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The development of social referencing   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The development of social referencing in 40 infants aged 6-9, 10-13, and 14-22 months was investigated in this study. Social referencing was defined broadly to include children's looks toward parents, their instrumental toy behaviors, affective expressions, and other behaviors toward parents. Children's looks at parents were more selective with increasing age, with older infants preferring to look directly at their parents' faces and younger infants showing no preference for looks to faces over looks elsewhere at the parent. Younger infants looked most often when their parents expressed positive affect, whereas older infants looked most often when parents displayed fearful reactions toward a stimulus. Evidence of a behavioral regulatory effect on instrumental toy behaviors was found only among infants 10-13 months of age. However, only infants older than 14 months of age inhibited touching the toy until after referencing the parent. On some measures these older infants showed a preference for toys associated with fearful messages. Affective expressions were in line with positive and negative behavior toward toys. No support for mood modification or simple imitation as explanations for the effects was found. Results indicated that the looking behavior of younger children may function differently than that of older children, and that social referencing involves a number of component skills that develop during the end of the first year and throughout the second year of life.  相似文献   

The ability of infants to locate a toy from a mirror reflection was investigated in 3 experiments. In the first, it was found that a minority of 22-month-old infants turned to locate the toy that was the source of the reflection, and that localization of the toy occurred regardless of whether the infants' own image was visible in the mirror. The results of 2 further experiments indicated that younger infants aged 14 and 18 months rarely use mirror information to locate a toy. When they do so, they also turn whether or not images of themselves are visible. It is concluded that tasks involving the localization of objects or events from mirror images are not direct indices of self-recognition. Rather, they indicate the skill of infants in using the mirror as a perceptual tool.  相似文献   

“泥泥狗”是淮阳泥玩具总的称谓。“泥泥狗”的名字可以追溯到古代的图腾社会时期,它囊括了形形色色的奇禽异兽。淮阳“泥泥狗”属于泥玩具,但绝不同于一般的泥玩具,它是被当作祭祀伏羲用的一种“圣物”。“泥泥狗”用艺术的形式率真地表现了先民的生活。“泥泥狗”具有独特的艺术价值和审美观,同时作为一种比较稚拙、纯真的民间艺术,“泥泥狗”艺术还有待我们继续去挖掘和发展。  相似文献   

Generalizing knowledge about nonobvious object properties often involves inductive inference. For example, having discovered that a particular object can float, we may infer that other objects of similar appearance likewise float. In this research, exploratory play served as a window on early inductive capability. In the first study, 48 infants between 9 and 16 months explored pairs of novel toys in 2 test conditions: violated expectation (two similar toys were presented in sequence, the first toy produced an interesting nonobvious property, such as a distinctive sound or movement, while the second toy was invisibly altered such that it failed to produce the nonobvious property available in the first toy), and interest control (two similar-looking toys were presented in sequence, neither of which produced the interesting property). Infants quickly and persistently attempted to reproduce the interesting property when exploring the second toy of the violated expectation condition relative to the first toy of the interest control condition (a baseline estimate) or the second toy of the interest control condition (an estimate of simple disinterest). The second study, with 40 9–16-month-olds, confirmed these results and also indicated a degree of discrimination on infants' part: Infants seldom expected toys of radically different appearance to possess the same nonobvious property. The findings indicate that infants as young as 9 months can draw simple inferences about nonobvious object properties after only brief experience with just 1 exemplar.  相似文献   

Imitation of televised models by infants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies indicate that infants in our culture are exposed to significant amounts of TV, often as a baby-sitting strategy by busy caretakers. The question arises whether TV viewing merely presents infants with a salient collection of moving patterns or whether they will readily pick up information depicted in this 2-D representation and incorporate it into their own behavior. Can infants "understand" the content of television enough to govern their real-world behavior accordingly? One way to explore this question is to present a model via television for infants to imitate. Infants' ability to imitate TV models was explored at 2 ages, 14 and 24 months, under conditions of immediate and deferred imitation. In deferred imitation, infants were exposed to a TV depiction of an adult manipulating a novel toy in a particular way but were not presented with the real toy until the next day. The results showed significant imitation at both ages, and furthermore showed that even the youngest group imitated after the 24-hour delay. The finding of deferred imitation of TV models has social and policy implications, because it suggests that TV viewing in the home could potentially affect infant behavior and development more than heretofore contemplated. The results also add to a growing body of literature on prelinguistic representational capacities. They do so in the dual sense of showing that infants can relate 2-D representations to their own actions on real objects in 3-D space, and moreover that the information picked up through TV can be internally represented over lengthy delays before it is used to guide the real-world action.  相似文献   

This experiment evaluated the role of visual input about the location of a target object and the location of the hand in reaching by infants and adults. 5- and 9-month-old infants were presented with illuminated toys to reach for in a dark room. On no-switch trials, the toy remained illuminated throughout the infant's reach, whereas on switch trials the first-lit toy was replaced during the reach by a second-lit toy at a different position. On approximately half of the trials of each type a luminescent marker was attached to the reaching hand. Adult subjects (tested without the hand marker) fully compensated to the second-lit toy on switch trials, during a second reaching segment. On switch trials, 9-month-olds partially adjusted to the second-lit toy when wearing the hand marker and did not adjust without it. On no-switch trials, 9-month-olds reached just as accurately with or without the hand marker. 5-month-olds were generally inaccurate in their reaching and were unaffected by the presence or absence of the hand marker. The findings suggest that during the development of reaching there is an increase in visual guidance during the approach phase of reaches.  相似文献   

Prematurity stereotyping: effects on mother-infant interaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The possibility that the self-fulfilling prophecy process can adversely affect the caregiving environment of premature infants was explored in this study. A portion of this process was investigated experimentally by assessing cognitive and behavioral reactions of 27 mothers to unfamiliar full-term infants who were labeled either full-term or premature. Infants who were described as premature were touched less and given a more immature toy to play with, were rated as smaller, finer-featured, and less cute, and were liked less than infants who were labeled full-term. In turn, infants labeled premature were less active during the interaction than infants labeled full-term. College students who later observed the videotapes made of the mother-infant interactions were able to accurately guess which label was assigned to the infants. The results of this study further support the existence of a prematurity stereotype and the impact of expectations on perceptions and behavior.  相似文献   

The low rates of child literacy in South Africa are cause for considerable concern. Research from the developed world shows that parental sharing of picture books with infants and young children is beneficial for child language and cognitive development, as well as literacy skills. We conducted a pilot study to examine whether such benefits might extend to an impoverished community in South Africa, by evaluating the impact of training mothers in book sharing with their 14–18 month old infants. Seventeen mothers received book sharing training; and 13 mothers did not, but instead received a comparison training in toy play. We assessed the mothers’ behavior during both book sharing and toy play before and after training, and we also assessed infant attention and language. Mothers receiving book sharing training engaged well with it, and they also benefited from it; thus, compared to the comparison group mothers, they became more sensitive, more facilitating, and more elaborative with their infants during book sharing, and they also became more sensitive to their infants during toy play. In addition, infants whose mothers received the book sharing training showed greater benefits than the comparison group infants in both their attention and language. Training in book sharing for families living in conditions of marked socio-economic adversity in South Africa has the potential to be of considerable benefit to child developmental progress. A large scale controlled trial is required to confirm this.  相似文献   

The development of visual expectations in the first year   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of expectations was investigated by using the Visual Expectations Procedure. In Experiment 1, 128 infants aged 6-, 9-, and 12-months-old saw two 40-trial sequences of a videotaped mechanical toy appearing in various locations. The sequences represented an alternation pattern (i.e., ABAB) or a complex pivot pattern (i.e., ABCBABCB). In Experiment 2, 76 infants aged 4-, 8-, and 12-months-old saw either a left-right alternation or a top-bottom alternation. Reaction time improved and the percentage of anticipations increased between 6 and 9 months in Experiment 1 and between 4 and 8 months in Experiment 2 but not thereafter. Anticipations for the pivot sequence and for younger infants on both sequences were often incorrect (i.e., gaze shifts occurred before stimulus onset but were not directed toward the upcoming stimulus). We conclude that young infants have expectations that reflect some degree of general or procedural knowledge, but it is not clear that this behavior implies specific, articulated expectations about upcoming events.  相似文献   

We investigated the real-time cascade of postural, visual, and manual actions for object prehension in 38 6- to 12-month-old infants (all independent sitters) and eight adults. Participants’ task was to retrieve a target as they spun past it at different speeds on a motorized chair. A head-mounted eye tracker recorded visual actions and video captured postural and manual actions. Prehension played out in a coordinated sequence of postural–visual–manual behaviors starting with turning the head and trunk to bring the toy into view, which in turn instigated the start of the reach. Visually fixating the toy to locate its position guided the hand for toy contact and retrieval. Prehension performance decreased at faster speeds, but quick planning and implementation of actions predicted better performance.  相似文献   

白先光创作的短篇小说《小暖》将目光聚焦到一个小女孩和一只小熊猫身上,以独到的笔触对具有相同名字、相似病症的两者进行了素描。作家托身于全面、客观的叙事者,巧妙运用对比场景和交替叙事模式展现出两者的迥然遭际,同时又以反讽的修辞方式显现着发人深思的主题,进而在孕育解构与抗争的叙事中吸引读者思考其象征意义。  相似文献   

D F Hay 《Child development》1977,48(4):1624-1632
Infants' following of other persons, often considered a measure of attachment, qualified as a form of exploration. The results of the first experiment indicated that following can be a means of investigating novel leaders: 16 9--12-month-old infants were as likely to follow an unfamiliar woman as they were the parent and were reliably more likely to follow a moving toy. The second and third experiments assessed the extent to which the experience of following familiar persons promotes learning about the environment. Infants who followed their mothers to 1 place were more likely later to investigate a similar place than those who initially either locomoted independently (experiment 2) or were transported by their mothers (experiment 3). The findings suggested that infants' transactions with the environment need not be considered antithetical to their social behavior.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relation between early emotion regulation and later compliance. When infants were 5, 10, and 18 months of age, they participated in a frustration task. The degree to which they reacted negatively to the stimuli and the behaviors they used to regulate that response were coded. Baseline heart rate also was recorded and a measure of cardiac vagal tone (VNA) was derived. Several tasks (electrode placement, toy clean-up, and test situation) were administered to elicit compliance/noncompliance when the participants were 30 months of age. Results revealed that infants who demonstrated low levels of regulatory behavior were more likely to be noncompliant as toddlers. Several interaction effects suggested that the prediction to later noncompliance was also dependent upon the infants' level of reactivity. Cardiac vagal tone also was related to compliance but in a contradictory fashion. High VNA was related to noncompliance to toy clean-up, whereas low VNA was related to noncompliance to electrode placement. The data provide support for a developmental model of compliance that includes the ability to regulate emotional arousal.  相似文献   

This article investigated the interplay of 12-month-old infants’ perception of affordances for locomotion and their ability to respond to the mention of hidden objects. In Experiment I, a toy was hidden in an ottoman that was placed on a cabinet out of infants’ reach. Infants were more likely to look at, point to or approach the ottoman when there were stairs leading to it than when there were none. The stairs did not help infants respond by highlighting the target corner of the room (Experiment II) or by boosting their engagement with the study events (Experiment III). This suggests that infants’ perception of the accessibility of the hiding location influences their ability to respond to speech about absent things.  相似文献   

Establishing word-object relations: a first step   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This work explores how infants in the early phases of acquiring language come to establish an initial mapping between objects and their labels. If infants are biased to attend more to objects in the presence of language, that could help them to note word-object object pairings. To test this, a first study compared how long 18 10-14-month-old infants looked at unfamiliar toys when labeling phrases accompanied their presentation, versus when no labeling phrases were provided. As predicted, labeling the toys increased infants' attention to them. A second study examined whether the presence of labeling phrases increased infants' attention to objects over and above what pointing, a powerful nonlinguistic method for directing infants' attention, could accomplish on its own. 22 infants from 2 age groups (10-14- and 17-20-month-olds) were shown pairs of unfamiliar toys in 2 situations: (a) in a pointing alone condition, where the experimenter pointed a number of times at one of the toys, and (b) in a labeling + pointing condition, where the experimenter labeled the target toy while pointing to it. While the pointing occurred, infants looked just as long at the target toy whether or not it was labeled. During a subsequent play period in which no labels were uttered, however, infants gazed longer at the target toys that had been labeled than at those that had not. Thus language can increase infants' attention to objects beyond the time that labeling actually occurs. These studies do not pinpoint which aspects of labeling behavior contribute to the attentional facilitation effect that was observed. In any case, however, this tendency for language to sustain infants' attention to objects may help them learn the mappings between words and objects.  相似文献   

郑樵《通志》所录梵竺四曲,《舍利弗》是中土善声沙门截取《妙法莲华经》中世尊所说的偈并裁减经中的一些情节而成的呗声,与西域所传梵剧《舍利弗传》并无关系;《法寿乐》是文惠太子为配合自编舞蹈《法乐梵舞》的演出而令王融创作的乐歌,非呗声或徒诗;《阿那》为蠕蠕国遗存的佛曲,此曲名非原曲名,后来的好事者用此曲填写新词歌蠕蠕主阿那的事迹,于是就用阿那的名字为曲名,取代了旧的曲名;《摩多楼子》则是从西域传入的佛曲,今传歌词肯定不是其原歌词,只是在它传入中土后,才有好事者沿用其名写了歌词,借以言"征战行役之苦",并非是因梵剧《舍利弗传》中有征戍情节而拟述之。  相似文献   

Parent-child interactions during the early years form the basis of many types of skill acquisitions, including fine motor and communication skills. Early intervention programmes aimed at promoting the attainments of children with disabilities or learning delays often suggest ways in which parents can interact with their children. The present study examined whether such intervention changes the nature of the parent-child interaction, using two groups of typically developing infants. The mothers of these two groups of prelinguistic children aged 10–12 months and 17–18 months were recorded talking to their infants when playing with a toy and then when asked to encourage their child to play in a particular way. Analyses of the affective and perceptual salience of the pitch of the mothers’ voices indicated that with the younger infants, but not the older infants, both the affective quality and the dynamic range of the mothers’ voices was reduced in the second condition. It is argued that this reduction enables the younger infants to concentrate on the task but restricts access to the linguistic content of what is said. The implications of these findings for intervention programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

犬是龙形象的主要来源之一。古人认知心理中犬与龙的密切关联同人们言语交际时求雅避俗的语用心理一起促使各种含"龙"字的犬名应运而生。作为犬的雅称,"乌龙"最早指黑犬,后来因用典而成为犬的代称,词义由特指变成了泛指。唐以后文学作品中所用"乌龙"一词由于受典源故事中家奴与女主人私通这一关键情节因素的影响,除了具有代指犬这一较为稳定的词汇意义以外,还具有暗示男女欢爱的语用意义。  相似文献   

王维的《送梓州李使君》一诗流传千年,影响很大。但遗憾的是没有留下这位和王维交情很深的李使君的真实姓名和身世。本文通过对王维的出身和王维交游人物研究以及查找唐代李姓梓州刺史的记录和唐代墓志铭等文献和实物资料,进而整理出一个逻辑链,从而得出这位李梓州的真实身份是唐太宗第三子吴王恪曾孙李峒的结论。  相似文献   

In 4 experiments, we examined how young children incorporate new word meanings into their lexicons. 2-year-olds were each taught a new noun for an object that already had a known label (e.g., a "fep" for a dog). Children's interpretations of the new nouns were assessed by asking subjects to select the named toy from an array of 4 toys (e.g., "Point to a fep"). The experiments were designed to determine which of several possible semantic relations between novel and familiar words was most consistent with children's performance. It was found that children often seemed to interpret the new word as referring to a subordinate of the known category. This tendency was reduced when the named object could sensibly receive a proper name (e.g., when the named object was a stuffed animal), particularly when children had to consider both the familiar and the novel label for the object in the same session. Although not all alternative explanations have been ruled out, these results suggest that, from a very young age, children may spontaneously form language hierarchies when they hear a novel work for an object that already has a familiar name.  相似文献   

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