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阅读推广活动是高校图书馆服务工作的重要组成部分。研究了高校图书馆阅读推广活动的现状,从读者群体差异、读者时间维度、推广部门功能、特色品牌活动四方面分析了高校图书馆阅读推广活动存在的问题。从建设阅读推广平台、培养专业阅读推广人、创新阅读推广活动形式、打造沉浸式阅读空间四个维度出发,提出了阅读推广活动的创新路径。  相似文献   

詹姆斯·斯图尔特对英国大学推广运动的开端与发展起了重要作用,被赞誉为“大学推广之父”。斯图尔特根据自身地方讲座实践积累的经验,对大学推广教学制度、建立巡回大学、大学推广讲座的教学方法、大学推广系统的组织管理进行探索,呼吁剑桥大学开设大学推广讲座。剑桥大学最终于1873年正式宣布开设大学推广讲座,从而揭开了大学推广运动的序幕,标志着英国大学推广运动的开端。随后,牛津大学、伦敦大学等也参与大学推广运动,推动大学推广运动成为英国全国范围乃至国际性的教育民主运动。英国大学推广运动对19世纪的英国女子高等教育、工人教育和成人教育等领域产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

针对创新观念探索农机推广体系建设思路分析,介绍了30年来我国农机推广体系建设发展情况,探讨了我国农机推广体系建设存在的问题,提出了我国农机推广体制建设的探索,加大培育农机推广示范户与扶持社会化、农机推广要将示范基地建设抓好和提高农机推广队伍的技术水平提高农机推广质量.  相似文献   

为了提高《畜牧业推广学》教学质量,在进行《畜牧业推广学》绪论章节"畜牧业推广的基本概念及其内涵"的教学过程中,首先对"推""推广""畜牧业推广"字面含义从外力属性、作用对象、主要作用等方面进行了全面比较,并简要介绍了畜牧业推广不同发展阶段的主要内涵,在此基础上,最后凝练出畜牧业推广基本概念、主要特点、基本功能和主要作用的系统论述。仅用寥寥数语和3、4张幻灯片,学生便比较深刻地理解了畜牧业推广基本概念的含义,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

近年来,阅读推广成为图书馆的主流核心工作。探讨了高校图书馆开展文化自信阅读推广的必要性。以5W传播模式为理论基础,分析高校图书馆阅读推广模式的主要结构要素:推广主体、推广内容、推广客体、推广渠道、推广效果,构建高校图书馆文化自信阅读推广模式。提出建立多元主体协作格局、建设文化自信专题资源、畅通用户沟通渠道、拓宽媒介覆盖范围、科学评价阅读推广绩效等策略。  相似文献   

品牌推广是现代企业经营的重要一环。本文在厘清品牌推广服务涵义的基础上阐述了品牌推广的重要性及品牌推广服务的设计原则,提出了品牌推广服务的设计模式,如广告宣传、公关活动、社交媒体营销等,展望了未来品牌推广服务设计的发展方向,以期为企业持续发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

以我国大陆及港澳台地区具有代表性的高校图书馆为研究对象,通过网络调查和文献调研的方法,对其阅读推广工作现状进行调研,归纳出展示型推广、互动型推广、教授型推广和延伸型推广四种推广模式,在此基础上构建了阅读推广模型。鉴于我国高校图书馆阅读推广存在的不足,提出构建阅读推广常态化机制、多种推广模式并举、创新推广方式和健全推广效果评估机制等路径。  相似文献   

四川省健身气功发展过程中的“双节点”模式研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法等方法,对“双节点”推广模式进行了分析,并对健身气功采用其推广模式加以推广普及的可行性进行了科学论证.认为“双节点”推广模式适用于健身气功推广普及,其将有助于健身气功加快发展推广的步伐.  相似文献   

文章站在SST的角度审视了我国的农技推广体系改革,从制度和法律因素、农技推广体系改革的社会经济环境、参与农技推广体系改革的社会角色、农技推广体系改革的社会地域及社会组织等方面对我国农技推广体系的现状进行了分析,探讨了SST视角下我国农技推广体系改革的目标和发展思路,以期为我国农技推广体系改革的发展研究提供一种技术哲学和技术社会学的思考。  相似文献   

本文对农业推广硕士专业学位研究生的培养质量现状及影响因素、课程设置与教学、学位论文等问题进行了深入调查和分析,并就如何深化对农业推广硕士教育的认识,加强对农业推广硕士教育的领导和管理,突出农业推广硕士的职业特色,改进农业推广硕士的培养工作,推进农业推广研究生教育的制度化、规范化、信息化管理提出了建议.  相似文献   


Private extension system has been at the centre of a debate triggered by inefficient public agricultural extension. The debate is anchored on the premise that the private sector is more efficient in extension service delivery. This study evaluates the private extension system in Kenya. It employs qualitative and quantitative methods. The results indicate that the private extension is skewed towards high potential regions because it is either driven by profits or quick results. The private system benefits from the public extension staff, thus some form of commercial contracting of public staff to serve the private systems is appropriate. Public extension should not overlap in the areas efficiently served by the private system. The government should consider contracting the private sector to deliver extension to neglected areas. The government has a role in extension services funding, quality control, arbitration, monitoring and in provision of quality infrastructure to lower private sector players’ costs.  相似文献   

信用风险依然是我国国有商业银行面对的主要风险,导致国有商业银行信用风险的主要因素有政府干预、产权制度改革不彻底、银行与企业信息不对称、组织缺陷、管理技术落后等.作为我国国有商业银行风险管理体系的核心,信用风险管理的实施具体应当从组织体系架构、客户授信组合风险控制与单一风险相结合、信用风险收益、统一授信、提高信用风险的识别能力等四个方面展开.  相似文献   

为了进一步加强基层农技体系建设,加快机构改革步伐,笔者对富平县基层农技体系进行了实地调研.针对富平县农技队伍组成情况,认为经费紧缺、管理体制不顺等问题较为突出,加强基层农技体系建设应从经费刚性保障,机构、资产、人员整合,即速、钢性兑现一线农技人员工资等方面着手.  相似文献   

This article provides background information on the conditions and limitations of the integrated system teaching, research and extension in agricultural higher education institutions in developing countries as a development strategy. A theoretical framework for the interface between research and extension is discussed. A typological model is proposed to explain external and internal linkage factors. Organizational and operational linkage strategies are suggested. Given this set of linkage factors, because of underlying infrastructure, human resource, and organizational advantage, research and extension programs conducted by these institutions are envisaged to be very effective.  相似文献   

农业技术推广是民国时期胶东半岛地区农业经济发展与生产力改进的重要驱动力,在传统农业向现代农业转化的发展历程中起着重要作用。农技推广效果很大程度上取决于农技推广体系的建设。从北洋政府、南京政府、战乱三个时期对民国时期胶东半岛地区农技推广体系演进过程、推广内容和支持体系进行梳理,在此基础上,总结出发展的特点及启示,对农业经济现代化发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

文章以Joomla!框架如何在Web系统中进行组件扩展开发为核心问题,从组件扩展开发的设计思想﹑技术方法、扩展机制方面进行讨论,并以某外语教育出版社高等英语教学网专家答疑组件扩展开发为例,具体阐述Joomla!框架组件扩展机制在Web系统扩展开发中的应用流程和实现方法。  相似文献   

Worldwide serious reservations are being expressed about the ability and competency of the public sector to deliver agricultural extension services, especially in developing countries such as Pakistan which is faced with serious financial difficulties. Consequently, the government is looking for alternative extension paradigms that are cost-effective and client-oriented. To this end the government of Pakistan is inclined towards privatizing the provision of agricultural extension services as a means to promote a second ‘Green Revolution’. This study was conducted among cotton farmers in the Punjab Province to examine the comparative effectiveness of public and private sector extension as perceived from the stakeholders. Data were collected from 52 contact farmers of both extension systems. A number of biases were identified in both systems; namely, a preference for farmers with better education and larger landholdings than their noncontact farmer counterparts. Overall, neither system appears to be working for the benefit of the wider farming community.  相似文献   

Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of farmer-oriented policies as regards the Iranian agricultural extension system. Methodology: To fulfill this objective, a Delphi technique was utilized. The study used a series of three steps, engaging a panel of experts on farmer-oriented policies of agricultural extension system. Finding: The characteristics of farmer-oriented policies in agricultural extension system were classified into six categories including: need-based programs, proper interaction among stakeholders, decentralization and higher stakeholders’ participation, enabling stakeholders with emphasis on smallholder farmers, market-oriented programs and integrated policies. The findings indicated that ‘enabling farmers to solve their technical problems’ and ‘engaging farmers in planning, executing and evaluating of the programs’ had the highest percentage of agreement. Theoretical implication: From a theoretical point of view, the finding of this research has introduced six categories as characteristics of a farmer-oriented policy that could have practical implications for agricultural extension system in Iran. Also, this paper proposes a framework for future studies in the field of farmer-oriented policies in agricultural extension system. Practical implications: Recognizing the characteristics of farmer-oriented intervention of agricultural extension shows that targeted extension approaches are needed to pay attention to these characteristics in various stages of planning, delivering and evaluation of extension programs. Originality/value: This paper provides a comprehensive list of characteristics of farmer-oriented policies of agricultural extension that can be helpful for agricultural policy-makers in devising programs of extension services.  相似文献   

世界农业推广发展趋势及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高农民综合素质与科教兴农的关键所在就是农技推广体系如何适应新时期新阶段农业和农村经济的 要求。研究借鉴国外农业推广的新经验对解决我国"三农"问题和建立适应我国国情的农业推广模式都是十分有益的。  相似文献   

后TRIPS时期地理标志法变革历经17年尚未成功。成员方及学者对谈判议题还有争议。TRIPS及部长会议宣言表明,葡萄酒和烈酒多边注册体系是有明确授权的谈判议题,把对葡萄酒和烈酒地理标志的额外保护扩展到其他产品这一问题则还不是公认的谈判议题。最新报告反映,注册体系谈判中的分歧已经减少,扩展方面则观点对立。谈判可能要延续到2013年。以调研报告为依据,拟定多层次谈判目标,从程序上把扩展问题纳入谈判议题,进行有选择的议题交换和多头推进等是中国可以采取的对策。  相似文献   

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