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Moves towards student centred learning and the growth in student numbers require less staff intensive methods of information skills teaching than those usually used. Funding from an Enterprise in Higher Education programme at the University of Northumbria at Newcastle allowed production of self‐teaching workbooks in a number of areas. A subsequent evaluation showed the books to be reasonably effective and helped in developing wider use of the books, including production of some in new subjects aided by further special funding. The need for close collaboration with academic staff, integration into the curriculum and the use of appropriate assessment was demonstrated.  相似文献   

In the Fall of 1991. the Original Cataloging Unit of The LSU Libraries conducted a survey of ARL Libraries to deter- mine the current policies of academic libraries regarding cataloging and classification of audiovisual materials. Audiovisual materials including kits, teacher manuals, workbooks and a variety of mixed formats provide unique problems for both the librarian and cataloger . . alike. - Of.the 95 libraries contacted, 75 responded. Results indicated a wide variety of policies, not only in the cataloging and classification of these materials, but also in shelving and location. With no ap ar- ent standard, most libraries have devised their own plan to meet eir needs. tR  相似文献   

Richard W. Budd and Brent D. Ruben, Beyond Media: New Approaches to Mass Communication (Rochelle Park, N.J.: Hayden Book Company, 1979—$9.95, paper)

Robert F, Rich,"Knowledge Production and Utilization," a special issue of American Behavioral Scientist 22:3 (January/February 1979)

James and Jean Morrow The Grammar of Media Kit (Rochelle Park, N.J.: Hayden Book Company, 1978—$295 for the complete set which includes 5 super-8mm films, 4 LP records, 20 comic books, 20 student workbooks, and one teacher's handbook, all available on a 30-day examination basis).

Charles U. Larson Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility (Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Publishing, 1979– S9.95, paper)

Frank Brady and Joann Lawless' Brady & Lawless's Favorite Bookstores (Mission, Kansas: Sheed Andrews and McMeel, 1978—$12.95)

Alan Wells, Mass Media and Society (Palo Alto, Calif.: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1979—price not given, paper)

John L. Hulteng The News Media: What Makes Them Tick? (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1979—$7.95, paper)

Patrick Williams and Joan Thornton Pearce, The Vital Network: A Theory of Communication and Society (Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Press, 1978—$13.95)

Jack Nachbar, Deborah Weiser, and John L. Wright, eds. The Popular Culture Reader (1978, 323 pp.—S14.95/7.95)

Susan S. Tamke and William H. Cohn, History and Popular Culture (1977, 151 pp.—$3.00, paper)

Daryl Jones, The Dime Novel Western (1978, 186 pp.—$8.95/3.95)

C. David Mortensen, ed. Basic Readings in Communication Theory (New York: Harper & Row, 1978—$7.95, paper)  相似文献   

《Philosophical Books》1997,38(3):181-199
Pappas, N. The Routledge Guidebook to Plato and the Republic
Barnes, J.(ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle
Rutherford, D. Leibniz and the Rational Order of Nature
Johnson, O. A. The Mind of David Hume
Sorrel, T. The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes
Magnus, B. and Higgins, K. M. The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche
Dray, W. H. History as Re-Enactment
Stern, D. G. Wittgenstein on Mind and Language  相似文献   

在叙词表、本体等知识组织体系构建过程中,需要获取通用概念。笔者试验了三种获取通用概念的方法,一是继承传统知识组织体系通用概念,二是通过关键词在文献中词频分布情况确定通用概念,三是基于关键词总词频与标准差二维信息获得通用概念。研究结果表明:以上三种方法各有特点及使用范围,在概念获取时可以根据课题具备条件单独使用或组合使用。   相似文献   


The interest to improve library services is worldwide. Standards, various kinds of assessments and customer surveys are used as tools. To be more successful in their business libraries should pay more attention to the customer experience and use qualitative methods in evaluating services. Library Ranking Europe (LRE) is a pilot project which looks at public libraries from a customer perspective. The method is mystery shopping, anonymous visits to libraries. The aim is to create a ranking system that stimulates benchmarking. The ranking system consists of different factors – categories and subcategories – which reflect library services. In the evaluation, every category is scored. The LRE scale generates a ranking system that categorizes libraries according to the scores from one to six stars, from Poor to Exceptional. The system will be developed further but after five years of testing, we find that LRE offers a relatively easy way to compare public libraries in different European countries. It even makes it possible to evaluate and compare libraries in big cities and small villages. The ultimate goal of this method is to enhance quality development.  相似文献   

The analysis of bibliological approaches to eBook studies has made it possible to identify their strong and weak points. The need for the documentological approach to studying the concept of an eBook is supported. The results of applying this approach to the eBook system are given. The characteristic of an eBook as a type of electronic document is provided. The concept of an eBook is defined.  相似文献   

The University of Dayton Roesch Library reorganized the collection development and acquisitions departments during 1995 and 1996 in order to improve the collection and make the process of acquiring materials more responsive to the needs of students and faculty. The old organization was department-based, with teaching faculty controlling most of the materials budget. The Associate Director for Technical Services coordinated the funds and supervised acquisitions staff. Perceived imbalances in the collection, student and faculty dissatisfaction with the process, and the desire for public services librarians to have greater influence in collection decisions led to a major reorganization. The new model distributes budget authority among all librarians based on subjects rather than academic departments. It empowers librarians to make purchasing and weeding decisions within their subject areas. Book and periodical acquisitions are combined into a single support unit that reports to the Coordinator and Head of Collection Management. The new organization has streamlined acquisitions processes to make ordering simpler, and the time between ordering and receipt has been shortened. The new model shifts the emphasis from process to service.  相似文献   

The UK Parliament passed the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in November 2000 after 3 years of government White Papers, consultation papers, and various Bills. The author served as special adviser to the House of Commons Select Committee on Public Administration which oversaw the Government proposals for legislation and the progress of the Bill into the House of Commons. The FOIA introduced pro-active publication of information via Publication Schemes, which were introduced on a staggered basis across the public sector and on January 1, 2005, rights of individual access were granted to individuals. The Act covers well over 100,000 public authorities in the UK and includes both Houses of Parliament. There is a power to add private bodies to the Act's coverage. The Act covers UK, English, Welsh, and Northern Irish public authorities. Scotland has its own FOIA which was enacted by the Scottish Parliament in 2002. The paper will examine the operation of the UK legislation and the role of the Information Commissioner and the Information Tribunal which deal with complaints of refusal and appeals respectively. The jurisprudence has been voluminous and now the English courts are beginning to hear appeals from the tribunal. The article will examine the major trends of the legislation and the problems presented by the legislation. The Government has already issued vetoes under the Act overriding the Commissioner's decision to grant access to the Cabinet papers relating to the Cabinet discussion on entering into war with Iraq and then on devolution of power to Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. The decisions to open up the files on MPs expenses have caused one of the major constitutional crises in the UK in the last 75 years. As well as examining the way the Act has been interpreted, the author will essay some preliminary analyses of the impact of the Act on the realization of government objectives in passing the Act. The FOIA does sit alongside other legislation allowing access to personal files and access to environmental information and the whole information debate is set in the context of heightened sensitivity and secrecy in time of the war on terror and the state's increasing capacity to demand, store, and share information. The UK experience of the information debate will be examined.  相似文献   

《永乐大典》是极具文物、文献价值的宝贵文献,是辑佚补遗的渊薮,学术界对之重视有加,从中辑录出了数百首《全宋诗》未收的佚诗。不过,《永乐大典》载录的宋诗存在重名失考、失题错题、截断全诗、误冠作者、诗歌重出等讹误情形,许多诗歌被误当作佚诗为补遗者辑录,影响了《全宋诗》补遗的质量。究其原因,《永乐大典》编纂的草率、类书的性质、底本不可靠是非常重要的因素。在利用《永乐大典》辑佚补遗的时候,需要辩证地看待其文献价值,既要充分关注,也要仔细考辨、追源溯流,以避免盲目偏信《永乐大典》带来的失误。  相似文献   

蔡盈芳 《档案学研究》2019,33(4):103-108
本文叙述了电子签名的原理,分析了电子签名对电子文件归档和电子档案管理的影响,提出了电子文件归档时电子签名处理的原则和方案,在对各方案比较的基础上,提出了选择处理方案的建议,并对国家出台相关规范提出了建议。  相似文献   

The need for functional changes within the Russian STI system in order to correct and to increase its functions in the innovation economy is considered. The main directions of functional changes are revealed and analyzed. The importance of expanding the functional interaction of the STI system elements among themselves and with consumers of scientific and technological information is substantiated. The need to develop problem-oriented information services, as well as to expand coverage of the different categories of users is noted. Much attention is paid to the analytical component in the STI system. The prospects of the consulting component and of knowledge management are emphasized. The roles of information and consulting centers and of information and scientific clusters in the implementation of functional changes in the national STI system are presented.  相似文献   

乔欢  姜颖 《图书与情报》2011,(3):49-52,80
机构知识库所利用资源的版权归属复杂,是目前制约机构知识库发展的重要问题之一。对三类机构知识库软件:开放源代码软件、机构自行开发的软件和现有商业软件以及四种类型的内容资源:版权属于机构的、版权属于机构主办的杂志社的、版权属于作者的和版权属于出版商的资源分别进行深入剖析和思考,指出即使在建设初期也不要忽视软件版权的重视和规划,应根据内容资源不同的版权特征制定处理措施和工作流程,加速机构知识库的建设。  相似文献   

The Internet has created new opportunities for librarians to present literature search results to clinicians. In order to take full advantage of these opportunities, libraries need to create locally maintained bibliographic databases. A simple method of creating a local bibliographic database and publishing it on the Web is described. The method uses off-the-shelf software and requires minimal programming. A hedge search strategy for outcome studies of clinical process interventions is created, and Ovid is used to search MEDLINE. The search results are saved and imported into EndNote libraries. The citations are modified, exported to a Microsoft Access database, and published on the Web. Clinicians can use a Web browser to search the database. The bibliographic database contains 13,803 MEDLINE citations of outcome studies. Most searches take between four and ten seconds and retrieve between ten and 100 citations. The entire cost of the software is under $900. Locally maintained bibliographic databases can be created easily and inexpensively. They significantly extend the evidence-based health care services that libraries can offer to clinicians.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of a study of publishing behaviour among a group of Arab scholars in social science and humanities disciplines. The paper also investigated the number of Arab scholars who are publishing in predatory journals and the reasons that drive them to select these journals to share their scholarly findings. The study adopted a mixed methods approach. Eighteen journals that were categorized as predatory journals were scanned to find the number of Arab scholars who published in them. Then, a questionnaire was sent to Egyptian and Saudi scholars as they were found to be the top Arab contributors in these journals. The questionnaire was followed by semi‐structured interviews to gain an in‐depth understanding of the publishing behaviour. The data showed that many Arab scholars prefer publishing in predatory journals as these journals are easier and faster. The results also indicate that there is a need to raise the awareness of the harm that predatory journals can cause to the scholars and how they can avoid these journals. This study was conducted with social science and humanities scholars in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The publishing behaviour may differ in other scholarly disciplines and other Arabic countries.  相似文献   

认为西部民族地区当代阅读文化的特质呈实用性、浅层次性和民俗性,这与西部民族地区阅读文化建设中的物态、制度、行为、心态文化层面存在的问题息息相关。培育西部民族地区阅读文化的基本思路,一是加强政府主导,形成西部民族地区阅读文化建设的良好体制和机制;二是找准突破口和着力点;三是注重民族性和地方性。  相似文献   

In 1999 The Pennsylvania State University Libraries established a task force to examine monographic cataloging workflow and processes. The Monographs Task Force used both written and telephone surveys to establish benchmarks for comparison with similar institutions. The Task Force also requested input from staff in Cataloging, Acquisitions and Public Services and queried online discussion lists for feedback about similar reorganizations. The Task Force made recommendations concerning staffing, workflow, and staff training designed to increase efficiency and reduce handoffs. The implementation of initial recommendations have shown positive results.  相似文献   

The article considers the concept and significance of bestsellers in British publishing. There is a brief historical summary, noting the trade's objections to the idea. This was overcome in 1979, whenThe Sunday Times started to publish a weekly list. The methods used to compile it are described. The successive improvements to the methods, and their limitations, are analyzed. The authoritative lists published inThe Bookseller since 1979 are analyzed in terms of format, authorship and subject. It is concluded that paperback is the principal medium for popular fiction, but that hardback is still more important for nonfiction. It is further concluded that the range of subjects of bestsellers is limited, and predictable, leading to the creation of formula books. A link between popular television programs and media personalities and successful books is noted.  相似文献   

信息获取权是一项重要的信息权利,将信息获取权法律化是保障社会公众充分获取社会信息资源的重要条件,信息获取权的立法逐渐引起国内外的重视,国外法律和国际性的立法文件中有不少关于信息获取权的规定,我国宪法以及政府信息公开条例等法律法规也对信息获取权予以确认。  相似文献   

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