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What happened to that brilliant idea that you once had? Did you ignore it because you thought that it was just a little thought? 你曾经想到过的那个绝妙的主意后来怎样了?你是否因为觉得那只是个小小的念头而将其忽略了呢?  相似文献   

最流行大奖:Hold住解释:"Hold住"一词来源于香港中英混用词汇。指"控制"、"抓"、"顶"的意思。在2011年8月9日的《大学生了没》中,一位名叫MissLin的网友以夸张另类的造型、一口做作的英语、扭捏妖娆的姿态向大学  相似文献   

最流行大奖:Hold住解释:"Hold住"一词来源于香港中英混用词汇。指"控制"、"抓"、"顶"的意思。在2011年8月9日的《大学生了没》中,一位名叫Miss Lin的网友以夸张另类的造型、一口做作的英语、扭捏妖娆的姿态向大学生们介绍什么是Fashion。其极度夸张搞笑的表演震撼  相似文献   

1.日常用语1. Hello! May I speak to…? 喂!我可以和……通话吗? Is that…(speaking)?你是……吗? 2. Hold on, please. 请等一下/別挂断。He/She isn't here right now.这会儿他/她不在。  相似文献   

“Hold”在英文中是“保持住某种状态”的意思,“Hold住”就是指面对各种状况都要保持从容,充满自信。此语出自台湾综艺节目《大学生了没》。该节目中,一位名叫MissLin的网友以妖娆另类的造型、一口做作的英语介绍什么是Fashion(时尚),夸张搞笑的表演震撼了所有观众,其13头禅就是“整个场面我Hold住”。  相似文献   

“Stacie” “Yes!” Stacie thought to herself as she picked up the five-dollar bill on the sidewalk, "I know it's just five dollars, but that can get you rich! You could invest in some underdog idea. It would have to be a good idea. One that's thought out and that people really need."  相似文献   

1.The boy with a look of wonder wondered what hadhappened.带着好奇神情的那个男孩想知道发生了什么事情。解析:第一个wonder是名词,意思是"好奇":第二个wonder是动词,意思"想知道"。2.What we need need be airlifted at once.我们需要的东西需要立刻空运过来。解析:第一个need是实义动词:第二个need是情态动词。二者都是"需要"的意思。3.We should plant trees in the desert deserted by humanbeings.我们应该在人类遗弃的沙漠上种些树。解析:第一个desert是名词,意思是"沙漠";第二个desert是动词,意思是"遗弃,抛弃",过去分词短语作后置定语。4.The way he thought of of working out the question isvery practical.他想到的解决这个问题的方法是可行的。解析:第一个of和thought搭配,意为"想,考虑",作定语修  相似文献   

To be able to be caught up into the world of thought,that is to be. educated.——E.Hamilton 如果你想走入思想世界,那么请接受教育。——汉密尔顿(爱尔兰作家)  相似文献   

史晋 《当代学生》2013,(7):29-30
身边跟我们打交道的,多半都是如假包换的"好人"。可问题是,好人也有偶尔发飙、发火或是心情坏的时候,正所谓人人都有那么个"暴脾气",只是平时没有表现出来而已。那么,你是哪种类型的暴脾气呢?到底是什么会让你Hold不住自己?赶紧测测吧!  相似文献   

Do You Believe     
Do you believe that dreams Hold a meaning But the meaning isn’t what it seems To be Do you believe that miraculous things Can happen to anybody Do you believe in people with wings They’re called angels Do you believe that angels are a present  相似文献   

Many theorists,Such as Sapir and Whorf hold that the language system,with its rules or vocabulary,forms thought or is necessary for thought. For example,Edward Sapir(1921)  相似文献   

近日,听某教师执教《小镇的早晨》(浙教版第7册)。有一个环节印象最为深刻:读到"价廉物美",老师问:"你知道什么意思吗?";碰到"人流",老师又问:"你知道什么意思吗?";看到"恬静",老师再问:"你知道什么意思吗?"……"你知道什么意思吗?"充斥整个课堂,  相似文献   

在英语中"Search me!"是什么意思?它并不是指搜身,而是指"I don't know."或"I can't answerthat."从这个例子中,我们发现英语里有很多词或短语有其特殊的含意,是无法直接洞悉的。以下的对话就是一例:"I got the highest score in the English test."在英语考试中我得了最高分。"Well,how about that!"在书面中,我们看到"how about that"后面是感叹号,那么其意思是"那太棒了!"(相当于 Great!)再看看如下几个词或短语:(1)"Did you see the baseball game?"你看了棒球比赛吗?  相似文献   

正一、unless的基本含义unless可以用来引导条件从句,其基本含义是"如果不"或"除非",在语义上相当于"if...not"。如:1.a.You won’t pass the test unless you study hard.b.You won’t pass the test if you don’t study hard.解析:这两句的意思是一样的,a句可译成"除非你用功学习,否则你就不会通过考试",b句可译成"如果你不用功学习,你就不会通过考试"。其实,unless一词的英文释义是except on the condition that(除了在……的条件下)或except under the circumstances that(除了在……的情形下),也就是把unless  相似文献   

黄家周 《海外英语》2013,(4X):165-166
Marx and Engels put forward the thought of spiritual production and spiritual productive force,and pointed out the viewpoint of training free and all-round developed human beings by communist culture.Lenin thought that Cultural construction was an important driving force of political civilization,he also proposed that we should develop education and science program in a planned way,foster the new socialist men,etc.Marxist Classical Writers’cultural thought is the main source of the theory of socialist cultural construction with Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

1.It has often been said that life is difficult as it is.人们常说生活是如此艰难。[考点透析]"It is/was/has been 过去分词 that从句"句型中常用的过去分词有said,reported,known,thought,believed,suggested等。常译为"据说(报道……)"。句中it是形式主语,that从句是真正的主语,如果过去分词是suggested,requested,proposed,desired,required等,that从句中要用虚拟语气"(should) do"。  相似文献   

杨婧依 《海外英语》2013,(22):242-245
Gary Snyder is a famous American poet in the 1960s.His works often reflect Zen thought,which highly influenced the Beat Generation of that time,and even the whole western society.This article attempts to discuss some of the possible aspects in which Snyder’s Zen diverts from Chinese Zen thought.To find out the answer,four of Snyder’s poetry collections were mainly consulted,as well as information about the environment that he’d been living in.The discrepancy this article will show case is three-folded:first,what Snyder pursued might be"square Zen",which is different from Chinese Zen;second,his poems integrated some ideas from Indian folklores,thus contradicting that of Zen;third,giving consideration to his western background and specific historical environment,he might misinterpret Chinese Zen thought unconsciously or intentionally.This is an area which so far no current studies about Snyder have probed into,so the results are just tentative and exploratory.  相似文献   

怎么老是你英语老师问一学生:"How are you是什么意思?"学生想:how的意思是怎么,you的意思是你……于是回答:"怎么是你?"老师很生气,又问:"How old are you呢?"这个同学想了想说:"怎么老是你?"(伴丁三荐)  相似文献   

Emery: Tell me what? 告诉我什么?Princess Electra: About the magic inside you. About your ability to make your wheel chair be whatever you want it to be. As long as it has wheels, that is. 你内在的魔法。你能任意变化轮椅的法力,变成任意一种有轮子的的东西。Emery: Really? It did turn into a train a while back, but I thought that was Snowden's magic, not mine. 真的吗?刚刚它就变成了一辆火车,可是我以为是登变的, 不是我。  相似文献   

Booie Baker wanted to be a ball playersomeday.He could run very fast-fasterthan any other boy on his street.Hecould catch all right, too.But he just couldn'thit the ball. Booie thought that he was going to be aball player anyway.He thought so until oneday when his friend Butch had a birthday.Butch was eight that day.It was a Saturday.  相似文献   

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