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教育体系中的薄弱环节是农村教育,而农村教育的弱势群体又是女童。提高女童的受教育水平是教育发展中的重要任务之一,女童受教育水平不但是一个国家和地区教育发展程度的天然尺度,而且更是整个社会丈明与进步的客观标杆。因此本文分析了我国目前女童教育的现状和原因,并提出了一些建设性的意见。  相似文献   

李介 《青海师专学报》2003,23(5):135-136
教育公平包括教育权利平等与教育机会均等两个方面。我国经过半个世纪的不懈努力,确立了女童平等的受教育权,确保女童教育机会均等。随着社会的发展,我国女童教育将进入一个新的发展时期。  相似文献   

女童教育之困“困”在哪里   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王云建 《教育》2006,(6):42-43
资料显示,2004年我国女童小学入学率为98.93%,男女性别差异进一步缩小——从1995年的0.70%缩小到0.04%,这样的变化是令人振奋的。但是还应看到,由于经济文化发展的不平衡,我国平均每年因家庭困难而失学的100万名儿童中,女童占了70%。尽管从1989年的实话“春蕾计划”以来,我国在扶助女童受教育上取得了很大成效,但在贫困地区,女童受教育仍然困难重重。这条路还很长。  相似文献   

依法治教促进女童教育发展固原西郊乡学区杨万里1994年固原县西郊乡被确立为“促进贫困地区女童教育”项目乡。立项一年来,乡村项目领导小组按照项目目标,依法保障女童受教育权利,促进女童教育的发展,取得了初步成效。一、依法治教,积极动员女童入学本学期初,乡...  相似文献   

教育公平是人们不懈追求的理想,而教育中的性别不平等是一个世界性的问题,其中女童教育发展的滞后已经成为制约我国教育整体发展的瓶颈之一。我国西部农村女童教育还存在入学率低、辍学率高、受教育机会不均等、学习成绩普遍较差等问题。影响和阻碍我国西部农村女童教育发展的原因包括家庭经济贫困、家长观念陈旧、教育发展滞后等。应通过改善贫困家庭条件,为女童受教育奠定经济基础;提高家长文化素养,为女童受教育提供平等机会;改进学校教学工作,为女童提供高质量的教育等策略来解决我国西部农村女童教育问题。  相似文献   

甘肃省东乡族女童教育存在的问题及改革对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
受自然地理条件、文化历史传统、生产力水平、教育发展水平等多种因素的影响,甘肃省东乡族女童受教育比例普遍偏低,女童义务教育阶段流失现象较为严重。针对这一现象。各级政府及教育部门要采取增加女童教育投入、宣传教育法规、培训当地教师、创办女童学前教育机构等措施,尽快提高东乡族女童入学率。  相似文献   

再论西部贫困少数民族地区女童教育的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
女童教育是普及西部初等教育的关键和难点。“八五”期间 ,在国际组织和我国政府的重视与第四届世界妇女大会的激励下 ,西部各级政府和教育部门下大力气为女童教育的发展创造了许多有利条件 ,取得了显著成效。女童受教育的数量、水平达到历史最高点 ,男女童受教育的差距逐渐缩小。但由于西部贫困地区自然条件、文化历史传统、生产力水平、教育发展水平等多方面的原因 ,女童教育仍然落后于全国平均发展水平 ,仍然是普及西部贫困地区初等教育的主要障碍。因此 ,如何使西部贫困地区女童受教育水平接近发达地区的水平 ,是当前及今后一个时期摆在…  相似文献   

西部少数民族贫困地区女童教育的艰难与抉择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女童教育是一项复杂的系统工程。受少数民族传统文化观念、家庭教育、应试教育、自然环境、教育投入等多重因素的制约,西部少数民族贫困地区女童教育发展缓慢。为了实现我国教育的和谐发展的焦点,需要采取相应的发展对策:澄清观念,扫除思想文化上的障碍;构建社会支持网络,完善女童教育的保障体系深化教育改革,创新女童教育模式;加强对女童教育的理论研究。  相似文献   

女童教育历来是实施义务教育难以逾越而又必须逾越的老大难问题。女童教育是人权问题、人口问题、妇女问题、贫困问题在教育上的综合反映,是衡量一个国家和地区社会进步程度的重要标志,已引起了世界各国政府的关注,在中国更是如此。中国西南部边远山区和少数民族贫困地区解决女童就学难,是在本世纪能否实现基本普及九年义务教育、基本扫除青壮年文盲的关键所在。为较好地解决我省学龄儿童受教育的问题,本文试图在对我省女童教育的现状及原因分析的基础上,提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

在我国边远贫困地区,学龄女童入学率低、辍学率高是很普遍的现象,尤其是农村女童,受教育权利缺损现象频繁发生.如何从根本上保障农村女童受教育的权利,必须从认识、制度和实践上解决以下几个基本问题.  相似文献   

Students' different perceptions of task values influence their learning experience and achievement in physical education. Framed using the subjective task value construct, this study was conducted to determine the extent to which male and female Chinese middle schoolers with different body sizes differed in their perception of the task values. A second goal of the study was to identify the extent to which the task values along with gender and body size predicted students' performance on knowledge and physical skill tests. Data from a random sample of students (N = 860) from eight Chinese middle schools revealed that the boys appreciated intrinsic (p = .001) and utility values (p = 02); both boys and girls, however, equally appreciated the attainment value (p = .73). The boys performed better in physical skill tests than the girls (p = .001), whereas the girls scored higher in knowledge tests than the boys (p = .04). Regression analyses revealed that gender is the only predictor for performance on both knowledge and skill tests. Utility value and body size were predictors for skill, not for knowledge. These findings indicate that Chinese middle school boys and girls differed in valuing and achieving in physical education. The findings imply that Chinese boys need to strengthen cognitive learning and girls need to strengthen psychomotor skill development in physical education.  相似文献   

多元文化教育的西方探索与中国实践   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章较为系统梳理了西方多元教育的理论和实践,在叙述多元文化教育含义、目标的基础上,对多元教育的课程设计、教学实施、教师素质等进行了分析,并对西方多元教育教育进行了简要的评论。文章同时对多元文化教育的中国实践作了描述,对比了西方多元文化教育与中国相关实践之间的区别与联系,对中国以多元文化教育为背景所开展的少数民族教育、女童教育、地方课程作了介绍与评论。  相似文献   

在日本教育史上,女子学校的发展离不开女教育家。女教育家们参与或独立创办许多初等、中等和高等女子学校,实施各具特色的教育方针,提升了整个日本社会女性的知识和教养,并鲜明地提出了自己的教育思想和理念,在近代日本的女子教育史上写下了重要的篇章。同样在近代,中国也产生了不少女教育家,她们积极创办各种女子学校,致力于中国妇女的解放运动,但是由于中日两国迥异的社会状况以及文化背景等因素,中日两国女教育家们参与或独立创办的女子学校的发展状况以及产生的社会影响存在着很大的差距。  相似文献   

中国女子被禁锢两千多年,急于依靠教育求得自身的独立,又难免太过火,导致从一个极端走向另一个极端。潘光旦先生在优生学的基础上,以"位育"的眼光看待男女两性差异并以此提出他的女子教育思想——"新母教"思想。  相似文献   

British‐Chinese pupils are the highest achieving ethnic group in the British education system, and British‐Chinese boys’ performance equals that of girls. This paper investigates aspects of British‐Chinese pupils’ constructions of learning, focusing particularly on subject preferences and their constructions of themselves as pupils. The results are analysed according to gender as well as social class, and demonstrate that British‐Chinese pupils’ constructions of gender, subject preference and self‐image as pupils differ in some respects from those of pupils from other ethnic groups. Reasons for such differences are considered, and the paper also reflects on the implications of these findings in relation to broader findings concerning the stereotyping and ‘othering’ of the British‐Chinese within the British education system.  相似文献   

The present article examines the situation of girls in Spanish academic secondary education during the first Francoism. It outlines the measures introduced by the Franco Regime that maintained the traditional access for girls to the same academic curriculum followed by boys, although in separate schools. Later, it examines the various projects put forward specifically for female secondary schooling that sought to remove girls from the academic pathway and the reasons for their failure. Finally, the article studies the paradox posed by the fact that, despite official statements against academic education for women, the number of girls in academic secondary education and universities did not stop growing during the first Francoism. For the explanation of this paradox, it seeks to address the unwanted effects of Francoist education policy, especially the effects of social elitism and single-sex education on the presence of girls.  相似文献   

双语教育条件下男女儿童的智力发展比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究是对一项跨时5年的纵向调查资料所做的进一步分析。最终有效样本包括甘南藏族自治州119名小学生,其中90人分别接受“汉 藏”和“藏 汉”模式的双语教育,29人接受单一的汉语教育。研究以瑞标准推理测验的前测和后测成绩作为学生一般智力发展的指标,并将双语组和单语对照组进行比较。分析结果表明:被调查的双语教育项目对男孩的一般智力发展没有消极影响,再一次表明双语教育对藏族儿童是可行的;但对于女孩的一般智力发展有一定的消极影响,表明现行的双语教育有待进一步改进和完善。  相似文献   

闵宝霓 《时代教育》2009,(10):76-76
In China,laws that mandate equal educational opportunities for boys and girls have been established. However,whilst compulsory,the actual implementation of the Law was to be carried out in different phases depending on the level of socioeconomic development and local conditions (Mackerras,2003,p.126). This article adopts a critical perspective to talk about gender relations in China and their impact on Chinese education.  相似文献   

甘肃省女童教育现状及改革措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甘肃省历来非常重视基础教育,尤其是女童教育。新中国成立以来,甘肃省女童教育取得了长足发展,但也存在着许多不足。甘肃省各级教育部门应采取一切有力措施,切实地解决好女童入学接受义务教育的问题。  相似文献   

This article uses archival material from the city of Norwich to trace the development of girls' secondary education from 1860 to 1900. It examines the provision of differentiated education for girls of differing social status in the context of national legislation and the local labour market for women. Also considered is the issue of causality in the supply-demand equation for girls' education, relating this to issues of gender-determined access to education that underlie the study of developing education systems both past and present. I conclude that the growth in the provision and use of education for girls in Norwich during this period mirrors that of other parts of the nation, seeming to have been little influenced by local economic and political forces, or an initial local demand. Instead, a national campaign carried on by women activists at the national level for the improvement of education for girls, together with the provision of schools offering an extended and higher quality academic education for girls by the Girls' Day School Trust, the Norwich School Board, and private individuals, appears to have overcome local disincentives to educate girls and created a demand for secondary schooling for them.  相似文献   

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