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This paper examines the estimation of global term weights (such as IDF) in information retrieval scenarios where a global view on the collection is not available. In particular, the two options of either sampling documents or of using a reference corpus independent of the target retrieval collection are compared using standard IR test collections. In addition, the possibility of pruning term lists based on frequency is evaluated.  相似文献   

Aspect mining, which aims to extract ad hoc aspects from online reviews and predict rating or opinion on each aspect, can satisfy the personalized needs for evaluation of specific aspect on product quality. Recently, with the increase of related research, how to effectively integrate rating and review information has become the key issue for addressing this problem. Considering that matrix factorization is an effective tool for rating prediction and topic modeling is widely used for review processing, it is a natural idea to combine matrix factorization and topic modeling for aspect mining (or called aspect rating prediction). However, this idea faces several challenges on how to address suitable sharing factors, scale mismatch, and dependency relation of rating and review information. In this paper, we propose a novel model to effectively integrate Matrix factorization and Topic modeling for Aspect rating prediction (MaToAsp). To overcome the above challenges and ensure the performance, MaToAsp employs items as the sharing factors to combine matrix factorization and topic modeling, and introduces an interpretive preference probability to eliminate scale mismatch. In the hybrid model, we establish a dependency relation from ratings to sentiment terms in phrases. The experiments on two real datasets including Chinese Dianping and English Tripadvisor prove that MaToAsp not only obtains reasonable aspect identification but also achieves the best aspect rating prediction performance, compared to recent representative baselines.  相似文献   

In this paper, the task of text segmentation is approached from a topic modeling perspective. We investigate the use of two unsupervised topic models, latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) and multinomial mixture (MM), to segment a text into semantically coherent parts. The proposed topic model based approaches consistently outperform a standard baseline method on several datasets. A major benefit of the proposed LDA based approach is that along with the segment boundaries, it outputs the topic distribution associated with each segment. This information is of potential use in applications such as segment retrieval and discourse analysis. However, the proposed approaches, especially the LDA based method, have high computational requirements. Based on an analysis of the dynamic programming (DP) algorithm typically used for segmentation, we suggest a modification to DP that dramatically speeds up the process with no loss in performance. The proposed modification to the DP algorithm is not specific to the topic models only; it is applicable to all the algorithms that use DP for the task of text segmentation.  相似文献   

Term weighting for document ranking and retrieval has been an important research topic in information retrieval for decades. We propose a novel term weighting method based on a hypothesis that a term’s role in accumulated retrieval sessions in the past affects its general importance regardless. It utilizes availability of past retrieval results consisting of the queries that contain a particular term, retrieved documents, and their relevance judgments. A term’s evidential weight, as we propose in this paper, depends on the degree to which the mean frequency values for the relevant and non-relevant document distributions in the past are different. More precisely, it takes into account the rankings and similarity values of the relevant and non-relevant documents. Our experimental result using standard test collections shows that the proposed term weighting scheme improves conventional TF*IDF and language model based schemes. It indicates that evidential term weights bring in a new aspect of term importance and complement the collection statistics based on TF*IDF. We also show how the proposed term weighting scheme based on the notion of evidential weights are related to the well-known weighting schemes based on language modeling and probabilistic models.  相似文献   

Efficient topic modeling is needed to support applications that aim at identifying main themes from a collection of documents. In the present paper, a reduced vector embedding representation and particle swarm optimization (PSO) are combined to develop a topic modeling strategy that is able to identify representative themes from a large collection of documents. Documents are encoded using a reduced, contextual vector embedding from a general-purpose pre-trained language model (sBERT). A modified PSO algorithm (pPSO) that tracks particle fitness on a dimension-by-dimension basis is then applied to these embeddings to create clusters of related documents. The proposed methodology is demonstrated on two datasets. The first dataset consists of posts from the online health forum r/Cancer and the second dataset is a standard benchmark for topic modeling which consists of a collection of messages posted to 20 different news groups. When compared to the state-of-the-art generative document models (i.e., ETM and NVDM), pPSO is able to produce interpretable clusters. The results indicate that pPSO is able to capture both common topics as well as emergent topics. Moreover, the topic coherence of pPSO is comparable to that of ETM and its topic diversity is comparable to NVDM. The assignment parity of pPSO on a document completion task exceeded 90% for the 20NewsGroups dataset. This rate drops to approximately 30% when pPSO is applied to the same Skip-Gram embedding derived from a limited, corpus-specific vocabulary which is used by ETM and NVDM.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a document reranking method for Chinese information retrieval. The method is based on a term weighting scheme, which integrates local and global distribution of terms as well as document frequency, document positions and term length. The weight scheme allows randomly setting a larger portion of the retrieved documents as relevance feedback, and lifts off the worry that very fewer relevant documents appear in top retrieved documents. It also helps to improve the performance of maximal marginal relevance (MMR) in document reranking. The method was evaluated by MAP (mean average precision), a recall-oriented measure. Significance tests showed that our method can get significant improvement against standard baselines, and outperform relevant methods consistently.  相似文献   

Information management is the management of organizational processes, technologies, and people which collectively create, acquire, integrate, organize, process, store, disseminate, access, and dispose of the information. Information management is a vast, multi-disciplinary domain that syndicates various subdomains and perfectly intermingles with other domains. This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the information management domain from 1970 to 2019. Drawing upon the methodology from statistical text analysis research, this study summarizes the evolution of knowledge in this domain by examining the publication trends as per authors, institutions, countries, etc. Further, this study proposes a probabilistic generative model based on structural topic modeling to understand and extract the latent themes from the research articles related to information management. Furthermore, this study graphically visualizes the variations in the topic prevalences over the period of 1970 to 2019. The results highlight that the most common themes are data management, knowledge management, environmental management, project management, service management, and mobile and web management. The findings also identify themes such as knowledge management, environmental management, project management, and social communication as academic hotspots for future research.  相似文献   

Traditional topic models are based on the bag-of-words assumption, which states that the topic assignment of each word is independent of the others. However, this assumption ignores the relationship between words, which may hinder the quality of extracted topics. To address this issue, some recent works formulate documents as graphs based on word co-occurrence patterns. It assumes that if two words co-occur frequently, they should have the same topic. Nevertheless, it introduces noise edges into the model and thus hinders topic quality since two words co-occur frequently do not mean that they are on the same topic. In this paper, we use the commonsense relationship between words as a bridge to connect the words in each document. Compared to word co-occurrence, the commonsense relationship can explicitly imply the semantic relevance between words, which can be utilized to filter out noise edges. We use a relational graph neural network to capture the relation information in the graph. Moreover, manifold regularization is utilized to constrain the documents’ topic distributions. Experimental results on a public dataset show that our method is effective at extracting topics compared to baseline methods.  相似文献   

Social media data have recently attracted considerable attention as an emerging voice of the customer as it has rapidly become a channel for exchanging and storing customer-generated, large-scale, and unregulated voices about products. Although product planning studies using social media data have used systematic methods for product planning, their methods have limitations, such as the difficulty of identifying latent product features due to the use of only term-level analysis and insufficient consideration of opportunity potential analysis of the identified features. Therefore, an opportunity mining approach is proposed in this study to identify product opportunities based on topic modeling and sentiment analysis of social media data. For a multifunctional product, this approach can identify latent product topics discussed by product customers in social media using topic modeling, thereby quantifying the importance of each product topic. Next, the satisfaction level of each product topic is evaluated using sentiment analysis. Finally, the opportunity value and improvement direction of each product topic from a customer-centered view are identified by an opportunity algorithm based on product topics’ importance and satisfaction. We expect that our approach for product planning will contribute to the systematic identification of product opportunities from large-scale customer-generated social media data and will be used as a real-time monitoring tool for changing customer needs analysis in rapidly evolving product environments.  相似文献   

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