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目的:探讨被动运动和香丹注射液对失神经大鼠腓肠肌和胫骨显微结构的影响.方法:3月龄雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为假手术组、模型组、被动运动组、香丹组和联合组,除假手术组外,其他各组切断左侧坐骨神经和股神经,然后被动运动组、香丹组和联合组分别进行30天被动运动和香丹注射液灌胃,光镜观察腓肠肌、胫骨的显微结构.结果:与假手术组相比,模型组的损伤侧肌湿重/对侧肌湿重极显著降低,胫骨重量显著降低.与模型组相比,被动运动组、香丹组、联合组的损伤侧肌湿重/对侧肌湿重显著性升高,联合组的胫骨重量显著性增加;模型组肌纤维直径和横截面变小.部分肌纤维轮廓模糊,被动运动组、香丹组、联合组显示与模型组相比肌纤维直径和横截面增加,肌纤维排列紧密、轮廓相对清晰.模型组显示与假手术组相比骨小梁数目明显变少,纤细,排列稀疏,被动运动组、香丹组、联合组显示骨小粱相对粗壮,数目明显增加,排列相对紧密.结论:大鼠失神经支配引起腓肠肌、胫骨纤维结构的完整性破坏,被动运动和香丹注射液治疗改善了腓肠肌和胫骨的显微结构变化,被动运动和香丹注射液联合作用效果更佳.  相似文献   

神经肌肉电刺激摹拟肌肉力量训练的生物力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于对电刺激作用于神经肌肉组织的生理机制和电刺激技术系统与电刺激摹拟肌肉力量训练效果的生物力学关系的基本认识和实验研究,得出如下基本结论:(1)神经肌肉电刺激摹拟肌肉力量训练的效果显著优于肌肉直接电刺激;(2)神经肌肉电刺激摹拟肌肉力量训练使肌肉收缩的速度力量、最大力量和力量耐力均有显著的增长;(3)神经肌肉电刺激在注重提高肌肉功能群的力量素质时,能较好地满足肌群协调能力的发展;(4)电刺激能以较低的体能消耗实现局部肌群的摹拟力量训练。  相似文献   

运动对去卵巢大鼠股骨生物力学性能影响的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨运动对去卵巢大鼠股骨生物力学性能的影响。方法:将96 只3 月龄雌性大鼠按体重随机分成假手术组(Sham组)、造模组 (Model 组)、己烯雌酚组(DES 组)、运动组(EX 组),每组24 只,假手术组仅切除卵巢附近一团脂肪,其余各组均切除双侧卵巢。术后按不同要求 灌胃给药和运动,按批次分别于8 周、12 周和16 周后处死大鼠,每次每组8 只,对各组大鼠左侧股骨进行生物力学性能检测,统计分析各组数 据。结果:运动组能明显提高去卵巢大鼠股骨的生物力学性能,且随干预时间延长效果明显。结论:合理的运动能减少去卵巢大鼠骨质丢失,减缓 骨质量的降低速度,防治骨质疏松症。  相似文献   

目的:观察被动运动和香丹注射液对失神经大鼠的骨密度和骨代谢指标的影响,探讨二者对废用性骨质疏松的康复作用. 方法:3月龄雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为假手术组、单纯失神经组、失神经+被动运动组和失神经+香丹组,除假手术组外,其他各组切断左侧坐骨神经和股神经,经30天被动运动和香丹注射液灌胃后,测定左侧股骨、胫骨的重量、骨密度和血钙、碱性磷酸酶、骨钙素、抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶5b的浓度.结果:与假手术组相比,单纯失神经组大鼠胫骨的重量、股骨和胫骨的骨密度显著降低,抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶5b水平显著升高;与单纯失神经组相比,失神经+香丹组胫骨远端松质骨骨密度显著性升高,失神经+被动运动组和失神经+香丹组碱性磷酸酶、骨钙素水平显著升高.结论:失神经大鼠的骨吸收提高引起骨密度降低,被动运动和香丹注射液可提高骨形成,延缓失神经大鼠骨量下降,香丹注射液促进骨矿含量增加的作用优于被动运动.  相似文献   

神经肌肉电刺激的生物力学实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对5名非专业运动员进行神经—肌肉电刺激试验,刺激电流波形为受3Hz调制的800Hz矩形正脉冲,分别采取肌肉刺激法(双极法)和神经刺激法(单极法),目的在于初步弄清神经—肌肉电刺激的技术步骤、刺激方式、刺激效果与受试者对不同方式电刺激的适应性。二周半试验结果表明,受试者肌力和肌肉生理横断面较试验前均有一定程发的增大,主观感觉良好,与运动训练相比,身体能量消耗较少。  相似文献   

主要从三方面来阐述电刺激研究现状:1)电刺激活化运动单位的顺序;2)电刺激发展肌肉力量;3)电刺激疗伤和肌恢复  相似文献   

不同强度运动对骨质疏松大鼠骨生物力学性能的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张林 《体育科学》2000,20(5):72-76
在成功建立骨质疏松大鼠运动模型基础上,将大鼠左股骨进行3点弯曲实验,对不同强度运动下的骨生物力学性能变化进行了比较研究。研究结果指出:运动对骨结构力学和骨材料力学性能有良好的刺激作用;OVX大鼠的骨力学性能变化大于SHAM大鼠,表明运动对抗卵巢切除大鼠骨力学性能降低的作用大于SHAM大鼠的增龄效应;中负荷运动对骨力学性能的影响大于低负荷运动,提示骨力学性能的改善和提高,与临界强度下的较大运动负荷有关。  相似文献   

为探讨非药物防治绝经后骨质疏松更有效的疗法,对40只3月龄去卵巢SD大鼠采用中等强度运动结合低频脉冲电磁场治疗,以骨生物力学指标评价其治疗效果。结果表明:虽然运动和低频脉冲电磁场均可抑制去卵巢大鼠骨生物力学性能的下降,但二者结合效果更佳,因此这是值得推广的一种非药物防治绝经后骨质疏松的方法。  相似文献   

电刺激技术的理论与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用实验物理学和理论物理学的原理与方法,旨在研究电刺激发展肌肉力量的物理基础。研制的NMES-168型力量训练仪在结构和功能上更适合运动训练,达到“同类研究先进水平”。  相似文献   

步斌 《体育科学》2005,25(11):55-57
实验目的:探讨游泳训练对大鼠股骨和腰椎骨生物力学特性的影响。实验方法:以36只SD大鼠为实验对象,以大鼠游泳训练为运动模型,分为对照组(n=18)和实验组(n=18),每天训练30min,共6周。取双侧股骨第5腰椎制成试件,在日产万能试验机和力学参数测试系统中做3点弯曲的生物力学特性测试(弹性模量、最大载荷、屈服应力、最大应力、能量吸收等)及对骨的横断面积和骨矿含量进行测定。实验结果:股骨3点弯曲数据显示两组间的弹性模量、最大载荷、屈服应力、屈服应变无明显变化(P>0.05),而最大应力、最大应变和能量吸收则有显著下降的趋势(P<0.05),横断面积和骨矿含量无明显变化(P>0.05)。腰椎骨压缩试验的结果显示,实验组除能量吸收外(P>0.05),其最大载荷、屈服应力、最大应力、屈服应变和骨矿含量等参数均有显著增加(P<0.05)。提示,游泳对腰椎的刺激较大,可使腰部生物力学特性产生适应性变化。根据国内、外的相关研究,游泳运动是防治腰部骨质疏松和下腰部疼痛较好的锻炼方法之一,值得在临床上进一步研究。  相似文献   

篮球比赛中运动员的消极情绪及其调整与克服   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
篮球比赛场上运动员的消极情绪表现为激动、紧张、自负、松弛和淡漠等。分析了这些情绪发生的生理及相关因素,认为克服和调整消极情绪的方法有:通过言辞起作用;用记忆调整情绪;情绪体验法和进行集中注意力和分散注意力的训练。  相似文献   


The aim of this trial was to compare an eight-week individual movement quality versus traditional resistance training intervention on movement quality and physical performance. Forty-six trained adults were randomised to a movement quality-focused training (MQ) or a traditional resistance training (TRAD) group, and performed two individualised training sessions per week, for 8 weeks. Session-RPE (sRPE) was obtained from each session. Measures of movement quality (MovementSCREEN and Functional Movement Screen (FMS)) and physical performance were performed pre- and post-intervention. All measures improved significantly in both groups (3–14.5%, p = <0.005). The between-group difference in MovementSCREEN composite score was not statistically significant (0.3, 95% CI ?3.4, 4.1, p = 0.852). However, change in FMS composite was significantly greater in MQ (1.3, 95% CI 0.8, 1.8, p < 0.001). There were no significant between-group differences in physical performance (p = 0.060–0.960). The mean sRPE was significantly lower in MQ (5.25, SD 1.2) compared to TRAD (6.6 SD 1.0, p = <0.001). Thus, although movement quality scores were not distinctly greater in the MQ group, a movement quality specific intervention caused comparable improvements in physical performance compared to traditional resistance training but at lower perceived training intensity.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to assess the effects of acute passive stretching on the electrical and mechanical response of a previously fatigued muscle. Eleven participants underwent maximal tetanic stimulations (50 Hz) of the medial gastrocnemius, before and after a fatiguing protocol and after a bout of passive stretching of the fatigued muscle. During contraction, surface electromyography (EMG), mechanomyography (MMG), and force were recorded. The following parameters were calculated: (1) the EMG root mean square (RMS), mean frequency, and fibre conduction velocity; (2) MMG peak-to-peak and RMS; (3) the peak force, contraction time, half-relaxation time, peak rate of force development (dF/dt) and its acceleration (d2 F/dt 2). Fatigue reduced peak force by 18% (P < 0.05) and affected the other force, EMG, and MMG parameters. After stretching: (1) all EMG parameters recovered to pre-fatigue values; (2) MMG peak-to-peak remained depressed, while RMS recovered to pre-fatigue values; (3) the peak force, peak rate of force development and its acceleration were further reduced by 22, 18, and 51%, respectively, and half-relaxation time by 40% (P < 0.05). In conclusion, acute passive stretching, when applied to a previously fatigued muscle, further depresses the maximum force-generating capacity. Although stretching does not alter the electrical parameters of the fatigued muscle, it does affect the mechanical behaviour of the muscle–tendon unit.  相似文献   

Sports injuries are common among baseball players and may result in abnormal movement patterns, increased risks of future injury, and unsatisfactory performance. The Functional Movement Screen (FMS?) has been developed to detect abnormal functional movement patterns and can be used for predicting risks of sports injury. However, whether FMS? scores are associated with athletic performance remains unclear. The goal of this study was to determine the association between functional movements and athletic performance in elite baseball players. Core stability, muscular strength and flexibility of the lower extremities, and FMS?, as well as athletic performance in sprinting, agility, and balance tests were assessed in 52 male collegiate Division I baseball players placed into two groups based on FMS? scores. The high-scoring group demonstrated better athletic performance than the low-scoring group, with a shorter duration of the agility test. No group differences were found in core stability, muscular strength, or muscle flexibility, except for rectus femoris flexibility. Thus, the FMS? score is associated with sprinting and agility performance in elite baseball players. These findings indicate that the FMS? may have a role in predicting athletic performance and thereby help determine the goals of training regimens or return-to-play strategies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between functional movement screen scores, maturation and physical performance in young soccer players. Thirty males (11–16 years) were assessed for maturation, functional movement screen scores and a range of physical performance tests (squat jump, reactive strength index protocol and reactive agility cut). Older players significantly outperformed younger participants in all tests (P < 0.05; effect sizes = 1.25–3.40). Deep overhead squat, in-line lunge, active straight leg raise and rotary stability test were significantly correlated to all performance tests. In-line lunge performance explained the greatest variance in reactive strength index (adjusted R2 = 47%) and reactive agility cut (adjusted R2 = 38%) performance, whilst maturation was the strongest predictor of squat jump performance (adjusted R2 = 46%). This study demonstrated that variation of physical performance in youth soccer players could be explained by a combination of both functional movement screen scores and maturation.  相似文献   

篮球持球突破技术的动作结构及其运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用运动生物力学原理,就篮球持球突破技术的动作结构等进行分析。在此基础上,论述了适用持球突破技术时应注意的几个要点。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyse the longitudinal associations between (1) fundamental movement skills (FMSs) and academic performance, and (2) self-reported physical activity and academic performance through junior high school in Finland. The participants of the study were 325 Finnish students (162 girls and 163 boys), who were 13 years old at the beginning of the study at Grade 7. Students performed three FMS tests and responded to a self-reported physical activity questionnaire at Grades 7 and 8. Marks in Finnish language, mathematics and history from Grades 7, 8 and 9 were collected. Structural equation modelling with multigroup method demonstrated that in the boys’ group, a correlation (0.17) appeared between FMS and academic performance measured at Grade 7. The results also indicated that FMS collected at Grade 8 were significantly but weakly (path coefficient 0.14) associated with academic performance at Grade 9 for both gender groups. Finally, the results of this study demonstrated that self-reported physical activity was not significantly related to academic performance during junior high school. The findings of this study suggest that mastery of FMS may contribute to better student achievement during junior high school.  相似文献   

本文根据抛起动作的力学特征和动作结构特点,对“双爆”720°旋翻抛起技术及动作结构进行分析,并对动作的合理性及训练中的有关问题作了探讨。  相似文献   

为了解肌肉疲劳时神经肌肉系统兴奋性的变化规律,以10名健康男子为对象,采用随意性最大的肌肉收缩(V组)和电刺激诱发肌肉收缩(E组)的两种运动形式,对足背屈运动引起胫骨前肌疲劳时的胫骨前肌和比目鱼肌的表面肌电图(sEMG)和诱发肌电图(evoked EMG)进行了观察。结果发现:(1)V组和E组的sEMG积分值和平均频率均出现了降低的趋势,而且E组的变化较为明显;(2)E组的胫骨前肌(主动肌)Mmax和H/Mmax明显降低下,比目鱼肌(拮抗肌)Mmax和H/Mmax在胫骨前肌疲劳后则无明显变化;(3)V组胫骨前肌与比目鱼肌的H/Mmax在疲劳发生后均表现出显著低下,但二者的Mmax却无明显变化。结论:肌疲劳时不但主动肌脊髓运动神经元受到了抑制,拮抗肌脊髓运动神经元也受到了类似的影响,但由于肌肉收缩方式不同而上述变化并不完全一致。  相似文献   


It is currently unknown whether hypoxia training can effectively suppress overweight and hyperinsulinemia in genetically obese animals. In this study, both lean and obese Zucker rats were randomly assigned into the following groups: control (CON, n=7), exercise training (EX, n=7), hypoxia (HYP, n=7) and exercise training with hypoxia recovery (EX+HYP, n=7). During a 6-week training period, rats performed swimming exercise progressively from 30 to 180 min·day?1, and recovered under hypoxia (14% oxygen for 8 h·day?1). Obese Zucker rats exhibited substantially greater fasting insulin levels, and exaggerated glucose and insulin responses following an oral glucose challenge compared with lean rats. At the beginning of week 6, body weight, fasting glucose, fasting insulin, area under curve of glucose (GAUC) and insulin (IAUC) in the EX+HYP group were significantly lower than CON group among the obese rats. Meanwhile, only GAUC was significantly lower in the EX group compared to the CON group. At the end of week 6, capillaries to fibre ratio (C/F), capillary density (CD) and type IIa fibre proportion of the plantaris muscle in the EX group were significantly greater than the CON group (P<0.05), but no additive effect of hypoxia on exercise training was observed. Our data demonstrate that exercise training with prolonged hypoxia recovery offers better metabolic benefits than exercise training alone for the obese Zucker rats. This advantage was closely associated with effective weight reduction.  相似文献   

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