing social cognition tasks and observations of dyadic play with their friends were followed over the transition to school; at school they were interviewed about their friendships and their social understanding was assessed. One group had remained close to their preschool friends, whereas a second group had formed new friendships. Social understanding, language abilities, and prosocial characteristics of both the children and preschool friends, their successful communication and shared pretend play experiences during the preschool period, and their mothers' educational level were related to their perspectives on their current school friends. Liking of current friends was linked to relationship history and maternal educational level for both those with old and with new friends, whereas insight was related to assessments of social cognition.  相似文献   

本研究选取初中聋生194名,采用问卷法,考察初中聋生学习策略、学习动机和教师课堂行为感知水平,并探讨其学习动机与教师课堂行为感知各因素对学习策略的影响。结果表明:(1)初中聋生在学习策略、学习动机和教师课堂行为感知上的性别差异均不显著;(2)初中聋生在学习策略中的元认知策略得分显著低于社会性策略和认知策略得分,在学习动机的内部热衷性上得分显著高于内部挑战性得分,外部奖赏得分显著高于外部认可得分,在教师课堂感知的支持性行为和教师高期望上得分均显著高于消极反馈得分。(3)学习动机和教师课堂行为感知对初中聋生学习策略影响显著,首先,在元认知策略上,内部挑战性动机、内部热衷性动机和支持性帮助行为感知的预测效果显著;其次,在认知策略上,外部奖赏动机、内部热衷性动机、内部挑战性动机和支持性帮助行为感知的预测效果显著;在社会性策略上,内部挑战性动机、内部热衷性动机、支持性帮助行为感知和消极反馈行为感知的预测效果显著。  相似文献   

This study explored how preservice teachers grew in their understanding of inquiry science through conducting an in-depth individual inquiry investigation in their science methods course. Elementary preservice teachers’ understanding about inquiry investigations, their attitudes towards the assignment, and their views towards using individual inquiry investigations in their own classrooms were studied through written reflections, science notebook writings, and researcher field notes. After conducting an out-of-class inquiry investigation based on their own questions and design, the preservice teachers demonstrated a variety of strengths in their understandings of inquiry-based teaching, their attitudes towards doing science, and their projected use of inquiry in their own classrooms. Weak areas included forming researchable questions and superficial experimental design.  相似文献   

源远流长的忧患意识,滋养着中国传统仕人的心灵大地,促成了其治道精神和为政规范的形成。展开其中的特殊话语,可以领略到传统仕人忧己、忧民、忧君、忧政、忧天下的鲜明内心景象,对今天为政者居安思危、科学治国理政有着重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

特殊教育价值必然存在于特殊儿童生活的目的性之中。特殊儿童独特的生活意义就是在补偿缺陷这一现实生活事实之中展现着生命存在,又在超越缺陷这一可能生活的理想之中生成自我完善、创造的无限意义。特殊教育具有对特殊儿童现实生活匮乏性的补偿、改造和批判引领作用,以及超越缺陷、敞开无限发展潜能的终极关切价值。特殊教育对特殊儿童生活的影响主要是基于教育主体间对生活意义的精神关怀关系,要遵循意义世界自我内在生成和建构的逻辑,通过对特殊儿童特殊需要的引导和满足,促进他们自我选择和设计、创造可能生活。  相似文献   

在高职院校开展美育教学是贯彻党的教育方针的重要环节,是以美陶情,健全人格,促进学生全面健康发展;以美导善,寓教于乐,提高学生思想道德素质;以美启智,激发潜能,提升学生的智力水平;以美助健,怡心健体,促进学生身心健康的重要教学活动。  相似文献   

匈奴的动物造型艺术,受独特的生态环境影响成为其文化内涵的主要特征。匈奴民族不仅把与日常生活密切相关的动物在器物上予以艺术化,还代表了经济类型、生活情景和民族性格,更具有深刻的图腾文化含义,这是匈奴物质文化和观念文化有机结合的象征。  相似文献   

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