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高校贫困学生工作之我见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着近年来高校的连续扩招 ,各高校在校学生成倍增加 ,越来越多的西部地区、贫困地区的农村孩子步入大学校园 ,使大学生中贫困学生增多 ,做好高校贫困生工作是做好学生工作的一个重点 ,本文结合多年学生工作的经验 ,对贫困生产生的原因、给工作带来的矛盾以及怎样做好此项工作进行了探讨  相似文献   

In this paper, a four-equation simultaneous equations model is developed with college student effort and achievement being jointly determined. The model is then tested using a sample of students from one comprehensive university. The empirical results provide evidence that student efforts with respect to faculty interaction, but not with respect to library usage or course effort, significantly affect achievement.You know, teachers sometimes think they are all that happen in class. But I have to take what a teacher is trying to teach me and translate it into something I learn, and that has little to do with the teacher. The learning is what I do.—A student named Susan, fromOn College Teaching, by Ohmer Milton and AssociatesAn earlier version of this paper was presented at the Lilly Conference on College Teaching at Miami University in November 1989.  相似文献   

高校育人,党建为魂。高校基层党建工作是党的建设的重要组成部分,也是高校党建工作的核心和关键。在一定程度上还直接影响学校教育目标的实现和人才培养的质量。因此在面对新形势、新挑战,高校必须全面深化改革,推进基层党建工作的创新,以促进科学培养人才的发展。  相似文献   

由于专业的特殊性和学生成长环境的特殊性,艺术类专业贫困生的帮困助学工作更为复杂。文章以一则学工个案为例,说明班主任在帮困助学工作中,一定要贯穿"人文关怀"理念,关注学生的生存与发展,坚持"经济资助"与"精神资助"相结合的原则,在经济上给予贫困生一定的资助,在精神上注重对贫困生的人格教育,促进大学生的健康成长。  相似文献   

通过对大学生英语学习策略的调查研究,从性别及不同学习水平等方面比较英语策略运用水平,力求发现学生选择英语学习策略的规律,从而帮助和指导学生改善学习策略,提高学习效率。  相似文献   

大学生职业类社团是高校比较特殊的学生组织之一,它以提高大学生就业创业能力为宗旨,通过体验式的就业创业活动提升在校大学生就业竞争力,其发展渐渐得到了社会和高校的重视。通过对武汉市7所高校大学生职业类社团成员进行问卷调查和深度访谈,真实反映武汉市高校大学生职业类社团发展现状,分析制约大学生职业类社团发展的因素,并根据问题提出解决对策。通过促进大学生职业类社团的发展,为武汉发展提供人才保障,力争早日实现百万大学生留汉创业就业。  相似文献   

The literature suggests that student attrition at the university level has been of growing concern in many countries. Student attrition has a number of implications for universities, chief amongst them are losses to revenue and investment in higher education. While many studies have examined causes for attrition from an institutional perspective, this study examines how the Bachelor of Education (Early childhood studies) that sits within the School of Education can support the retention of students from the students’ perspectives. Using a qualitative methodology that recorded up to 40 hours of interviews with 20 students provided insights into why they stay at university and what aspects of the Early childhood studies degree support them in staying. Conversely, the students also comment on those aspects that are not supportive and could impact on retention. The data revealed that a sense of belonging was very important and that particular course-specific activities at certain times supported developing this belonging. The students identified the importance of a mentorship program and how this program needs to be made available from the commencement of their course. Other factors contributing to retention included well-placed practicums, career choice, designated study times, as well as study groups and supportive and responsive lecturers.  相似文献   

高校统一战线工作是党的统一战线工作的重要部分,高校基层统一战线工作是高校党建工作的重要内容,是我国培养人才和进行科学研究的重要基地,高校中党外知识分子相对比较集中、比较多,层次比较高,如何更好地充分发挥高校党外知识分子工作,做好高校基层统一战线工作已成为形势发展的必然。本文论述了新形势下高校基层统战工作新特点,进而从三方面进行对策创新研究。  相似文献   

Today, with all the talk about educational excellence, schools and colleges still live in two separate worlds. Presidents and deans rarely talk to principals and district superintendents. College faculty do not meet with their counterparts in public schools, and curriculum reforms at every level are planned in isolation. It's such a simple point—the need for close collaboration—and yet it is a priority that has been consistently ignored. Universities pretend they can have quality without working with the schools, which are, in fact, the foundation of everything universities do.--Ernest Boyer (1985, p. 11)  相似文献   

Early social experiences, such as caregiver scaffolding, play a crucial but disputed role in the emergence of prosociality. A longitudinal experiment examined how explicit scaffolding—such as encouragement or praise—influences helping late in the first year, when helping emerges. Eighty-three infants (40 female, 6–9 months, 54% White, 17% Hispanic/Latinx, 16% Asian) participated in up to 10-weekly home visits in which they could help an experimenter in a novel activity. Data were collected in Santa Cruz, CA between February 2018 and August 2019. Compared to the control condition, explicit scaffolding increased helping by handing out-of-reach objects, η2 = .02, and, among younger infants, by cleaning up. Helping also increased with age and visit number. Using a new paradigm, this research provides experimental evidence for how adults’ scaffolding shapes the emergence of helping in infancy.  相似文献   

Dual-task procedures—finger tapping and associative memory—were used to examine developmental differences in the amount of mental effort required to deploy rehearsal and elaboration. Sixth- and college-grade subjects participated. Subjects performed the strategies aloud in Experiment 1 vs silently in Experiment 2. Recall results showed the superiority of elaboration over rehearsal in associative memory. Mental effort estimates were based on the amount of finger-tapping interference produced by concurrent memory strategy activity. Evidence for a developmental difference in mental effort was found only in the second experiment. A significant age-by-condition interaction indicated a small age-related increase in the effort required to use rehearsal, accompanied by a much larger developmental decline in the elaboration effort.  相似文献   

写作能够有效地检验学生对语言的掌握,但英语写作一直是中国学生的软肋。受目前英语考试制度的影响,在我们的教学过程中英语写作能力的培养没有得到应有的重视。在大学生的英语作文里,出现了各种各样的问题。  相似文献   

在英语教学中,提高阅读理解能力是教学的重点。本文介绍了如何培养正确的阅读习惯,还重点论述了大学阅读教学中语篇能力的培养,使学生成为真正意义上语言阅读信息的获得者。  相似文献   

中国高等教育,历经改革虽取得空前发展,但仍面临一个艰巨的课题,即如何转变传统的教育机制,加大在校大学生的实践环节,以培养出真正适应当今社会经济建设发展需要的人才。本文就此作一粗浅探讨。  相似文献   

随着普高的扩招和招生政策的不断调整,成人教育的招生面临着越来越严峻的趋势,成人教育生源经受着数量和质量的双重考验。文章提出通过完善人才培养体系、坚持品牌特色发展、建立校外函授站、组织联合办学的途径,进一步拓宽成人教育网络招生的渠道,扩大成人教育类院校的生源覆盖面,在办学形成规模的同时,有效应对高校成人教育生源危机。  相似文献   

大学生心理障碍的表现及成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过大量的实证分析,归纳了当代大学生的心理障碍的表现类型,对其成因进行了客观分析,并对如何预防心理障碍和心理疾患这一问题进行了有益探讨。  相似文献   

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