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刘森林  陈智 《教师》2011,(10):120-120
芳蒂习惯法是西非加纳地区的一种传统习惯法。英国普通法对英属非洲国家的法律体系有着深刻的影响。本文论述殖民时期英国普通法与芳蒂习惯法的冲突与融合,以此来分析非洲法的发展历程。  相似文献   

席楠 《教书育人》2010,(6):110-112
获2001年度诺贝尔文学奖的英国作家奈保尔(1932-)是一位典型的移民作家。他出身于印度婆罗门种姓,从其祖父辈起移民到非洲一个叫特立尼达的西印度小岛。特立尼达是一个多种族聚居的英属殖民地国家,奈保尔从小在那里接受了英式殖民教育,成年后进入了牛津大学学习英国文学。在大学期间,奈保尔努力研究西方文化,期望能早日融人英国社会。毕业后,因为是有色人种,奈保尔在伦敦求职时四处碰壁。  相似文献   

近现代,随着西方对非西方殖民奴役的启动,西方便将编纂其历史的方法论带入非西方。非洲作为深受西方奴役的国度,在自主性被剥夺的同时,沦为了由西方编纂历史的被动体。非洲独立主权的获得,颠覆了西方视时间为线性和进步的传统观念;国际政治环境的变化,使西方看到有必要扬弃对象的给定性,并重新塑造。随着国际政治局势朝着有利于非洲的转变,西方对非洲史的编纂。由此转向了对其社会和文化史的突出,并在世界史或全球史中给非洲留出位置。西方对非洲历史文化的发展性探索,证明了非洲确是世界史或全球史进程中的重要构成,新史学理念由之得以完善。  相似文献   

略论西方发达国家对非洲的援助   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外援是非洲国家经济发展中不可或缺的重要因素,而非洲外援的大部分来自西方发达国家.西方发达国家援助非洲并不是简单的经济或者道义上的行为,而是服务于本国的对外战略和外交政策,追根究底是为本国的国家利益服务.尽管西方国家对非洲的援助一定程度地促进了非洲的发展,但是其局限性更应引起国际社会的重视争非洲国家的警惕.  相似文献   

非洲具有丰富而悠久的历史文化,其独到的表述方式和记忆脉络传递着非洲古老的文化内涵。而在近现代进程中,随着科学技术、理性认知引发的人类文明登上时代的顶峰,非洲的这一特色遭遇了前所未有的挑战。来自外界,尤其是西方的霸权试图抹去并替代非洲的传统。结果造成非洲声音被压抑,形象遭扭曲的局面。人类学田野作为一种可行而科学的方法,在充分彰显非洲历史文化风貌并促成非洲与外界形成对话的同时,能够较好地剥离掉西方在表述非洲时附上的情境因素,从而复原非洲本真态。  相似文献   

非洲具有丰富而悠久的历史文化,其独到的表述方式和记忆脉络传递着非洲古老的文化内涵。而在近现代进程中,随着科学技术、理性认知引发的人类文明登上时代的顶峰,非洲的这一特色遭遇了前所未有的挑战。来自外界,尤其是西方的霸权试图抹去并替代非洲的传统。结果造成非洲声音被压抑,形象遭扭曲的局面。人类学田野作为一种可行而科学的方法,在充分彰显非洲历史文化风貌并促成非洲与外界形成对话的同时,能够较好地剥离掉西方在表述非洲时附上的情境因素,从而复原非洲本真态。  相似文献   

冈·碧桂玏是塞内加尔当代特立独行且颇受争议的女小说家.她的自传体小说叙述了主人公到欧洲求学时的种种经历与心理体验,她和西方文化格格不入并对之进行了强烈的批判.她深情缅怀非洲文化传统,并最终回归到塞内加尔,无原则地拥抱非洲文化和传统,认为在这里才找到了她的心灵安顿之所和文化之根.不过,作者也对日益"去圣化"的非洲传统表现出很大的困惑,认为这是西方殖民文化入侵的结果.她还审视了非洲传统文化自身存在的问题.总之,她对西方文化和非洲文化的认识都显得矛盾而混乱,也正是这种矛盾和混乱才使她的小说更耐人寻味.  相似文献   

一第一次世界大战前的反侵略斗争苏丹位于非洲的东北部.北邻阿拉伯联合共和国,西北与利比亚相连,西与法属赤道非洲接壤,南为比属刚果、英属乌干达和怯尼亚,东邻埃塞俄比亚、厄立特里亚和红海.苏丹是一个多民族的国家,北部主要是阿拉伯人,南部主要是苏丹人.农业人口占85%.主要作物是棉花.矿产以金和铜最为丰富.盐和木材的产量也很多.苏丹是个历史悠久的文明古国.公元前1200年  相似文献   

从19世纪初西方殖民者加大对撒哈拉以南非洲的殖民入侵到20世纪60年代非洲各国独立的一百多年间,非洲文学也经历了从口头文学到书面文学的转变。在非洲文学作品,尤其是黑非洲的文学作品中,西方殖民者的形象经历了一个从暴力野蛮的入侵者到对"他者"傲慢伪善的形象再到相对文明、理性者的嬗变过程。  相似文献   

卡罗是西方最著名的传教士之一,他奉国王的命令,只带着两个助手到印度传教。短短几年的时间,他凭借着自己的努力和智慧,不仅得到了地方政府的支持,在印度建起了一所富丽堂皇的神学院和16个分站,还成为了无数教民的精神领袖。他把《圣经》翻译成16种语言,在英属印度进行了一场道德领域的革命。卡  相似文献   

As a study in comparative colonialism, this research attempts to identify similarities and differences in the French and British models of colonial education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Differences in colonial policy were conditioned to some extent by settlement patterns, the role of missionaries and variations in local politics and economies, but also by the moral stances underlying colonial practice. By calling attention to some of the 'signposts' of British and French colonial education policy, this research attempts to contrast British and French ideas about morality and the colonial project in Africa.  相似文献   

The case of the British colonial education 'lending' policy in Cyprus is very interesting, firstly, because Cyprus possessed cultural characteristics very different from those of almost all the other British colonies (African and Asian) and, secondly, because the colonial policy influenced to a great extent the post-colonial educational structures and practices in the island. This article will show that the British colonial education policy applied in Cyprus had the two main features of the colonial policy applied in almost all the other British colonies, namely, (a) it was an 'adapted education' policy and (b) it was very much dependent on the will of the governed people. There were, however, two essential differences: (a) the 'adapted education' policy was very elusive and took diverse forms, and (b) politics played a much more important role in Cyprus than in the other colonies in the formulation of this policy, both positively and negatively. The result was that the 'adapted education' policy explicitly applied during the first fifty years was later reversed and became an open and fervent policy of cultural and educational lending. The contention of the author is that this last policy was a form of implicit 'adapted education' policy .  相似文献   

战后的英国政府充分肯定了黑非洲殖民地的战略地位,力图将黑非洲建设成全球战争的后勤支援基地。当无力镇压民族解放运动之时,为了维护自己的利益,英国政府既利用军事协议,变更政府和军事机构组织形式,选择移交政权党派和垄断军官职位等手段,又选择性地利用军事干预手段。  相似文献   

THE BRITISH AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT IN WEST AFRICA: A HISTORICAL STUDY – Only recently have African nations begun to make their way towards establishing genuinely autonomous education systems incorporating elements of indigenous culture. The present study examines the historical development of curriculum in British West Africa in its links with the educational activities of the early Christian missionaries and the imposition of British colonial rule. For over 300 years, the curriculum content was essentially European in nature. African interests and cultural practices were largely excluded, as “bookwork” was favored over “handwork”. The colonial curriculum also helped introduce a new social order to West Africa, leading to the rise of new local elites reading, writing, and speaking foreign European languages. This study explores how the idea of a “civilized” person, promoted through the colonial school curriculum, developed new local elites with different sets of values and expectations that often made them strangers in their own societies. It also describes the connection between this curriculum and the repeated failure of education-reform efforts.  相似文献   

The paper provides an example of contrivances undertaken to establish English as the language of the global economy. Trinidad and Tobago is the location chosen, and the late colonial period is the time frame used to demonstrate how the 'project' worked. The paper focuses upon some curricular and pedagogic practices used to transmit and fortify English as the language of communication, and is classroom based. What took place at ground level, so to speak, and within the framework of a major formal institution, the colonial elementary school, is examined. Three theoretical frames are engaged: selected aspects of language learning theory as these relate to reading in particular, pedagogical content knowledge and hermeneutics. The analysis reveals that classroom practices were orchestrated to cement and fortify an English language base in Trinidad and Tobago during the period under study, and to guarantee the use of English for all time. The strategies used included appropriate packaging of content, exclusiveness in selection and use of textual (British) material, pre-occupation with the 'grammar syndrome', indoctrination into British culture, and transmission of the ideology that success in 'school English' was a touchstone for induction into 'the good life'. The paper concludes that the job of securing the already established English-language base in Trinidad and Tobago was a diligent masterpiece. The colonizer 'played a good number' upon the colonized in Trinidad and Tobago, so much so that the present exclusive use of English in that country is seen as irreversible, unlike the situation in some other post-colonial states.  相似文献   

Part II of this historiographical study examines British education policy in Africa, and in the many crown colonies, protectorates, and mandated territories around the globe. Up until 1920, the British government took far less interest than in India, in the development of schooling in Africa and the rest of the colonial empire, and education was generally left to local initiative and voluntary effort. British interest in the control of education policy in Africa and elsewhere lasted only from the 1920s to the 1950s, as territories assumed responsibility for their own internal affairs as a prelude to independence. Nevertheless, critics were not slow to attack British direction of colonial education in the 1930s and thereafter.In retrospect it is clear that colonial education policy was fraught with much confusion of purpose and lack of resources, apathy and hostility. The literature has ranged from close scholarly studies of education policy in individual countries to passionate and more theoretically based critiques of colonial schooling. But as immediate passions surrounding demise of the Empire have receded, alternative analyses have begun to emerge.  相似文献   

Joyce Goodman 《Compare》2000,30(1):7-19
This article focuses on the way women in the network surrounding the British and Foreign School Society Ladies Committee used constitutional, familial, religious and educational languages to claim an authoritative role for themselves in the development of education for non-Western women and girls. It highlights some of the ambiguities of colonial power for British women educators, which were implicit in women's self-representation of themselves as authoritative and their depictions of the non-Western female 'other'. It argues that in the two-way relation of metropole and periphery, the notion of the universal 'rational' mother employed within the network constituted an early 'professionalisation' of motherhood in relation to non-Western women, which worked to confirm the authority, responsibility and the 'Britishness' of British women themselves.  相似文献   

英国皇家植物邱园位于伦敦西郊,是全英最大的植物园,于1795年由奥古斯塔公主下令建成。在英国18-19世纪殖民扩张蓬勃发展阶段,这里不仅仅供大众游览,同时担负着对海外殖民地植物的科学研究、树种优化、珍稀植物标本保存等科研任务。而对于例如金鸡纳、橡胶树等经济附加值很高的植物,邱园又承担着提高植物产量和输送新品种到其他海外属地的作用,以此发挥其经济功能。所以,殖民扩张时期的邱园对英国产生的作用可以分为三部分,即公共社会服务、植物学研究、提高经济作物价值的作用,这奠定了邱园在英国近代史上的独特历史地位。  相似文献   

THE BRITISH AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT IN WEST AFRICA: A HISTORICAL STUDY – Only recently have African nations begun to make their way towards establishing genuinely autonomous education systems incorporating elements of indigenous culture. The present study examines the historical development of curriculum in British West Africa in its links with the educational activities of the early Christian missionaries and the imposition of British colonial rule. For over 300 years, the curriculum content was essentially European in nature. African interests and cultural practices were largely excluded, as “bookwork” was favored over “handwork”. The colonial curriculum also helped introduce a new social order to West Africa, leading to the rise of new local elites reading, writing, and speaking foreign European languages. This study explores how the idea of a “civilized” person, promoted through the colonial school curriculum, developed new local elites with different sets of values and expectations that often made them strangers in their own societies. It also describes the connection between this curriculum and the repeated failure of education-reform efforts.  相似文献   

杭聪 《唐山学院学报》2012,(2):38-42,108
第二次世界大战之后,英国在英属黑非洲殖民地的公职人员政策有三次调整,分别以扩招、稳定和留任为重点,很好地配合了英国的整体殖民政策。扩招是为了落实殖民地开发计划和地方政府改革计划,稳定和留任都是为了在民族解放运动的大潮中尽力保持自己的殖民利益。其中英国对尼日利亚的公职人员政策较具典型性。英国的政策没有解决独立前后殖民地公职人员缺乏的状况,直接原因在于英国撤退得过快,深层原因则在于其长期以来对殖民地社会发展的忽视。  相似文献   

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