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He is a good sailor.他不会晕船。 此句不能译作:“他是一个好水手。”如要表达此意,应该说:“He is a skilled seaman”。 He is a good sailor.的真正涵义是:He is not liable to seasickness. 或 He is seldom seasick in rough weather.  相似文献   

有这样一个小屁孩,11岁的他可爱又有点儿淘气。他似乎有好多好多的鬼点子呢,他还有一本自己的日记。在日记里,小屁孩记下了自己生活中好多有趣儿的故事,还在日记本里画上了卡通图画呢。小屁孩日记Greg Heffley is an 11-year-old boy.He is kind,honest,smart and naughty.He has a lot of ideas.He has a diary.In his diary,he writes many interesting stories about his life.He also draws  相似文献   

同学们在英语学习中常遇到一些似是而非的表达,自己不知其然,也不知其所以然,下面给大家举一些实例。1.“He is no fool.”和“He is not a fool.”这两句话似乎意思差不多,但含义却有较大差别。He is no fool.=He is veryclever.(他很精明。)而He is not a fool.(他不是傻子。)只是一  相似文献   

1.用a还是an,一般说来,以辅音或半元音[j,w(]注意:不是字母)开头的词前要用a。以元音开头的词前要用an。例如:He has a watch.他有一块手表。He’s a European.他是欧洲人。This is an honest boy.这是一个诚实的男孩。注意:有的字母(如  相似文献   

下面每对句子里,B句只比A句多了一个不定冠词a(an),但句义却变化很大。1.A.He is in hospital.他在住院。B.He is in a hospital.他在一所医院里。2.A.There is room here.这儿有空。B.There is a room here.这儿有一个房间。3.A.This is orange.这是桔色的。  相似文献   

1.体温(body temperature):通常"体温"只说temperature即可。常用的句子有:①人体正常体温为摄氏37度左右。A normal temperature is about 37 degrees centigrade.②他发烧。He has/runs a fever/temperature.③他发高烧。He has/runs a high fever/temperature.  相似文献   

1.表示"整岁",直接用基数词或year,age。例如"他20岁"可表示为:He is twenty.He is twenty years old.He is a twenty-year-old man.  相似文献   

闲聊用语【知识结构】a.—He is really good,isn’t he?他真棒,不是吗?—He sure is.当然啦。b.Well,have a good day!恩,祝你今天快乐!  相似文献   

1.home→house家→房子[正]He has a hap-py home.[误]He has a hap-py house.[译]他有个快乐的家。注意:home是一个人与其家人住在一起的地方,house是建造的,以供人人居住的任何建筑物。  相似文献   

安华 《初中生辅导》2012,(34):37-39
1.用a还是an:一般说来,辅音或半元音[j,w](注意:不是字母)开头的词要前用a.如:He has a watch.他有一块手表. He's a European.他是欧洲人. 元音开头的词前要用an.如: This is an honest boy.这是一个诚实的男孩.(h不发音) 注意:有的字母(如a,e,f,h,l,m,n,o,r,s,x等)或缩略词,若第一个音是元音也应用an.如: He missed an"r"in the word.他写的这个单词漏了一个r.  相似文献   

Mschief was a spoiled cat.He was fat.He ate a lot.He slept a lot.And he never played with Snowball and Taffy.小淘气是一只被宠坏了的猫。他很胖,又好吃贪睡,而且他从来不跟雪球和太妃玩。Yesterday the cats had a picnic in the yard.Mischief ate a big cake,two hot dogs, and three puddings.But Mischief could not stop.He even snatched Taffy’s apple pie and Snowball’s ice cream.昨天,这三只猫咪们在院子里野餐。小淘气自己吃了一个大蛋糕、两根热狗和三个布丁,可是他还吃不够。他甚至抢太妃的苹果派和雪球的冰淇淋。  相似文献   

1. A little monkey planted a peach tree. He worked very hard.He often watered and fertilized it.小猴种了一棵桃树。他经常给树浇水、施肥,可勤劳啦!  相似文献   

1.他有个高(低)鼻子。误:He has a high(low) nose. 正:He has a big(small) nose. 正:His nose is long(short). 析:汉语中说某人是高(低)鼻子,英语没有此种说法,其正确说法是:a big(small)nose或者along(short)nose。2.有人在等你。  相似文献   

Unit 9 1.他是一个经常说谎的人。房间里根本没有人。误:He is a people who tells lies.There is no person in the room at all.正:He is a person who tells lies.There is nobody in the room at all.  相似文献   

1. There lived a bachelor. He built a small thatched shed. He lived in it alone. 有个单身汉,用茅草盖了一间小房子-他一个人孤零零地住在里面-2.One day he found a little m ouserunning on the ground.H e thought itfunny.So he scattered som e grains ofwheatforthe m ouse.有一天,他发现有一只小老鼠在地上跑。他觉得这个小家伙很好玩,于是就撒了几个麦粒给它。3.O ne m onth later,m ore and m orem ice cam e here,buthe didn'thate them.H e allowed the m ice to be in and out.一个月后,老鼠渐渐地多了起来,可他并没…  相似文献   

“dead”在句中除作为形容词表示“死”的意思外,还有很多引申意义。例如:1)It happened in the dead hour of the night.这是在万籁俱寂的深夜发生的。2)He is a dead shot.他是一个神枪手。3)He is having a dead sleep.他正熟睡。  相似文献   

1.Mrs Black has a son named John.He is very naughty and few people like him except his parents.布莱克夫人有一个儿子叫约翰,他非常淘气。除了父母,几乎没有人喜欢他。  相似文献   

1. That man is good and rich.误: 那个人又好又有钱。正: 那个人非常有钱。2. Tom has a sweet tooth.误: 汤姆有一颗甜牙。正: 汤姆爱吃甜食。3. He has a black eye.误: 他有一个黑眼睛。  相似文献   

句型1:…have got…例句:I think I have got one.我想有一本。(L1) have got在口语中相当于一般现在时have的意义,表示“有”。不过,在美国英语中常用have,而在英国英语中则常用have got。例如: He has got a brother.=He has a brother.他有一个兄弟。  相似文献   

He is really somebody My uncle has 1000men under him.He is really somebody.what does he do?A maintenance man in a cemetery.他真是一个大人物我叔叔下面有1000个人遥他真是一个大人物遥干什么的钥墓地守墓人遥My little dog can’t read Mrs.Brown:Oh,my dear,I have lost my precious little dog!  相似文献   

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