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1.A cat has nine lives.猫有九条命。意思是指猫的生命力非常强。2.A cat in gloves catches no mice.带手套的猫捉不到耗子。意思是指那些懒惰的人做不出什么成绩。3.A cat can look at a king.猫也可以看国王。意思是指小人物也应该有相应的权利。4.As weak as a cat.像只小猫一样弱小。意思是指身体非常虚弱。5.Copy cat.盲目的模仿者。也就是我们所说的"跟屁虫"。6.Enough to make a cat laugh.如果这样,连猫都会笑。  相似文献   

大家都知道英、美两国人特别喜爱猫、狗,所以英语中有关“cat”和“dog”的妙语还真不少。形容一个四肢不勤的人,我们可以说“A cat in glovescatches no mice.”真相大白时,可说“The cat is out ofthe bag.”描写某人因生活穷困潦倒而死,可用“He died adog’ s death.”形容某人急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,可说“He’slike a cat on hot bricks.”  相似文献   

Reading Salon     
A Everyone knows Egypt is famous for its pyramids.But do you know that Cairo is a cat city ? One summer I visited Cairo.It was really hot.I saw cats almost everywhere.Pyramids have cats.Offices and hospitals have cats.Cats are also in the hotels and restaurants.Cats appear in the cinema too.To my surprise,even an airplane has one.There are some singing cats in concert halls.They are famous throughout the city.Once an actor was holding his pet,a dying cat,in his arms on the stage.Another cat walked around the dying cat.The cat listened to the music and looked at the dying cat,crying sadly.At first people laughed at him.A few minutes later people began to cry.  相似文献   

一只大老鼠领着一群小老鼠去偷食。突然,它们遇到一只猫。小老鼠们吓得直发抖,而大老鼠镇定自若,它冲着那只猫“汪、汪”叫了起来,结果猫逃跑了。小老鼠们围着大老鼠问道:“为什么你一叫,猫就逃跑了呢?”大老鼠说:“你们看,这就是学外语的好处。”(选自《当代小学生》)A big rat led a group of little mice instealing food.Suddenly,they met a big cat.The little mice quaked with fear.The big ratwas very calm and it shouted at the cat“uang,uang”.It's the result that the cat ranaway.The little mice asked the rat aroun…  相似文献   

1.The CommonCatCats and humans have been 1)associated for nearly 10,000years. Cats save energy by sleeping for 2)an average of 13 to14 hoursa day. A group of cats is called a 3)clowder.A male cat is called a tom. A female cat is called a molly or queen,while young cats arecalled kittens.  相似文献   

A cat has nine lives.猫有九条命。(英国迷信,指猫的生命力强) A cat in gloves(手套) catches nomice.带手套的猫捉不到耗子;四肢不勤,一事无成;怕沾污手指的人做不出什么事。  相似文献   

我们在表达雨下得很大的时候,有多种表达法,其中之一便是:torain cats and dogs。字面意思为:下猫下狗;实际意义为:大雨滂沱。在北欧神话中,“猫”被认为是对天气有影响的动物。每当猫儿异常地蹦蹦跳跳的时候,水手们就会说:“The cat has a gale of wind in her  相似文献   

Cat 猫     
猫“cat”是人们喜爱的宠物,但是猫也常常遭到人类的肆虐。这种状况从英语的许多习语中可以看出。比如:“no room to swing a cat”,to let the cat out of the bag”等。当一个人感到很拥挤,觉得没有可以活动的地方,心里很烦躁时,他会抗议说:“I don’t have enough room to swing a cat.”意思是“我被挤得连抡着猫尾巴甩动的地方都没有了。”可见人们一度觉  相似文献   

猫妈妈(Mother cat)让五只小猫(five cats)去钓鱼(go fishing)。她只要求每人钓一条,多了也不要,少了也不行。猫妈妈告诉孩子们,鱼儿会向他们提问的,只要小猫回答正确,就能顺利地钓上来。猫妈妈还给了他们一人一句答。小朋友,请你帮小猫一起钓鱼,将钓鱼的线连在鱼儿的身上。A.I’m going to school.B.Hello。C.I’m fishing now.D.I’m fine.E.I’m going toplay football.Keys:①—C②—A③—D④—E⑤—B小猫钓鱼!湖北省宜昌市@李玲…  相似文献   

韩峰 《良师》2004,(17)
根据短文内容 选择正确答案 , 。 Som e cats are w hite.Som e cats are black.Som e caare black and white.But w e can't see any green cats. I have a m other cat at hom e.It has a son and tdaughters.The m other cat loves its children熏and they lotheir m other very m uch. ⒈ C ats are .阅读在线!河南@韩峰…  相似文献   

Everyone in town knew Clara Pickle.She was asdear and sw eet as anyone could be.In fact,it wasClara Pickle's good nature that gother in trouble.O ne day a grey cat w andered into Clara’skitchen.Clara,who lived alone,took the cat in.Shewas glad for the com pany.The nextm orning she letthecat out for a breath of fresh air.W hen the cat cam eback that afternoon,he was no longer alone.H e hadbrought his entire fam ily and m ost ofhis friends.Therewere thirty-four cats in all。Clare,sweet sou…  相似文献   

(A) Bill: That's a beautiful cat. Whose is it? Do you know? Frank: It belongs to the Browns. They live at the corner of the street. They have two cats and a dog.  相似文献   

郑伟 《今日中学生》2004,(20):51-52
A cat hs nine lives.猫有九条命.(英国迷信,指猫的生命力强)  相似文献   

Long long ago,a cat and a mouse were good friends. They ate together, played and slept together. They were the best friends in the woods.  But one day, they weren't friends forever. Fairies wanted to campaign for the 12 symbolic animals associated with a 12-year cycle. The cat and the mouse both went to campaign at the appointed time. The morning in the second day the mouse was boring: Should I go to the campaign with the cat?And should I go to call him?The cat was a lazy animal: He was still sleeping now. And the mouse didn't want to call him up. Finally the mouse was the first animal in the 12 symbolic animals associated with a 12-year cycle. But the cat was not. So today cats always want to catch mice and eat them. Because they remember this history: Mouse forsook cat!  相似文献   

Fun Time     
A mother mouse was out for a stroll (闲逛) with her babies when she saw a cat crouched (蹲) behind a bush. She watched the cat, and the cat watched the mice. Mother mouse barked(咆哮), "Woof, woof,woof!" The cat was so terrified that it ran for its life.  相似文献   

Many years ago a very large rat lived in the king's palace.It was bigger than many cats and ate all the cats that tried to catch it.The king asked his people to find the best cat in the country.When they found the cat, they gave it to the king.The king then put the cat into a room with .the rat.As soon as it saw the rat, the cat ran and jumped up onto the table. The rat quickly followed the cat.This went on for a long time.The king and his friends said that the cat was not a good cat at all.But soon, the rat began to get tired and slow down.The cat then ran to the rat, picked it up with its teeth and killed it.  相似文献   

从前,有座房子老鼠成灾,主人只好弄来一只猫,她每天能吃掉几只老鼠。当老鼠明白是怎么回事以后,便召开一个会议来商量对策,经过再三讨论,他们决定所有的老鼠都不离开顶层搁板。这个计划对老鼠来说产生了很大的效果,但是猫却开始挨饿了,因为没有老鼠可吃了。她在屋子里四处寻食,不知怎么才好。最后她自己终于决定了一个计划,她用后腿把自己倒挂在墙上的短桩上装死,希望老鼠从搁板上探出头来。一只聪明的老鼠偷看那只挂着的猫,说道:“那不就是你吗?好,你就呆在那边吧!即使你全身填满了稻草,我也不会相信你。”’ A house was once so overrun with1 mice that the owner was obliged to get a cat, who killed and ate some of them each day. The mice soon understood what was happening, and had a meeting to decide what should be done. After a lot of discussion2, they decided that no m...  相似文献   

[Notes]①There are more ways than one to kill a cat 有的是办法。②As sick as a cat.病得厉害。③Enough to make a cat laugh 极其可笑。④That cat won't jump.这件事行不通。⑤That's like putting the cat near the goldfish bowl,自找麻烦。⑥Holy cats! 哎呀!  相似文献   

cat’s paw也可以写成cat’s-paw或cat’s paw,其字面意思是"猫子"。该短语源于17世纪法国著名的寓言作家拉·封丹的《猴子猫》,讲的是狡猾的猴子哄骗头脑简单的猫,要猫替它从炉火中出烤熟的栗子来。猫  相似文献   

胡敏 《双语学习》2009,(6):23-23
A cat is sitting at the foot of a tree. An owl (猫头鹰) is standing in his home in the tree, They look like each other. Both the cat and the owl can see in the dark. They can catch mice, too, The owl has two wings but the cat hasn't.  相似文献   

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